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高中英语新课标外研版必修2教案Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines the 2ed Period.docx

1、高中英语新课标外研版必修2教案Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines the 2ed PeriodPeriod 2Grammar 1; Reading and Listening整体设计教材分析The teaching contents of this period include the following two parts: Grammar 1; Reading and Listening. Grammar 1 aims at making the students clear about the notion of “adverbial clause of

2、time”. To achieve this aim, teachers should ask students to examine the sentences and finish off the exercises prepared for this part and ask them to summarize the characteristics of “adverbial clauses of time”. After students have summarized the characteristics, teachers can give them more exercise

3、s about it, and make students understand the characteristics more deeply and learn to use the “adverbial clause of time”. The section of reading and listening, whose content is 3 pieces of news, offers students the practical exercise of a combination of reading and writing. Students should read firs

4、t and then listen to it. In concrete activities, students should distinguish the new words and phrases in dialogues and passages and understand their meanings correctly. 三维目标1. 知识与技能1)Train students listening skills.2)Develop their reading ability.3)Learn to use “adverbial clauses of time”.4)Learn t

5、he following words: aliens, telescope, amateur, astronomer, autograph, delighted, fan, spaceship, surprise2. 过程与方法1)Individual or pair work to finish the task.2)Discussion to make them summarize the grammatical items of “adverbial clauses of time”.3)Practice to the students use “adverbial clauses of

6、 time” correctly.3. 情感与价值Through the study of this module the students will learn more about “adverbial clauses of time” and meanwhile they will improve their listening skills and reading ability. 教学重点1. Encourage them to sum up the grammatical rules of “adverbial clauses of time” themselves.2. Trai

7、n their listening skills.3. Develop their reading ability. 教学难点1. Make sure students master the grammatical items.2. Get students to understand the new words and phrases in this part.3. Make students use “adverbial clauses of time” correctly.4. Develop students listening skills. 教学过程Step 1 Greetings

8、 and RevisionOption 1 Dictation and translation1. The teacher reads out the following words and students have a dictation.backstagecelebritycosmonautdirectordelightedeconomyfront coverfront pagenavigatorphotographpoliticsspaceshipsurprisetailonauttelescopeheadlineuniverse2. Ask the students to trans

9、late the following sentences into English.1. 飞机已经起飞了,可到现在我还没看见他的影子。 2. 人造卫星绕地球飞行的时候,可以检测出地球大气中出现的各种情况。 3. 现在的很多年轻人喜欢周杰伦,我是其中之一。 4. 他所拜访过的国家总共有56个。 5. 站在那里的是我们的老师,他儿子今年刚刚考上一所著名的大学。 6. 你能找到那个被老师责备的学生吗? Suggested answers:1. The plane has taken off, but he still didnt turn up.2. When the satellites are

10、making orbits of the earth, they can find out all kinds of problems appearing in the atmospheres.3. Many young people like Zhou Jielun, including me/me included.4. The countries he visited are 56 in total.5. That man standing there is our teacher, whose son has just been admitted to a very famous un

11、iversity.6. Can you find the student who is scolded by teacher? Option 2 Check their writing workThe teacher greets the students as usual and then asks a few good students to share their passages with the whole class. Step 2 Grammar 1: adverbial clauses of time1. Option 1(suitable for a class of hig

12、her level)Ask the students to read the sentences and answer the questions.1)Read the two example sentences and the four questions with the whole class and make sure they can understand the requirements.2)Ask the students to answer the questions individually, and then check with a partner.3)Collect t

13、heir answers in a whole-class setting and teachers might make the concepts clear for the students.(1)Adverbial clauses of time can be preceded by when and while.(2)The action or events in subject clauses can happen at the same time, and one of the actions or events can be at the present tense.Option

14、 2 (suitable for a class which is of ordinary level)First the teacher may provide the students with some sentences with adverbial clauses of time. And ask them to summarize the grammatical rules of adverbial clauses of time. You can use the following sentences.(Show the following on the screen. )1.

