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英语 趣闻 阅读 有道词典每日推荐念娇 制作1.docx

1、英语 趣闻 阅读 有道词典每日推荐 念娇 制作 1Is the Big Three model a broken blueprint?If you take a hard look at the current NBA landscape, it certainly seems that way. The Miami Heat are struggling to beat the balanced Indiana Pacers. The Los Angeles Lakers are in danger of failing to reach the Western Conference fin

2、als for the second straight season. The New York Knicks didnt even see Game 6 before bowing out again in the first round.The Heat have 60 percent of their payroll dedicated to LeBron James, Dwyane Wade andChris Bosh, the sixth-highest share of any trio in the league. Over in Los Angeles, Andrew Bynu

3、m, Pau Gasol and Kobe Bryant make up 68 percent of the teams total salary. New Yorks trio of Carmelo Anthony, Tyson Chandler and Amare Stoudemire hogs the largest percentage of a teams payroll in the NBA (77 percent), and the Knicks sputtered out of the playoffs in a New York minute.All three teams

4、have dedicated an enormous chunk of their payroll to three players. All three teams have fallen short of expectations so far.Is this a signal that going all-in on three players is a flawed formula in todays NBA?译文 ;“三巨头”模式是一个破碎的蓝图吗? 如果你认真来看NBA现在情况,似乎就是这样。迈阿密热火队正在努力击败平衡的印第安纳步行者队。洛杉矶湖人队有危险连续第二个赛季倒在西部半

5、决赛。纽约尼克斯队甚至是没见到第6场比赛就倒在了第一轮。 勒布朗詹姆斯、德文韦德和克里斯波什三人占了球队60%的工资,任何一人在联赛中的第6占有率最高的60%。洛杉矶湖人队的拜纳姆、加索尔和科比占了球队工资总额的68%。纽约的安东尼、钱德勒和斯塔德迈尔占在NBA里比例最大的一个团队工资(77%)。气急败坏的纽约尼克斯出局季后赛在纽约时间。 这三支球队有专门的三名工资巨大的球员。三支球队已经远远低于预期。这是一个信号,这表明三名顶尖的球员在一个球队是有缺陷的在当今的NBA。Can looking at a computer screen affect your eyesight?Q: Can l

6、ooking at a computer screen affect your eyesight?A: Yes. Using a computer screen a lot may increase your risk of short-sightedness.ISTOCKPHOTOMany of us spend the bulk of our day peering at computer screens. Reading this article means theres a good chance youre looking at one right now.But does look

7、ing at a computer screen damage your eyes?Brisbane optometry professor Nathan Efron does not consider computer screens harmful to our eyes.But he admits if you use one a lot, you increase your risk of becoming slightly more short-sighted where your eyes focus well only on close objects while more di

8、stant objects appear blurred. This is especially the case for children and young adults, whose eyes are still developing.But doing a lot of any close-up work including reading will have the same effect.Exactly why the risk increases isnt well understood and two theories have been proposed. First, wh

9、en we read up close, objects in the peripheral visual field are not perfectly focused, and the eye tries to grow slightly larger to correct this, making you a little more short-sighted. Second, its thought the constant contraction of eye muscles when we focus up close somehow makes the eyeball more

10、elongated, which again tends to make you more short-sighted.These effects are not significant, however. Short-sightedness (also known as myopia) is measured in dioptres, which indicates the focusing power of a lens needed to bring the persons vision back to normal. The measure has a minus in front t

11、o indicate the direction of change (measures of long-sightedness are plus).Any short-sightedness brought on by computer use would be around -1 to -2 dioptres, Efron says. This means vision beyond 0.5 to 1 metre away would be blurred. But thats enough for most people to feel they need corrective glas

12、ses (which tends to happen once their short-sightedness reaches -0.75 to -1 dioptres or when vision beyond 1 to 1.3 metres away is blurred).Screen use in middle ageThe link between close eye work and short-sightedness is less of a problem for people over 30 or so, though.Thats because youre less lik

