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1、龙阳中学刘丽Unit14第二课时SectionA1a2c 副本Unit 14 Have you packed yet?第二课时: Section A (1a-2c)Learning GoalsEnable the students to grasp the words: bathing suit, towel, water, guidebook, clean out, refrigerator, garage, suitcase. Get the Ss to learn to talk about chores they have done and preparation for a vaca

2、tion. Enable the Ss to know how to talk about recent events. Have everything in readiness before you do it In this way, you can finish it perfectly and have a good time(目标引领,用一段话表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。) Preview一、Look at p110, p111, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looki

3、ng at the text. 1、清除;打扫干净 _ 2、 泳装 _ 3、沙滩浴巾 _ 4、过一会儿_ 5、倒垃圾_ 6、 打包照相机_ 7、把你的衣服放进包里_8、 买张街道地图,_ 9、 旅游手册 _ 10、关掉 _ 11、你关录音机了吗?_? 12、你打包了吗 ? 13、你打包沙滩浴巾了吗?不,我没有。 14、你浇植物了吗?是的,我已经浇过了。 15、我还没有把冰箱清理干净。 16、我已经完成了我的大部分工作。 17、我马上就做。 18、Tina,你准备好了吗?_?二、Put the following into Chinese.1、Have you locked the window

4、s ?_ 2、Have you bought a travel guidebook?_3、But I havent locked the garage yet ._4、I have already put it in my suitcase._5、Have you fed the cat? No. I havent fed her yet._(预习体现了以学生为中心的思想,强调学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教。)Step 1. Before-listening activities1. Warming up and leading in热身导入T: Look at the pict

5、ure, where is it? Can you guess? S: Its T: Yes. I have already been to Have you been to yet? S: Yes, I have./ No, I havent. T: Where have you been? S: I have already been to T: Look at these pictures: TaierzhuangHainanT: Have you ever been to Taierzhuang/ Hainan?S: Yes, I have already been to Taierz

6、huang/ Hainan.S: No, I havent been to Taierzhuang / Hainan yet.(设计意图:通过图片展示老师本人旅游的照片引入本课话题,通过这些图片,导学生谈论曾经的旅游经历,为下文做好铺垫。) Which would you like, a city vacation or a beach vacation?S: Id like a city vacation./ Id like a beach vacation.T: What will you pack if you go on a city vacation/ a beach vacatio

7、n?S: I will pack2. Look at the pictures , what are the three most important things to pack when you go on a beach vacation or a city vacation? Write your ideas belowA beach vacationSightseeing in a city(设计意图:根据一些生动有趣的图片既激发了学生的学习积极性也很自然的引导学生进行讨论,自然生动。)Step 2. Whilelistening activitiesT: Look at this

8、picture, what are these people doing? What will they do? S: They are packing things, and they will go on a vacation.1. Listening for the general idea听取大意(1b)T: What are they talking about? Try to listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.-The main idea of the conversation is to talk about.

9、 -A. the chores they have doneB. the chores they havent doneC. the chores before the vacation2. Listening for the specific ideas听取细节T: Lets listen again. Listen and check( )the chores the people have already done._ packed the camera _ watered the plants_ locked the windows _ bought a travel guideboo

10、k_ bought a street map _ packed the beach towels.3、Listen again and fill in the blanks. Woman: Have you packed the beach _yet? Boy: No, I havent. Cant Judy pack _? Woman: No, shes busy. Could you please _ the plants? Boy: Ive already _ them.Woman: Oh, thanks. Man: What about the _ _ and the street m

11、ap? Woman: Ive already _ the travel guidebook, but I _ got the street map yet. Man: Thats OK. Ill get it. Have you packed the camera? Boy: Yes. Ive already _ it in my suitcase.Woman: Well, I guess thats everything.Boy: Almost everything. We havent _ the windows (设计意图:在听力练习之前让学生先看图片以便能够初步了解听力内容的背景,听力

12、理解一般要先听大意,然后再听细节,初步用听的技能获取、处理和传递所需信息。理解文段后,进行听力模仿,感知英语发音特点,提高口语表达水平。)4.practiceGroupwork.Divide the Ss into groups of three.A acts Woman, B is Boy, C is Man. Have a dialogue. Talk about chores done for a vacation. .Eg: A:Have you packed yet?B: Yes, I have already packed the camera.C: No, I havent. I

13、 havent.yet.5.Listening for the general idea听取大意(2a)T: What are they talking about? Try to listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.-The main idea of the conversation is to talk about. -A. the chores they have doneB. the chores they havent doneC. the chores before leaving(设计意图:让学生总体把握听力内容

14、, 抓住对话重点,为下面的听取细节打好基础。)6. Listening for the specific ideas听取细节(1)Listen. Who said each thing? Write “M” or “T”. Have you fed the cat yet? _What about your bike? _Are you ready, Tina? _Have you turned off your radio? _(2)Number the sentences in the correct order.a. _ Have you fed the cat?b. _ What ab

15、out your bike?c. _Are you ready, Tina?d._ Have you turned off your radio?T: Lets check the answers.(设计意图:听取细节,一定先让学生养成先看题再听的习惯,引导学生练习如何听取关键点。)7. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Boy: Mom and Dad said they want to leave _ _ _ Are you ready, Tina? Girl: No I havent _ _ the refrigerator yet I have