15、When I was doing my homework, I heard someone knocking at the door.2. When he left the house, I was sitting in the garden.3. When he arrived home, it was just nine oclock.4. While he was in London, he studied music.5. While she was typing the letter, he telephone rang.Then you may ask them to finish

16、 the task in activity 1. Finally, call back their answers.Suggested answers:1)The past continuous verb (was traveling/was orbiting )was continuing all the time, and was interrupted by actions of short duration (spoke/took)which are in the past simple.2)Yes, the first action in each sentence (althoug

17、h it doesnt have to be placed first)is longer than the second one.3)No, they took place at the same time, although the second action started after the first one.4)Yes, it did.2. Read the sentences and choose the correct answers.1)Read the two sentences with the whole class and make sure they can und

18、erstand the requirement. 2)Ask students to answer the questions individually, and then check with a partner, and they can solve the problems by discussing with their partners.3)Collect the answers from the whole class. Teachers help students to know that in the compound sentences with the adverbial

19、clauses of time preceded by “when”, the meaning of “when” changes with the changes of the main clauses tenses.Suggested answers:(1)(a)yes(b)no(c)yes (2)(a)no(b)yes(c)yes3. Complete the sentences with the correct tense for the verbs in the brackets.1)Ask students to complete the sentences individuall

20、y, and then check with a partner to solve the problems where they made mistakes.2)Collect the answers from the whole class as complete sentences. Teachers may ask students to read out the sentences as well as the answers so that they can consolidate the adverbial clauses of time in their minds.Sugge

21、sted answers:(1)met(2)sang(3)got out(4)was orbiting4. ConsolidationGive students more exercises about adverbial clauses of time to make sure they can grasp it more firmly.(Show the following on the screen. ) Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions1)I havent heard from him_ he went to America.2)H

22、e wont be here_ he is invited.3)He will not go to the cinema_ he is very busy.4)We found the key_ she lad left it.5)We found the books two days_ he had gone away.6)We had no sooner got to the station_ the train left.7)He speaks English_ he were an Englishman.8)He is explaining clearly_ they could un

23、derstand.9)Do not leave the room_ you have finished the test.10)She sang_ she went along.Suggested answers:1)since2)unless3)because4)where5)after6)than7)as if8)so that9)before 10)asNotes: Time clauses are used to indicate the time that an event in the main clause takes place. The main time conjuncti

24、ons are: when, as soon as, before, after, by the time, by. They are placed either at the beginning or the end of a sentence. When placed at the beginning of the sentence, the speaker is generally stressing the importance of the time indicated. Step 3 Reading and listening1. New wordsOption 1Ask stud

25、ents to read the listed words individually and try to understand what they all mean. Then ask some students to read them out and others check if they are correct. Next, let them answer the questions by themselves. If they come across any problems in their understanding, they can turn to the teacher,

26、 other students or a dictionary for help. Finally, have students refer to the correct answers shown on the screen after they compare their answers in pairs.Option 2Hold a competition. The teacher writes any word in the table on the blackboard or shows them on the screen for students to read. The com

27、petition rules are as follows: When a word is given, the students who know it raise their hands. The one that does this first reads the word and give its Chinese meaning or explains it in English. If he or she is correct, he or she will get five grades. Otherwise, he/she gets zero and another one ca

28、n read and explain it again. Each student has only one chance to read the same word. The guy who gets the most grades will be the final winner.After they know what the words mean, the teacher reads the questions one by one while the whole class give the answers.Option 3Read the listed words out and

29、let the students follow you. Meanwhile, make them pay attention to the stress of them. Put the students into pairs to practice reading them. One reads them through, while the other checks if the words are read and stressed correctly. Then exchange their roles to repeat this.1. Read through the words

30、 while the students listen and follow in their books.2. Read them again and have the students repeat them after you chorally and individually. Pay particular attention to the multi-syllable words where the stress is not on the first syllable words where the stress is not on the first syllable: astro

31、nomer, delighted, surprise.3. Elicit the meaning of all the words you can from students and then either gloss the others yourself, or ask the students to use their dictionaries to find them. For example: Teacher: (1)A creature from the outer space can be called an “alien”.(2)“Delighted” means very p

32、leased.(3)A “telescope” is a tool through which we can see things far away such as the moon and planets.2. Reading Option 1 Match the headlines with the paragraphs.1)Read the three headlines with the whole class, and make sure they understand them.2)Ask the students to read the paragraphs and match the headlines individually, a

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