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Glossary 词汇表.docx

1、Glossary 词汇表Glossary 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)scheming惯耍阴谋的;诡计多端的to worm (her) way into (something)慢慢钻进了(什么地方)insecure没有安全感to feel trapped被困住了to uncover被发现了to be showered with被大量给予(某物)to be dumped被抛弃了a constitutional crisis宪法危机widespread criticism多方的批评to renounce声明放弃to thrive大量生长to absorb汲取,吸收to be vulner

2、able to容易受到伤害的ultraviolet rays紫外线to feed off靠吃来生存to withstand承受a protective amino acid保护性氨基酸to pass up the food chain传递食物链to work out研究出a tablet片剂Be Late for School! 上学迟到了! 英语学习点: School Vocabulary 与学校相关的词语 Drriinnggg! Thats the sound kids up and down the country do not want to hear the alarm bell.

3、The school year has just started and children across the UK have to wake up bright and early to go to school. But students at one school in north-east England can lie in for an extra hour before they go to school. Kids can now have a lie in on school days. Monkseaton High School has been allowing it

4、s pupils to come into school an hour later than other schools. The headmaster, Dr Paul Kelley, says that this approach helps students pay more attention in class. He feels that young people are more productive later on in the day and that a late start may be better for their school career than an ea

5、rly one. Dr Kelley told the BBC that teenagers dont function very well in the morning and their need to sleep is biological. It seems that this novel approach to teaching shows positive results. The school has already seen a drop in the number of pupils playing truant by 27%. More importantly, Dr Ke

6、lley also said that exam results have improved by 20-30% over the past year. Lessons at Monkseaton High School begin at 10am and finish at 3.40pm; however, the school opens from 8am to 5pm.bright and early 明亮的大清早儿lie in 躺在床上Sealed with a Kiss 吻之展 英语学习点: Kissing Vocabulary 有关吻的词汇 Get your gob in gear

7、 for a night! That was the invitation to a recent event in London celebrating the art of kissing. People were asked to put on lip gloss, press their mouths against a piece of card and then write a message describing a memorable smacker. One woman mentioned her experience of giving a peck on a babys

8、cheek. William and Catherine: Was this the kiss of 2011? Another moaned about a sloppy kiss she had received from a new boyfriend. Anthropologists suggest the origins of the snog arent romantic: in primitive times mothers chewed food and gave it to their babies mouth-to-mouth. Today, kissing etiquet

9、te varies according to local customs. In some countries people will greet you with one peck, in others with two or more. In France, they are so keen on kissing that they have even got a smacker named after them: the French kiss. Thats the one where tongues get busy. But in India a smooch in public c

10、ould land you in jail. In Germany, you wont be giving your freedom the kiss-off but an inappropriate snog could be the kiss of death for your promotion. The Knigge Society says the practice of greeting work colleagues with a kiss is uncomfortable for many Germans. The longest continuous snog ever re

11、corded lasted for more than 46 hours. A Thai couple locked lips in a special event in the beach resort of Pattaya. But what about Britain? Well, we Brits are much less shy than we used to be about kissing in public, but not everyone is keen. In particular, air kissing is seen as an affectation of th

12、e rich and beautiful classes. You can even refer to such people as mwahs, which is the sound of a kiss: Darling! Mwah!a gob (俚语)嘴lip gloss 唇彩a smacker (俚语)响亮的吻a peck (俚语)轻吻a sloppy kiss 心不在焉,草率的亲吻a snog (英式俚语)长时间的接吻a French kiss 法式接吻(舌头伸入对方口中)a smooch 浪漫地亲吻并拥抱在一起to give something the kiss-off (俚语)直接

13、说不要什么东西了the kiss of death 死亡之吻to lock lips 亲吻air kissing空吻affectation 矫揉造作、装模做样a mwah (原意指亲脸颊发出的声音)一个无诚意的有钱社交名流英语学习点: Physics Vocabulary 物理词汇 Could Time Travel Be Real? 时空穿梭成真? A discovery in the last week has turned physics on its head. A team of scientists have said that they recorded subatomic pa

14、rticles called neutrinos travelling faster than light. No-one thought that was possible. It is a finding that could overturn one of Einsteins long-accepted fundamental laws of the Universe. Doctor Who is a time-travelling character in a popular BBC TV science-fiction series The finding was made by r

15、esearchers at Cern in Switzerland and Gran Sasso in Italy. The speed of light is a cornerstone in Einsteins theory of special relativity, which is what gives us the concept of causality: causes precede effects. Among the implications of this challenge to mainstream theory is the fact that it could m

16、ean time travel is possible, a hypothesis that has long convinced writers of science fiction. But the experiment has its sceptics. A physicist from the University of Surrey, Jim Al-Khalili, believes that the current consensus is correct and that the light-speed barrier is impossible to surpass. He h

