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2、部分问题,不但船长必备,其他干部船员,尤其是大副也必须看,轮机长也应该参考一下。1.Can you tell me about your educational background?实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间,最好也要告诉人家你接受某些社会培训的情况,谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。Please refer to a masters self-introduction in Part One of this book.2.What is a classification society? What is the purpose of classification survey?

3、Please list some famous classification societies in the word.A classification society is usually an independent organization that carries out classification surveys, statutory surveys, surveys related to a notary matters for ships, offshore installations, marine freight containers, materials and mar

4、ine equipments. It also provides safety management certification services to shipping companies and their ships .The purpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and the management of a company and its ship.Some of the famous classification societies are :NK(Japanese 日本海事协

5、会),CCS(Chinese ),ABS(American), DNV(Norwegian ),SL(British Lloyd英国劳氏),GL(German Lloyd德国劳氏),KR(Korea),RINA(意大利船级社).3.Can you talk about the previous vessels you worked on board?实事求是,若没有做过,千万不要伪造。并且服务簿、书面简历以及你自己口头介绍的资历的内容一定要一致,特别是时间、船型、航区、吨位、船员情况、外派公司、船东及租船公司情况,因为你是船长,应该对自己管理的船有非常深的印象。Please refer to

6、an masters self-introduction in Part One of this book.4.What type of cargo was carried on board your last vessel?曾经在什么船上工作过,运过什么货物也是船东非常关心的问题,因为船东在考虑把他的一条船交给你时,对你是否运过某种他们的船舶载的货物非常关键。因为你只有运过某种货物,才对这种货物的特性、装卸时需要注意的事项、运输途中需要注意的事项有所了解和经验。其实,你如果运过某些货物,你也应该说出来。下面提供几种货物的名称,供参考:Bulk cargo cement, cement cli

7、cker, nickel, ore, iron, sand, phosphorus, potash in bulk, salt, grain, pet coke, coal etc.,General cargo: vehicle, loader, wagon, heavy lifts, over-length cargo, mine equipment, steel construction material. Other: Log, plywood, container, and so on.5.When was your last vessel trading area, which po

8、rts have you called?Usually, a passage plan should be made before a new voyage starts. The Master should give the Second Officer the sailing instruction and his intentions on the sailing routes and before the Second Officer prepares the draft plan. Then the Master is supposed to check it very carefu

9、lly. If something wrong is found in the passage plan, the Master should ask the Second Officer to correct it immediately. If nothing is wrong about the draft, the plan shall be ratified and implemented.When the Second Officer is making the draft plan, the Master should help provide some important in

10、formation sources for the Second Officer prepares the draft plan. Then the Master is supposed to check it very carefully. If something wrong is found in the passage plan, the Master should ask the Second Officer to correct it immediately. If nothing is wrong about the draft, the plan shall be ratifi

11、ed and implemented.When the Second Officer is making the draft plan, the Master should help provide some important information sources for the Second Officer, such as the port entry guidance, the sailing directions, lists of lights, tidal stream tables, deep draught vessel planning guide, the IMO sh

12、ip route guidance, government and port authoritys regulations, pilot charts, notice to mariner, weather information, and the voyage plan and so on.The Master should ensure that the plan covers “berth to berth” area in the passage. And the Master should help the Second Officer to select the best sail

13、ing route that will save fuel and time, and avoid bad weather conditions.6.Can you describe the preparation procedures before entering the US ports?First, I must check all the certificates for the vessel and the seamen to make sure all the necessary certificates are available to deal with the custom

14、s clearances, the sanitary checks and other port checks. In addition, I must prepare such publications as currently corrected navigational charts, US costal pilot guide, light list book, tide table, US inland rules of navigation, and recent notice to mariners.Forty-eight hours prior to a US port, I

15、shall conduct the following emergency steering drills and log them into the record books: operation of the main steering gear from steering compartment, communication between bridge and steering compartment, and alternative power supply. I shall also inform the Qualified Individual of my arrival. Tw

16、enty-four hours before arrival in a US port, I shall notify the USCG of my ships arrival. Twelve hours prior to arrival in a US port, the following equipment shall be tested and recorded in the log book: primary and second steering gear, internal control communications and alarms, standing-by emerge

17、ncy generator, and main propulsion machinery.Drills are also the priorities of my preparatory work. Usually, the port authority of the US pays special attention to the drills. So boat drills, fire-fighting drills and other drills must be carried out before entering into any US port.Sanitary situatio

