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1、职称英语卫生类A级阅读判断卫生类阅读判断第十一篇: Disease, Diagnosis, Treatment and PreventionDisease may be defined as the abnormal state in which part or all of the body is not properly adjusted or is not capable of carrying on1 all its required functions. There are marked variations in the extent of the disease and in i

2、ts effect on the person.In order to treat a disease, the doctor obviously must first determine the nature of the illness that is, make a diagnosis2. A diagnosis is the conclusion drawn from a number of facts put together. The doctor must know the symptoms, which are the changes in body function felt

3、 by the patient; and the signs (also called objective symptoms) which the doctor himself can observe. Sometimes a characteristic group of signs (or symptoms) accompanied a given disease. Such a group is called a syndrome. Frequently certain laboratory tests are performed and the results evaluated3 b

4、y the physician in making his diagnosis.Although nurses do not diagnose, they play an extremely valuable role in this process by observing closely for signs, encouraging the patient to talk about himself and his symptoms, and then reporting this information to the doctor. Once the patients disorder

5、is known, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, also referred to as therapy4. Many measures in this course of treatment are carried out by the nurse under the physicians orders.In recent years physicians, nurses and other health workers have taken on increasing responsibilities in prevention5

6、. Throughout most of medical history, the physicians aim has been to cure a patient of an existing disease6. However, the modern concept of prevention seeks to stop disease before it actually happens to keep people well through the promotion of health. A vast number of organizations exist for this p

7、urpose, ranging from the World Health Organization (WHO) on an international level down to local private and community health programs7. A rapidly growing responsibility of the nursing profession is educating individual patients toward the maintenance of total health physical and mental.词汇:marked 显着

8、的 syndrome 综合征,症候群symptom 症候,症状 therapy 疗法,治疗 sign 病体;体征注释:1.carry sth. on:继续;进行;维持下去2.make a diagnosis:做出诊断3.the results evaluated:此句中在evaluated之前省略了与前面are performed相同的助动词are。4.also referred to as therapy:也被称为疗法(过去分词短语作a course of treatment的定语)refer to.:谈及,提及refer to sth. /sb. as.:把称为例如:Dont refer

9、to the matter again.不要再提这件事了。We refer to such a science as physiology.我们把这样一门科学称为生理学。Dont refer to your brother as a silly cow.不要把你兄弟说成是头笨牛。5.have taken on increasing responsibilities in prevention:在预防方面承担越来越多的责任take sth. on:承担,接受You have taken on too much.你承担的工作太多了。 cure a patient of an existin

10、g disease:治疗病人的现有疾病cure sb. of.:给某人治疗(或治愈)某病例如:This medicine should cure you of your cold.此药准能治好你的感冒。7.ranging from. health programs:从国际这一级的世界卫生组织一直到下面地区的私人和社区医疗机构(现在分词短语作状语)range from. to.:从到的范围(分布或变动)The childrens ages range from 5 to 15.这些孩子小的5岁,大的15岁。Its prices range from twenty to thirty dollar

11、s.价钱从20美元到30美元不等。练习:1.By disease it means the condition in which one or more parts of the body fail to function properly.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned2.A syndrome refers to a complex of signs and/or symptoms typical of a specific disease.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned3.The diagnostic aids a

12、re indispensable in any case for a physician to diagnose a disease.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned4.Because nurses can observe patients closely, they have the authority to deal with any critical condition happening to patients.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned5.Modern medicine attaches much more

13、 importance to disease prevention than traditional medicine.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned6.An effective system of disease prevention and treatment has been established in every country all over the world.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned7.Generally speaking, the physician is more willing to tr

14、eat patients physical disease than their mental illness.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned答案与题解:1.A第一段第一句说疾病就是身体的一部分或全部不能正常调节或不能维持其应有功能的不正常状态。本题正是这个意思,只是换了一种表达方式而已,故是正确的。2.A第二段第四句和第五句说,有时一组典型的体征或症状伴随着某一疾病,这样的一组体征或症状就称为综合征。本句也是这个意思。句中complex意为“综合体,综合事物”,typical of意为“所特有的,典型的”。故本题也应是正确的。3.B第二段最后一句说“医生




18、机构构成了一个庞大的卫生机构。医护行业迅速增加的责任就是教育每个病人保持全面健康,即身体的和心理的健康。卫生A阅读判断新增文章+第十二篇 Inquest told of hospital errorA HOSPITAL error left a dying man on the wrong ward for two days as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) ravaged his body, an inquest heard. Stephen Melvin Newbold suffered massive brain damage when a blood clot

