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人员招聘 Recruitment.docx

1、人员招聘 Recruitment人员招聘 Recruitment情景欣赏 1 (A = Personnel Manager B = Interviewer)(甲=人事经理 乙=记者)A: The most important thing when interviewing a candidate is his character, his ability to react, his intelligence and his suitability for the position for which he is being interviewed.甲:面试求职者的时候最重要的是他的性格,反应能

2、力,智力,和对他所面试的职位的适宜性。B: And uh,to what extent does the persons appearance influence your decision? 乙:求职者的外表多大程度影响你的决定?A: It doesnt influence the decision, uh, but it does have some bearing on the decision, if you can take the difference between the two. It is important that the guy, the person, is wel

3、l presented, is neat and tidy,and that he has a good manner, uh, because that shows a lot about his personality.甲:不影响决定,但与决定有一定关系,如果能理解这两者的差别。求职者良好的表现是很重要的,干净,整洁,有礼,因为这很大程度上体现了他的性格。B: Do you expect the candidate to be prepared in any way for the interview, or how should he prepare himself for the in

4、terview?乙:你期望求职者为面试做好各方面的准备吗?或者说,他怎样为面试做准备?A: Well, it,s not a question of preparing himself. In the position in which I am, uh, normally the candidates had at least one or maybe two interviews with other members, more junior member of staff before he gets to my level, unless the particular candidat

5、e is going to report to me, and in which case I expect the person concerned to have a fairly good knowledge of: 1) what the company does, 2) what he,s going to be expected to do, and 3) who he,s going to report to. Those things, those three items are very, very important and if the candidate, uh, do

6、es not give an impression of either understanding one of those three items,then obviously then he gets marked down accordingly.甲:这不是他自己做准备的问题。在我所在的位置上,正常的候选人要经历一个或者两个职位低于我的职员的面试才能到我这一层来,除非某个特别情况候选人直接到我这里报道,在这种情况下我期望来面试的人对下面的几点有相当好地了解:一、公司是做什么的,二、公司期望他做什么,三、他要向谁汇报。这些事情,这三项非常重要,如果求职者给人留下的印象是这三方面问题中的任何

7、一个都不了解,那么很明显他就要因此被减分。B : How does a candidate go wrong?乙:求职者怎样做是错误的表现?A: The major way a candidate goes wrong is by basically becoming a yes-man or a yes-woman and agreeing with everything you say. What is most important . One of the most important things about interviewing a candidate is the chemis

8、try between somebody, between the two people in the interview, em, it,s very very important - he has to have a spark, you have to feel as though that guy is going to contribute,that guy,s going to be good and you,re going to get something out of that person and he has to show himself to be not just

9、“Yes sir, thank you very much. Yes I agree with that, I agree with that. ” Sometimes I lay dummy questions in which I want a “no” answer and if he continues to say “yes” then he goes down.甲:求职者主要的错误在于基本上总是点头称是的人,同意你说的每一句话。最重要的,面试中最重要的事情之一就是候选人在面试过程中的两 个人之间要起到相互作用,他必须要闪出火花,你得感觉到似乎这个人会作出贡献,这个人不错,你会从这个

10、人身上得到什么,他得表现自己不总是说“是的,先生,非常感谢。是的,我同意,我同意。”有时候我会虚设 些试探性的问题期望得到否定答案,如果他总是说“是”那么他就没什么希望了。B: What would your advice be to a candidate, er, going to an interview. How wouldyou advise him?乙:对要去参加面试的求职者,你有什么建议?A: Uh, the first thing I would say to him is first of all to listen, secondly? to ask the right q

11、uestions, and thirdly, perhaps the most important, is to create the rightrelationship which is, I guess,an adult-to-adult relationship with the interviewee or the interviewer. It is very important and that,s what I said before is when you get a yes-man in front of you, or a yes-woman? then that pers

12、on is obviously not creating an adult-to-adult conversation. Hes creating an adult-to-child conversation and in most cases, managers are not, if theyre good and they know what they want, theyre not going to be interested in employing a child.甲:我雯对他说的第一件事首先是倾听,然后,问正确的问题,三,也许是最 重要的,是建立正确的关系,我想,是跟对方建立成

13、人与成人之间的关系。这很重要,就像我前面所说的,如果你面前的是个总是点头称是的人,那么很显然那个人没有建立起一个成人与成人之间的对话。他在建 立一个成人与孩子之间的对话,在很多情况下,经理们,如果他们是好的经理人并且知道想要什么,不会对雇用一个孩子感兴趣。 情景欣赏 2The interview normally takes place by me being informed by the secretary or the telephonist that the candidate has arrived, in which case, um, I leave my office and

14、go and greet him in the reception area and bring him personally into my office and sit him across the desk, or across my office desk to me, and we proceed, uh, from there I normally start by asking the candidate to tell me what he since hes been probably through two or three other interviews previou

