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1、教材例句精析人教八下人教八下 Unit 1Will people have robots? 人们会拥有机器人吗?(人教八下U1) Section AA部分(人教八下U1) Do you think there will be robots in people s homes? 你认为将来在人们家里会有机器人吗?(人教八下U1) Yes,there will.I think every home will have a robot. 是的,会有的。我认为每个家庭都会有个机器人。(人教八下U1) Will kids go to school? 孩子们会去上学吗?(人教八下U1) Kids won

2、t go to school. They ll study at home on computers. 孩子们不会去上学。他们将在家里通过电脑学习。(人教八下U1) 1aHow will the world be different in the future, 100 years from now?Read these predictions.Check () A (for agree) or D (for disagree). 在今后100年内,未来的世界将会有什么不同?阅读这些预测。同意的在A处打(),不同意的在D处打()。(人教八下U1) 1. People will have rob

3、ots in their homes. 人们家里会有机器人。(人教八下U1) 2. People won t use money. Everything will be free. 人们不会再使用钱。所有的东西都将是免费的。(人教八下U1) 3. Books will only be on computers, not on paper. 书将只会出现在电脑上,而不会在纸上。(人教八下U1) 4. Kids won t go to school.They ll study at home on computers. 孩子们将不去上学。他们将在家里用电脑学习。(人教八下U1) 5. There

4、will only be one country. 将来只有一个国家。(人教八下U1) 6. People will live to be 200 years old. 人们将会活到200岁。(人教八下U1) 1bListen and circle the predictions you hear in activity 1a. 听录音并圈出活动1a中的预言。(人教八下U1) 1cPAIRWORK 结对活动(人教八下U1) Ask and answer questions about the predictions in activity 1a. 根据1a中的预言提问并回答。(人教八下U1)

5、Will people use money in 100 years? 100年以后人们还使用钱吗?(人教八下U1) No, they won t.Everything will be free. 不,不用。(人教八下U1) Will people live to be 200 years old? 所有的物品将是免费的。人们会活到200岁吗?(人教八下U1) Yes, they will. A: 是,会的。(人教八下U1) 2aListen and circle the words you hear. 听录音,圈出你听到的单词。(人教八下U1) 1. There will be more /

6、less/fewer people. 人将会更多/更少/更少。(人教八下U1) 2. There will be more/less/fewer free time. 空闲的时间将会更多/更少/更少。(人教八下U1) 3. There will be more/less/fewer cars. 汽车将会更多/更少/更少。(人教八下U1) 4. There will be more/less/fewer pollution. 污染将更多/更少/更少。(人教八下U1) 5. There will be more/less/fewer trees. 树将更多/更少/更少。(人教八下U1) 2bLis

7、ten again.Check () the predictions you hear. 再听一遍。在你听到的预言前打()。(人教八下U1) 1. There will be fewer people. 人会更少。(人教八下U1) 2. There will be less free time. 空闲时间将会更少。(人教八下U1) 3. People will use the subways less. 人们会更少地使用地铁。(人教八下U1) 4. There will be more pollution. 污染将会更多。(人教八下U1) 5. Cities will be very big

8、and crowded. 城市将会庞大且拥挤不堪。(人教八下U1) 2cGROUPWORK 小组活动(人教八下U1) Look at activity 2b.Make conversations about the predictions. 查看活动2b。把那些预测编成对话。(人教八下U1) I think there will be more pollution. 我认为污染将会更多。(人教八下U1) Well, I don t agree. But I think there will be fewer trees. 噢,我不同意。但我认为树会更少。(人教八下U1) I agree. 我同

9、意。(人教八下U1) Grammar Focus 语法聚焦(人教八下U1) Will there be less pollution? 污染将会少些吗?(人教八下U1) No, there won t. 不,不会。(人教八下U1) There will be more pollution. 污染将会更多。(人教八下U1) Will there be fewer trees? 树会少些吗?(人教八下U1) Yes, there will. 对,会的。(人教八下U1) Kids won t go to school. 孩子们将不再去上学。(人教八下U1) Kids will study at ho

10、me on computers. 孩子们将在家里通过电脑学习。(人教八下U1) Look! 注意!(人教八下U1) Use fewer to talk about countable nouns. 用fewer谈论可数名词。(人教八下U1) Use less to talk about un countable nouns. 用less谈论不可数名词。(人教八下U1) There will be fewer trees. 树木将更少。(人教八下U1) There will be less pollution. 污染将更少。(人教八下U1) 3aLook at the pictures of S

