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本文(从《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》与《水浒传》比较分析西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、从高文爵士和绿衣骑士与水浒传比较分析西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神攀枝花学院本科毕业论文从高文爵士和绿衣骑士与水浒传比较分析西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神学生姓名: 胡艳秋 学生学号: 200510201106 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2005级英语本科1班 指导教师: 卢丙华 讲师 二九年五月A Comparative Study of Western Knight Spirit and Chinese Chivalry Viewed from The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Heroes of the MarshesHu YanqiuUn

2、der the Supervision ofLu BinghuaSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2009ContentsAbstract IKey words I摘 要 II关键词 IIIntroduction 1. The Spirit Core of The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Heroes of the Marshes Respectively 2A. A Brief Introduction and an Analysis of Weste

3、rn Knight Spirit in The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2B. A Brief Introduction and Analysis of Chinese Chivalry in Heroes of the Marshes 3. The Social Qualifications for the Emergence of the Two Spirits 4A. The Historical Conditions for the Appearance and Existence of the Knight Spirit 4B. The His

4、torical Conditions for the Appearance and Existence of the Chinese Chivalry 6. The Similarities and Differences between the Two Spirits 7A. Similarities and Differences of Their Emergence Conditions 7B. Similarities and Differences of Their Contents 8C. Similarities and Differences of the Social Sta

5、tus of Western Knight and Chinese Knight-errant 10IV. The Effects of the Western Knight Spirit and Chinese Chivalry. 10Conclusion 12Acknowledgements 13Bibliography 14Abstract Chinese chivalry is one of the most important elements of traditional Chinese culture; it has a long history in China. And We

6、stern knight spirit which has much the same as Chinese chivalry is also flowering in Western history. These two cultural spirits have showed themselves in two very important works named The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Heroes of the Marshes. Sir Gawain who was a brave and honest knight was a

7、representative of the knight heroes in the 14th century; he was the embodiment of the lords protector. While the 108 heroes of the marshes who came from underground people fight against those lords and protected common peoples interests, they are also called Chinese knight-errants. Different regions

8、 and classes may give birth to different cultures, and special cultures can be found in particular historical stages. In this paper, the similarities and differences between the Chinese chivalry and the Western knight spirit are analyzed from their different spirit cores. And the historical conditio

9、ns for the appearance and existence of the Western knight spirit and the Chinese chivalry and the effects of the two spirits are also introduced.The analysis of the two masterpieces will have some help to a better understanding of these two precious spirit cultures.Key wordsWestern knight spirit; Ch

10、inese chivalry; spirit core; culture摘 要侠文化是中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分,在我国历史上源远流长。而在中国侠文化蓬勃发展之后,西方中世纪也出现了与之相似的骑士文化。这两种既相似而又不同的文化精神在中西方两部经典作品高文爵士和绿衣骑士与水浒传中表现的尤为突出。 中古时期的东西方有着一群极其相似的武士,他们一言九鼎,尚勇轻死,侠肝义胆,锄强扶弱。他们分别是代表东方侠义精神的侠客和代表西方骑士精神的骑士。武侠文化与骑士文化都是尚武的、粗犷的、虎虎生风、充满阳刚气息的雄性文化,在不同的人文环境中却又表现得多姿多彩。双方都有很多共同的信念,而这些信念奠定了对二者


12、,本文将从高文爵士和绿衣骑士与水浒传所表现的精神内核出发对比分析西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神,帮助我们更好的了解和正确的对待这两种宝贵的精神文化。关键词西方骑士精神;中国侠义精神;精神内核;文化IntroductionIn the Middle Ages, there was a group of warriors in the West and the East respectively. They were all generous, brave, honest, and willing to help others. They were Chinese knight-errants who

13、 represented the orient chivalry and Western knights who represented the Western knight spirit. Chinese chivalry which has long history in China is an important element of traditional Chinese culture, and Western knight spirit which has much the same as Chinese chivalry is also flowering in the Midd

14、le Ages. These two cultural spirits have showed themselves in two very important works named The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight which is known as a masterpiece of the European romantic verse and Heroes of the Marshes which is one of the “Four Masterpiece” in China.Both the Chinese knight-errants an

15、d Western knights have the spirits as generosity, braveness, honesty, and aggressivity. However, since they have different historical and social backgrounds, they have many differences in various aspects.In this paper, the similarities and differences between the Chinese chivalry and the Western kni