15、s . what the job is that hes being expected to do, just to make sure that he understands fully. Then I ask him to tell me a little bit about the company that we,re working for, that Pm working for anyway, so that hes at least understood exactly what we do or the basics of what we do anyway er then I

16、 normally review his CV, and in particular either his previous employment or his current employment which is very important. Basically this is done to try to draw the candidate out, see how good he is at expressing himself, and to see what kind of character he is. Then I normally give him my view of

17、 what the position is that were recruiting for and also my view about the company, then I normally give him a period of 5 to 10 minutes to ask some questions. Then I go back to him and just talk about him, and maybe then when hes fully relaxed, or more relaxed, put in a few of the trick questions, n

18、ot a few, I would say usually normally one or maybe two maximum. As I said in a previous question, it normally lasts a minimum of 45 minutes if the candidate is up to scratch and can go on for about an hour.通常秘书或者电话员通知我求职者到了面试就开始了,我离开办公室到接待区向他问好,亲自带他到我的办公室,让他坐到我的办公桌对面,就此我们开始面试。由于他先前可能已通过两到三个面试,我通常开始


20、的,如果候选人达到标准,这通常持续至少45分钟,也可以持续大约一个小时。 经典句型1.Conducting a thorough interview that gives you a sense of whether a candidate will thrive in your workplace involves a lot more than just a walkthrough of his or her resume.做一次彻底的面试,让你了解求职者是否会在你的公司有好的发展牵涉到的不仅 仅是浏览过他/她的简历。2.You need to have a firm sense of t

21、he qualities youre looking for and you need to search for those qualities by asking the right questions.你需要清楚地认识你要找的品质,并且用正确的问题寻找这些品质。3.Finding an employee who can flourish in your particular business environment might be more important than finding someone whose skills perfectly match the ones you,

22、re looking for.找到能在你的企业中蓬勃发展起来的雇员要比找到技术与你的要求完美相符的 人更重要。4.Once you have a clear sense of the kind of atmosphere and values you want to promote, craft your interview questions accordingly.一旦你清醒地意识到要提升某一方面的气氛和价值,就要依此设计完善你的面试 问题。5.You might kick off the interview by asking the candidate to describe the

23、work environment he or she is used to as well as what he or she believes would be ideal. 你可以以这样的问题开始你的面试,让求职者描述他/她曾经的工作环境,以及 他/她理想的工作环境是什么。6.Business owners often begin interviews by describing their company in detail, and then ask the candidates if that sounds good to them. The candidates are, of c

24、ourse, likely to say yes. We suggest flipping the order, asking a candidate to first describe what he or she knows about your company or your industry. Thats a good way to know whether they,re really interested in you, or whether theyre just looking for a job.企业所有者通常在面试开始的时候向求职者详细描述他们的公司,然后问问求职 者的意见

25、,是不是够好。当然,这些求职者都倾向于说是。我们建议,置换一下顺 序,先问问求职者对你们的公司和行业都知道些什么。这是个知道他们是真的对 你们感兴趣,还是只想找个工作的好方法。7.Open-ended questions,as opposed to those that prompt “yes” or “no,answers, can induce people to reveal amazing amounts of information about themselves.开放式问题,跟那些当即就可以回答是或不是的问题不同,能够引导人们显露关 于他们自己的大量信息。8.An easy wa

26、y to narrow your candidate pool is to ask each person to do exactly what will be demanded on the job, only in front of you.缩小选择范围的一个捷径就是让每个人在你面前做职位要求的工作。9.A good strategy is to keep quiet. People dont like silence. If youre quiet, the candidate may fill the silence with words. Candidates tend to con

27、fess more and more as they ramble on, and so this strategy helps employers learn who might be a good fit and who he can eliminate.好策略是保持安静。人们不喜欢沉默。如果你沉默,候选人就会用话语填补这段沉 默。他们就会在谈话中透露越来越多的信息。因此,这项策略能够帮助雇主了解谁是合适的人选,谁可以被淘汰掉。10.Before interviewing anyone, do some homework on what other employers are paying

28、 for similar positions.在面试之前,做点工作了解一下其他雇主対相似的职位是怎样支付工资的。招聘用语1.Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。2.Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。3.Ability to work independently,mature and resourceful.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。4.A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.需要有能力及适应力强的人

29、。5.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。6.Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。7.Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。8.Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。9.Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主

30、动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。10.Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。11.Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。12.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进1、强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。13.Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。14.With a pleasant mature attitu

31、de.开朗成熟。15.Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。16.Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。17.Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。18.Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。19.The ability to initiate and operate independentl

32、y.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。20.Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很髙的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。21.Be highly organized and efficient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。22.Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。23.Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。24.Positive, active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。25.Ability to deal with personnel

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