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1、语法学案8动词不定式The Infinitive动词不定式【复习目标】1. To grasp the forms of the infinitive. 掌握动词不定式的各种形式 。2. To grasp the functions of the infinitive. 掌握动词不定式的语法功能。【复习重点和难点】 _ _【复习指导】学法指导1. Try to remember the forms of the infinitive.记住动词不定式各种形式的构成。2. Try to remember the functions of the infinitive and some typical

2、 examples.记住动词不定式各用法和典型例句。【复习过程】一、Preview课前预习I. 动词不定式各种形式:不定式根据其发生的时间不同以及所处的状语的不同,可以有一般式、完成式、进行式、完成进行式;同时根据它与逻辑主语的关系的不同,可以有主动式和被动式。如下表:主 动 语 态被 动 语 态一般式to doto be done进行式to be doing无完成式to have doneto have been done完成进行式to have been doing无*动词不定式的否定式:not to do(一)、不定式一般式的用法 (to do / to be done)1. 表示未发生

3、的动作即表示发生在谓语动作之后的动作。如:I expect him to arrive tomorrow. 我预计他明天到达。I hope to catch an early train. 我希望赶上早班火车。2. 表示同时发生的动作表示与谓语动作同时发生或略先于谓语动作的动作。如: Who heard him say that? 是谁听到他这样说的?(say与heard几乎同时发生)Im sorry to hear that. 听到这事我很难过。(to hear 略先于am sorry)3. 表示一般情况即看不出动作的先后关系,而是表示一种情况或现象。如:Washing the car se

4、ems to be your main hobby. 擦洗汽车似乎是你的主要爱好。None of her many lovers seemed to want to marry her. 在她的许多情人中似乎没有一个愿意娶她的。(二)、不定式进行式的用法 (to be doing)1. 表示同时进行即表示与谓语动作同时发生且正在进行的动作。如:He seems to be following us. 他似乎在跟着我们。He pretended to be looking for a book. 他假装在找书。2. 表示将来正如可用进行时态表示将来意义一样,不定式的进行式有时也可表示将来。如:Y

5、ou are lucky to be going by air. 你挺幸运的,能乘飞机走。He was happy to be coming home. 就要回家了他感到高兴。3. 表示一般情况即看不出动作的先后关系,而是表示一种情况或现象。如:I noticed that he seemed to be smoking a lot. 我发现他似乎烟瘾很大。Just to be doing something was a help. 做点事是有益处的。You are too young to be meeting young men. 你太小,不能交男朋友。(三)、不定式完成式的用法 (to

6、have done/ to have been done)1. 表示比谓语动作更早的动作即不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。如:I hate to have quarreled with her. 我后悔和她吵架了。They are said to have left London. 据说他们已经离开伦敦。2. 表示比某特定时间更早的动作即表示在某个特定的时间之前已完成的动作。如:I hope to have finished the work by now. 我希望现在以前已完成这项工作。By 2020, he hopes to have opened a branch overseas

7、. 到2020年,他希望能在海外开一分店。3. 表示假想的更早的动作尤其是表示过去本来打算要做某事,但实际上没有做成的动作。如:We were to have been married last year. 我们本来打算去年结婚的。I wanted to have come to see you, but I was really too busy. 我本想来看你的,但我的确太忙了。不定式的完成式有时还有明显的感情色彩,如表示遗憾、后悔或责备。如:There is no need to have bought a new pair of shoes for me. 没有必要给我买一双新鞋。(四

8、)、不定式完成进行式的用法 (to have been doing)不定式完成进行式主要表示在谓语动作之前一直在进行的动作。如:He pretended to have been studying. 他假装一直在学习的样子。He appears to have been waiting a long time. 看来他已经等了很久了。(五)、不定式被动式的用法1. 基本用法不定式到底用主动形式还是被动形式,往往取决于句子的意思,即意思上为主动就用主动形式,意思上为被动就用被动形式。如:Not a sound was to be heard. 听不到一点声音。(不定式一般式的被动式)There

9、remains one matter still to be discussed. 有一个问题尚待讨论。(不定式一般式的被动式)2. 主动表被动一般说来,表示主动意义,不定式用主动式;表示被动意义,不定式用被动式。但是,有个别时候,虽然意义上是被动的,但不定式却要用主动式。如:The house is to let. 此屋出租。The box was too heavy to lift. 箱子太重,拿不起来。The question is difficult to answer. 这问题很难回答。(六)、不定式的否定动式 (not to do)1.The boy wanted to ride

10、his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _. A. not toB. not to doC. not do it D. do not to 答案:A。not to 为not to do it 的省略形式。可以只用to这个词,而不必重复整个不定式词组。及物动词do后应有名词、代词等,否则不对,因此B,D不对。2.The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat no B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating 答案:

11、C。warn一词要求后用不定式,此处为不定式的被动,否定形式为be warned not to do趁热打铁把动词不定式划出来,并指出是哪种形式,表达什么样的动作。1.The doctor advised me to take a complete rest. 医生建议我完全休息。( ;表示: 的动作)2.Im sorry to hear that. 听到这事我很难过。( ;表示: 的动作)3. Washing the car seems to be your main hobby.( ;表示: 的动作)4.I happened to be looking out of the window

12、when they arrived. 他们到达时我碰巧正向窗外望去。( ;表示: 的动作)5.I happened to have driven that kind of car before. ( ;表示: 的动作)6.Im sorry to have given you so much trouble.( ;表示: 的动作)7.He is believed to have been waiting for a message. 据信他当时一直在等待消息。( ;表示: 的动作)8.Id like to have been sitting there when she walked in. 我

13、真希望当她走进来的时候我正坐在那里。( ;表示: 的动作)9.I had to shout to be heard. 我必须叫喊对方才能听得见。( ;表示: 的动作)10.It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good. 它对我们是利是害,还得看看再说。( ;表示: 的动作)II. 不定式的句法功能归纳不定式虽然不能做谓语,但保留着动词的特征,可带有自己的宾语和状语,从而形成不定式短语。不定式短语具有名词、形容词及副词的性质,可做主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、同位语、定语及状语等句子成分。(一)、不定式做主语(1) 英语中,不定

14、式短语可放在句首充当句子的主语。如:To learn English well is very important. 学好英语很重要。(2) 但为了使句子平衡,常用it做形式主语放在句首,而将真正的主语不定式放到句末,特别是在疑问句及感叹句中必须采用这种方式。如:It is very important to learn English well. 学好英语很重要。Is it necessary to bring an umbrella today? 今天带雨伞有必要吗?(3) 不定式做主语时,不能有单独的名词或代词做逻辑主语,而应用for sb. /of sb. 做它的逻辑主语,当不定式表示

15、对逻辑主语的利害关系时,用for sb;当不定式用来对逻辑主语表示赞美或责备时,用of sb。如:It is not good for your eye to read in the sun. 在阳光下看对你的眼睛不好。It is very kind of you to help us. 你来帮助我们,真是太好了。(二)、不定式做宾语(1) 在英语中,不定式可用来做宾语。如:He agrees to go with us. 他同意跟我们一起去。I want to buy a Chinese-English dictionary. 我想买一本汉英词典。 (2) 不定式做宾语时须注意:A. 不定式

16、并不是可做任何及物动词的宾语。能接不定式做宾语的动词有:afford, agree, arrange, ask, attempt, begin, care, choose, continue, dare, decide, desire, demand, determine, elect, expect, fail, hate, hesitate, hope, intend, know, learn, like, long, love, manage, mean, need, offer, plan, prepare, promise, pretend, prefer, refuse, requ

17、ire, start, try, wait, want, wish, wonder. 如:I cant afford to buy such an expensive computer. 我买不起这么昂贵的电脑。He decided to work in that factory. 他决定去那家工厂工作。B. 做宾语的不定式如果带有自己的补足语,则须用it做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语置于补足语之后。如:Do you think it necessary to master a foreign language? 你认为掌握一门外语有必要吗?I find it interesting to sta

18、y with you. 我发觉与你呆在一起很有趣。C. 不定式一般不做介词的宾语,但可做介词but, except的宾语,并且,当but, except前面如果有动词do时,不定式的to须省略。如:He said nothing except to go away. 他一话没说就走了。Now we cant do anything but wait for him. 现在我们只能等待他。(三)、不定式做宾语补足语不定式做宾语的补足语须从三个方面来掌握。(1) 动词接动词不定式做宾语的补足语时,不定式的to不能省略。这样的动词有:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, e

19、ncourage, expect, force, forbid, get, help, order, permit, persuade, require, teach, tell, want, wish, warn, call on, wait for, long for。如:The teacher advised us to learn through experiment. 老师劝我们通过实验来学习。They didnt allow us to enter the hall. 他们不允许我们进入大厅。(2) 动词接动词不定式做宾语的补足语时,不定式的to须省略。这样的动词有:have, l

20、et, make, feel, hear, notice, see, watch, observe ,但它们变为被动语态时,不定式的to不能省略。如The boss made the workers work over ten hours a day in the past. The workers were made to work over ten hours a day by the boss. 过去老板使工人们每天工作十多个小时。I saw Li Lei fall down from his bike. Li Lei was seen to fall down from his bik

21、e. 我看见李蕾从单车上摔了下来。(3) 动词help接动词不定式做宾语的补足语时,不定式的to可省略也可不省略。如:He often comes to help us (to) do some farming work. 他经常来帮我们干农活。(四)、不定式做表语不定式短语可用来做系动词的表语。如:My hope is to become a scientist like Einstein. 我的希望就是做一个像爱因斯坦那样的科学家。My job is to teach English. 我的工作就是教英语。(五)、不定式做定语(1) 不定式做定语时,一般放在所修饰的名词、代词之后,表示即将

