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1、BEC精华资料合集10IT (n.) (=Information Technology) 信息技术item (n.) 1. an object for sale商品例 This item is out of stock. 2. piece of information一条(信息) 例 items on the balance sheetitinerary (n.) a guidebook for travelers旅行指南 例 Please kindly refer to our itinerary for your trip.Jjargon (n.) the specialized or t

2、echnical language of a trade, profession, or similar group行话,术语例 business jargon同义词 lingojet lag delayed physical effects of tiredness, etc felt after a long flight by plane 飞机时差反应jobbing (n.) system of production for one-off or small orders 做零活的例 He is now acting as a jobbing printer.job descriptio

3、n written statement of what the job holder actually does, how he or she does it, and under what conditions the job is performed职位描述job lot (n.) small number of a particular part or product that is produced at one time货品(整批的)例 How many are the job lot produced this time?job mobility ability to move f

4、rom one place to another to take up or perform a job工作机动性,工作变动例 Several days ago she got a job mobility from AVON to LOREAL.job rotation movement between departments within an organization岗位轮换例 Job rotation aims to familiarize the trainees with the problems of each department.job satisfaction feelin

5、g of contentment from doing a job well工作满意度例 In pursuing mass media, I get a full job satisfaction.job shop (n.) department or workshop organized around a particular piece of equipment or a particular operation加工车间例 You should have done it in that job shop.joint (adj.) combined, shared between two o

6、r more parties合办的例 Since 1980s, more and more joint ventures have established in China which employed millions of local intellects.同义词 combined, united, joinedjoint bank account bank account of two or more people共同银行帐户例 The couple opened a joint bank account.joint venture (n.) agreement between two

7、or more companies to cooperate in a large business project合资例 It belongs to a joint venture company.journal (n.) professional magazine期刊例 3 years reading of economical journal benefits me a lot.同义词 periodicaljump (v) (of amounts, prices, values ) to move suddenly upward暴涨 例 In that inflation, prices

8、 of most commodities jumped.junk bonds ( bonds raised as debentures against the security of a company about to be taken over后保债券junk mail (n.) direct mail advertising which is unrequested and unwanted邮寄宣传品(通常为人们不需要的)例 This is a junk mail that cannot be delivered properly. jurisdiction (n.) lega

9、l power权限例 They have the jurisdiction to supervise you.同义词 authorityjust-in-time (n.) system to keep inventory at minimum level by having material arrive at each operation just in time to be used零库存管理例 Just-in-time system reduces the cost of stock and increases the flexibility of management.Kkey (ad

10、j.) important, main重要的,主要的例 This client is a key account;key pointskickback (n) a return of a percentage of a sum of money already received, typically as a result of pressure, coercion, or a secret agreement 回扣例 He was charged with receiving kickbacks from local businessmen.knockdown (adj.) (of pric

11、es) very low(价格)极低的例 You buy the right for its knockdown price.knowhow/know-how (n.) knowledge about how something works, expertise专有知识例 She is such a quick learner that she has grasped all the knowhow of her job in just 2 weeks.同义词 expertiseLlabel 1. (n.) small piece of card or material attached to

12、 product to show name, price etc标签.同义词 tag, remark, brand2. (v.) put a marker on a product贴标签例 The right products are all labeled with the capital letter “ R”.labour (n.) work劳动(力)例 With the economy development we should change the labor-intensive economy to a capital-intensive one. labour market (n

13、.) supply of workers available to work 劳动市场labour relations (n. pl) relations between management and workers劳资关系labour shortage (n.) situation where there are not enough workers劳动力短缺例 There is no easy solution to Japans labour shortage.laptop (n.) notebook便携式电脑laser printer 激光打印机launch 1. (v.) intro

14、duce a new product on the market 投放2. (n.) introduction of new product投放例 The launch of the new product was very successful.launder (v) to process illegally obtained money, eg by paying it into a foreign bank and transferring it to a local bank 洗钱例 He is convinced of laundering money obtained from t

15、he sale of drugs.lay-off/layoff 1. (n.) action of stopping a workers employment for a time, especially when there is little work to do临时解雇例 The large scale layoff of this area caused a workers strike.2. (v.) dismiss temporarily临时解雇layout (n.) arrangement of equipment and tools布局,设计例 They dealt well

