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高中英语 Unit 17 Disabilities知识精讲 人教版第二册.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 17 Disabilities知识精讲 人教版第二册高二英语第二册 Unit 17 Disabilities人教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 17 Disabilities(一)重点单词(二)重点短语(三)重点句型二. 本周知识精讲:(一)重点单词1. assist vt.帮助;援助 (assisted, assisting, assists)短语assist (sb.)with sth.assist (sb.) in doing sth 帮助某人做某事assist (sb) to do sth.1)Two students assisted the prof

2、essor with the experiment.两个学生帮助教授做这个实验。2)She asked us to assist her in carrying out the plan.她请我们帮她实施那项计划。3)The new mayor assisted us to establish a new company.新市长帮我们成立了一家新公司。assistance n.帮助;协助(be of assistance=help)assistant n.助手;助理1)I cant move the heavy box without your assistance.没有你的帮助,我搬不动这只

3、重箱子。2)Mary was accepted as the assistant of the professor.玛丽作为这位教授的助手被接受。2. adjust vt.调整;调节;使适应;使适合1)Will you adjust this digital camera? It doesnt work well.这个数码相机不好用,请你调一下好吗?2)You can adjust this desk to the height of any child.这桌子可以调整,以适应任何孩子的身高。3)Moving out of the well-lit office, my eyes havent

4、 adjusted to the dark.刚从灯火通明的办公室出来,我的眼睛还不适应黑暗。4)It needs some time for those new students to adjust (themselves)to the life of the school.需要一段时间让新同学适应学校生活。归纳:adjust vt.“调整,调节”,后面直接跟名词,代词作宾语。vi. “调整;适应”常与介词to连用。构成短语adjust (oneself)to3. participate vi.参与;参加;分享 多与介词in连用1)Eighty-seven developing countri

5、es are expected to participate.预计有87个发展中国家参加。2)The women model workers actively participate in local politics.这些女劳模积极参与当地政治。3)I am willing to participate in your suffering.我愿意分担你的痛苦。participation n.参加participant n.参加者1)Now they can seek bigger participation in mainland.现在他们可以在大陆寻求更大的参与机会。2)Though he

6、 has retired, he is an active participant in social work.尽管他已退休,他仍积极参与社会工作。4. accessible adj.可以使用的;可以得到的;能进入的;易受影响的;可以理解的 短语be accessible to sb.某人容易得到A telephone is put where it will be accessible.电话要放在容易拿到的地方。These documents are not accessible to the public.这些文件是大众无法得到的。A manager should be accessib

7、le to his/her staff.经理应该让职员感到平易近人。5. gifted adj.有天赋的;有天资的;有才华的 短语:have a gift for(be gifted in/ at)有的才能They are gifted children.他们是聪慧的儿童。The children are gifted at singing.孩子们有唱歌的天赋。Many thanks for the gift you sent me on my birthday.多谢你们在我过生日时送给我的礼物。The blind man has a gift for recognizing sound.盲人

8、有识别声音的才能。6. ability n.能力;才能 (1)Un.表示“能力,行事能力”I doubt his ability to do the job.我认为他没有做这项工作的能力。(2)表示“有能力做某事或具备做某事的能力”常用“ability to do sth.”一般不用“ability of doing sth.”She has the ability to speak English fluently.她能够流利地说英文。(3)其复数abilities表示“才能;本领;能力”He is a man of many abilities. 他是位多才多艺的人。(4)短语:have

9、ability in doing“有的才干”She has great ability in teaching English.她有教英文的才干。(5)ability的反义词是inability,“没有能力或没有才能”disability“指因先天缺陷或受伤变残而导致的无能”His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage.他不会说法语,这使他很吃亏。Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。Exercises :1. The chief scientist as

10、ked us to_ them in carrying through the plan.A. provide B. encourage C. assist D. persuade2. Can I be of_?Thats what I need.A. assist B. assistance C. assistant D. assisting3. You cant see through the telescope until it_ your eyes.A. adjusted to B. adjusts to C. is adjusted D. is adjusted to4. Adjus