16、ght spirit are analyzed from the aspect of their different spirit cores. The comparison between the knight spirit and Chinese chivalry illustrates the uniqueness of the Western and the Eastern culturesThe basic reasons why they are different are that they are derived from different economic and poli

17、tical systems. The similarities and differences of the two spirits in aspects of their emergence conditions, contents and social status worth further study and research. In the paper, the historical conditions for the appearance and existence of the Western knight spirit and the Chinese chivalry, th

18、eir similarities and differences and also the effects of the two spirits are introduced.This paper will be helpful to a better understanding of these two precious spirit cultures. . The Spirit Core of The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Heroes of the Marshes RespectivelyA. A Brief Introduction a

19、nd an Analysis of Western Knight Spirit in The Sir Gawain and the Green KnightThe Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a masterpiece of the English romantic verse. It has 2529 lines with the author unknown; it has been finished in the 14th century (Zhang Boxiang 4). The story is as follows: on a Chris

20、tmas Eve, when the king Arthur held a banquet in his palace, a green knight came and said that whether there was someone who dared to cut his head and accept his revenge a year later. Sir Gawain rose to the challenge and cut the green knights head; the still-lived body picked his head up and returne

21、d his green palace. One year later, when Sir Gawain searched for the green knight as had promised, he stayed in a castle. The hostess of the castle seduced Sir Gawain when her husband was out, but Sir Gawain did not give response to her. Finally, Sir Gawain left the castle for the green palace led b

22、y a guide. To his surprise, the green knight was the host of the castle, he attacked Sir Gawain three times, but the first two did not hurt Sir Gawain and the last one only left a small scar on Sir Gawains neck. The green knight explained to him: the first two empty-attacks were the reward for his i

23、ntegrity and the last one is the punishment for his accepting the hostesss presenta girdle. After returning to the king Arthurs palace, Sir Gawain told the others his experience, all the other knights considered him as a hero and regarded the girdle which was given by the hostess as a symbol of chas

24、tity and holiness.The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight belongs to the legends of the King Authur and his round-table knights. Because of its huge expressive force, it reflects the ideal of the chivalry and becomes the kernel of the Middle Ages aristocrat feudalism. Therefore, it represents the highes

25、t achievement of the English verse in the Middle Ages. The experience of the knight Sir Gawain reflects the idea of nationalism. Instead of the traditional image of the knight, it includes some iron to the knight in the verse which shows us the sprout of the humanism in the Renaissance to some degre

26、e.The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a great work which does not only describe the aristocrat life but also gives high praise of the knights braveness, pudicity, honesty, and sense of honor. In the 14th century when the feudalism was declining this story was written to reaffirm the ideal of the

27、chivalry. The spirit core of the knight is as follows: to be loyal to monarch, to protect the church, and to help those who need their help. The knight should not only be loyal to the Christianity but also protect the country, the castles and those hostesses and lord-ladies. All these characters mak

28、e up of the so-called chivalry. B. A Brief Introduction and an Analysis of Chinese Chivalry in Heroes of the MarshesHeroes of the Marshes which is written by Shi Naian is one of the “Four Masterpieces” in China; it is about an uprising which happened in the end of the Northern Song Dynasty. Because

29、of the corruption of the government, Song Jiang led the peasants fight against the government and became the leader in Liang Shan. The story of the 108 Liang Shan heroes is known to all Chinese people; it tells about the reason and process of the 108 heroes going to Liang Shan and the beginning, pro

30、cess and ending of the uprising, after many hard battles with the government army, the 108 heroes finally surrendered. Although the uprising was failed, the charm which had been showed in Heroes of the Marshes became the chivalry spirit of those outlaws. All the behaviors of the heroes show the chiv

31、alry spirit of traditional Chinese folk culture.In Heroes of the Marshes we can find some kind of folk color which is a very important part of traditional Chinese folk culture. All the heroes in the marshes such as Song Jiang, Li Kui and Cai Jin have a sense of obligation; they are willing to help o

32、thers with no care of return, and they are always ready to die for the benefit of the majority. It is said that bawcock is a person who strict to principle, always ready to help others, and help those who need his help.The worship to the chivalry spirit in Heroes of the Marshes reflects the common peoples psychology. They hated the corruption and the dark government; they thought it was justified to those outlaws to rob the rich and those government officials. Heroes in

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