16、with the layout of equipment and tools.lead (v.) 1. be the first and/or the best领导例 The company leads the world in design. 2. manage/direct领导,管理 例 He is well-qualified to lead the team.leader (n.) person who manages or directs领导者leadership (n.) quality or ability to manage or lead others领导才能例 You sh

17、ould possess leadership if you want to pursue MBA.leading (adj.) having a position in the lead; foremost第一位的,领导性的例 leading bankslead time (n.) time needed to perform an activity产品从订货到交付之间的时间例 Actually we need a long lead time to perform it.leaflet (n.) small sheet of printed paper used to advertise传

18、单例 They distributed leaflets in the (n.) contract for renting property or equipment租约例 According to the bilateral agreement, the lease of this land will last 5 years.leasehold (n.) property held by lease通过租契获得的财产leaver (n.) person who leaves a companys employment离职者例 Our main problem is

19、 the large number of leavers this year.ledger (n.) book in which accounts are written分类帐例 Please check the ledger again, and the boss will see it tomorrow.nominal ledger (n.) record of a companys income and expenditure by named accounts, departments名目帐项总帐purchase ledger (n.) record of expenditure进货分

20、类帐sales ledger (n.) record of sales销货帐legal (adj.) made according to the law合法的例 Smuggling is not legal.同义词 legitimate, licit, lawfullegislation (n.) law法规例 All the citizens have to comply with the legislation.leisure industry sectors providing entertainment service娱乐产业lender (n.) person who lend mo

21、ney贷方lessee (n.) person who pays for a lease承租人例 For the lessee, a lease agreement permits repaid replacement of obsolete equipment.同义词 tenantlessor (n.) person who receives money for a lease出租人例 The lessor and the lessee hereby agree to enter into this contract under the following terms and conditi

22、ons.同义词 landlord, landladylet (v) to allow someone to use a house, a room, an office, etc in return for payment of rent 出租例 In order to reduce our overhead, we will let parts of our office space in the city center. 同义词 lease, rentletterhead (n.) name and address of a company printed on correspondenc

23、e paper信头例 You can write back to me referring to the letterhead.leverage (n.) also financial leverage the degree to which an investor or business is utilizing borrowed money财务杠杆例 Companies that are highly leveraged may be at risk of bankruptcy if they are unable to make payments on their debt; they

24、may also be unable to find new lenders in the future.liability (n.) legal obligation责任例 Our liability is limited.同义词 responsibility, dutyliabilities (n. pl) debts of a business负债例 The company cannot afford such large liabilities.licence (n.) US license official document which gives permission执照例 You

25、 need an import licence.同义词 certificate, warrant, permitlicense (v.) US licence give permission许可licensee (n.) person who is given permission获许可的人 licensor (n.) person who gives permission许可人life cycle (n.) concept of showing the different stages in a products life产品生命周期例 Usually, the mature stage i

26、s the most important in the life cycle of a product.line (n.) 1. merchandise or services of a similar or related nature系列产品例 a complete line of small tools 同义词 series, sequence2.An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of prod

27、uction.流水生产线 例 production lineline process (n.) assembly-line process, production process where the work passes from one worker to the next, usually along a moving belt, until it is finished流水线加工例 You should at times mention the workers to see to the line process.line worker (n.) worker on an assemb

28、ly-line流水线工人例 How many line workers do you have altogether?liquid (adj.) easy to realize易兑现的例 Liquid assetsliquidity (n.) having assets which can be converted into cash资产折现力例 Liquidity is an index to measure the extent one kind of asset moves into new investment opportunities.liquidate (v.) close a

29、company and sell its assets清算liquidation (n.) process of closing a company清算例 The business went into liquidation.liquidator (n.) person who supervises the liquidation of a company清算人listed (adj.) registered列出的,上市的例 Shares can be bought in listed companies.listed company (n) a company whose shares are recorded on the main market of a stock exchange 上市公司例 That firm is among the listed companies.listing (n.) official list of companies whose shares can be bought or sold on the Stock Exchange列表literature (n.) w

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