22、发生的动作。如:We have much work to do. 我们有很多事情要做。I have a letter to answer. 我有一封信要回复。(2) 不定式做定语时,中心词与不定式的关系:A. 主谓关系,即:中心词是不定式的逻辑主语。如:Li Lei was the first student to come into the classroom this morning. 今天早晨李蕾是第一个进教室的学生。Liu Ying was the very girl to meet you. 刘英正是来接你的那个女孩子。B. 动宾关系,即:中心词是不定式的逻辑宾语。如:Do you

23、have anything to do now? 你现在有事情要做吗?I have some clothes to wash. 我有些衣服要洗。当不定式与所修饰的中心词有动宾关系时,不定式中的动词须为及物动词,若是不及物动词,不定式后须加上适当的介词。如:Go ahead, please. I have a friend to wait for here. 请先走吧,我还有个朋友要在这儿等。C. 说明关系,即:不定式是中心词的内容。如:I had a dream to fly in the sky like a bird. 我做了一个像鸟儿在天上飞的梦I have a wish to go t

24、o college. 我有一个上大学的愿望。(六)、不定式做状语不定式做状语,可表示动作的目的、结果、原因、条件和方式。A. 表目的表目的时,不定式可放在句子的前面也可放在句子的末尾。但在句子前面时,不定式常与句子用逗号隔开;而在句子末尾时一般不用逗号隔开。如:To get there on time, we set out at five in the morning. 为了按时到达那儿,我们早晨五点就出发了。He goes there to enjoy the fresh air. 他去那儿享受那儿的新鲜空气。比较:to do, in order to do, so as to do都可表

25、示目的,但to do, in order to do的位置既可在句首,又可在句末;而so as to do只能在句末。In order to build a house, he bought some wood and steel yesterday. He bought some wood and steel yesterday in order to build a house. / He bought some wood and steel yesterday so as to build a house. 为了建房,昨天他买来了木料和钢材。B. 表结果不定式在下列结构中表示谓语动作的结

26、果,不定式的位置一般在句子末尾。(1) 表示终结性的动词find, see, hear, learn, discover的不定式,常表示出乎意料的结果,并且,不定式前常有never, only等副词修饰。如:I hurried to the railway station yesterday, (only) to find that the train had left. 昨天我急急忙忙赶到火车站时,发现火车已经开走了。I went to the classroom, to discover it empty. 我走到教室,结果发现教室是空的。(2) 在 “so + adj. / adv. +

27、 as + to do”中。如:The scenery is so beautiful as to attract many people here every year. 景色非常美,每年都要吸引很多人来这里。(3) 在 “adj. / adv. + enough + to do”中。如:He ran fast enough to catch up with Li Lei. 他跑得很快,结果赶上了李蕾。(4) 在 “so + adj. / adv. +a(n) + n. + as + to do”中。如:This is so interesting a story as to interes

28、t children. 这是个很有趣的故事,使孩子们非常感兴趣。(5) 在 “too + adj. / adv. + to do”中。如:They went too slowly to catch the early bus. 他们走得太慢了,结果没能赶上早班车。C. 表原因不定式表示原因时,一般放在句子的末尾,说明主语某种心情、情感(glad, pleased, sad, worried, sorrow, excited) 所产生的原因。如:Im very glad to hear that Li Lei has been elected secretary of the Party. 听说

29、李蕾被选为了党的书记,我很高兴。D. 表方式不定式可接在as if / as though之后表示方式时,如:He moved his mouth as if to say something. 他的嘴唇动了动,好像要说什么事似的。(七)、不定式做独立成分To tell you the truth, I dont like it. 告诉你实话,我不喜欢它。趁热打铁把动词不定式划出来,并指出所充当的成分。1. Is it necessary to bring an umbrella today? 今天带雨伞有必要吗?( )2. It is very kind of you to help us.

30、 你来帮助我们,真是太好了。( )3. To see is to believe. ( ; )4.I find it interesting to stay with you. 我发觉与你呆在一起很有趣。( )5. Tom failed to pass the driving test. ( )6. Donald often encourages us to learn English well. ( )7. I saw Li Lei fall down from his bike. ( )8. We have much homework to do everyday. ( )9. To ge

31、t there on time, we set out at five in the morning. ( )10. They went too slowly to catch the early bus. ( )11. He bought some wood and steel yesterday so as to build a house. ( )二. Classroom learning and exploration 课堂复习和研讨 I. Presentation of the preview 预习成果展示II. Explanation and discussion 答疑讨论III. Classroom learning tasks 课堂复习探究任务Task (一):“疑问词+不定式”结构“疑问词+不定式(短语)”是一个很有用的结构,它的作用相当于

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