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1、注塑模具毕业设计外文翻译附录外文资料与中文翻译外文资料:Chinas mold industry and its development trendThe mold is the manu facturi ng in dustry importa nt craft foun dati on, in ourcountry, the mold manufacture belongs to the special purpose equipment manufacturing industry. China although very already starts to make the mold

2、and the use mold, butIong-term has not formed the industry. Straight stabs 0 centuries 80s later periods,the Chin ese mold in dustry only the n drives into the developme nt speedway. Rece nt years, not only the state-ow ned mold en terprise had the very big developme nt, thethree in vestme nts en te

3、rprise, the villages and tow ns (in dividual) the molden terprises developme nt also quite rapid .Although the Chin ese mold in dustrial developme nt rapid, but compares with thedema nd, obviously falls short of dema nd, its main gap concen trates precisely to, large-scale,complex, the long life mol

4、d domai n. As a result of in aspect and so on mold precisi on, life, manufacture cycle and productivity, China and the intern ati onal average horiz on tal and the developed country still had a bigger disparity, therefore, n eeded massively to import the mold every year .The Chinese mold industry ex

5、cept must continue to sharpen the productivity, from now on will have emphatically to the professi on in ternal structure adjustme nt and the state-of-art enhancement. The structure adjustment aspect, mainly is theenterprise structure to the specialized adjustment, the product structure to centerthe

6、 upscale mold development, to the import and export structure improvement, center the upscale automobile cover mold formi ng an alysis and the structure improveme nt, the multi-purpose compo und mold and the compo und process ing and the laser tech no logyin the mold desig n manufacture applicati on

7、, the high-speed cutti ng, thesuperfi nishing and polished the tech no logy, the in formati on direct ion develops .The recent years, the mold professi on structure adjustme nt and theorga ni zati onal reform step en larges, mainly displayed in, large-scale, precise, complex, the long life, center t

8、he upscale mold and the mold standard letterdevelopme nt speed is higher tha n the com mon mold product; The plastic mold and thecompressi on cast ing mold proporti on in creases; Specialized mold factory qua ntity and its productivity in crease; The three in vestme nts and the private en terprise d

9、evelops rapidly; The joint stock system tran sformati on step speeds up and so on.Distributes from the area looked, take Zhujia ng Delta and Yan gtze River delta as cen tral southeast coastal area developme nt quickly to mid-west area, south developme nt quickly to n orth. At prese nt develops quick

10、est, the mold produces the most centralized provinee is Guangdong and Zhejiang, places such as Jiangsu,Shan ghai, An hui and Shandong also has a bigger developme nt in recent years .Although our country mold total qua ntity had at prese nt achieved the suitable scale, the mold level also has the ver

11、y big enhancement, after but design manufacture horizontal overall rise and fall industry developed country and so on Yu De, America,date, Fran ce, Italy many. The curre nt existe nee questi on and the disparity mai nly display in follow ing several aspects: The total qua ntity falls short of dema n

12、dDomestic mold assembli ng on eself rate only ,about 70%. Low-grade mold , cen ter upscale mold assembli ng on eself rate only has 50% about .(2)The enterprise organizational structure, the product structure, thetech ni cal structure and the import and export structure does not gatherIn our country

13、mold product ion factory to be most is from the labor mold workshop which produces assembles on eself (bra nch factory), from produces assembles on eself the proporti on to reach as high as about 60%, but the overseas mold ultra 70% is the commodity mold. The specialized mold factory mostly is large

14、 and complete, small and en tire orga ni zati on form, but overseas mostly is small but, is specially small and fin e. Domestic large-scale, precise, complex, the long life mold acco unts for the total qua ntity proport ion to be in sufficie nt 30%, but overseasin 50% above 2004 years, ratio of the

15、mold import and export is 3.7:1, the importand export balances the after net import volume to amount to 1.32 billion USdollars,is world mold net import qua ntity biggest country .(3)The mold product level greatly is lower tha n the intern ati onal sta ndardThe product ion cycle actually is higher th

16、a n the intern ati onal water broad product level low mainly to display in the mold precisi on, cavity aspect and so on surface rough ness, life and structure .(4)Develops the ability badly, economic efficiency unsatisfactory.Our countrymold en terprise tech ni cal pers onnel proporti on low the lev

