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1、论哈代爱玛组诗191213中的悖论周福霞盲审论文非定稿分类号:硕 士 学 位 论 文 Title:On Paradoxes in Thomas HardysPoems of 1912-1913题 目:论哈代爱玛组诗1912-13中的悖论学 科、专 业:英语语言文学研 究 方 向:英 美 文 学作 者 姓 名:周 福 霞导师及职称:论文提交日期:2012年5月授予学位日期:安徽师范大学学位评定委员会办公室学位论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果,与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意,除了文中特别加以标注和致

2、谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 安徽师范大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定:学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 安徽师范大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书。学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日学位论文作者获学位后去向:工作单位: 电话:通讯地址: 邮编:On Paradox

3、es in Thomas HardysPoems of 1912-1913安徽师范大学硕士学位论文二一二年五月 本论文经答辩委员会全体委员审查,确认符合安徽师范大学硕士学位论文质量要求。 答辩委员会签名: 主席:(工作单位、职称) 委员: 导师:On Paradoxes in Thomas HardysPoems of 1912-1913By Under the Supervision ofProfessor A Thesis Submitted toThe School of Foreign LanguagesAnhui Normal UniversityIn Partial Fulfill

4、ment of the Requirement forThe Degree of Master of ArtsMay, 2012AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Professor Xie Jinqiu, who has given me illuminative instruction, warm encouragement as well as appropriate guidance. Without her help, I would n

5、ot have completed this thesis.I am grateful to my family members who have given me support, both material and mental, during the long process of my study and writing the thesis.Finally, I am indebted to my friends, classmates and relatives. Receiving the help from various people, I am able to finish

6、 the thesis.AbstractThomas Hardy acts as a bridge which connects British literature of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. He starts and ends up his literary career with poetical creation. He, considered as a very famous poet in the British poetry, writes almost one thousand poems. Until the

7、 late period of the twentieth century, British and American scholars have begun to interpret his classic sequence of poems-Poems of 1912-13. Through reading some works, the author finds out that few scholars interpret Poems of 1912-13 from angles of the paradox, although they have had comments on th

8、e sequence from many perspectives. So the thesis interprets Hardys paradoxical but reasonable inner journey from perspectives of the paradox.The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction, including Hardys poetry achievements, literature review, the originality and the organiza

9、tion of the thesis. Chapter Two is the Background, including Hardys attitude to marriage and personal emotional experiences, which paves the way for interpreting Poems of 1912-13 in the next chapters. Chapter Three is Time and Memory. Time does not destroy his memory but activates his reminiscence t

10、o his dead wife. In the sequence, Hardy clearly recalls Emmas beautiful hair, skillful driving, dresses in the different periods and some other features, lamenting that he does not realize the true value of love until he loses it. Chapter Four is Pessimism and Optimism. In the reminiscence, the sequ

11、ence of poems uncovers Hardys deformed missing to his first dead wife. The missing conflicts with the cruel fact and the happy past,thus forging his pessimism. So he hopes to bring Emma into the real world. This hope can not be fulfilled. Hardy is doomed to the unlimited pessimism. Chapter Five is P

12、assion and Reason. In the reminiscence full of pessimism and optimism, Hardy is always criticizing himself for his wrongdoings to Emma. It is the true love that causes them to be a couple. After the marriage, their divergence of beliefs and interests grows more and more obvious, and their communicat

13、ion becomes fewer and fewer, which cause their marriage to be in crisis. Hardy thinks love is beautiful and priceless. Love should be sublimed in marriage while marriage snuffs out love. Chapter Six is the Conclusion.Thus, the use of paradoxes in Poems of 1912-13 succeeds in presenting and deepening

14、 the theme. In the sequence, Hardy warns the world that sincere communication is lubricant which harmonizes a couples relationship.Key words: Thomas Hardy; Poems of 191213; paradox摘 要“托马斯哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840-1928)是连接十九世纪和二十世纪的英国文学桥梁”。其文学生涯,始于诗歌,终于诗歌,一生写了近千首诗,被认为是“英国诗歌主流的一位杰出诗人”。直到二十世纪后三十年,英美学者才开始哈代爱

15、玛组诗1912-13的研究。笔者研读了大量的文献发现,尽管学者们已从多种角度评论这一组诗,至今还鲜有人从悖论出发阐释爱玛组诗1912-13,本论文从悖论的角度,剖析哈代在爱玛组诗1912-13中充满矛盾而又合乎情理的心路历程。本文分六章。第一章简介, 包括哈代在诗歌创作上取得成就,爱玛组诗1912-13的综述,论文的创新点及其结构。第二章背景介绍,主要介绍哈代的爱情观及其个人的情感经历,为下面章节探讨爱玛组诗1912-13做铺垫。第三章探讨时间与记忆冲突产生的悖论,时间没有风化记忆,而是激活了记忆。在组诗中,哈代清晰地回忆亡妻美丽的秀发、高超的骑马技术、不同时期的穿着和她的一些品质特点,感叹只


