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1、英语导学案 5Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 第一课时 (Section A 1a2d)一.【学习目标】: 1. 能够熟记并正确使用下列单词:suddenly, strange, around, go off, pick up, report.2. 能够熟记并正确使用下列句型: (1) Where were you when the rainstorm came? I was in the library. (2)What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm? I was

2、 studying.二.【预习内容】: 1)、根据下列汉语提示识记并默写。1.开始_ _2.突然 3.奇怪的_ _4.接电话_5. 在什么时间_6. 在图书馆_7. 在公交车站_8. 等公交车 _ 9.步行回家_10. 闹钟响_11.接电话_12. 忙于做某事_ 13. 雨下得很大_14.暴风雨_ 16. 走回家_17.等公车_18.做我的家庭作业_ 19.去上班 _2) 仔细观察下面的对话,用“_”标出对话中所出现的时间,并补全句子.(1)A: What are you doing now?B: I am doing my homework now. They are having an E

3、nglish lesson.(2)A: What were you doing at 9 oclock last night? B: I was doing homework. C:_(我正在打扫我的房间).(3)A: What were you doing when your mother came back yesterday? B:I _(我正在做作业).3)听力练习:听1b完成课本上的内容,并用完整的句子回答What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?The girl The boy The woman 4

4、). Pair work: 看1a中的图片,仿1c的内容编对话。5)记忆所给语法点(1)miss作及物动词,意为“没赶上,错过” I got up late so I missed the early bus.三拓展:1)miss作及物动词,意为“想念,思念”。I miss my parents very much.2)miss(用于姓名或姓之前,尤指对未婚女子的称呼)“小姐”通常大写Our English teacher is Miss Zhang.(2)either 意为“也”用于否定句,一般放句末I didnt come to school yesterday, either.also意

5、为“也”一般用于肯定句和疑问句,常放句中She speaks English and she also writes English.too 意为“也”一般用于肯定句和疑问句,常放句末Are you going to work, too?(3)so many 意为“那么多”,修饰可数名词两人一组练习2d的对话,关上书填空。A: What _ you _last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didnt pick up. B: Oh, I _ in the kitchen _my mom.A: I see. I called again at e

6、ight and you _ then either. B: What _at eight? Oh, I know. When you called,_.A: But then I called again at nine. B: Oh, _at that time. A: So early? Thats strange. B: Yeah, I was tired. Why did you call_ times? A: I _my homework. So _, I called Jenny and she helped me.根据汉语提示翻译下列句子1. 昨天暴风雨来的时候,我正在家做作业

7、。 I _ at home when_.2. 昨天暴风雨来的时候,我正在图书馆读书。_ the rainstorm _, I _.3. 昨天我的闹钟没响,起床晚了。Yesterday my alarm didnt_so I _.4.当时我太忙于找雨伞以至于没看见车来了。I was _ the umbrella _I didnt see_. 5.当我正等车时突然开始下大雨了。I _ the bus when it _.6.我跑步去公交站,但还是没赶上公交车。I_ the bus stop ,but_ the bus.7.下班后我正等公交突然开始下雨了,我浑身都湿透了。I _the bus aft

8、er work,。The rain _and I _.8.听起来昨天许多人都遇到了那场雨_many people _the rain yesterday. 采访你的5位同学或朋友,你的家人。昨天下午5:30,他们当时在干什么用英语记录下他们的活动。 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 第二课时 (Section A 3a3c)一.【学习目标】: 1. 能够熟记并正确使用下列单词和短语:area wood flashlight match beat against fall asleep die down apart 。 2.

9、了解一些暴风雨的知识二.【预习内容】: 1) 阅读Section A 3a:两个预习问题。1. What was the weather like before the heavy rainstorm started?2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm?2) 将下列短语译成英语。1.确信_ 2. 睡着_ 3. 一团糟_ 4 逐渐减弱_5.大风_6外面没有灯光_7. 几根木头_ 8. 猛烈的击打窗户_ 9. 睡着了_10. 一片狼藉_11. 倒在地上的树,破碎的窗户和垃圾_12. 暴风雨拉近了家庭和邻里的关系_三. 阅读短文并填空。

10、The Storm Brought People Closer TogetherBen could hear_ outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds _ the sky very dark. _ outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that_ was in the area. Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. Bens dad_ over the windows while his mom _the flashlights and

11、 radio_. She also put some candles and matches on the table. Ben _ his mom _when the rain began to _ the windows. After dinner, they _, but it was hard to_ a serious storm happening outside. Ben could not _ at first. He finally_ when the wind _ at around 3:00 a.m. When he woke up, _. He went outside

12、 with his family and found the neighborhood_. Fallen trees, _ and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbors to help _ the neighborhood together. Although the storm_, it brought families and neighbors _. 四课文注释1. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 此句中介词with表示一种伴随状况,同时还包含着某种因果关系,表示“

13、因某种状况的存在而导致”, 因此可翻译成“由于;因为”等。With my parents away, Im the king of the house. 我爸妈不在家,我可是家中的“王”了! I cant work with all that noise going on. 由于那噪音响着,我无法工作。Bens dad while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 此句中的连词while的意思是 “当的时候;和同时”,while还可以表示“而;然而;但”之意,用来说明和强调两种事情或情形不同Tom i