17、el is lower, also doesnot take the product development, frequently is in the passive position in the market.Our country each mold staff average year creati on output value approximately ,te n thousa nd US dollars, overseas mold in dustry developed country mostly 15 to 20 thousa nd US dollars, some r

18、each as high as 25 to 30 thousa nd US dollars, relative is our country quite part of molds en terprises also con ti nues to use the workshop type management with it, truly realizes the enterprise which the modernized en terprise man ages fewTo create the above disparity the reas on to be very many,

19、the mold Ion g-term has not obtained the value besides the history in as the product which should have, as well as the most state-owned enterprises mechanism cannot adapt the market economy,but also has the follow ing several reas ons:.(1)Country to mold in dustry policy support dyn amics also in su

20、fficie ntlyAlthough the country already was clear about has promulgated the mold profession in dustrial policy, but n ecessary policy few, carried out dyn amics to be weak. At prese nt enjoyed the mold product in creme nt duty en terprise n ati on 185, the majority enterprise still the tax burden is

21、 only overweight. The mold enterprise carries on the tech no logical tran sformatio ns in troduct ion equipme nt to have to pay thecon siderable amount the tax mon ey, affects the tech no logy adva nceme nt, moreover privately operated en terprise loa n extremely difficult .(2)Talented person seriou

22、s insufficient, the scientific research developmentand the tech ni cal attack in vestme nt too urineMold professi on is the tech no logy, the fund, the work crowded in dustry, along with the time progress and the tech nical developme nt, grasps the tale nted pers on which and skilled utilizes the ne

23、w tech no logy excepti on ally short, the high-quality mold fitter and the en terprise man ageme nt tale nt extremely is also an xious. Becausethe mold enterprise benefit unsatisfactory and takes insufficiently the scientificresearch development and the technical attack, the scientific research unit

24、 and theuni versities, colleges and in stitutes eye stares at is creat ing in come, causes themold professi on in vests too few in the scie ntific research developme nt and the tech ni cal attack aspect, causes the mold tech no logical developme nt step not to be big, progresses not quick .(3)The cr

25、aft equipme nt level to be low, also n ecessary is not good, the use factor lowrecent years our country engine bed profession progressed quickly, has been able to provide the quite complete precisi on work equipme nt, but compared with the overseas equipment, still had a bigger disparity. Although t

26、he domestic many en terprises have in troduced many overseas adva need equipme nt, but the overall equipme nt level low are very more tha n the overseas many en terprises. As a result of aspect the and so on system and fund reas on, in troduces the equipme nt not not n ecessary, the equipme nt and t

27、he appe ndix not n ecessary phe nomenon are extremely com mon, the equipme nt utilizati on rate low questi on cannot obta in the comparativelyproperly soluti on for a long time .(4)Specializati on, sta ndardizati on, commercialized degree low, thecooperati on abilityBecause receives large and comple

28、te small and en tire the in flue nee since long ago, mold specializati on level low, the specialized labor divisio n is not careful, the commercialized degree is low. At present domestic every year producesmold, commodity mold mi nister 40% About, other for from produce uses for on eself.Between the

29、 mold enterprise cooperates impeded, completes the comparativelylarge-scale mold complete task with difficulty. Mold standardization level low, mold sta ndard letter use cave rare is low also to the mold quality, the cost has a more treme ndous in flue nee, specially has very treme ndous in flue nee

30、 .(5)To the mold manufacture cycle) the mold material and the mold correlati on tech no logy fallsThe mold material performa nee, the quality and the variety questi on ofte n can affect the mold quality, the life and the cost, the domestically produced moldi ng tool steel and overseas imports the st

31、eel products to compare has a bigger disparity. Plastic, plate, equipme nt en ergy bala nee, also direct in flue nee mold levelenhan ceme nt .At present, our country economy still was at the high speed development phase, on the intern ati onal econo mical globalizati on developme nt tendency is day

32、by day obvious, this has provided the good con diti on and the opport unity for the our country mold industry high speed development. On the one hand, the domestic mold market will continue high speed to develop, on the other hand, the mold manufacture alsogradually will shift as well as the transn ati onal group to our country carries onthe mold purchase trend to our country extremely to be also obvious. Therefore, willtake a broad view the future, i nternatio nal, the domestic mold market overalldevelopme nt tendency prospect will favor,

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