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1、新目标九年级词语辨析us人教版新目标九年级词语辨析(Us10-12)Unit 10. whole, all辨析:whole和all作为形容词,都有“整个的”、“完全的”意思,但用法略有不同。1. 与复数名词连用时whole的意思是“整个的”,而all表示“所有的”,近乎“每一个”。例如:It rained for five whole days. 雨下了整整五天。All my books are kept here. 我所有的书(每一本书)都保存在这儿。2. whole和all在句子中的位置不同。whole紧接名词,放在the,或物主代词,或that之后;all则放在the,或物主代词,或th

2、at之前。例如:the whole time, her whole life, that whole morning; all the time, all her life, all that morning.3. whole用于专用名词前要用定冠词the,all则直接用于专用名词前,不用定冠词the。例如:the whole China = all China练习:用whole或all填空。1. The teacher said, “Forty is a _ number.”2. Her _ homework was finished with the help of the teacher

3、.3. _ her homework was finished with the help of the teacher.4. He spent _day doing the work.5. He spent the _day doing the work.参考答案:1. whole 2. whole 3. All 4. all 5. whole. leave, forget辨析:leave和forget两者都是动词,都含有“忘记”的意思。表示把某物“拉在某地方”用leave,如无具体地点,则用forget。例如:He said that he had left his book in the

4、 classroom. 他说他把书放在教室里了。I never forget her. 我永远也忘不了她。练习:判断下列各句的正误,并把错误的改正。1. I leave his address.2. I forgot his address on the desk yesterday.3. She mustnt forget the letter on the table.4. He forgot telling her about it.5. Would you like to leave a message for him?参考答案:1. , leaveforget 2. , forgot

5、left 3. , forgetleave 4. 5. . on time, in time辨析:on time意思是“准时、按时”,而in time意思是“及时、在规定的时间”,不如on time时间观念强。例如:Will the train arrive on time? 火车会准时到达吗? They were just in time for the bus. 他们及时赶上了公共汽车。练习:汉译英。1. 我们应当准时开会。2. 警察及时到达了事故现场。3. 由于下雪飞机没能准时起飞。4. 难道我没告诉你要按时到这儿吗?5. 我们正好赶上了那辆公共汽车。参考答案:1. We must ha

6、ve a meeting on time.2. The policemen reached the place where the accident happened in time.3. The plane cant take off on time because of snow.4. Didnt I tell you to be here on time?5. We were just in time to catch the bus.Unit 11. pass, past辨析:pass 是动词,有“经过、通过、传递”等意思;past是形容词、副词、介词、名词,意思分别是“过去的;经过;

7、过;过去、往事(与the连用)”。例如:Please pass me a glass of water. 请递给我一杯水。That has been my life for these past ten years. 那就是我十年来的生活。He walked past without noticing me. 他走了过去没注意到我。It is half past seven. 现在七点半了。We cant change the past. 我们不能改变过去。练习:单项选择。1. Did you _ the exam? A. pass B. past C. passed D. passing2.

8、 I went _ her house.A. pass B. past C. passed D. passing3. When she thinks of the _, she feels happy.A. pass B. past C. passed D. passing4. A week _ quickly.A. pass B. past C. passed D. passing5. The old woman is _ eighty.A. pass B. past C. passed D. passing参考答案:15 ABBCB. exchange, change辨析:exchange

9、和change作动词时都有“交换;兑换”的意思,exchange强调调换,change则强调改变;作名词时exchange常指“交换、交换机、汇兑”,change则常指“变化、零钱”等。例如:Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars. 我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。Let me change the dollar bill for coins. 让我把这张美元的纸钞换成硬币。An exchange of opinions is helpful. 相互交换意见是有益的。Many changes have taken place since then. 自

10、那以来,发生了许多变化。练习:用exchange或change的合适形式填空。1. On second thoughts he _ his mind.2. Well have an opportunity to _ views tomorrow.3. Youll have to _ planes at Seattle.4. What is the rate of _ between the pound and the mark?5. “Heres your _,” said the saleswoman.6. In fall the leaves _ from green to brown.参

11、考答案:1. changed 2. exchange 3. change 4. exchange 5. change 6. change. lend, borrow, keep辨析:lend和borrow都有“借”的意思。lend是“借出”,指把东西借给别人,常与to连用;borrow是“借入”,指从别人那里借进东西,常与from连用;lend后可接双宾语,borrow后不可接双宾语。lend和borrow都是非延续性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,需要和表示一段时间的短语连用时要用延续性动词keep代替。例如:Can I borrow your bike? 我能借你的自行车吗?Will

12、you please lend me your dictionary? 把你的词典借给我用一下,好吗?You can keep this book for two weeks. 这本书你可以借用两周。练习:用lend, borrow或keep的正确时态形式填空。(必要时可加助动词)1. Yu Yue _ the knife from Li Jun last night.2. Li Jun _ the knife to Yu Yue last night.3. Who _ you the bike?4. How much _ you _ from him?5. How long _ you _

13、that book?参考答案:1. borrowed 2. lent 3. lent 4. have, borrowed 5. have, keptUnit 12. seat, sit辨析:seat和sit作为动词,都可以表示“就座”的意思。seat是及物动词,常以被动形式表示主动意义;而sit通常作不及物动词用。例如:He is seated between Jack and Tom. 她坐在杰克和汤姆之间。The students are sitting at their desks. 学生们正坐在课桌旁。Please be seated. (=Please seat yourself.)