16、to do that right now Boy: Tina! Youre unbelievable What about your bike? Girl: Ive already _ it in the garage But I _ _the garage yet Thats your job, Mark Boy: I know Ive already done _ _my jobs Ive _ _ the trash Girl: Have you _ the cat yet? Boy: Not yet Ill do it in a minute Have you _ _ your radi

17、o? Girl: Yes, I have I think were _ ready (设计意图:再次听取细节,训练学生的听写能力,同时为下面的语言输出提供更多的语言素材。)8. Listen and repeat(设计意图:让学生听并跟读,模仿正确的语音语调,纠正自己的发音错误。锻炼学生的模仿能力,培养学生的英语语感。)Step 3. Post-listening activities1. Pair work.A is Mark, B is Tina . Practice the conversations.A: Tina? Are you ready?B: No I havent. I ha

18、vent yet .A: Have you .?B: Yes, I have .2. Make a survey.The Qingming Festival is coming. Your family will go on a vacation. Try to make a survey in your group, fill in the chart and then give a report.NameWhere will you go?What have you packed?You can report like this:I am going on a vacation this

19、weekend. Before I leave, I have to do some chores. I have packed.And my partner will go to He has packed(设计意图:让学生根据听力内容开展语言实践活动,培养学生运用语言进行交流合作的能力,形成语感,以便在具体情境下开展有效交流。)3. Inquiry into knowledge by translation 观察并翻译下面的句子,体会本课语法。(1)Have you packed the beach towels yet?_?yet adv. 主要用于现在完成时的_和_。意为:_.He h

20、asnt come_. 他还没回来。我们尚未收到他的信。译为:_-工作做完了吗?_-还没有。 _(2)I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet.译为:_clean out清除;把打扫干净, 常指将房屋、庭院、厕所、箱子里的脏物清除出去,打扫干净)e.g. Wed better _ _ the drawers which are full of waste paper.我们最好把装满废纸的抽屉清理干净。She has_ _ the garage.她已经把垃圾打扫干净了。(3)Ill do it in a minute. _。in a minute 立即,

21、马上表达相同意思短语还有:at once / right now/ right away/ in no time/ in a moment(4)Have you fed the cat yet? 译为:_feed _(动物);抚养(家庭)e.g. How often do you feed your dog a day?He has a large family to feed.feed sb. on sth.=feed sth. to sb. 喂给e.g. He feeds the dog on meat. = He feeds meat to the dog.feed on 以为主食;以为

22、生(相当于live on)e.g.Cows feed on hay during winter.牛冬天吃干草。Sheep _ _grass. 羊吃草。The people in the south _ _rice. 南方人以大米为主食。(5)Have you turned off the radio? 你关了收音机吗?turn off关掉(自来水、煤气、收音机等)e.g.离开之前一定要关灯。译为:_请关电视。_打开(自来水、煤气、收音机等)_关掉 _旋大,开大(音量)_旋小,调小(音量)_(设计意图:引导学生在观察和合作学习中发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,形成有效的学习策略,教师在学生讨论无果的地

23、方进行点拨。)The end-of class test 当堂检测一、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。1. Have you packed the b_ suits? We are going to swim in the river. 2. We use t_ to wash our faces every day. 3. We would like to go _( 观光) 4. Have you bought a g_?5.I have just put it in my _(衣箱) 6. The p_ should be watered every day二选择最佳答案.( )1. In

24、the last two years, they_three_major concerts. A. have made B. had had C. made D. have ( )2. Do I need_the room now? A. to be clean B. clean C. to clean D. cleaning ( )3. Mike! Please_your drawer. It s very dirty. A. clean out B. make out C. go out D. get out三、用所给词的适当形式填空.1. I havent _ ( pack ) the

25、history book yet. 2. Have you _ ( feed ) the animals ? 3. Hurry! The train _ ( leave ) in five minutes. 4. Please tell them _ ( not play ) this Sunday. 5. We _ ( meet ) Xiao Wang in the street two days ago. 6. Tom _ ( be ) to China twice. 7. Dont keep us _ ( wait ) so long. 8. Its a sunny day again.

26、 It _ ( not rain ) for quite a long time. 9. There _ ( be ) a talk on modern science tomorrow. 10 Be sure _(lock) the door before you leave教后反思:本节课属于听说课,话题也是学生们比较熟悉和感兴趣的,在教学过程中,我比较注重情境教学,以自己旅游的图片引出本课话题,给学生创设一个情景,让学生在情境中感受语言,从而更好地学习语言;同时,我也关注学生在课堂教学中的参与情况,让尽可能多的学生有发言和说的机会。通过2a,2b的听力训练,使学生学会如何听取大意和细节。

27、通过听力填空和对话练习及调查报告, 让学生进一步理解和巩固听力内容,同时训练学生的英语应用能力。在翻译探究部分,引导学生在观察和合作学习中发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,形成有效的学习策略,从而培养学生的自主学习能力。存在的问题:本节课容量较大,有两个听力内容,又因学生个体差异,导致后面的调查进程略慢,剩余时间不足,做得较仓促。附参考答案:一、Preview1.clean out 2.bathing suit 3.beach towel a minute 5.take out the trash 6.pack the camera 7.put your clothes in the suitcase a street map 9.a travel guidebook 10.turn off 11.Have you turned off your radio?12

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