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1、赤泥作为化学稳定剂解决土壤有毒金属污染英文翻译资料Water Air Soil Pollut (2012) 223:12371247DOI 10.1007/s11270-011-0940-4V. Feigl (*) : K. GruizBudapest University of Technology and Economics,1111 Szent Gellrt tr 4,Budapest, Hungarye-mail: vfeiglmail.bme.huA. Anton : N. UzignerResearch Institute for Soil Science and Agricult

2、uralChemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,1022 Herman Ott u. 15,Budapest, Hungarywaste product, since it has many potential reuseapplications, which could help reduce the amount ofstorage needed for this by-product. Potential constructionand chemical applications include uses inbuilding con

3、struction, catalyst support, ceramics,plastics, and coatings or pigments. Metallurgicalapplications include uses in recovery of major andminor metals, steel making, and as a slag additive.Environmental and agronomic applications includeuses in water and waste treatment, gas scrubbing, andas soil ame

4、ndment (Klauber et al. 2009). Forexample, the application of red mud to soil canpotentially reduce the eutrophication of rivers andwaterways by retaining nutrients, especially phosphate,on infertile sandy soils. Summers et al. (1993)treated sandy soil with 80 t/ha of red mud neutralizedwith waste gy

5、psum and reduced phosphorous lossesby 70%. Ward and Summers (1993) concluded thatneutralization with gypsum is unnecessary for applicationto pasture land at less than 100 t/ha. Summerset al. (1996) recommended an optimal red mudapplication rate (without gypsum) of 1020 t/ha toreduce phosphorus leach

6、ing and noted that theimproved nutrient retention continues for at least5 years after fertilizer application.Red mud may also be applied to soil to immobilizemetals by chemical stabilization. Phillips (1998)found that red mud mixed into sand has a greaterability to sorb Cu2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ ions tha

7、n dozeolite and calcium phosphate. Mller and Pluquet(1998) showed that red mud can reduce the solubleamount of Zn and Cd by 50% and reduce the metalsuptake of plants by 2050%. However, in a field trial,they observed lower immobilizing efficacy on themetal concentrations in plants and soil extracts.

8、Theyconcluded that the red mud used in the experimentscontained excessive concentrations of Cr and Al,which made it unsuitable for soil remediation. Incontrast, Gray et al. (2006) used red mud with a Crconcentration of 1,377 mg/kg for stabilization ofmetals in soil and noted that Cr was not soluble

9、oravailable for plants when mixed into soil. Althoughthis issue may be important for Cr-containing redmuds, there are a number of red muds that do notcontain chromium or other toxic metals.Lombi et al. (2002a, b) compared the performanceof red mud (from Mosonmagyarvr, Hungary), lime,and beringite as

10、 stabilizers for Cd-, Pb-, Zn-, Cu-, andNi-contaminated soil and found that all were similarlyeffective in reducing the metal concentrations in thesoil pore water. In fact, only 2% (w/w) of red mud wasneeded to be as effective as 5% (w/w) beringite; also,the microbial biomass of the soil significant

11、ly increasedin the presence of red mud. The red mudshifted metals in soil from the exchangeable (ionic)fraction to the Fe oxide fraction, which may result in amore durable decrease in metal mobility than liming.Brown et al. (2005) showed that red mud (fromMosonmagyarvr, Hungary) can reduce ammoniumn

12、itrate-extractable, water-extractable, and bioavailableZn and Cd, but does not affect Pb. In a fieldexperiment using 5% red mud, Gray et al. (2006)found effective (7096%) reductions of metals such asZn, Cd, and Ni in pore water and soil extracts. Nosignificant Pb reductions were observed in the firs

13、t5 months, but by the 25th month, Pb was immobilized.Friesl et al. (2004, 2006, 2009) conducted severalpot and field experiments with red mud fromMosonmagyarvr. Their 2004 results were similarto those of Lombi et al. (2002a), but they also foundthat red mud applied at 5% (w/w) increased theammonium

14、nitrate-extractable As, Cu, Cr, and V insoil. In their 2006 field experiment, they showed thatred mud applied approximately 15 cm below the soilsurface can reduce the ammonium nitrate-extractableCd, Zn, and Pb up to 99% but that deeper applicationmay be needed to reduce plant metal uptake. Finally,i

15、n 2009, Friesl et al. concluded that red mud andgravel sludge (a fine-grained waste product of thegravel industry consisting of 4065% SiO2, 1014% Al2O3, 37% Fe2O3, 512% CaO, and 46%MgO at pH 8.2), in combination with a metalexcludingbarley cultivar (Hordeum distichon ssp. L.),performed most effectiv

16、ely as a stabilizer for themetal-contaminated soil at an experimental site inArnoldstein, Austria.The application of red mud on mine waste andmetal-contaminated soils has been integrated into acomplex risk management activity and is one of therisk reduction measures that will be implemented in alarg