11、ting oneself_ the fire in the army is what you do at the moment.A. for B. at C. by D. to5. More than ten countries_ the Iraq war, which has caused great suffering to the local people.A. attended B. joined C. participated in D. made6. Young people are longing to have opportunities of_ the social acti

12、vities.A. participation B. participating in C. participants D. participating by7. Some of the houses on the hillside are_ to cars.A. inaccessible B. impossible C. inconvenient D. inadequate8. In the classroom he doesnt find a man to ask for help. He has lost all faith in his ability_.A. to succeed B

13、. of success C. to success D. of succeeding答案:1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A(二)重点短语1. She uses a wheelchair to get around and it often takes her a little longer to do everyday things.她用轮椅到处走动,在处理日常事情时,她所花的时间会比其他人稍微多一些。get around vi.(1)到处走动;(消息)传播出去;避开;1) He can get around/about again after

14、the leg operation.腿部手术后,他又可以走动了。2)There is a rumour getting around that the boss has fallen in love with his secretary.有谣传说老板爱上了他的秘书。(2)逃避;绕过某困难;讨好;笼络某人 vt.1)Its wrong of them to get around the tax.他们逃税是错误的。2)We can get around the problem by building a space station.我们可以通过建立太空站来解决问题。3)He is always t

15、rying to get around his heads.他总是设法讨好他的上司们。(3)get的其他短语get along进展;相处 get away离开;离去 get back回来;收回 get by走过;避开 get down to静下心来;处理;开始认真做某事 get in插话;收获 get off下来;出发;动身;脱下 get on乘车;进步;相处 get on with sth继续某事 get out公布;出版 get over越过;克服 get through with完成;通过2. Maybe it is time for the rest of the society to

16、 accept me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be able to walk, there are many other great things I can do.也许是时候让社会上的其他人接受像我这样的人了。他们将会习惯这个事实:虽然我不会走路,但我可以做许多其他的大事。(1)get/be used to sth习惯于某事;适应于某事(to为介词,后加n.;pron& v.-ing)1)The two foreign teachers soon got used to eating with chopsti

17、cks.两名外教很快就习惯用筷子吃饭了。2)Its difficult for me to get/be used to this high-speed way of life.适应这种快节奏的生活方式对于我来说很难。(2)used to do sth.过去常常干某事(现在不再干)There used to be a lot of trees around the villages.过去这些村庄的周围有很多树。(3)be used to do sth.被用来做某事Wood can be used to make furniture and build houses.木材能用来做家具和建房屋。(

18、4)Its no use doing sth.做没用There is no need to regret for what has happened. Its no use crying over spilt milk.没有必要后悔所发生的事情,哭也于事无补。课文里的其他短语:3. win/receive an rewards for 获奖4. achieve/reach ones goal in life达到生活目标5. realize ones dream实现梦想6. make a contribution to society为社会做贡献7. live with忍受;与共存8. deve

19、lop ones potential发挥某人的潜力9. gain self-confidence获得自信10. have sympathy for sb.同情某人Exercises :1. All the snow and ice make it difficult for old people to_ very well.A. get around B. turn away C. pick up D. take off2. I have no formal clothes for the occasion. Perhaps I can _ in a dark suit.A. get arou

20、nd B. get down C. get by D. get at3. The new secretary has lived here for more than three weeks and she_the life here.A. has got used to B. gets used to C. was used to D. is getting used to4. He_ go to work by bus, but now he _riding a bicycle to work.A. used to; used to B. used to; is used to C. is

21、 used to; used to D. is used to; is used to5. I_ to be quite afraid to live in that country, but now I have_ to the life there.A. used; been used B. used; used C. was used; got used D. get used; been used(三)重点句型1. but I wish they wouldnt treat me as if I were a child.但是我希望他们不要把我看成小孩子。wish that但愿;要是就

