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本文(牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Lets play sports知识点复习教案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Lets play sports知识点复习教案.docx

1、牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Lets play sports知识点复习教案牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Lets play sports!知识点复习教案1、知识点解析知识点1:Lets play sports !用法解析:let型祈使句 (P18)Lets celebrate!这是由let引导的祈使句,祈使句是英语的基本句型之一,这个句式常用来表示说话人的建议、请求、命令等。它的句型是“let+人称代词宾格+动词原形”,即“let+sb+do+sth”。注:lets和let us略有不同,“lets+动词原形”结构表示祈使对象包括说话人和听话人双方在内,而“let us+动词

2、原形”结构表示请求对方允许自己(第一人称复数)做某事时,这里的us不包含听话人在内,不能缩写。例:Lets go and see our English teacher. Let me help you find it. Let us help you move the desk.用法拓展:let型祈使句的否定形式分两种:(1)含第三人称主语的祈使句的否定形式在句首加dont。(2)含第一人称主语的祈使句的否定式不再句首加dont,而是用“let +sb+not+do”例:Dont let him in. Lets not laugh at her.例题训练:Lets _ for a walk

3、, shall we? go B. going C. go D. goes答案:C知识点2: Eddie, do you like any sports?(P18)用法解析:(1) like vt. 反义词是 dislike 不喜欢like sth./sb. 喜欢某物/某人(表泛指用复数)I like dogs.(泛指)He doesnt like his doing sth.喜欢做某事(表示人的兴趣、爱好及经常性的活动)I like playing the violin, but today I like to play football. 我喜欢拉小提琴(

4、经常的,爱好),但是今天我想踢足球。(偶然性)like to do sth.喜欢做某事(表示偶然的、一次性的活动,类似 want to do sth.)(2) sport 此处为可数名词,意为“体育运动”例:Tennis is a popular sport. sport不可数名词,表示体育运动的总称He likes sport not music. 他喜欢运动,不喜欢音乐。可数名词,表示“(某项)运动”Football is an exciting sport.足球是一项令人兴奋的运动。例题训练:1. 一What _do you like better?Basketball Afood Bs

5、ubject Csport Dmusic2.Bill, whats your sisters favourite_?She likes volleyball best.A. food B. colour C. sport D. movie答案:1. C 2. C知识点3:Yes, I like walking. (P18)用法解析:walking 名词,“散步,行走”(动词+ing 变成名词,也叫动名词),动词形式为 walk, 意为“走,步行”例:Walking in the morning is good for people. walk动词,“走,步行,”可与on foot 进行同义句转

6、换He walks to school every day.= He goes to school on foot every day.可数名词,“走,步行”,尤指为娱乐或运动所做的“散步”,常构成短语take/have a walk 散步go for a walk 去散步go out for a walk 出去散步例题训练:1. 她非常喜欢散步_ 2. My parents like_(散步)after supper.答案:1. She likes walking very much. 2. walking知识点4:really? adv. (副词) (P18)用法解析:(1)真正地,真实地

7、: 例:Im not really surprised.我事实上不感到惊讶。Her father didnt really love her. (2)真的吗?(表语气):例:Oh, really? (3)really的对应形容词为real。例题训练:1. This book is_(确实)interesting. Would you like to read it?2. This isnt a _(真实的)story.答案:1. really 2. real知识点5: I walk to my bowl many times a day. (P18)用法解析:(1)time 在此作可数名词,意

8、为“次,回”例:How many times can you jump up and down in one minute?time作不可数名词时意为“时间”例:Its time for me to go to bed.times作名词的用法: 意为“次数”,例:Dont be late next time.I have been to Beijing three times. 意为“倍,乘”。例:Three times five is fifteen。Yours is ten times the size of mine. 意为“时代,时期”。例:Mr White was head of t

9、he school in my times when I was there.(2)walk to 步行去,走向=go to.on foot 例 :They always walk to school together. (3)many times a day 一天很多次例题训练:How many_(次)a week do you play basketball?答案:times知识点6:The Class 1, Grade 7 students are writing about their favourite sports. (P18)用法解析:(1) the Class 1, Grade

10、 7 students 意为“七年级一班的学生”,相当于the students from/of Class 1,Grade 7(2)write about 写关于 例:What do you want to write about? (3) favourite favourite在本句中是形容词,只作定语,修饰名词,意为“最喜欢的”。例:Whats your favourite color? My favourite color is red.也可答Red is my favourite color. favourite还可作名词,意为“最喜欢的人或物”,含义相当于like best。例:

