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Lesson Five The Day I Was Fat综合英语一下册课文练习语法讲解.docx

1、Lesson Five The Day I Was Fat综合英语一下册课文练习语法讲解Lesson Five The Day I Was Fat 当我肥胖的日子Lois Diaz- Talty Learning Guide 中国有句古话,不能因人废言。对我们身上的缺点或缺陷,亲朋好友往往视而不见,或因为不愿伤害我们,而尽量回避。有时反而是恶意中伤的人道出了我们真实情况,使我们猛醒。本文作者的一次不愉快的经历,改变了她对生活的态度,成了一生的转折点,使她获益匪浅。 一、词汇1.great(adj.)(口语)美妙的,出众的2.shape(n.)(尤指女子的)体形,身段3.plump(adj.)丰

2、满的(指胖得均匀好看)4.make(v.) 成为的一员5.squad(n.)小队;(军队中的)班6.cheer-leading squad(n.)(体育比赛中的)啦啦队7.split(adj.)裂开的,劈开的8.the splits(n.) 劈叉9.elegant(adj.)(动作)优美的10.cartwheel(n.)(体操动作)侧身翻跟头11.maintain(v.) 保持,维持12.respectable(adj.)(质、量等)还好的;可尊敬的13.high school(n.)(美)中学14.adulthood(n.)成年(期)15.childhood童年时期16.mat(n.)(门口

3、的)擦鞋垫17.right(adv.)径直18.tease(v.)取笑,嘲笑19.couch(n.)长沙发20.anymore (adv.) (用与疑问句,否定句等)再,更21.overweight(adj.) 超重的,过重的22.nonetheless(adv.)然而23.slim(adj.) 苗条的,修长的24.pretty(adj.) 漂亮的 (为了调节体重等的)饮食疗法;进行饮食疗法26.on diet节食疗法27,dietetic(adj.) 营养(学)的按计算 例:I am paid by the hour.29.sister-in

4、-law(n.)(复sisters-in-law)配偶的姐妹;兄弟之妻?30.head(v.) 朝方向去31.teenager(n.) (13至19岁的)青少年32.tail(v.) 尾随,紧随之后使移动,奔跑34.glare(v.)怒目而视35.stare at 表示凝视;glare at 表示怒视36.disapproval(n.)谴责;不赞成37.approve(表示赞成) sb. of doing sth. 名词:approval 38.concern(n.)忧虑,担忧39.swollen(adj.)浮肿的,肿起的40.rotten(adj.) 腐烂的,已腐败的41

5、.heated(adj.) 激烈的42.bitch(n.)(俚语)臭婆娘,泼妇43.okay(interj.)(口语)明白了吗,行了吧,好吧44.incident(n.) 事情(尤指小事)45.rude(adj.) 粗野的;无礼的46.mind(n.) 头脑47.sting(v.)刺痛48.whip(n.) 鞭子49.plain(adv.)完全的,彻底的50.terribly(adv.) 非常,很51.bathing(n.)suit游泳衣52.hideous(adj.)丑陋的,可憎的mit(v.) 承担,保证54.shed(v.) 去掉55.rigorous(adj.) 严格的,严厉的56.g

6、ym(n.)体育馆;体操,体育57.workout(n.)体育锻炼,训练58.buddy(n.)好朋友,伙伴59.reshape(v.)重新塑造60.attitude(n.) 态度;看法生活方式62.self-image(n.) 心目中自己的形象63.nutrition(n.)营养;滋养64.aerobics(n.) 增氧健身操,健美操65.instructor(n.) 教员,教练66.low-fat(adj.)低脂肪的67.lean(adj.) 瘦的,少脂肪的68.protein-rich(adj.) 蛋白质丰富的69.ingredient(n.) (烹调等的

7、)原料,材料70. roller-blade(v.) 滑旱冰;(n.)旱冰鞋健康,身体状况良好72.household(n.)一家人73.confident(adj.)自信的74.ironically(adv.) 具有讽刺意味地75.abuse(n.)辱骂,诋毁;滥用76.endure(v.) 忍受77.regain(v.) 重新获得,恢复78.self-esteem自尊(心)69.source(n.) 来源二、课文分析Page 111 Para. 11. The Day I Was Fat(当我肥胖的日子)= the day when someone called

8、 me fat2.I was never in great shape. 我的身材从来没有很棒过。A. in (good)shape 身体健康 苗条 e.g. You will never be in shape until you eat less and take more exercise. 只有少吃、多锻炼才能保持健美。 out of shape 身体状况不佳,体形不好 e.g. After three months without any training the champion is out of shape. 由于三个月没有进行训练,那位冠军状况不佳。3. As a child