22、好了We wish it were spring all year round.要是一年到头都是春天就好了。I wish the committee would be set up tomorrow.但愿委员会明天就成立。I wish I had seen the Foreign Minister at the press meeting yesterday.我要是昨天在记者招待会上见到外交部长就好了。归纳:wish后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,表示未能实现或不能实现的愿望,即与现实相反的主观设想。与现在相反时从句中用一般过去时形式;与过去相反时,从句中使用“had+过去分词”;与将来事实相反时,

23、从句中用“would/could/might/should+动词原形”。拓展:与wish相同的句型:(1)If only句型中也用虚拟语气表示“要是多好”。与现在事实相反时,动词用过去时形式;与过去事实相反时,动词用“had+过去分词”;表示与将来事实相反时,动词用“would/could/might/should+动词原形”If only I had more time to think about this problem.我要是能有更多的时间考虑这个问题就好了。If only I hadnt lost my wallet.我要是没有丢失钱包该多好呀。If only we could gr

24、aduate from university this year.如果我们今年毕业就好了。(2)as if(as though) “似乎;好像”此句型可引导方式状语从句,从句中可用陈述语气表示可能符合事实的情况,也可用虚拟语气,表示与事实不符或与事实相反的情况。a. 表示与现在的事实不符,用一般过去时。The teacher treats the pupils as if they were her own child.这位老师对待这些学生就像她自己的亲生孩子一样。b. 表示与过去事实不相符,用过去完成时。Mary spoke in such a way as if she had grown

25、 up.玛丽说话的方式好像她已经长大了。c. 表示与将来的事实不符,用would/might/could /should+动词原形It looks as if it might rain.天看上去好像要下雨。(不大可能下雨)比较:He looks as if he were young.看样子他好像很年轻。(实际上他不年轻)He looks as if he is young.看样子他好像很年轻。(用陈述语气表示他就是年轻)注意:as if引导的方式状语从句可用省略形式,后面接名词、形容词、副词和介词短语,也可跟分词或不定式。1)The wounded soldier opened his m

26、outh as if to speak.那个受伤的战士张开嘴巴好像要说话。2)His eldest son acted as if a fool.他的大儿子表现得像个傻子。3)The old woman set upon the thief as if mad.那个老妇人发疯似地扑向小偷。4)She talked to the stranger while walking, as if absent-mindedly.她边走边应付着那个陌生人,好像心不在焉。5)He opened the archive, as if in search of some militant information

27、.他打开档案,好像要搜索什么重要军事情报。6)The boy is running impatiently here and there as if searching for something lost on the sports ground.这个男孩子急躁地跑来跑去,好像在找丢在操场上的什么东西。7)The football player is rolling on the ground as if hurt badly in the leg.那个足球运动员在地上滚来滚去,好像是腿部受了重伤。as if 也可引导表语从句,用在look, seem, smell, taste, soun

28、d等联系动词后,可用陈述语气或虚拟语气;如从句表示的情况不是事实,通常用虚拟语气。It looks as if we are going to miss the train.好像我们赶不上火车了。You look as if you were at least ten years younger.你看上去好像至少年轻了十岁。Exercises:1. We wish you _with us, but we know how busy you are.A. would have come B. could come C. could be coming D. had come 2. How I

29、wish I_ you about the good news earlier.A. could tell B. had told C. will tell D. have told3. Look at the trouble I am in! If only I_ your advice.A. followed B. would follow C. had followed D. should follow4. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_.A. breaks B. has broken C.

30、were broken D. had been broken5. He was working hard as if he_ last week.A. wasnt ill B. wouldnt be ill C. hadnt been ill D. isnt ill6. The two girls talked as if they _friends for years.A. should be B. would be C. have been D. had been 翻译:7. 但愿我再年轻一次就好了。_.8. 我希望能飞到月球上度假。_.9. He walked_(好像是喝醉了).10. The young man with long hair_(看上去像个女的).11. He looked_(好像已经知道一些情况).答案:1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. I wish I were young again.8. I wish I could fly to t

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