11、English is my favourite.(=I like English best.)注意:一定要用所有格形式。 例:大卫最喜欢的电影 Davids favourite film 他爸爸最喜欢的书 his fathers favourite book例题训练:1.他们最爱的运动_2.The students are talking about their _(最喜欢的)films.答案:1. their favourite sport 2.favourite知识点7: I enjoy swimming.(P19)用法解析:enjoy vt. 享受的乐趣;喜爱,喜欢,欣赏,后加名词或动名

12、词例:He enjoyed the food very much. / They enjoyed her singing./ He enjoys swimming. enjoyment n. 享受,乐趣,享有用法拓展:enjoy,like和love的用法区别 (1)相同点:enjoy,like和love都有“喜爱”的意思,后面都接动名词,在口语中三个可以通用。(2)区别:like仅表示喜欢,没有多少感情色彩,而love则是热爱,比like表达的语气和感情都强烈;enjoy本身有使人感到快乐的意思,有喜爱到是一种享受的含义;like与love既可用于like/love doing sth,也可用

13、于like/love to do sth,但enjoy后只跟动名词,即enjoy doing sth。例:He enjoys singing.Did you enjoy yourself at the weekend?例题训练:Kate enjoys _in this river in summer.A. swim B. swimming C. football D. playing volleyball答案:B知识点8:关于talk 的用法, talk vi. (P19)talktalk about sb./sth. 谈论某人/某物They are talking about that ma

14、 to sb. 与某人谈话,强调单向的,另一方不一定讲话I am talking to Tom.(强调I单方面的对Tom 在谈话)Dont talk to me while I am with sb. 与某人谈话,强调双向的,两人都说话I am talking with Tom.(强调I和Tom在相互谈话)知识点9:I often play football after school. What about you?(P19)用法解析:play football 踢足球; after school 放学后What about? = How about?

15、意为“怎么样?”后接名词、代词或动名词,用来询问有关情况、提出建议或征求意见等。例:I went to the Summer Palace yesterday. What about you? What about some noodles? What about going out for a walk? 知识拓展:用来提出建议或征求意见的句型有:Lets + v. 让我们 Shall we + v. 我们好吗?Why not + v. 为什么不? What/How about + v. ing / n. 怎么样?知识点10:I go swimming every week.(P19)用法解

16、析:go+doing构词法“go + 动名词”表示去“去做某事”,常用于从事某一体育运动或休闲娱乐运动。此处,动名词前不加任何修饰词。 go dancing 去跳舞 go climbing 去爬山go swimming 去游泳 go hiking 去徒步旅行go walking 去散步 go boating 去划船go fishing 去钓鱼 go sailing 去航行知识拓展:“do + some+ 动名词”,动名词做do 的宾语,前面通常加some,也表示做某事。do some shopping do some reading do some running do some cleani

17、ng do some washing 知识点11:足球运动员:football player 足球明星:football star (P20)用法解析:player 可数名词,意为“运动员”,它是由动词play + 后缀-er 构成。知识拓展:(1)动词+ 后缀-er 构成名词:teach(教) teacher(教师),write(写) writer(作者)(以e结尾,加r) sing(唱歌) singer(歌唱家),read(读) reader(读者) (2)动词+ 后缀-or构成名词: act(表演) actor (男演员),visit (参观) visitor (参观者) invent

18、(发明) inventor (发明家)(3)在英语构词中,动词加-er或-or变成名词,表示该动作的执行者,此时多指男性;若是女性,要加男)演员 actress (女)演员 waiter (男)服务员 waitress (女)服务员例题训练:Lin Shuhao is one of the best basketball _in NBA.A. actors B. players C. waiters D. writersHow many _ (成员)are there in a basketball team?答案:1. B 2. players知识点12:He is

19、a new member of Huanghe Football Club.(P20)用法解析:member :可数名词,意为“成员”, a member of:中的一员例:He is a member of the family. 例题训练:I really like sports. I want to join a Sports _(俱乐部)答案:club知识点13:He comes from Guangzhou, but now he lives in Beijing. (P20)用法解析:live vi. 意为“住,居住”, come from 来自live in + 表示地点的名词意

20、为“住在某处”; live with + 某人,表示“和某人住在一起”例:David lives in Beijing ,but he doesnt live with his parents. 例题训练: _does Li Mei live? She _in Yangzhou.A. When; lives B. Where; live C. Where; lives D. How; live答案:C知识点14:He looks very strong and plays football very well.(P20)用法解析:(1)look 此处意为“看上去,看起来”,用作连系动词,即相当