17、e catchment. The complex remediation conceptinvolves the removal of the point sources and treatingthe diffuse pollution with a combination of chemicalstabilization and phytostabilization (Gruiz et al.2009a). To find the suitable red mud concentrationand plant combination, a number of researchers hav

18、econducted laboratory soil microcosm experiments(Feigl et al. 2007, 2009; Anton and Barna 2008).1238 Water Air Soil Pollut (2012) 223:12371247The experiment described in this paper introducesthe remediation of metal-contaminated soils using redmud for chemical stabilization/immobilization followedby

19、 phytostabilization. The 2-year study focuseson long-term results in laboratory soil microcosms.2 Materials and Methods2.1 MaterialsDuring the 2-year study, we evaluated the stabilizationperformance of red mud from Almsfzit, Hungaryon toxic, metal-contaminated soils and mine wastesfrom the former Pb

20、 and Zn sulfide ore mine inGyngysoroszi, Hungary (Gruiz et al. 2009a). TheAlmsfzit red mud has a relatively low pH (9.0)compared to most red muds, which generally have pHof approximately 11.3 (Grfe et al. 2009). TheAlmsfzit red mud also has low toxic metal content(below the Hungarian quality criteri

21、a for sewagesludge application on soil, as stipulated in GovernmentDecree No. 50/2001) compared to the highlyalkaline red muds with high Cr content used in someof the studies discussed in Section 1. Characteristicsof the red mud, soil, and mine waste are presented inTable 1.The soil originated from

22、an agricultural areadownstream of the former mine and is heavilycontaminated with toxic metals, especially mobileCd and Zn. Contamination is the result of severeflooding of the Toka creek, which transports themetals from the abandoned mine. The mine wasteoriginated from waste rock heaps near the mai

23、nentrance of the mine. These partly uncovered wastedeposits have been exposed to intensive weatheringfor more than 40 years, resulting in acidification,leaching, and oxidation.2.2 Soil TreatmentOur test samples consisted of three replicates placedin 2 kg plastic plant pots. Test samples included aco

24、ntrol (with no amendment) mine waste and contaminatedsoil, and each mixed with 2% and 5% (w/w)red mud. All were incubated at 25C, mixed, andwatered to 60% of their water-holding capacity everysecond month and after sampling. The soil wassampled and analyzed for complex chemical andbiological process

25、es. Short-term changes were monitoredby sampling at 0, 10, 20, and 45 days afteramendment, and long-term effects were monitoredafter 9 months and 2 years.2.3 Integrated MonitoringWe monitored the decreased mobility, solubility,and bioavailability of toxic metals in the amendedsoil samples using a me

26、thodology that integratesphysicalchemical analysis and ecotoxicity testing(Gruiz et al. 2005, 2009b) (Fig. 1). We evaluated theresults of chemical analysis and toxicity measurementsto determine whether the addition of red mudcould reduce the mobility, bioavailability, and risksposed by pollutants in

27、 the soil and, hence, whetherred mud could be used as a stabilizing agent for theGyngysoroszi mine waste. Gruiz et al. (2005)postulated that the actual risks posed by a mixture ofvarious metals and their species can be bettercharacterized by measuring adverse biological andtoxicological effects. Pla

28、nt toxicity and bioaccumulationmeasurements were used to characterize thedynamic interactions between the red mud, thetreated medium, and the living organisms and toprovide direct information on the actual adverseeffects of the pollutants before and after remediation.2.3.1 Sample PreparationTo prepa

29、re soil samples for the integrated monitoring,we air-dried, ground, and sieved (2-mm sieve) the soilsamples according to Hungarian Standard 21470-50:2006.2.3.2 Chemical AnalysisTo predict mobile metals concentrations, we usedHungarian Standard HS 21978-9:1998 and analyzedboth distilled water extract

30、 (pH 7.0; 1:10 soilextractant ratio; agitation for 4 h at 25C) andammonium acetate extract (pH 4.5; 1:10 soil extractantratio; agitation for 4 h at 25C). We characterizedAs mobility using its concentration in the sodiumhydroxide and sodium carbonate extract (1:0.56 mol;pH 7.5; 1:20 soil extractant r

31、atio; 1 h at 90C) (HS21470-50:2006). We measured the total metals contentafter aqua regia digestion (3:1 hydrochloric acidnitric acid ratio; 1:4 soil extractant ratio; 2 h at 25C;Water Air Soil Pollut (2012) 223:12371247 1239Table 1 Characteristics of red mud from Almsfzit, contaminated agricultural soil, and mine wasteParameter HQC forsoilaHQC forsludgebRed mud Agricultural soil Mine wasteAqua regiaextractAmmonium acetateextractWaterextractAqua regiaextractAmmonium acetateextractWaterextractAqua regiaextractAm

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