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平衡的生活是有益的 Balance is Beneficial 英语作文.docx

1、平衡的生活是有益的 Balance is Beneficial 英语作文Balance is BeneficialWhile planning our careers and life, we tend to neglect the fact that life takes back a lot in return for all the success and good things it gives us. Maintaining a balanced life is becoming more challenging in this fast-paced modern world, an

2、d this is causing our health a heft cost. With our hectic schedule and work-life, we are losing a little bit of ourselves every day. Its our loved ones and inner drive that is helping us to start afresh every day. So heres why maintaining balance in life is of utmost importance.Long and Short Essays

3、 on Balance is Beneficial for Students and Kids in EnglishLong Essay on Balance is Beneficial Essay 500 Words in English Long Essay on Balance is Beneficial Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Living in this supersonic age in humanity, we tend to take ourselves granted and over exhaus

4、t ourselves in the process. The fact that we dont even know how a balanced life feels anymore makes matters even more stressful. Some may ask “What does it mean to have a balanced life?”, or “How to achieve a balanced life in order to not get so stressed?”. Well, the definition of a balanced lifesty

5、le is individualistic as its different for different people. But a general definition of balanced life would be “leading a life were all the sectors like work, relationships, physical health and emotional well being is at equilibrium and you know what your priorities are.” For example, a working wom

6、an who is also a wife and mother at home seeks to strike a balance between successful work life, doing daily chores and raising their children. We define balance in life as it relies on our desire to feel successful both at work and our personal life at the same time. Plan every move in life, be it

7、your career or your personal life. Make sure you give your hundred per cent in everything you do. Also, never neglect your health; it not only improves you personally but also helps to keep everything around you positive. A balanced life is also applicable when it comes to health. We all want a bala

8、nced diet with just the right amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat and good bacteria. We try to include more greens and fruits for an abundance of vitamins and fibre. By controlling what we eat, we are essentially balancing our health. But generally, when we talk about a balanced life, the factor o

9、f time management comes into our minds first. We always run out of time. When our work life is overbearing, we fail to spend time with our loved ones, and when we do give time to our relationships, we forget to give time to ourselves. When we have something that makes us happy, most of us make ourse

10、lves busy enough and get convinced that we wont have time to do that. Continuing this unhealthy method of time management where we neglect our hobbies and specks of happiness will leave our work more stressful, and we cant present our best selves to our loved ones. Therefore if we find the perfect h

11、armony between the balance in life and time management, we can achieve effectiveness in everything that we do. Finding time for ourselves is way more important than we like to think it is. It helps us with our self-confidence and self-affection. Just like in nature, where balance is a crucial factor

12、, the balance in ones life is not only beneficial but crucial. Balance saves from tipping off a cliff of stress and destruction. We need to maintain mental, physical and spiritual balance in life. We need to balance ourselves in such a way that the different elements in our life focus on our fulfilm

13、ent, to help us eventually reach a place where we can pursue our desires. We need to work in balancing our life or else we will lose the balance of body, mind, and soul.Short Essay on Balance is Beneficial Essay 150 Words in English Short Essay on Balance is Beneficial Essay is usually given to clas

14、ses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Everybody longs to have a long and happy life but to that attain most of us fail to balance our priorities. Whats the point of working hard all your life and not enjoying the fruits of your labour? Previously the boundaries between work and personal life were fairly clear.

15、Today, however, work is likely to invade your personal life and maintaining work-life balance is no simple task. Still, work-life balance isnt something unreachable. Start doing that by evaluating your relationship to work. Then apply specific strategies to help you strike a healthier balance. So to

16、 find that perfect balance you have to do the following a)Learn to manage your time. You have to create a schedule that holds all your priorities together. b) Nurture yourself, physically and mentally. Eat healthily and set aside time for yourself where you get to do things you love as this is one o

17、f the most important steps to lead a happy, healthy and balanced life.10 Lines on Balance is Beneficial Essay in English 1. Plan a schedule for yourself. This will help you manage your time and balance all your priorities. 2. Setting goals is a great way to motivate yourself for the days ahead. It w

18、ill keep you ahead in your work. 3. Know your limits and dont over exhaust yourself trying to fit in everything in a short period. 4. Give great importance to your mental and emotional health. 5. Plan a healthy and balanced diet. 6. To reduce stress resume to meditation, yoga and some regular breath

19、ing exercises and they help to bring relaxation. 7. Try to not bring work along with you when on vacation or in your day-offs. 8. Dont compromise on sleep. You need to rest and reboot yourself to work and hustle the next day. 9. Maintain a healthy relationship with your friends and family as they wi

20、ll always have your back. 1o. Lastly, look after yourself and be kind to yourself.FAQs on Balance is Beneficial Essay Question 1. How often should we take time off for ourselves? Answer: We should do that as much as possible without neglecting our work and responsibilities. Question 2. What is the b

21、est way to organize and balance life? Answer: Plan a work schedule. This is the best way to balance your work and personal life. Question 3. How do you deal with stress? Answer: Meditation and breathing exercises will work wonders on your body. Also, try doing the activities you enjoy as they are great stress busters. Question 4. What are the benefits of a work-life balance? Answer: We see better levels of efficiency and productivity, lower levels of absence, sickness and stress and overall a motivated workforce.

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