21、于 be 动词,后接名词或形容词做表语。例: You look sad. The hat looks like a cat. (2)well 副词,修饰动词或形容词,放在所修饰词后,well对应的形容词good例题训练:1. 一How old is your mother?一She is 40 years oldBut she_(看起来)very young2. Can you _my clothes when I play basketball, Millie?Of course.A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look like答案:1. l

22、ooks 2. B知识点15:It makes him happy. 它(音乐)使他快乐。(P20)用法解析:(1)make用作实义动词 意“制造,制作,做”例:My mother can make dumplings. 意为“整理,布置”例: She makes the bed every morning.(2)make用作使役动词,意思是“使,使得”。一般用于“make+宾语+宾补”这种结构中,常用的句型:A. make +sb/sth +adj,意为“使某人或某事物处于某种状态”。例: The good news makes me happy.B. make +sb/sth +省略to的

23、动词不定式,意为“使某人或某物作某事”。(相同用法的单词还有:have, let 等)例:Our English teacher often makes us retell the texts. My mother made me do my homework everyday. We made him our monitor.(后加名词)用法拓展:make构成短语:make a decision 做出决定make up ones mind 下决心make a face/faces 做鬼脸make friends with sb 和某人交朋友make sure 确信,确定make money

24、赚钱例题训练:1)他想做一辆小汽车。He wants to _.2)他的话让小女孩笑了(laugh)。His words _ the little girl _.3)这个小男孩会整理床铺。That little boy can _.答案:1) make a car; 2) make,laugh; 3) make the bed 知识点16: Many people like him.(P20)用法解析:people集合名词,意为“人们;人民”。作主语时,看做复数。people的单复数泛指“人民”“人们”时,是单数形式,当作复数Were there many people at the meet

25、ing? 指“民族”“(一个国家的)人民”时,可有单数和复数两种形式The Chinese people is a hard-working and brave one. The peoples of Africa are awakening .知识点17:He also enjoys listening to music.(P20)用法解析:听音乐:listen to musicalso adv. 意为“也”,通常用于实义(行为)动词前,be 动词(连系动词)和助动词后。例:He is also a student. also三者都意为“也, 也是”用于肯定句中,位置通常在句中,比too更正

26、式I also like this book.too用于肯定句中,位置通常在句末,前面常用逗号隔开。在简略回答中,too 常置于人称代词宾格后。-Tom likes music and Mary does, too.- Me, too. either用于否定句中,位置在句末,前面用逗号隔开。I dont understand French, and he doesnt ,either. (2)enjoy vt. 喜爱;享受的乐趣,后接动词的-ing 形式,不能接动词不定式。例: I enjoy working with you very much. (3)enjoy oneself “玩得开心

27、,过得愉快”,相当于 have fun/ have a good time例: Do you enjoy yourself at the party? =Do you have fun/ have a good time at the party? 例题训练:1. 一Do you know Li Hua? 一YesHe is _(也)a player of our team2 .Does your father enjoy_ basketball games on TV?Yes,_ A. watch; very much B. watching; very much C. to watch;

28、very D. to watch; very much答案:1. also 2. B 知识点18: in ones free time(P20)用法解析:free adj. 空闲的,业余的 反义词为 busy (繁忙的) 名词为 freedom (自由) 免税的,免费的 例:The breakfast is free in this hotel.例题训练:1. I have many things to do today. I am not _(空闲的)2. What do you usually do in your_ time?I usually_ A. some; play badmin

29、ton B. every; play football C. free; play table tennis D. busy; go swimming答案:1. free 2. C知识点19: Li Hua wants to play in the next World Cup.(P20)用法解析:want 动词,意为“想,想要”,与would like 同义,后可以接名词或动词不定式(1) want sth. 想要某物例 :They want good jobs. (2)want to do sth. 想(要)做某事,这里的to do是不定式短语,作want的宾语。 同义短语feel lik

30、e doing sth. 例: I want to go to Beijing tomorrow. = I feel like going to Beijing tomorrow. (3)want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事,否定式为want sb. not to do sth. 意为“不想要某人做某事”例: His wife wanted him to repair the car. 例题训练:You are so busy. What do you want me _for you? B. does C. to do D. doing 答案:C知识点20: I hope his dream comes true.(P20)用法解析:1.

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