9、, I was always called “plump.” I could never sit Indian - style the way other kids did, 当我还是一个孩子的时候,我总是被说“胖嘟嘟的”。我永远不能像印度人的坐姿坐着,像其他的小孩子一样。A plump丰满的;肥胖的;丰富的;充裕的 slender 苗条的B Indian-style 印度风格的,印第安风格的,即:指坐在地上挺直腰板,盘腿而坐4.and when I made the cheer - leading squad in eighth grade it was because I had a bi

10、g mouth and a great smile, not because I could do the splits or perform elegant cartwheels.在我八年级的时候,我能够成为啦啦队的队员,只是因为我有一张大嘴,有一个非常棒的微笑,而不是因为我能够劈叉,或者是能够表演非常优美的翻跟头。 A made the cheer-leading squad := became a member of the cheer-leading squad 成为拉拉队的一员。 B do the splits劈叉;劈一字腿;扒一字腿 C cartwheel 侧身翻跟头 侧手翻,侧身

11、筋斗5. Although I maintained a respectable weight throughout high school, there was always a fat person inside of me just waiting to burst onto the scene.整个中学阶段我的体重还说得过去,可是隐藏在我里面的那个胖墩儿一直在等着亮相呢。A. respectable 令人尊敬的,可敬的;respectful 充满尊敬的;有礼貌的 尊重他人的respective 各自的B burst into 突然闯入,突然进入C scene 现场,景色Page 111

12、 Para. 26.Adulthood, marriage, and settling down had bad effects on my weight: I blew up! The fat lady had finally arrived, saw the welcome mat, and moved right in. 成年时期,结婚了,并且安定下来对我的体重有了影响:我像皮球一样被吹了起来!这个胖太太终于到来到了,她看到了门口写着欢迎字样的蹭脚垫,就径直走了进去。A have effect on/upon 对.有影响 B. blow 吹;过去式blew;过去分词blown 这里指发胖

13、了,像吹起来一样。C mat 席子,垫子welcome mat 上面写着“欢迎光临”的脚垫D settle down 安顿下来,落户,定居e.g. Well go and settle down where conditions are hardest. 哪里艰苦哪安家。e.g. He should get a house and settle down. 他应该买幢房子安定下来。7. No one in my family could tell me I was fat. They knew that I had gained weight, I knew that I had gained

14、 weight, and I knew that they knew that I had gained weight. 我的家人没有一个人告诉我我很肥胖。他们都清楚我发胖了,我自己也知道我发福了,我也明白他们全看出来了。 A. lose weight 减肥; gain weight 增肥 8. But to discuss the topic was out of the question.直接谈及此事简直是不可能的。 Aout of the question impossiblee.g. She knew that a holiday this year was out of the qu

15、estion. 她知道今年休假是不可能了 cf. out of question 毫无疑问 没问题 e.g. He is out of question the best player in our team. 毫无疑问,他是我们队里最优秀的运动员。9. Once, my mother said, “Youre too pretty to be so heavy”;that was the closest anyone had ever come to calling me fat有一次,我的妈妈说,“你这么漂亮,看上去一点也不显得胖。”;(我妈妈说的这句话)还真是我听到的最接近实际情况的话。

16、A too pretty to be so heavy ,太.而不能即: too pretty to look so heavyB that 指前面她妈妈说的话 (即 too pretty to be so heavy)C closest 最接近 D anyone had ever come 定语从句,前面省略了that 即:that anyone had ever come to the closest (以前有人说过的(话),妈妈说的比以前任何人的都最接近说我胖胖是真实情况。calling me fat 修饰 the closest 叫我胖的说法that was the c

17、losest calling me fat in those who had ever come to在那些说我的真实情况中(胖)的人当中,妈妈说的是最接近说我胖的(真实情况)10. Later, my husband teased me because we couldnt lie on the couch together anymore, 后来,长沙发已经容不下我们俩人同时躺下,我丈夫和我开玩笑,A tease 取笑,嘲弄B not .any more (lie 动作不能在持续了)11. and I just cried and cried. He never dared to ment

18、ion it again, but I didnt stop eating. 我因此伤心地哭了好几次。于是我不停的哭。他再也不敢提这件事了,但是我仍不停的吃东西。A stop doing 停止做某事stop to do 停止甲事去做乙事。e.g. Our headmaster Wang has come, lets stop talking.e.g. We have studied a whole morning, lets stop to have a rest.Page 112 Para. 312.I had just given birth to my first child and w

