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六下英语Lesson 3 Lets Play教案.docx

1、六下英语Lesson 3 Lets Play教案2016年六下英语Lesson 3 Lets Play教案 Lessn 3 Lets Pla!一、教学内容:1能听说读写词汇basetball, tr, heav, diffiult, eas, hand;2能听说并理解词汇thr、ath 和hit。3熟练运用句型Theis light/heav This is t eas/diffiult能准确运用短语thr/ath the basetball, hit the ball以及句型Let e tr等描述运动的过程。二、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step Iaring-up1 Gree

2、tingsT: Gd rning hildrenS: Gd rning, Susan2 出示各种趣味运动的图片T: This is a plagrund There is an interesting sprts eeting here Lets en itT: The are plaing sprts D u en the sprt eeting?hat sprt d u ant t pla? T: Lets pla tgetherAre u read ?点出本的标题,并板书1 与教师进行问候Ss: Gd rning, teahers 2学生欣赏图片,营造趣味运动会的氛围,激活学生已知的运动

3、项目,并说一说:Ss:I ant t pla basetball/badintn/ftball/vlleball/ping-pngSs: es I read师生问候,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围。运用图片直观的营造趣味运动会的大情景,同时复习常见的几种运动形式。并自由交流中激发学生主动参与的热情,为本的学习奠定情感基础。Step IINe nept 1教授 light和heavT: Guess hat I ant t pla I ant t pla ping-pngI an pla ping-png lie this(托球)an I pla basetball lie this?Let e tr u

4、h I ant pla it h nt?Sh e ur hands Hld the PPT 出示天平,引出light 和heav。纠音。T: hat abut the shuttle and the ftball? H abut the paper and the des?T: hat else is light? hat else is heav?2 教授thr和athT: The basetball is heav I ant pla it h an teah e t pla basetball? Please sh usT: He bunes the ball and thrs it t

5、 e I an thr the ball t an u thr it t e?TPR引出thr,纠音。T: Heres an interesting event Thr the balls int the baseth ants t tr?(两组各选一名学生扔球) T: This is ur baset This is urs thers, lap ur hands and saThr the ballRead? GT: Let e see h is the inner? Teais better lap ur hands fr theT: L I thring the ball _, ath

6、 the ballu thr, I ath领读ath。TPR, 区分thr和athPla a gae: Ht ballT: uld u lie t pla? This is the send event Thr and ath the ball in 10 sendsFirst all his r her nae then sa ath the ball Read? G_, ath the ball3 教授eas和diffiultT: an u thr and ath the ball?Its 引出eas 纠音hat an u d?hat is eas?Listen and iitate:出示

7、问题:T: an Dann ath the ball? an Dann thr the ball? Is it eas fr Dann? Please listen and iitate he the ansers:an Dann ath the ball?an Dann thr the ball?h nt?Is it eas fr Dann?教授diffiult。 纠音,领读hat ant u d?hats diffiult? 4 Plaing ping-pngT: (出示图片)Dann an nt thr the basetball an he thr the ping-png ball?

8、 D u pla ping-png lie this?教授hit 领读。an Dann hit the ping-png ball? Listen and iitate T: here des Dann hit? Des Dann hurt?T: L I hitting the ball D u ant t pla? This is the third event Hit the ball t the all h ants t tr?Lets unt H an ties des he hit?学习新词(预设)S: ping-pngSs: N Ss: The basetball is heav

9、The ping-png ball is light学生掂一掂,感受一下light和heav。并说一说。Theis light Theis heavS: The shuttle is lightThe ftball is heavS: The paper is lightThe des is heav学生说一说身边的事物什么轻,什么重。Theis light The is heav2 学习thr和ath请一名学生展示如何打篮球。 学生听令反应,初步理解词的含义。学生跟读thr。两名学生到前面扔球,其他学生拍手说Thr the ball看哪个学生扔进的球多,就为胜。学生识读ath学生根据老师的动

10、作指令进行反应。计时接传球的游戏。在规定的时间内看一看哪组在10秒之内接传球的人多。3 学习eas和diffiultSs: es I an thr the ball I an ath the ball跟读,操练eas想一想,说一说:I an Its eas fr e学生带着问题听录音模仿跟读,回答问题。 S: N, he ant S: N, he ant S: Beause the basetball is heavS: N Its diffiult 学生跟读,然后ne b ne操练Ss学生根据自己的生活体验进行表达。I ant Its diffiult4 学习Plaing ping-pngS

11、s:N e hit the ping-png ball学生听录音,并跟读。S: N, He ant hit the ping-png ballSs: He hits his handS: es, he sas He is sad/pr每组一名学生往墙上击球,看谁击中的次数多。其他学生数一数,并说一说He hits ties从认识运动器材入手,为话题的开展做铺垫。开拓学生的思维,在找一找、说一说的任务中运用新词light和heav。在趣味运动会的大情景中设计小的活动或游戏,边玩边运用语言,进而达到巩固thr和ath的目的。此活动旨在通过阅读,理解语境,并在语言的使用过程中加深对eas和diffi

12、ult的理解。 通过TPR和图片呈现,帮助学生理解和运用hit。Step IIIPratie and PrdutinEn the sprtsT: Sprts are fun Here is anther interesting event Lets en it hat d the pla? H d the pla it?T: ath the basetball2 Grup rT: hat an interesting event! L There are an balls in the lassr u an use the t pla an u design an interesting ev

13、ent Tal abut h t pla and sa it in English N hinese u an use the e sentenes Then pla it ith ur partners En ur sprts3 Lets plaT: uld u lie t sh?1 学生欣赏视频,为后面的小组合作做铺垫。S: The pla ping-pngS: The thr the ping-png ball int the baset2小组合作学生三人一组,讨论并设计自己的趣味运动项目,和同伴说一说,玩一玩。3学生展示自己的趣味运动项目。在活动运用本学到的语言,在实践中达到语言的综合运用。通过说一说、演一演的活动任务,帮助学生运用本的语言进行交流。实现语言的综合运用。StepIV HerListen and iitate the text2 D exerise n Page 7 将堂上谈论的内容落实到玩、写,巩固对知识的掌握。板书设计: Lessn 3 Lets Pla!

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