11、ally.Then fill in the blanks in the sentences. 看萨利的照片。然后填写句中的空白。(人教八下U1) 3bPAIRWORK 结对活动(人教八下U1) Look at activity 3a. Make predictions about Sally. 查看活动3a。对萨利的未来做出预测。(人教八下U1) What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你认为5年后萨利会做什么工作?(人教八下U1) I think she ll be a doctor. 我认为她会成为一名医生。 (人教八下U1) What

12、 sport will she play? 她将参加什么运动?(人教八下U1) She ll play. 她将会(人教八下U1) 3cNow write about yourself. 现在写写你自己。(人教八下U1) 4GROUPWORK 小组活动(人教八下U1) Draw a picture of the city of tomorrow. 描绘一幅这个城市的未来图画。然后向你的同学(人教八下U1) Then describe it to the class. 描述这幅图画。(人教八下U1) I think there will be more tall buildings. And th

13、ere will be fewer cars and more buses. 我认为将有更多的高楼。而且小汽车会更少,公共汽车会更多。(人教八下U1) 1aWrite each word in the correct column below. 将每个单词写在下列相对应的栏里。(人教八下U1) 1bPAIRWORK结对活动(人教八下U1) Think of other words and write them in the chart above. 想出其他一些单词并将它们写在上面的表格中。(人教八下U1) 2aListen to Alexis and Joe. 听亚历克西斯和乔的谈话。(人教

14、八下U1) Number the pictures 1-3. 按顺序排列图片1-3。(人教八下U1) 2bListen again.Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs from the box. 再听一遍。用框中的正确动词填空。(人教八下U1) 1. I live in an apartment. 我住在一套公寓里。(人教八下U1) 2cPAIRWORK结对活动(人教八下U1) Role play the conversation between Alexis and Joe.Talk about Joe s life now, ten year

15、s ago, and ten years from now. 分角色表演亚历克西斯和乔之间的对话。谈论关于乔现在的、十年以前的以及从现在起十年以后的生活。(人教八下U1) Where do you live? 你现在住在哪儿?(人教八下U1) I live in an apartment. 我住在一套公寓里。(人教八下U1) 3aRead Ming s answer to the question “What will your life be like in ten years?” 阅读明对“10年后你会过什么样的生活?”这个问题的回答。(人教八下U1) Then fill in the c

16、hart below. 然后填写下列图表。(人教八下U1) In ten years, I think I ll be a reporter. I ll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 10年后,我想我会成为一名记者。我将住在上海,因为去年我去了上海,并且爱上了它。(人教八下U1) I think it s really a beautiful city. 我觉得它是一个非常美丽的城市。(人教八下U1) As a reporter, I think I will m

17、eet lots of interesting people. 作为一名记者,我想我会遇到很多有趣的人。(人教八下U1) I think I ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don t like living alone. 我想我会和我最好的朋友们住在一套公寓里,因为我不喜欢独处。(人教八下U1) I ll have pets.I can t have any pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small. 我会养宠物。我

18、现在不能养宠物,因为我妈妈讨厌宠物,而且我们的公寓太小了。(人教八下U1) So in ten years, I ll have many different pets. 所以10年后,我会养很多不同的宠物。(人教八下U1) I might even keep a pet parrot! I ll probably go skating and swim ming every day. 我甚至可能养一只宠物鹦鹉!我可能每天都会去滑冰和游泳。(人教八下U1) During the week I ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. 工作日的时

19、候我会穿得很整齐,可能会穿套装。(人教八下U1) On the weekend, I ll be able to dress more casually. 周末的时候,我会穿得更随意一些。(人教八下U1) I think I ll go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia. 我想我会去香港度假,甚至有一天我会去澳大利亚旅游。(人教八下U1) 3bOn a piece of paper, write about your life in ten years. 在一张纸上写出你10年后的生活。(人教八

20、下U1) Don t write your name on the paper. 不要在纸上写出你的名字。(人教八下U1) Put all the students papers together. 将所有学生写的纸条放在一起。(人教八下U1) Take turns reading the papers. Then guess who wroteCS them. 依次读这些纸上的内容。然后猜测是谁写的。(人教八下U1) This paper says “I ll be an engineer in ten years.” 这张纸上说:“10年后我要当一名工程师。”(人教八下U1) I thin

