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选修7 Module5 Ethnic culture 完整教案新部编本.docx

1、选修7 Module5 Ethnic culture 完整教案新部编本教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校MODULE FIVE一、课标词汇minority, rainforest, diverse, native, bright-coloured, belt, varied, run, property, custom ,apron , hatch ,pineapple , apparently , crop , opera, farm, fish ,hammer ,foolish , lame , tyre , firm , jun

2、gle , soul , ox, spear, garment , sleeve, necklace , jewellery , arch , rigid , framework , fasten, loose , fiber , corn , spade , tool , chick , rooster , fold , adjust , furnish , mat , teapot , bare, waist , widow , nephew , garage , awkward , rainbow , gather 二、有用词组in use, has a population of, i

3、n the distance , set off , 三、重要句型1.I have only one day left before 2.Looked at from a distance.3.Completely rebuilt, the town would not be so interesting.四、日常用语1.I guess.2. Im green with envy.3. How come?4.What do you reckon?五、重点语法过去分词作状语和短语动词 The first periodTeaching Aims (1) Grasping the main idea

4、 of the text(2) Familiarity with the landscape of Lijiang andthe customs of Naxi people(3) Mastering the new words : Step 1 presentation : The teacher show a map of Yunnan Province ,asking the followingquestions:1) How many ethnic minorities in Yunnan Province ? Give two or three examples.2) Have yo

5、u heard of the New Year Water-Splashing Festival? Which ethnic minority celebrate the festival ?( the Dai people )The teacher says: If you have time, you can have a look at the festival . But a person named Simon Wakefield traveled round Yunnan Province. He kept diaries about his travel. Now please

6、read the passage. Match the photos with the paragraphs.a-paragraph 1 b- paragraph 5 c- paragraph 3d- paragraph 6 e- paragraph 2 f- paragraph 4Step 2 Fast ReadingNow please read the passage. Match the photos with the paragraphs. Part 1 the impression made by LijiangPart 2 the authors feeling about th

7、e cityPart 3 the customs of Naxi womenPart 4 the character and legend of the Naxi ethnic groupPart 5 the music of Naxi peoplePart 6 the same nature of the different ethnic groupStep 3 Careful readingAccording to the text, ask the students answer the folling questions.1 In what way is the Yunnan land

8、scape varied ?2 Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang?3 In what way are Naxi women unusual?4What is unusual about the Naxi language?5 How do the Naxi believe their people started?6 Why is Naxi music famous?7 In what way does Simon say that people are all the same?Step4 Listening to the tape and choose

9、 the correct answers.1 The old town Lijiang is b(a) on the side of Yulong Xueshan Mountain(b) opposite Yulong Xueshan Mountain(c) covered with snow.2 Naxi women _a_(a) used to inherit all property (b) inherit all property(c) have always inherited property3 The old man who Simon met_c_(a) had made tr

10、anslations of Naxi poems (b) reads Naxi poems to Simon. (c) was very lively.4 The Naxi language_a_(a) is still spoken today (b) is not spoken any more(c ) is almost 1000 years old 5 The Naxi men who played in the orchestra_c_(a ) were all very old (b) played instruments that sounded sad(c ) played m

11、usic that had not changed for centuries6 Simon now realizes that _(a) people are equal (b) we are all very different( c )love and friends are very importantStep5: .Ask the students to read the text again.Step6: HomeworkThe second period1. wherever you go, you hear the sound of rushing water.wherever

12、 conj: no matter wherewherever you go, Ill follow you.2. particular 1) be particular about 讲究的,挑剔的 Im not particular about my clothes; I dont mind what I wear.2) in particular=particularly 用在名词后面,在语法上虽然是副词,在意义上却有形容词的性质。3) adj. There was nothing in the letter of particular importance.3.set off vi. 出发

13、,动身,常和for+地点名词连用,表示动身到某地。1) He suggested setting off for town in the early morning. 2) A slight touch will set the bomb off. (使. 爆炸)3) The news set off a rush of activity. 这消息使人蜂拥而动。(引起)4) This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well. (衬托)3.My eyes had to adjust to the darkness inside . adju

14、st vt. /vi 1) adjust to 适应adjust to a new environment / adjust to changes in temperature adjust oneself in the school (使适应)2) 调整,调节,校准Please do not adjust your set. 请勿自行调节。There is no call for us to adjust the price. 我们无需调整价格。4.furnish vt. 装备、供应、配备1) Can you see me knowing how to furnish a house? (布

15、置)2) furnish the new apartment (配备,装备)3) a barely furnished room (陈设简陋的房间)4) furnish a library with books (供应)5.I didnt come across any tigers come across (1)被理解,被弄懂He spoke a long time but his meaning didnt really come across. 他讲了很久但很少有人理解他的意思。 (2)给人以印象,使产生印象She comes across well in interviews.他面试中

16、常给人留下很好的印象。 (3) sb/sth偶然遇见,碰见,发现I came across children sleeping under bridges.我偶然发现孩子们睡在桥下。She came across some old photos in a drawer.她在抽屉里发现了一些老的照片。(4)with sth(需要时)提供,给予I hoped shed come across with some more information.6. I really fell for the place.fall for sb 爱上,倾心于They fell for each other ins

