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1、分词分 词一、概说:1.构成: 现在分词 V-ing 过去分词 V-ed2.特征:具有动词、形容词、副词特征。3.作用:作表语、定语、状语、补语4.特点: 现在分词:表示主动 ; 表示动作正在进行。 过去分词:表示被动 ; 表示动作已经完成 。5.形式:及 物 动 词(learn)不及物动词 (go)主动语态被动语态现在分词一般式learningbeing learnedgoing完成式having learnedhaving been learnedhaving gone过去分词learnedgone否定式: not + 分词二、用法:1.作表语: 现在分词:表示主语所具有的特征和属性。 过

2、去分词:表示主语所处的状态。 The day was so charming . 天气真好。 The book is interesting . 这本书真有趣。 She looked disappointed . 她显得很失望。 You homework is well done . 你的作业做得很好。 The boys were seen walking on the grass . 有人看见孩子们在草地上散步。 The children were quite frightened . 孩子们感到很害怕。 After a days work , I felt exhausted . 劳累一天

3、之后,我感到筋疲力尽。 The lecture he gave yesterday was quite boring . 他昨天的演讲很枯燥。 The electric wire is broken. 电线断了。 He felt assured . 他感到有把握。 She seems unthinking . 她似乎漫不经心。* 可以作表语的分词几乎已经变成了形容词,常用的有:amusing (有趣的) charming (迷人的,娇媚的) encouraging confusing (混乱的,混淆的,迷糊的) disappointing discouraging (气馁的) exciting

4、 interesting inviting (优美里的,引人动心的) missing misleading (误解的) obliging (亲切的,有礼貌的,乐于助人的) pressing(紧迫的) promising(有希望的,有出息的,有前途的) puzzling (迷惑的) astonishing (惊讶的,惊异的) shocking refreshing (提神的,凉爽的) striking (打击的 ,显著的,罢工的)surprising annoying comforting vexing (烦恼的,恼怒的) embarrassing fascinating pleasing ap

5、pealing (吸引人的) convincing (使人信服的) lasting (持久的) crushing (沉重的) entertaining (引人入胜的) overwhelming (压倒的) perplexing (令人困惑的) questioning tempting (诱人的) upset (心烦意乱的,不舒服的) decided delighted (欣喜的,快乐的) devoted (投入的,深爱的,专注的) disappointed discouraged distinguished (卓著的,高贵的) drunk amused (愉快的,好玩的,开心的) hurt a

6、stonished (惊讶的) offended (冒犯的) faded (已褪色的) frightened amazed (吃惊的,惊奇的) married excited exhausted experienced inexperienced interested complicated confused contented (满足的) crowded qualified (有资格的) pleased puzzled reserved (保留的,预定的) satisfied surprised tired worried decided unexpected unmarried unpre

7、pared unqualified covered (遮蔽着的,掩藏着的) shut dressed broken wounded closed surrounded killed finished illustrated (举例说明的,阐明的) derserted (荒废的,为人所弃的) paved (铺好的,安排好的) overgrown (丛生的,长的太快的) lined (衬垫的,排成行的) soaked (浸湿的) saved injured loaded lost completed typed known unknown unoccupied unclassified (无类别的

8、,不保密的) balanced civilized embarrassed undecided unsettled unprepared relaxed pleased educated celebrated alarmed contented divided (有分歧的) fascinated (着迷的,入迷的) offended uncooked occupied specialized (专门的) blessed (有福的) advanced cured aged conceited (自负的) crooked limited pronounced learned (博学的) depre

9、ssed (颓废的) devoted (忠诚的) fixed (固定的) troubled determined touched (感伤的) defeated (垂头丧气的)分词中一部分已经完全转化为形容词。如果分词可以和very, too连用,说明分词完全转化成形容词了.如果分词尚未完全转化为形容词,则要和 much或quite连用, * be + p.p. 系表结构:表状态 被动结构:表动作 The store is now closed . 商店关门了。(系表结构) The store is usually closed at ten . 商店通常10点关门。(被动结构) The gla

10、ss is broken . 玻璃杯破了。(系表结构) The glass was broken by Tom . 玻璃杯被汤姆打破了。(被动结构) The street is crowded . 街上很拥挤。(系表结构) They were crowded into one room . 他们被塞到一间屋子里。(被动结构)2作定语: 分词作定语时,通常放在所修饰的那个词前面,但是如果所修饰的词是something、anything、everything、nothing等复合不定代词,分词则放在这些词后面,分词短语作定语时,放在所修饰词的后面。 A barking dog seldom bit

