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1、英语论文写作1练习题库写作练习测试题库I. Revise the following sentences. The problems of the sentences have already been pointed out. For the revision of some of the sentences, please follow the directions after them. 1.The most popular animal oil for perfume today is musk. Although some people dislike its heavy, swee

2、t odor. (fragment)2. The earliest historical documents from the Middle East record the use of fragrances. Not only in religious ceremonies but also on the body. (fragment)3. The baboon stared at his challenger. Poised for combat.(fragment) 4. The animals acted out a rivalry. Which mystified their ke

3、epers.(fragment)5. The challenger was a newcomer. Who was unusually fierce.(fragment)6. She backed closer and closer to the end of the diving board. At last falling into the water. (fragment)7. People waving flags and cheering. Lined the streets for the parade. (fragment)8.Many pine trees bear large

4、 cones. Which appear in August. (fragment)9. Petric is not a nurse, she is a doctor. (comma splice) 10. She did well in college her average was 3.9. (comma splice)11. The ship was huge, its mast stood thirty feet high. (comma splice) 12.Chemistry has contributed much to our understanding of foods, m

5、any foods such as wheat and beans can be produced in the laboratory. (comma splice) 13.Some laboratory-grown foods taste good, they are nutritious. (comma splice) 14. The vitamins are adequate, the flavor is deficient. (comma splice) 15.Rain had fallen steadily for sixteen hours, many basements were

6、 flooded. (comma splice)16.Cattle, fermented beverages, and rare shells have served as money, each one had actual value for the society. (comma splice)17. Sports fans still admire Pete Rose, Babe Ruth, and Joe Namath even though they could not be perfect. (unclear reference)18. When Catherine I beca

7、me empress of Russia at age forty, they feared more than loved her. (unclear reference)19. To keep birds from eating seeds, soak them in blue food coloring.(unclear reference)20. Employees should consult with their supervisor who require personal time.(unclear reference)21. Jody found a dress in the

8、 attic that her aunt had worn.(unclear reference)22. She told my sister that she was wrong.(unclear reference)23. The workers removed all the furniture from the room and cleaned it. (unclear reference)24.Juliet Noble told Susan Torre that she was mistaken. (unclear reference)25. Questions are asked

9、by the students when they do not understand the professor. (shift)26. If students learn how to study efficiently, much better grades will be made on tests. (shift)27. If you feel the car skidding, the brakes should be released and the wheel should be turned into the direction of the skid.(shift)28.

10、An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, you should not plagiarize.(shift)29.Those who wish to take Linguistics are expected to sign his name on this sheet of paper.(shift)30. Students should learn to analyze and solve problems independently. Dont rely on your tea

11、chers help.(shift)31.If one has made errors on the tax form, they might even be audited, thereby delaying a refund even longer. (shift)32. As we looked out over the ocean, ships could be seen in the distance. (shift)33.To aid the American Revolution, service as a mounted courier was chosen by Jackso

12、n. (dangling modifier)34. After accomplishing many deeds of valor, Andrew Jacksons fame led to his election to the Presidency in 1828 and 1832. (dangling modifier)35. Looking out of the window, the grassland stretched as far as the eye can reach. (dangling modifier)36. On entering the classroom, the

13、 students stood up and said, Good morning! (dangling modifier)37. To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase.(dangling modifier)38. Listening attentively, a faulty sound was heard.(dangling modifier)39.Though not well educated, a successful career as a lawyer and j

14、udge proved Jacksons ability. (dangling modifier)40. Impressed with his qualifications, Paul was hired by the printing firm. (dangling modifier)II. Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they read logically. 1) 1.Stuffed under the desk is a woven wastepaper basket overflowing with paper

15、and debris.2.On the right hand side of the room is a narrow closet with clothes, shoes, hats, tennis racquets, and boxes bulging out of its sliding doors.3.As you walk into the room, you are stopped short by my bed which fills half of the room.4.Against the wall on your left, pushed into a corner be

16、hind the head of the bed, is a large bookcase which is crammed with papers, books, and knick-knacks.5.The wall above the bookcase and desk is completely taken up with two small posters. 6.It has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the left end of the room.7.My dormitory room, on the second floo

17、r of Bienville Hall, is small and crowded.8.The two large windows over the bed are hidden by heavy dark gold drapes.9.Every time I walk out of the door, I think, “Now I know what it is like to live in a closet.”10.Wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite the bed is a small gray metal des