19、 formed in his veins. Now his families are considering legal action against York Hospital, saying that his death was “untimely and unnecessary”.Mr Newbold, a 52-year-old maintenance worker, went to York Hospital on November 3 complaining of a swollen right foot. He should have been sent to a surgica

20、l ward where he would have been treated with1Fragmin, a drug which counters the effects of DVT. However, hospital staff wrongly admitted him to2an orthopedic ward, where he stayed for two days, before finally being transferred to the care of a consultant vascular surgeon. Twenty-four hours later, on

21、 November 6, doctors decided they would have to operate to remove his leg below the knee.The operation went ahead on November 10, but two days later Mr Newbold suffered a cardiac arrest. A scan revealed he had had a pulmonary embolism, a condition related to DVT. Mr Newbold suffered brain damage and

22、 died in the hospital on November 16.Giving evidence, the surgeon said he could not explain why Mr Newbold had been admitted to an orthopedic ward where it was not policy to administer Fragmin. He did not know why his medical team had not given Mr Newbold the drug later.York coroner Donald Coverdale

23、 said, “From November 3 until the day of the operation, no Fragmin was given to Mr Newbold. If he had been admitted to a consultant vascular surgeons care from day one, it is clear that Fragmin would have been prescribed. Fragmin reduces the risk of DVT, but does not eliminate it. It is impossible t

24、o say whether Mr Newbold would have suffered this DVT if he had received the Fragmin.” He recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.Kim Daniells, Mr Newbolds familys lawyer, said, “The family hope that the hospital will learn from the errors, and that no other families will have to suffer in the f

25、uture.”A spokeswoman for York Hospitals NHS Trust said, “We would like to extend our sincere sympathies to the family of Stephen Newbold during this difficult time.”词汇:wardn.病房veinn.血管thrombosisn.血栓clotn.凝块maintenance n.维修,维护Fragminn.法安明(又名片段化蛋白)staffn.员工;职工consultantn.顾问,咨询,会诊医师surgeonn.心血管外科顾问knee

26、n.膝盖embolismn.栓塞;栓塞形成verdictn.裁决misadventuren.灾难,不幸遭遇,意外事故sympathyn.同情注释:1be treated with.被用.药物进行治疗2be admitted to.被收容至,被移送至(本文中是“被送至病房”)练习:1The patient was admitted with an injured foot.ARight BWrong CNot Mentioned2The patient was admitted to the surgical ward.ARight BWrong CNot Mentioned3The patie

27、nt did not get the correct medication.ARight BWrong CNot Mentioned4The patient died before he could be operated on.ARight BWrong CNot Mentioned5The patient died of brain damage.ARight BWrong CNot Mentioned6It was decided that the patients death had been an accident.ARight BWrong CNot Mentioned7Mr Ne

28、wbolds familys lawyer was not qualified.ARight BWrong CNot Mentioned答案与题解:1A从文中第二段的第一句话可以看出,病人是因为感觉右脚胀痛而去医院的(a swollen right foot),而从文章第二段的第三行最后一句话(However, hospital staff.)可以看出他是被医院容留住院了,只不过是去错了病房。2B从文章第二段第三行最后一句话可以看出,病人起初并未被直接送至外科病房,而是被送去了骨科病房,从第二段第四行整句话可以看出,病人在骨科病房被观察了两日后才被转送进行心血管诊断。3A本题答题线索有两点,首

29、先在文章第二段的第二行第二句话中提到了病人本应该被给予法安明这种药物进行治疗的,should have done有“本应做却没有做”的意思,后面第三句话中however这个转折词也进一步说明了这一点。其次是从第四、五段中对法安明这种药物进行介绍时可看出,病人并没有及时被给予正确的药物治疗。4B文章第三段进行了介绍,即手术是11月10号进行的,而本段最后一句话说明病人在11月16号因大脑创伤而死亡,故不正确。5A文章第三段中最后一句话说明了在饱受脑创伤折磨后,病人于11月16号在医院中死亡。6B从文章的第一段第一句话就可以判断出,病人是由于医院的失误而致死的(a hospital error l

30、eft a dying man.),并非意外致死。7C文章中的第六段讲到,Newbold一家的律师转达了其希望医院从这次事故中汲取教训,从而使更多其他家庭免遭类似的不幸,但是并没有说起律师不合格这样的信息。译文:第十四篇 Stage Fright1 Fall down as you come onstage. Thats an odd trick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich trippedhim purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic,2Mr. Feltsmansaid, “ All my fright was gone. I already fell. What else could happen?”Today, music schools are addressing the problem ofanxiety in classes that deal with perfor

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