17、在爱玛组诗1912-13中揭示并深化了主题. 警醒世人真诚沟通是调和夫妻关系的润滑剂。关键词:托马斯哈代;爱玛组诗1912-13;悖论ContentsAcknowledgements IAbstract II摘 要 IVChapter One Introduction 11.1 Hardys Achievements in Poetry 11.2 Literature Review 21.3 The Originality of the Study 51.4 The Organization of the Thesis 5Chapter Two Background 72.1 Hardys A

18、ttitude towards Marriage 72.2 Personal Emotional Experiences 8Chapter Three Time and Memory 10Chapter Four Pessimism and Optimism 18Chapter Five Passion and Reason 28Chapter Six Conclusion 36Bibliography 38Chapter One Introduction1.1 Hardys Achievements in PoetryKnown in his own day more as a succes

19、sful novelist than as a great poet, Thomas Hardys poetic reputation grows soon after he publishes the eight poetry anthologies. “His celebration of the rural scene, his melancholy love poems, his reinvocation of the lost past, his witty obsession with time, aging, death, and the dead, his downbeat p

20、oetic language, and his controlled, rhythmically ever-inventive prosodyall became conventionally associated with true Hardy as Poet”(Dale Kramer 77). His presentation of authentic feelings, his use of melancholic language and his sense of alienation influence his successors, many of whom, such as Si

21、egfied Sassoon, W. H. Auden, Dylan Thomas and Philip Larkin, have acknowledged their great debt to him. As Donal Dave in Thomas Hardy and British Poetry writes “In British poetry of the last fifty years, the most far reaching influence, for good and ill, had been not Yeats, still less Eliot or Pound

22、, not Laurence, but Hardy”(Merry Williams 134 ). Walford Davies asserts Hardy as “the poet who most successfully relayed the native English tradition of the nineteenth century into the twentieth” (Merry Williams 134). In The Columbia History of British Poetry, Woodring, C and Shapiro, J point out th

23、at “Hardys 1898 volume, Wessex Poems, could be said to mark the beginning of the modern period in poetry” (544).Of all Hardys poems, Poems of 1912-13, a sequence of twenty-one poems, are undoubtedly admired and popularly appreciated. These poems, written about his first wife Emma Lavinia Gifford aft

24、er her sudden death, have already been considered to be “Hardys greatest achievement”, “unquestionably among the finest in the language ” ( Blackburn 12) and “the pleasantest, the most musically and suggestively beautiful poems that Hardy ever wrote”(Child 88) and “of all pre-leading love-poetry in

25、English , none has the peculiar intimacy that characterizes these poems”(Duffin 291).In these poems, Hardy recalls their happy time in Cornwall, and the aspects of their subsequent, far from idyllic marriage, reproaching his wrongdoings towards Emma.1.2 Literature ReviewAfter his wife Emma dies, Har

26、dy writes a series of poems to mourn her, which are the symbol of his mature poetry. Critics think the Poems of 1912-13 are his greatest poems and make comments on them. By consulting some important critical materials of his poems, a clear line of interpretation and criticism about the Poems of 1912

27、-13 can be traced, which offers the rudiments of the thesis and significance of the study.Early critics judge Hardys poems as a byproduct of his novels and pay less attention to them. Until the last three decades of the twentieth century, British and American scholars have been engaged to flourishin

28、g criticism on Hardys Emma poems from many different perspectives, such as biographical interpretation, generic interpretation, textual interpretation, and archetypal analysis, analysis of the language and poetic form, and thematic approach.The first method is the biographical interpretation. This k

29、ind of interpretation lies in some biographical interpretation works. Carl J. Weber, in his “Hardys Love Poems”, uses Emma poems as supporting details to describe Hardys life with Emma in ten periods. Evelyn Hardy, in her Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography, regards Emma poems as some evidence to exp

30、lain the relationship between Hardy and Emma, exposing the distressing years of division. J. O. Bailey and F. B. Pinion, in their “Illustration of the Emma Poems”, discuss some of Emma poems according to Hardys love affair and marital life.The second is generic interpretation. Some critics consider

31、the sequence of the poems as a necessary component in the developmental history of English elegy. Peter M. Sacks, in his “The English Elegy”, studies the development of English elegy from Spensor to Yeats, considering Hardy as one of the important figures and pointing out the traditional traits and

32、unconventional elements of Hardys elegies. Ramazai, in his “Poetry of Mourning”, explores modern elegy from Hardy to Heaney, focusing on the modern traits of Hardys elegiesThe third is the textual interpretation. In her “The Elegies: Poems of 1912-13”, Jean Brooks thinks that “The Spell of the Rose”, tells the r

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