19、as at least fifty pounds overweight. Nonetheless, I remember feeling that that time was the greatest time in my life. 那个时候我刚刚生完我第一个孩子,当时至少超重五十磅。但是我记得感觉是我一生中最棒的时候。 was born 出生在;give birth to 母亲生小孩B pound 指重量时 a pound =0.453599公斤指货币 a pound =100.05人民币(截止2012/12/1)C nevertheless : in spite of that

20、 尽管如此,然而D remember/forget/regret 这三个动词后面既能接不定式,又能接v-ing,接不定式时,表示不定式的动作还没有发生,接v-ing是表示v-ing的动作已经发生了。e.g. I must remember to do take my notebook with me next time. .下次我必须记住把笔记本带着。e.g. I remember seeing her once somewhere.我记得在哪里见过她。14.I had a beautiful new baby, new furniture, a great husband, and a lo

21、vely house. 15.What more could anyone want? Well, I knew what else I wanted: I wanted to be slim and healthy. 一个人还有什么可以再要求的呢?然而我知道我还想要什么:我想要苗条和健康。 A more 表示“另外的,附加的” 一般位于数词,代词之后。 e.g. one more question 还有一个问题 some more 再来一些16.I just didnt care enough about myself to stop my eating. 我太不注意自己的身材,总是不停地吃

22、。 A care about 关心,在意 e.g. I dont care about money.我不看重钱。 e.g. I dont care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition. 我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。17. I tried to lose weight every day, but I couldnt get started. Diets didnt last through lunch, and I got bigger by the day.我每天尽力减肥,可我总也开始不了。早上决心节食到午饭

23、就又大吃起来。我一天比一天胖。A try to do 企图做,尽力做 (往往不成功)try doing 尝试着做,试着做e.g. I tried to escape, but I failed. 我努力着想逃走,但是没有成功。 e.g. -So hot here, isnt it? -Yes, why not try turning on the air conditioner?B last v 持续,延续 C by the day 一天一天的,按日e.g. The outlook for the global economy is worsening by the day. 对全球经济的展望

24、一天坏比一天。e.g. Gas was bulling higher and higher by the day. 汽油价格每天上涨。e.g. Do you rent the camera by the hour or by the day? 你的照相机出租是按小时算,还是按天数算?Page 112 Para. 418. One summer afternoon in 1988, as I was headed to the pool with my sister-in-law and our children, I got into an argument with a teenager w

25、ho was driving fast and tailing our car. 在1988年的一个夏日的午后,我正(开车)和我嫂子带着孩子们去游泳池的时候,我和开车很快的而且在后面追着我们的小孩吵了起来。A head to / towards/for 朝.走 e.g. e.g.He headed straight for the bar. 他径直向酒吧走去。B get into 陷入get into argument :argue with sb.和某人争吵C trail vt 尾随,追逐 to go after with the intent to catch;e.g. Two detec

26、tives were trailing him.两个侦探正在追踪他。e.g. I trailed her to a shop in Kensington.我跟踪她来到肯辛顿的一家商店。trail n足迹;臭迹;小径;一缕on trail 受审;在试验中;试行;试用in trail 成一列纵队19 .When he nearly ran us off the road, I turned around and glared at him to show my disapproval and my concern for our safety. Suddenly, we began shoutin

27、g at each other. He was about 18, with an ugly, red, swollenface. 当他几乎把我们挤出马路的时候,我扭过头怒视着他,来表示我对他的厌恶 以及对我们安全的担忧。突然,我们开始互相朝着对方大喊。他大约18岁,长着一张又红、又丑,而且还有些浮肿的脸。 A turn around 转身 B glare at 怒视 C disapproval 谴责,不同意,不赞成D concern about / for/over 担心,关心e.g. Theres a growing concern about the harmful effects of

28、 pollution on health.人们越来越担心污染对健康的影响。20. The few teeth he had were yellow and rotten. He followed us to the pool and, as he pulled into the parking lot behind us, our argument became heated.他仅有的几颗牙被龋齿了而且是黄的。他尾随着我们到了游泳池,当他把车开进游泳池的停车场的时候,我们开始争吵起来。A follow sb. to 尾随.到B pull into 驶入C parking lot 停车场D he

29、aded 热烈的,激烈的Page 113 Para. 521.“Whats your problem, bitch?” he screamed.“你到底想干什么?”他尖叫。A bitch (俚语)臭婆娘,泼妇 母狗;淫妇;牢骚事;坏女人Page 113 Para. 622.“You drive like an idiot! Thats my problem, okay?”“你开车像个白痴!这就是我的问题。”Page 113 Para. 723. When I got out of the car and walked around to get the baby, he laughed to his friend, “Ah, look at her. Shes fat! Go to hell, fat bitch.” And then they drove away.当我下了车,走到车的另一侧去把孩子抱出来的时候,他向他的朋友取

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