17、tantly.I really fell for the place.Fall for sth 信以为真Im surprised you fell for that trick.The third period1.I guess 我想,我认为I guess that youll be looking for a new job now.He didnt see me ,I guess .我想他没看见我 with envy 眼红 Her colleagues were green with envy.3.out of envy出于嫉妒 Tom said that thing out

18、 of envy. 汤姆说那事是出于嫉妒4.How come (用以表示不理解情况是如何发生的,希望得到解释)怎么回事,怎么发生的,怎么解释If he spend 5 years in Pairs, how come her French is so bad?既然在巴黎呆了5年,他的法语怎么回这么糟糕?How come? You have just started a new job.5. gorgeous adj. 非常漂亮的,美丽动人的 A girl/man / You look .6.What do you reckon?(1)=(do you agree) 你同意吗,你觉得怎样He w

19、ill be famous one day, what do you reckon?总有一天他会成为名人的,你觉得呢?(2)你认为What do you reckon our chances are of arriving on time?你认为我们有没可能按时到达?CULTRAL CORNER1.Whereas 用来表示相反的情况“却,而”She wants to buy a house, whereas I would rather rent an apartment.他想买房子,我却想租房子2.Make a decision 做出决定He has made a decision to m

20、ake efforts to get a high score in the exam.他决定努力在考试总的高分。The fourth period过去分词作状语 过去分词短语常用作状语,修饰谓语,说明动作发生的背景或情况。其逻辑上的主语就是句子的主语。过去分词短语作状语往往可以用相应的状语从句或并列复合句代替。1.当于一个原因状语从句Inspired by her example, the League members worked even harder.= As they were inspired by her example, 在她的榜样的鼓舞下共青团员们干得更起劲了。The chi

21、ldren soon fell asleep, exhausted by the journey.2.相当于一个时间状语从句Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful.= When the park is seen from the hill,.从山上看这个公园很漂亮。Once published, the dictionary will be popular.一旦出版,这本字典会很受欢迎。3.假设的情况,相当于一个条件状语从句。United, we stand; divided, we fall.= If / When we are u

22、nited, we stand; if / when we divided, we fall.Given more time, we could do it much better.多给点时间,我们会做得更好些。4.相当于一个让步状语从句Beaten by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged and practised even harder.= Though they were beaten by the opposite team,虽然被对方打败,但队员们没有泄气,反而更加刻苦的训练。5. 伴随状况(这种用法没有与之相当的

23、状语从句可以代替)He came back, utterly exhausted. 他回来时,疲惫不堪 。The woman scientist entered the lab, followed by her assistants.那位女科学家走进实验室,后面跟着她的助手们。注意:1. 过去分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主语一般必须与句子的主语一致。否则,就应使用状语从句、独立主格、with 的复合结构 或调整句子的主语。例如 :误:Given more help, the project will be completed earlier.正:If we are given more help

24、, the project will be completed earlier. (状语从句)Given more help, we will complete the project earlier. (调整主语)误:Broken his leg, he couldnt go to school.正:Having broken his leg, he couldnt go to school. (现在分词)Having had his leg broken, he couldnt go to school. (现在分词)His leg broken, he couldnt go to sch

25、ool. (独立主格结构)He couldnt go to school with his leg broken. (with的复合结构)。2.有时,也可使用连词+过去分词的结构作状语,这时,实质上就是状语从句的省略。例如:If (I am) given any English books, I will send one to you.Once (it is) seen, it will never be forgotten.After (he was) shot in the leg, he couldnt run any more.3.与现在分词的比较1) 主、被动意义不同及物动词的过去

26、分词含有被动意义,而其现在分词则含有主动意义。试比较如下:Followed by the students, the teacher came into the room.Following the students, the teacher came into the room.2) 分词所表示的动作所处的状态不同过去分词强调动作已经完成,而现在分词多表动作正在进行。例如:He sat in the chair, reading a book.Disappointed by his disappointing son, he looked very sad.MODULE SIX一、课标词汇:

27、七级 agreement existence relation beast list length mankind go through status symbolic ambassador mercy guidance honour journalism 八级 preserve primitive sharpen evolution expose weed recommend aware assistance precious catastrophe request monument directory bid enlarge 二、有用词组: at the mercy of , be hon

28、oured for , go through , in return , of vital importance , remind sb of sth , symbolic ambassador 三、重要句型1. They have recommended that the site be closed and repaired.2. We have requested that the government get involved.3. A professor at the Academy proposed that a fund be established to raise money

29、.4. As long as you have got a raincoat, youll be OK.5. Even though its the middle of July, we recommend that you take warm and waterproof clothing with you.四、日常用语 1. Not to worry.2. As long as youve got a raincoat, you ll be OK.3. No matter what happens, youll have a good time.4. Youll have a day to

30、 remember.5. No one knows for certain.6. Wed better get back into the bus now. 五、语法:虚拟语气The First period.Teaching goals: To get a general idea about ZhoukoudianTo learn to analyze the textTo observe and master the usage of the important words and expressions in the passage.Procedures:Step 1: RevisionFirst read and try to get familiar with the following words in this text.Step 2: Warming up by discussionYou must know something about Beijing Man and Zhoukoudian. Say as much as you know about it. You can discuss it with your partner.Step 3: ListeningListen to the tape of th

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