18、k.Correct order: ( )2)1.Use three or four of the small logs around the bottom edge to hold the cardboard in place.2.Next, fold some of the cardboard over the paper.3.Then pile the remaining small logs and all the large ones onto the pyramid.4.To build a wood fire that requires minimum tending, you n

19、eed paper, cardboard, kindling, a few small logs, and two or three large logs.5.Finally, light the paper.6.First, you should wad up the paper into a tight ball or roll it into a cylinder and tie it into a loose knot.7.Once the fire is started, it will need only the occasional addition of another log

20、 to keep burning for hours.8.Then lay the kindling over it, forming a pyramid.Correct order: ( )3)1.It was at this point that Paul noticed his own car, rolling slowly down the hill - and going too fast for him to stop it.2.He was so busy chasing his car that he didnt get the name of the driver of th

21、e Rover, who just came out of the supermarket and drove away without realizing what had happened.3.As if this was not bad enough, Paul now finds he has no-one to blame.4.Paul, a salesman from London, was driving past a Rover parked outside a supermarket, when he saw it start to roll slowly down the

22、hill.5.It crashed into a bus at the bottom of the hill, and was so badly damaged that it had to be towed away to a garage.6.Paul Scofield was a smash hit in Guildford yesterday, saving two young girls in a runaway car - but wrecking his own car in the process.7.Another passer-by got into the car and

23、 put on the handbrake, saving the girls from certain injury.8.Inside the car were two young girls on the passenger seat - but no driver.9.Paul stopped quickly, jumped in front of the Rover and tried to stop it, pushing against the front of the car.Correct order: ( )4)1.And her mouth! It is a small m

24、outh that looks delicate and feminine.2.Her thick, wavy, long black hair gracefully falls down to her shoulders and surrounds her exquisite, diamond-shaped face.3.A small black mole on the left side of her nose adds to her beauty.4.Marie is as beautiful as any Hollywood starlet.5.When she smiles, wh

25、ich is often, her well-formed and even, white teeth brighten up her whole face.6.There is nothing but extraordinary beauty in the face of Marie.7.Her lips are rather thin, but not too thin; her light pink lipstick adds another touch of feminine beauty.8.Her eyes are large, but not too large, with th

26、ick eyelashes.9.Her slightly arched chestnut brown eyebrows draw attention to her deep blue eyes, which remind me of a lake on a stormy day.10. Her nose is straight and neither too long nor too short.Correct order: ( )5)Here you have a jumbled paragraph. Re-organize the sentences so that they follow

27、 definite space order.1) As usual Madeline was overdressed. 2) Her hair stuck out from her head in a graying frizz, and black horn-rimmed glasses encircled her eyes. 3) Her white blouse was ruffled at the elbows, and her red dirndl skirt was embroidered with black and white flowers. 4) Every inch of

28、 her seemed to scream for attention.5) Look, from her ears hung red pendant earrings which bobbled as she talked, and about her thick neck was a matching strand of red baubles. 6) On her feet were black patent high heeled sandals. Correct Order: ( )6)1.The monks looked through the books of the monas

29、tery, and these revealed that there had been a Father Anselm there a hundred years before.2.The monk went back to the monastery and found there a doorkeeper whom he did not know and who did not know him.3.The monk had never heard a lark before, and he stood there entranced until the bird and its son

30、g had become part of the heavens.4.Other monks came, and they were all strangers to the monk.5.A monk had wandered into the fields and a lark began to sing.6.The monk told other monks he was Father Anselm, but that was no help.7.Time had been blotted out while the monk listened to the lark.Correct o

31、rder:( )7)1.Secure in its island home, the dodo had lost the power of flight since there were no enemies to fly from.2.The goats ate the undergrowth which provided the dodo with cover; dogs and cats hunted and harried the old birds; while pigs grunted their way round the island, eating the eggs and

32、young, and the rats followed behind to finish the feast.3.Man discovered the dodos paradise in about 1507, and with him came his enemies: dogs, cats, pigs, rats and goats.4.The dodo, the ponderous waddling pigeon, inhabited the island of Mauritius.5.The dodo surveyed these new arrivals with an air of innocent interest.6.By 1681, the fat, ungainly and harmless pigeon was extinct.7.Then the slaughter began.Correct order:(

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