21、k Lin Wei wrote that. 我认为是林伟写的。(人教八下U1) Yes, I wrote it. 对,是我写的。(人教八下U1) 4PAIRWORK结对活动(人教八下U1) Answer the questions below.Then ask your partner for his or her ideas. 回答下列问题。然后询问你同伴的看法。(人教八下U1) I think that France will win the next World Cup. 我认为法国将在下届世界杯赛上夺冠。(人教八下U1) I disagree. I think that Brazil

22、will win next time. 我不同意。我认为下届巴西会夺冠。(人教八下U1) Which movies will win awards next year? 明年哪些电影会获奖?(人教八下U1) What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now? 今后20年青少年将玩什么?(人教八下U1) Self Check自我检测(人教八下U1) 1Fill in the blanks with the words given. 用所给单词填空。(人教八下U1) Then make your own sentences with the

23、words. 然后用这些单词造句。(人教八下U1) 2Read the passage and circle the inventions on the right. 阅读这篇短文并在右边的发明上划圈。(人教八下U1) Predicting the future can be difficult.There are many famous predictions that never came true. 预言未来会很困难。有许多有名的预言从未成为现实。(人教八下U1) Before 1929, there was no sound in movies. 1929年以前,影片中是没有声音的。(

24、人教八下U1) The head of one of the biggest movie companies in the United States predicted that no one would want to see actors talk. 美国一家最大的电影公司的经理预言没有人愿意看到演员说话。(人教八下U1) Of course, he was wrong!In 1977, the head of the largest computer company in the United States said, “No one will want to have a compu

25、ter in his or her home.”当然,他错了。1977年,美国一家最大的电脑公司的经理说“没有人会希望自己家里有台电脑。”(人教八下U1) He thought that computers would never be used by most people. 他认为电脑永远不会被大多数人使用。(人教八下U1) 3Find these words from this unit. 从本单元中找出这些单词。(人教八下U1) Reading阅读(人教八下U1) Do you think you will have your own robot? 你认为你会拥有自己的机器人吗?(人教

26、八下U1) Section 1Before You Read 第一部分读前(人教八下U1) PAIRWORK小组活动(人教八下U1) 1aTell your partner what you know about robots. 告诉你的同伴关于机器人你了解多少。(人教八下U1) Describe your idea of a robot. 描述你对机器人的观点。(人教八下U1) Say what it looks like and what it can do. 说说它的外形和用途。(人教八下U1) 1bRead the title of the passage. Then circle t

27、he words and phrases you think you will read. 读文章的题目。然后圈出你认为你会读到的单词和短语。(人教八下U1) Compare your predictions with your partner. 把你的预测和同伴比较一下。(人教八下U1) Section 2While You Read 第二部分 读中(人教八下U1) Reading strategy: Look at the title and picture, and predict what you will read about. 阅读策略:看题目和图片,并预测一下你将读到的内容。(人

28、教八下U1) This helps you get ready to acquire new information. 这将有助于你准备好获取新的信息。(人教八下U1) Do you think you will have your own robot? 你认为你会拥有自己的机器人吗?(人教八下U1) In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. 在一些科幻电影中,人们在未来拥有自己的机器人。(人教八下U1) These robots are just like humans.They h

29、elp with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs. 这些机器人就和人类一样。他们帮助人类做家务,并且做一些最让人讨厌的工作。(人教八下U1) Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. 有些科学家相信未来会有这样的机器人。(人教八下U1) However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. 然而,他们也都同意这可能还需要几百年的时间。(人教八下U1) Scientists are now t

30、rying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. 科学家们正设法使机器人看起来像人类,并且做与我们同样的事情。(人教八下U1) Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance.This kind of robot will also be fun to watch. 日本的公司已经可以让机器人走路和跳舞。这种机器人看着也很有趣。(人教八下U1) But robot scientist James White disagrees. 但机器人科

31、学家詹姆斯怀特却不这样看。(人教八下U1) He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. 他认为要让机器人像人类一样做同样的事情很难。(人教八下U1) For example, it s easy for a child to wake up and know where he or she is.例如,要让一个小孩醒来并知道自己在哪里很容易。(人教八下U1) Mr White thinks that robots won t be able to do this. 怀特先生

32、认为机器人就无法做到这一点。(人教八下U1) But other scientists disagree. 但其他一些科学家却不同意。(人教八下U1) They think that robots will be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years. 他们认为机器人在25到50年后就可以和人类交谈了。(人教八下U1) Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. 机器人科学家们不仅仅致力于让机器人看起来像人类(的研究)。(人教八下U1) For ex ample, there are already robots working in factories. 例如,现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。(人教八

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