11、es .吠犬不咬人。 This is an interesting book . 这是一本有趣的书。 There is something interesting in the news . 消息中有些有趣的事。 China is a developing country . 中国是个发展中国家。 There was a frightening look on his face . 他的脸上带着吓人的表情。 Its much cheaper to buy a used car than a new one . 买一辆二手车比买新车便宜得多。 The frightened girl burst

12、into tears . 受惊吓的女孩儿哭了起来。 My father is an experienced doctor . 我父亲是一位经验丰富的医生。 The man sitting by the window is our English teacher . 靠窗户坐着的那个人是我们的英语老师。 He is a businessman growing rich in recent years . 他是一位最近几年才发起来的商人。 A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body . 均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。 Knowledge is

13、generalized experience . 知识是经验的总结。 A watched pot never boils . 心急锅不开。 现在分词&动名词作定语的区别。 A 现在分词作定语 现在分词和它所修饰的词之间有逻辑上的主谓关系 B 动名词作定语 动名词和它所修饰的词之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系,而是表示它所修饰的词的用途或有关动作。现在分词 : a sleeping child = a child who is sleeping 正在睡觉的孩子 a flying bird = a bird that is flying 飞鸟 a swimming girl = a girl who is

14、 swimming 游泳的女孩 the running water = the water that is running 流水动名词 : a sleeping car = a car for sleeping 卧车 a flying course = a course for flying 飞行课程 a swimming pool = a pool for swimming 游泳池 the running track = the track for running 跑道 现在分词作定语,它表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作,同时或者几乎同时发生,或者可以表示一个即将发生的动作,表示某个状态,表

15、示长久的或永久性的特点。如果两个动作在时间上有先后,则不能用现在分词作定语,要用主从复合句表示。 The girls swimming in the sea were in danger . 在海里游泳的姑娘们有危险。(同时发生) Can you see the star moving in the sky ? 你看见正在空中移动的那颗星了吗?(同时发生) Do you know the number of people coming to the party ? 你知道来参加聚会的人数吗?(即将发生) A man going to die is always kind-hearted . 人

16、之将死,其心也善。(即将发生的动作) There is a piano standing in the corner . (表示状态) A man respecting others weill be respected . 尊敬别人的人受人尊敬。(表示长久性或永久性特点) We are all living creatures . (表示长久性或永久性特点) I want to see the man who broke the window . 我想见见打破了窗户的那个人。(时间上有先后) Do you know anyone who has lost money ? 你知道有谁丢钱了吗?

17、 (时间上有先后) Is there anyone who can settle the problem ? 有人能解决这个问题吗? (时间上有先后) 过去分词作定语时,过去分词所表示的动作,是在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生或没有一定的时间性。 Is this the book written by Henry James ? 这是亨利詹姆斯写的书吗? Is this the book recommended by the teacher ? 这是老师推荐的书吗? He is a man loved by all . 他是一个深受群众爱戴的人。(没有时间性) I hate to see let

18、ters written in pencil . 我讨厌看铅笔写的信。(没有时间性) 过去分词作定语时,如果指的动作此刻正在发生或是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,可以用现在分词的被动式引起短语作定语,如果指的是将来的动作,可以用不定式的被动式作定语。 We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here . 我们这儿讨论的事必须保密。(正在发生) He told us to keep a secret of the things bedingdiscussed . 他让我们对讨论的事保密。(同时发生) You are invited

19、 to a party to be given on Monday . 你被邀请参加星期一的聚会。 (未来的动作) 分词短语可作非限定性定语(相当于非限定性定语从句),这时它和句子的其他部分用逗号隔开,常常可以译为并列句。 In these years , many brilliant records have been scored , indicating very rapid progress . 这些年创造了许多优秀成绩,说明进步是很快的。 The words , usually dealing with current work , were mostly written by hi

20、mself . 歌词一般讲当前的工作,大部分是他自己写的。 The book , written in 1957 , tells of the struggle of the miners . 这本书是1957年写的,讲的是矿工斗争的事。 现在分词和名词或形容词构成复合形容词作定语a coal-mining center 一个采煤中心body-building exercises 健身操English-speaking countries 讲英语国家a good-looking girl 好看的女孩儿grass-cutting machinery 割草的机器a pole-vaulting ch

21、ampion 撑杆跳冠军an epoch-making event 划时代的事件peace-loving people 热爱和平的人们breath-taking beauty 惊人的美丽long-lasting effects 长远的影响hard-working people 勤劳的人民never-ending complaints 没完没了的抱怨fine-sounding words 动听的言辞a time-consuming job 费时的工作oil-bearing crops 油料作物hard-wearing materials 耐磨的布料close-fitting clothes 紧身