13、ely to become short-sighted from close eye work after about age 30 (when the eyes growth and development is complete). And if you have already developed some short-sightedness from screen use or reading earlier in life, it actually becomes advantageous after about age 45 too.This is because our eyes

14、 change as we age, for reasons that have nothing to do with how we use them. We naturally become less able to read up close because of physical changes in the eyes lens that tend to become noticeable in middle age. This condition, which eventually catches up with all of us, is called presbyopia.We s

15、tart to hold things further away from our eyes to see them properly. Eventually, it gets to a point where most of us end up needing glasses to focus on something as close as a computer screen.If you dont spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen until after 45 when youve almost certainly got

16、glasses for presbyopia your glasses are taking some of the focusing workload off your eyes. This means your eyes arent actually subjected to the constant focusing forces that change the shape of your eyeball and make you short-sighted.But even if you did start young before you needed glasses for pre

17、sbyopia any short-sightedness you developed is likely to be problematic for only a limited window of time in your life. Once you hit your 40s, some short-sightedness could actually be considered beneficial, because it cancels out to some extent the long-sightedness of presbyopia.Minimising the riskN

18、onetheless if youre under 45 and concerned about short-sightedness, anything that minimises the work your eyes have to do to focus on your screen could be helpful, Efron says.Most software has settings that can enlarge what is seen on the screen for instance. You could also consider getting a pair o

19、f computer glasses from the optometrist with slight magnification. Even if you are already wearing spectacles to correct an existing vision problem, you could get a separate pair with higher magnification for computer use.For people who look at a computer all day they probably are a good idea actual

20、ly, Efron says. Some studies do suggest a small beneficial effect from these.But they are costly perhaps as much as a couple of hundred dollars. He doesnt recommend cheaper ready to wear magnifiers, available at many chemists, as the distance between the lenses may not match the distance between you

21、r eyeballs.If youre not looking through the centre of the lens, it tends to strain your eyes, he saysEasing eye discomfortIn the shorter term, prolonged viewing of a computer screen can make any slight existing vision defects more noticeable. It can also give you what is sometimes known as computer

22、vision syndrome eye strain, headaches, gritty eyes and blurry vision. But this is only temporary and can be minimised by:Adjusting the screen display so the contrast is high and the brightness feels comfortableHaving lighting that does not produce glare on the screenGiving your eyes regular rests fr

23、om looking at the screen (The Optometrists Association of Australia recommends you do this for five to ten minutes every one to two hours of computer use. Its a good time to make phone calls or do other tasks.)Efron says looking into the distance, or even just closing your eyes also gives your eyes

24、a break. This is total relaxation for your eyes.This can also help prevent dry eyes. Concentrating on a visual task for any length of time makes us blink less, reducing the supply of moisture to our eyes. If you look away, youll naturally blink.译文:看电脑会影响视力吗? 是的,长时间用电脑会增加你患近视眼的风险。 许多人每天花大量的时间在看电脑,在阅读

25、本文时,你现在就正盯着电脑看呐。 看电脑对视力有害吗? 布里斯班眼科教授Nathan Efron并不认为计算机屏幕对眼睛有害。 但是他认为,假如你盯着电脑屏幕的时间太长,会增加你患近视眼的危险因为你的眼睛总盯着近处的物体,远处的物体就看不清了。特别对于正在发育中的儿童和年轻人而言,这种危险性不可忽视。 做那些近距离用眼的工作包括阅读都有同样的效应。 近视眼的危险性为何增加,其确切的原因还不知道,理论上有二种推测:其一,在近距离阅读时,周边视野都没有聚焦,于是眼睛就努力调节以把周边视野也调清楚,这使得你变得更加近视。其二,据认为,在眼睛聚焦看近处物体时,持续的眼肌收缩使得眼球形态拉长,这使你变得