17、as tried to pick holes in the methodology of the Cern researchers. So sure is Al-Khalili that they have made an error in their measurements that he has decided to defend the laws of physics by challenging the laws of social convention. Al-Khalili said: If the Cern experiment proves to be correct I w

18、ill eat my boxer shorts on live TV. to turn something on its head 完全改变 subatomic particle 次原子粒子 to overturn 推翻 long accepted 长期被认可的 cornerstone 基石 theory of special relativity 狭义相对论 the concept of causality 因果关系的概念 implications 影响,含义,推断 mainstream theory 主流理论 time travel 时空穿梭 hypothesis 假设 science f

19、iction 科幻小说 experiment 实验 sceptic 怀疑论者 current consensus 当前的共识 the light-speed barrier 光速障碍 overcome 克服 to pick holes in something 寻找漏洞 methodology 方法论,方法学 social convention 社会惯例,常规The Silver Smokescreen! 银幕与烟幕英语学习点: Film Vocabulary 电影词语Heres looking at you kid!Lights, camera, action! When we go to

20、the cinema we sometimes experience scenes that reflect reality. But does the imagery affect our behaviour?A new study has found that teenagers who see actors smoking on screen are more likely to take it up.5,000 15 year olds in the UK were questioned and many said seeing blockbuster films that depic

21、t smoking would encourage them to light up.This research by Bristol University looked at the potential influence of some of the 360 top US box office films released between 2001 and 2005 that showed smoking, such as Spider-Man and The Matrix.Now some experts are calling for a change in film certific

22、ation so the under-18s are unable to see actors smoking on the silver screen.Dr Andrea Waylen, who led the research, said We saw a linear relationship between adolescent smoking and the number of films they had seen depicting smoking.In the UK, films with ratings U (universal) or PG (parental guidan

23、ce) ban scenes showing drug misuse but not cigarette smoking.But is seeing the lead puffing on a cigarette really glamorising smoking? If so, would the motion-picture industry have to re-think what goes in every scene from the start to the end credits?Simon Clark, director of the smokers group Fores

24、t, said: We go to the cinema to escape from the nanny state what next? Should government reclassify films that feature fat people as well in case they are bad role models?lights, camera, action! 灯光,开拍,动作!imagery 想象中的blockbuster 畅销大片depict 表现,刻画box office 票房film certification (针对观众年龄的)电影限制规定the silve

25、r screen 银幕ratings 评级PG (parental guidance) 家长指导级the lead 领衔主演glamorising 潇洒的motion-picture 电影scene 场面the end credits 影片末尾的演员表reclassify 重新划定role models 榜样Take Away English 随身英语 Reap What you Sow! 园艺在英国盛行 英语学习点: Gardening Vocabulary 和园艺有关的词汇 Odd things are happening to Brits. we seem to be developin

26、g green fingers! The number of people growing their own fruit and veg has almost doubled in the past year, according to Gardeners World magazine. Gardens and allotments across the UK have been put to use as people discover the joys of home-grown produce. Brits are developing green fingers! But not e

27、veryone has space for a vegetable patch or a flowerbed. And sometimes a window box just isnt enough of a gardening challenge. Thats why some people have been turning to guerrilla gardening. This is when people plant flowers or vegetables in public spaces to make them greener and more pleasing to the

28、 eye. Many people would approve of prettifying towns and cities, but guerrilla gardening is not strictly legal. Therefore, this type of gardening often takes place in the dead of night. But the stereotype of the keen gardener is not someone who wears combat boots and breaks the law. It is of someone

29、 who wears wellies and spends all their time in greenhouses and potting sheds. We expect such a person to know every aspect of how to tend and cultivate their plants. Yet, despite the increase in people growing their own, more than half of the UK population still do not know when 18 out of the top 2

30、2 fruit and vegetables are in season, according to Gardeners World. It seems that Britain still has some way to go before we can justifiably be called a nation of reap what one sows 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 to have green fingers 形容有园艺才华的人 fruit and veg 蔬果 allotment 英(划成小块出租的)菜地 home-grown 自家种植 produce

31、 农作物 vegetable patch 菜地 flowerbed 花坛 window box 放在窗台上的长花盆 guerrilla 游击队式的 to prettify something 美化某物 the dead of night 深夜 wellies 雨靴 greenhouse 温室 potting shed 盆栽棚 to tend something 照顾某物 to cultivate something 培养某物 to grow ones own 种植自己的蔬菜和水果 in season 当季的 a nation of gardeners 园艺大国Web Words Hit Dictionaries 网络词录入字典 英语学习点: New Words in the Dictionary 字典新词 The web-savvy amongst you will know that just

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