14、s active and outgoing while his sister Rosa is shy and quiet. 汤姆活跃外向,而他的妹妹罗莎害羞腼腆。make sure“确认,查明,核实;确保;设法保证”,其后可接句子,或接介词of及宾语,用来引入需要确认的内容。Could you make sure what time hes arriving? 你能确认一下他几点到达吗?此句中的work表示机器,器官等 “运作,运转”,这是动词work的一种基本用法。My watch is waterproof that means it would work fine even if its

15、 in water. 我的手表是防水的这就是说即便在水里它也会正常运转。It was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside. 你能否想出此句中包含的句型?It is+ 形容词+ to do sth. 做怎么样。It is+ 形容词+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做怎么样。It is important for us to learn English. 对我们来说学英语很重要。在街上踢球很危险。 It is _ soccer on the street.2. 每天早上读书对你来说很有必要。 It is _

16、 for you _ in the morning.3. 对他来说完成作业很容易 It is _ for him _.He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着asleep. 睡着区别sleepy, asleep & sleepsleepy是形容词,可意为 “困倦的;瞌睡的”,可作定语和表语。如:Ill go to bed. Im sleepy. 我要去睡觉了。我困了。asleep是形容词,意思是“睡着的”,强调状态,常作表语。短语fall asleep意为

17、“入睡;睡着”。Grandma fell asleep when watching TV. 奶奶看电视时睡着了。sleep可作动词,意为 “睡觉”,也可作名词,意为“睡眠;睡觉”。 如:My father is sleeping. Please keep quiet. 我父亲在睡觉,请保持安静。die down逐渐变弱,逐渐平息When he woke up, the sun was rising.rise是不及物动词,意为:(价格、水位等)上涨;(月亮、太阳等)上升。It is too hot. The temperature rises by 6 today. 太热了。今天的气温一下子上升

18、了6 摄氏度。 五完成3b。六完成3c的讨论Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 第三课时 (Section A Grammar-4c)一.【学习目标】:1. 能够熟记并正确使用下列单词和短语:have a look icy kid realize。 2. 继续学习如何正确使用过去进行时。3. 能够理解并正确使用when 和while两个词。4. 能够利用when和while描述自己的日常生活。二.【预习内容】:将下列单词和短语翻译成英语。1. 拍照 2. 弹钢琴 3. 打开收音机 4. 买一个饮料 5. 看一看 7. 醒来 8

19、. 帮助玛丽做作业 9.你开玩笑吧! 三.阅读Grammar Focus合作探究(小组讨论)过去进行时过去进行时主要表示在_或_进行的动作。其构成为_。常与at that time, this time yesterday, all the evening, from 8:00 to 10:00yesterday, just then, at nine yesterday, when等表示明确有具体的时间状语。(1)I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.(2)What was Tom doing at ten yesterday.(3)I

20、 was eating dinner when the phone rang.其具体的句型为: 肯定句:主语+_+其他。They were having a meeting that time. 否定句:主语+_+其他。eg:They werent having a meeting that time. 一般疑问句_+主语+_+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+was/were. 否定回答:No,主语+wasnt/werent. Were they having a meeting that time? Yes, they _. No, they_.四. 当堂检测:翻译1.昨天晚上8:30我正在看

21、电视。_.2.当我妈妈回来时我正在做作业。_.3.正当我在打扫房间时电话响了。_.4. The boy was walking home when the rainstorm came._五辨析when和while (1) 主句(过去进行时) when + 从句(一般过去时)when表示“当的时候”。从句中既可用延续性动词,又可用非延续性动词,这些动词既可以表示动作,又可表示状态,常跟一般过去时。The boy was still sleeping when his mother got home yesterday morning.昨天早上当她的母亲到家时男孩仍然在睡觉。(2) 主句(一般过

22、去时)+ while +从句(过去进行时)While表示“在的时候”“在期间”。while从句中必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词,常跟过去进行时。The weather was fine while we were in Beijing.当我们在北京时天气很好。(3)主句(过去进行时)+ while +从句(过去进行时)表示两个同时持续的动作。I was doing my homework while he was listening to music. 我在做作业而他在听音乐。3)完成书上4a-4c六课堂反馈。1、when 和while 来填空。(1)We were talking _ th

23、e teacher came into the classroom.(2)I was doing my homework _ my mother was cooking in the kitchen.(3) _ the boy was walking in the street, a UFO landed in front of him. (4)_ I saw the boy, he was talking on the phone.七. 课后反馈1.When the man downstairs knocked at the door, I_. doing housework B.

24、 was doing houseworkC. were doing housework D. am going to do housework 2. Look! The cat _ from the tree. Yes.It_ the tree just now. A. is jumping down; climbed up B. is jumping down; is climbing up C. jumps down; was climbing up D. jumps down; climbed3. What were you doing _last Sunday morning? A.

25、at B. in C. over D. / 4.The boy with two dogs _in the yard when the earthquake hit the city. A. is playing B. are playing C. were playing D. was playing5. My father was reading a newspaper while my mother _ dinner.A. is cooking B. cooks C. was cooking D. will cook1) 过去进行时,语法练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. We _ (wash)our clothes at six yesterday evening.2. While Ann _ (talk) with her desk mate, the teacher

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