14、请坐。Sit down, please. 请坐。seat 作名词用时,构成take a seat短语,此短语较sit down更正式、委婉、礼貌。另外,have a seat=take a seat或take ones seat意思是“坐下,就座”。例如:Take your seat, please.请坐。练习:指出下列各句中的一处错误,并改正。1. I found him seating there.2. She sat her baby on her knees.3. Please take a sit, the manager will soon be here.4. “Please s

15、eat you”, the teacher said.5. Hu Peng seated beside me in every class.参考答案:1. seatingseated/sitting 2. satseated 3. sitseat 4. youyourself 5. seatedsat. arrive, reach, get to辨析:arrive, reach, get to三者都有“到达”的意思。arrive是比较正式的用语,get to是非正式用语,在口语中可代替arrive或reach;arrive为不及物动词,后需接介词at或in才能加地点名词。一般说来,到达的是一个

16、大地方,如洲、国家、大城市等,用介词in,如果到达的是较小的地方,如车站、学校、村庄等,用介词at;reach是及物动词,后面直接跟表示地点的词;get是不及物动词,应借助介词to,“get to地名”是一个较普通的口头用法(get to后面直接加地点名词);另外,arrive at/in, get to后面跟home, here, there等这样的副词时,应将它们的介词去掉。当表示达到某一年龄或高度时,一般用reach。例如:When did you arrive in Paris? 你是什么时候到达巴黎的?The train arrived at the station. 火车到站了。H

17、e reached Beijing yesterday. 他昨天到达北京。Can you tell me how to get to the zoo? 你能告诉我如何到达动物园吗?练习:根据句意,用arrive, reach或get to的合适形式填空。1. I will _ in Beijing in a week.2. When do you _ to Hong Kong?3. I _ home before it was dark yesterday.4. Did you _ at that town at eight last night?5. The apples are too h

18、igh for the students to _ them.参考答案:1. arrive 2. get 3. reached /got /arrived 4. arrive 5. reach. used to do sth., be/get used to sth./ doing sth., be used to do sth.,be used for sth., be used as, be used by辨析:used to do sth.表示“过去常常 ”、“过去惯常 ”;be/get used to sth./doing sth.表示“习惯于 ”;be used to do sth.

19、意思是“被用来做 ”,to表示用途。例如:I used to go to office on foot, but I dont do that now. 我过去老是步行上班,但现在不这样了。He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦工作。 I was used to driving in all kinds of weather. 我习惯于各种气候条件下开车。A knife is used to cut something.小刀是用来切东西的。be used for意思是“被用来做 ”,for表示用途;be used as意思是“被用作为 ”,as表示主语是什么;be us

20、ed by意思是“被利用”,by后跟人,强调使用者。例如:A knife is used for cutting something.(A knife is used to cut something.)小刀是用来切东西的。The book can be used as a text book. 这本书可用作教科书。This desk is used by Wang Li. 这张书桌是王力用的。练习:汉译英。1. 我过去常步行上学。2. 我习惯走路上学。3. 她习惯于艰苦工作。4. 使用电子拖鞋在很暗中能看见。5. 飞盘是大学生发明的。参考答案:1. I used to walk to sch

21、ool.2. I am used to walking to school.3. She is used to hard work.4. Electric slippers are used for seeing in the dark./ Electric slippers are used to see in the dark.5. The flying disk was invented by college students.Unit 10-12. look at books, read books辨析:look at和read作动词,都有“看”的意思,但含义有所不同。look at是

22、强调动作,不强调是否看见,可用于进行时态;read强调阅读,作看懂、辨认、觉察解时不用于进行时态。例如:Look at the books, they are mine.看那些书,它们是我的。Dont read books in the sun.别在阳光下读书。练习:根据句意,用look at或read的合适形式填空。1. _ books in the sun is bad for your eyes.2. _ the blackboard, _ the words aloud, please.3. _, the students _ books over there.4. Dont _ at

23、 books, _ at pictures. Find out which pictures are ours.5. I like _ books very much.参考答案:1. Reading 2. Look at, read 3. Look, are reading 4. look, look 5. reading. also, too, either辨析:also, too, either三者都有“也”的意思。also和too多用于肯定句和疑问句中,also常用在句中(放在行为动词之前,系动词之后),而too常在句末(也可在句中,放在句中时前后加逗号分开);either多用在否定句中

24、,在句末。例如:I also went there yesterday.(=I went there yesterday, too.)昨天我也去了那儿。He didnt want to eat fast food, either. 他也不想吃快餐。练习:根据句意,用also, too或either填空。1. He didnt feel like eating too much food, _.2. My sister _ came to the party last week.3. Wed better catch the bus, _.4. The books over there are , _, theirs.5. John is _ 19 years old.参考答案:1. either 2. also 3. too 4. too 5. also

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