26、近视。 然而,这些效果都不是那么明显。近视眼是用屈光度来计量的,它表示把视力纠正道正常时所需要的镜片聚焦能力。“负”度数表示调节的方向(对远视眼则用“正”度数表示)。 因使用计算机而造成的近视眼一般也就是-1-2屈光度,也就是说,半米到一米远的物体会看不清,那对大多数人来说,已经需要戴眼镜以纠正了(实际上当他们近视眼程度到-0.75屈光度,也就是11.3米远就看不清,他们就想戴眼镜了)。 中年人用电脑 对于30岁以上的人来说,近视眼和近距离用眼的工作不会成什么问题。 这是因为在30岁以后,眼睛已经完全发育,不太可能患近视眼了。假如因为从前近距离用电脑或阅读已经有了一点点近视,那么其实这对你45

27、岁以后的生活反而更好。 这是因为我们的眼睛随着年龄的增长而变化,这与我们怎么用眼不相关。在自然发展的情况下,由于机体的变化,在中年以后对近距离阅读能力下降变得更明显了。随着这种情况发展下去,最终,我们都会得“老花眼”。 我们开始把东西拿远些以便能看清楚,最终,我们之中的大多数人需要戴眼镜才能看清楚像电脑屏幕那么近的东西。 如果你在45岁前没有花很多时间看电脑差不多是你要戴老花眼镜的年龄你的老花镜会减轻你眼睛努力调焦的“负荷”。这说明你的眼球还没有被持续的聚焦而弄变形,使你患近视眼。 但是,假如你比较年长时才患近视眼在你需要老花眼镜前即在你的生活中仅仅有一段很短的时间窗得近视眼,那么,你在40岁

28、时,轻度的近视眼实际上可能还有点好处,因为它在一定程度上“抵消”了老花眼。 减少患近视眼的危险 尽管如此,如果你在45岁以下,并担心自己患近视眼,那么减少你的眼疲劳的任何努力都是有帮助的,这主要是针对屏幕调节而言,Eforn说。 例如,大多数软件都有调节字体大小的功能。你可以要你的验光师给你配一副“计算机用”眼镜。即使你已经戴眼镜了,你仍然可以再配一副看计算机时戴的放大倍数略高的眼镜。 “对于那些成天看电脑的人来说,这是真个好办法,”Efron说,“有研究表明,这样做还是略有好处的。” 但这要花钱可能要几百美元。他反对在药店卖的那些便宜的“戴上就买走”的老花镜,应为那些眼镜的瞳距可能和你自己的

29、对不上。 “如果你瞳孔不在镜片的光学中心,那么你的眼肌就会紧张。”他说。 减轻眼部不适 一直盯着电脑屏幕,在短期内就可以使视力明显下降。有时,还可能出现所谓的“电脑眼综合征”:眼部酸胀、头痛、异物感、视物不清。但这都是暂时性的,可以用如下办法减轻: 把屏幕对比度和亮度调节到舒适的程度。 不要让屏幕上出现附近灯光的反射眩光。 定时休息眼睛(澳洲光学协会建议每二个小时休息510分钟,利用这点时间干点别的事,如打电话等。) Efron说,休息眼睛时望远会挺好,或者闭上眼睛就行。“这能完全放松眼睛。” 这也可避免干眼症。任何专注于视力的事情,无论多少时间,都会使我们瞬目减少,致使角膜湿润下降。“如果移

30、开眼睛你看别处,你会自然地瞬目。”Did Zombies Roam Medieval Ireland?DID ZOMBIES ROAM MEDIEVAL IRELAND? Two 8th-century skeletons with stones shoved in their mouths suggest that the people of the time thought so. Fri Sep 16, 2011 09:31 AM ET By Rossella LorenziTwo early medieval skeletons were unearthed recently in I

31、reland with large stones wedged into their mouths - evidence, archaeologists say, that it was feared the individuals would rise from their graves like zombies.The skeletons, which were featured in a British documentary last week, emerged during a series of digs carried out between 2005 and 2009 at K

32、ilteasheen, near Loch Key in Ireland by a team of archaeologists led by Chris Read from the Institute of Technology in Sligo, Ireland and Thomas Finan from the University of St. Louis.The project recovered a total of 137 skeletons, although archaeologists believe that some 3, 000 skeletons spanning from 700 to 1400 are still buried at the site.The deviant burials were comprised of two men who were buried there at different times

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