22、衣a mouth-watering aroma 诱人的香味quick-selling goods 快速售出的商品far-reaching effects 深远的影响man-eating beasts 吃人的野兽a record-breaking athlete 破纪录的运动员an energy-consuming process 消耗能量的过程a fact-finding committee 一个调查实际情况的委员会 过去分词和副词或名词构成复合形容词作定语a weather-beaten face 一张饱经风霜的脸 blood-shot eyes 布满血丝的眼睛hand-made potte

23、ry 手工制成的陶器 a hay-filled box装满干草的箱子 a snow-covered mountain被雪覆盖着的山 a self-made man一个靠自己的努力而成功的人 a heart-broken mother伤心的母亲a well-paid job 一份报酬不错的工作a well-known restaurant 一家有名的餐馆a poorly-dressed man 一个穿着破旧的人a well-travelled man 一个周游过世界的人hand-made goods 手工制品 a well dressed man穿着讲究的男子 a well-advised pl

24、an稳妥的计划 a self-employed painter 个体画家 badly-paid employees低工资的雇员 a powerfully built man身材魁梧的男子 tree-lined railway 两边有树的铁路 half-finished goods 半成品a candle-lighted room 蜡烛照亮的房间well-definited policies 明确的政策a hand-operated pump 手工操作泵a simply-furnished house 陈设简单的房屋a clear-cut answer明确的答复a highly-develope

25、d country 一个高度发达的国家a beautifully-decorated room 一间装饰漂亮的屋子3.作状语分词和分词短语作状语时,表示的动作是主语动作的一部分,与谓语所表示的动作(或状态)同时或几乎同时发生,或在是在主要谓语所表示的动作之前发生。分词作状语,一般要用逗号把它和句子的其他部分隔开。分词作状语可以用来表示时间、原因、方式、条件、伴随状况、结果、让步等意义。分词作状语时,有时前面可以加上while ,when , if ,unless , as , if 等连词。 现在分词(短语)作状语 表示主语正在进行的另一个动作对谓语所表示的主要动作加以修饰或陪衬。 过去分词(

26、短语)作状语 用来说明动作发生的背景或情况。表示时间 Hearing the news , they immediately set off for Shanghai .听到这个消息,他们立即出发到上海去了。 When leaving the aoirport, they waved again and again to us . 离开机场时他们向我们频频招手。 He cut himself while shaving . 他刮胡子时把脸刮破了。 She trembled a little while doing so . 她这样做时稍稍颤抖了一下。 Looking out of the wi

27、ndow , I saw a car . 向窗外看去,我看到一辆汽车。 Walking out of the store , I saw Tom . 从商店走出来,我看见可汤姆。 Having written an important letter , I listened to the music for a while . 写完一封重要的信后,我听了一会音乐。 Hearing a strange sound , they stopped takling . 听到一个奇怪的声音,他们就停止了谈话。 Having finished the experiment , he left the la

28、b . 他做完试验离开了实验室。 When interviewed , she never felt nervous . 面试时,她从没感到到紧张。表示原因 Being ill , he went home . 由于生病,他回家了。 Being spring , the flowers are in full bloom . 春天来临,花儿绽放。 Not having received an answer , I decided to write another letter to him . 由于没收到回信,我决定再给他写封信。 Being damaged in the accident ,

29、 the car is no use . 因为在那次事故中受损很严重,这辆车几乎没用了。 Not knowing the girl , he didnt speak to her . 由于不认识这个女孩,他没和她讲话。 Overcome with surprise , he was unable to utter a word . 他惊呆了,一句话也说不出来。 Educated by the teacher , she has made great progress . 在老师的教育下,她取得了很大的进步。 He soon fell asleep , exhausted bu the jour

30、ney . 由于旅途疲劳,他很快就睡着了。表示方式或伴随 Laughing and talking , the students wen to school . 学生们又说又笑地去上学。 He came running back to tell us the news . 他跑着回来告诉我们这个消息。 The professor stood there surrounded by many students . 教授站在那儿,许多学生围着他。 He walked down the hill , singing softly to himself . 他从小山上走下来,一路哼着曲儿。 She s

31、tood at the window watching the sunset . 她站在窗前看落日。 “ Its wonderful ”,she said , pleased . 他高兴地说“那太好了!” He turned away disappointed . 他失望地走开了。表示条件 Being prepared , well pass the exam . 如果有所准备,我们就会通过这次考试。 Given closer analysis , we can see this totally wrong . 仔细分析一下,我们可以刊出这是完全错误的。 Compared with you , we still have a long way to go . 和你们比起来,我们还有很大差距。 Turning to the right , you will find the store . 向右转,你就可以找到那个商店。

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