18、n of my ship is another consideration. Proper disposal of garbage on my ship and anti-pollution devices examination are very important.All in all, much more care should be taken before entry into any US port than in the ports in other countries.美国是世界上海事立法最多的国家,也是港口检查最严格的国家之一,熟悉美国有关海事立法和港口国检查要求对一名船长来

19、说非常重要,这也是船东特别关注的问题。7.Did you encounter any problems during PSC inspections in the US ports?No, I have never met any big problems because I always made good preparation before my vessel called at the US port. Each time I was able to go through the PSC inspections smoothly.Or you can say:Yes, I once h

20、ad a problem during PSC inspection in a US port. The ARPA couldnt be activated since the power supply was out of work. The USCG only allowed us a few hours to repair it. To their satisfaction, the ARPA was back to normal after only one hour. Luckily, we dont have any fine imposed on us. I understand

21、 from this experience that good preparations in advance are very important. Even if there is a problem, I will ask my crew to rectify it in the least possible time.8.How should the pre-departure seminar be conducted in the port?According to my experience, a safety meeting shall be held prior to depa

22、rture and some of the important issues like the un-berthing operation away check, cooperation with the pilot and other engineering (technical) matters should be discussed at the meeting.9.Why should the Master always be aware of the actions being taken by the pilot?Well, its because the presence of

23、the pilot on the bridge does not relieve the Master from taking any measures necessary to assure the safety of the ship and marine environment. If he finds that the pilots orders are doubtful, the Master has to clarify the orders immediately. When necessary, the Master shall command the ships naviga

24、tion himself.引航员在船引航时并没有解除船长和船员对于船舶安全的责任是ISM体系特别强调的一点,船长应该熟知并让每位船员熟知。10.What should the Master do if he is unsure about his legal standing in a foreign country or a strange port?He must contact the company at once for advice. He should also, if necessary, consult the local correspondent of the owner

25、s P&I and the local agent of the ship who can provide valuable and assistance.绝大多数船东希望远在海上的船员能及时和船东沟通,并把一些解决不了或不是很明白的问题及时向他们报告。当然,和船东公司在各个国家和港口代理的沟通也十分重要。11.What should the Master do if the figures of the loaded quantity are abnormally different from those on the bills of lading? The master should r

26、eport the case to the ship owner as soon as possible. At the discretion of the company, the Master should prepare and send a Letter of Protest to the notary surveyor of terminal/port authority under the instruction of the ship owner. In such case, the Master should also require further measurements

27、and calculations to be made.12.What contents are shown on the Bill of Lading if the ship is loaded with bulk cargo?Ususlly, the following items are shown on the Bill of Lading (B/L): measure, quality, quantity, condition, contents and value unknown etc., Different companies may have formats for thei

28、r respective B/L.A B/L consists of three original copies that have the same legal validity. The first copy the consignee shows will deny the validity of the other two copies.13.Do you know the insurance coverage provided by a P & I Club?A P&I Club is a non-profit association of ship owners that prov

29、ides mutual insurance against maritime risks. It covers the risks that are not covered by the Hull Insurer, such as personal illness and injury, cargo damage, collision with another vessel, stowaways and refugees, damage to fixed or floating objects, pollution and so on.14.Could you explain what the

30、 SOLAS 74 AND MARPOL 73/78 are? What is the relation between SOLAS74 and ISM Code?SOLAS is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. It is the most important international convention on the safety of the life at sea made and passed by IMO. The ISM Code is listed as Chapter 9 of the

31、 SOLAS 74. It is to ensure safety of the ship, the seamen, the port and the cargo, as well as the marine environment.MARPOL, 73/78 is the International Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution. This is the most important international convention on the protection of marine environment.几个国际公约

32、的名称,特别是全称应该了如指掌。对公约主要条款更应该知道。现在,ISM CODE 因列为SOLAS 公约第9章而变成强制性执行的公约,对ISM CODE的目的、主要内容尤其要有比较深入的了解。15.Prior to ships departure, what tests should be made and logged in the Ships Log Book?Some of the key test to be done before sailing:a) Steering gear testb) Ships clocks and engine telegraph tests and harmonizationc) Internal, external and portable communication equipment test d) The whistle and navigational lists testse) Relevant electronic position-fixing equipment (ARPA, RADAR, GMDSS) testf) Any other tests that the Master thinks necessary16.How of

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