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1、大学英语Book3大学英语BOOK3Vocabulary and Structure1. A _ to this problem is expected to be found before long.(A)A. solution B. settlement C. response D. result2. A good deal of the _ for their success must go to John Francis, the captain.(C)A. reputation B. respect C. credit D. fame3. This rapid growth has

2、been achieved by a _ handful of people.(D)A. simple B. scarce C. slight D. bare4. I like my teacher, but feel no _ for her.(A)A. affection B. like C. feeling D. motion5. The grandfather _ all the members of the family for the annual picnic.(B)A. put B. assembled C. collected D. had6. She goes to the

3、 dentist to have her teeth _ twice a week.(D)A. looked B. watched C. observed D. inspected7. The countrys first act would be to _ for the navy.(C)A. employ B. invite C. recruit D. supply8. Policemen wear a _ uniform.(A)A. distinctive B. distinct C. distinguished D. clear9. Like all the plans I will

4、suggest, it is not _; this is part of a long, north-east facing border in my own garden.(A)A. imaginary B. imaginative C. marine D. imaginable10. As we can no longer wait for the delivery (投递) of our order, we have to _ it.(B)A. accept B. cancel C. refuse D. delay11. In theory every citizen in a dem

5、ocratic (民主的) country may _ to the protection of the law.(B)A. claim B. appeal C. pronounce D. pray12. Ideas _ from ones own experience are sometimes more valuable than those from books.(A)A. derived B. deposited C. retreated D. restored13. By _ computation, he estimated that the repairs on the hous

6、e would cost him a thousand dollars.(D)A. rail B. rude C. rack D. rough14. They have _ for the car to pick them up at the station.(A)A. arranged B. managed C. appointed D. borrowed15. Mike had dropped in to _ how things were going on.(A)A. inquire B. require C. assign D. acquire16. Both sides exchan

7、ged their views on a wide _ of topics they were interested in at the meeting.(D)A. extent B. expand C. number D. range17. _ more and more scientists carrying out large-scale scientific researches, the space industry will become more promising.(C)A. As B. Thanks to C. With D. Since18. The environment

8、 of this city will be more seriously polluted _ effective measures are taken to prevent factories from sending out poisonous gases and waste water.(D)A. if B. once C. however D. unless19. _ dog was the first animals to be domesticated is generally agreed upon by authorities in the field.(D)A. Until

9、the B. It was the C. The D. That the20. I couldnt find _, and so I took this one.(A)A. a large enough coat B. a large coat enoughC. an enough large coat D. a coat enough large21. One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a _ operation, he quickly recovered his sight. (A)A. delicate B. co

10、nsiderate C. precise D. sensible22. Could you please _ an appointment for me to see Mr. Smith. (B)A. manage B. arrange C. take D. prepare23. The Americans set a new world _ in the sprint relay. (D)A. mark B. standard C. level D. record 24. Last year the advertising rate _ by 20 percent. (A)A. rose B

11、. raised C. aroused D. arose25. Our holiday was _ by showers of rain. (A)A. spoiled B. destroyed C. crashed D. discouraged26. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _.(C)A. gaps B. rate C. intervals D. length27. We were tired of hearing him

12、_ about how strong he was.(D)A. comment B. remark C. refer D. boast28. Id rather read than watch television; the programs seem _ all the time.(B)A. to get worse B. to be getting worse C. to have got worse D. getting worse29. It is vital that enough money _ to fund the project.(A)A. be collected B. m

13、ust be collected C. is collected D. can be collected30. If only the committee _ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.(D)A. approve B. will approve C. can approve D. would approve31The government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.(B)

14、A. raise B. promote C. rise D. increase32. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _.(A)A. capacity B. strength C. length D. possibility33. I dont like the noise of this air conditioner, but Ive learned to _ it. (D)A. stay with B. stand with C. go with D. l

15、ive with34. The soldier was _ of running away when the enemy attacked. (C)A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished35. Reading _ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. (D)A. inserts B. decorates C. deserves D. furnishes36. Every man in this country

16、 has the right to live where he wants to _ the colour of his skin. (D)A. with the exception of B. in the light of C. by means of D. regardless of37. It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right. (D)A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been

17、leaking38. _ that my head had been clear, my brain was also beginning to work much better. (B)A. For B. Now C. Since D. Despite39. _, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. (A)A. Other things being equal B. Were other thi

18、ngs equalC. To be equal to other things D. Other things to be equal40. I dont think it advisable that Tom _ to the job since he has no experience. (C)A. is assigned B. will be assigned C. be assigned D. has been assignedTranslation from English to Chinese1.But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gain

19、s into this village that captured his heart with its fantastic view of rolling fields and pine forests disappearing into the distance like the men of an ancient army marching over the horizon.但是最主要的,是他将不法收入投进了这座山村。村子里绵延起伏的原野与松林,像行进在地平线上古老军队的士兵似的渐然消失于远方。这一派奇异的景色深深地吸引了他。2. He bought noble titles at au

20、ctions, spending 95,000 to become the Lord of Chirnside, and then adding on 10 more Scottish titles.他在拍卖会上买了好些贵族头衔,先是花95,000英镑成为彻恩赛德勋爵,后来又添了10多个苏格兰贵族头衔。3. He purchased the pub and made it into a fine place to have a glass of Glenlivet scotch whiskey, produced only 10 miles (16 kilometers) to the nor

21、th.他还买下了酒吧,将它建成一个可以喝到格伦利物苏格兰威士忌的好去处。该威士忌的产地在村的北面,距村10英里。4. He was caught because his bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the banks management.他最后被捕是因为他的银行存款数额巨大,引起了银行管理部门的注意。5. In the only interview he has given since his arrest a year ago, Mr. Williams discussed his motives for th

22、e crime with a London newspaper.自一年前被逮捕以来,威廉姆斯先生接受了惟一的一次采访。采访中,他对伦敦一家报纸谈到了自己的犯罪动机。6. Sports medicine experts have made a succession of experiments and found that endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiency. 体育医学专家做了一系列实验,发现耐力运动员,尤其是女运动员,常常会缺铁。7. She made a two-year stud

23、y of 100 inactive women aged from 30 to 60 who showed evidence of iron loss.她对100位不锻炼的女性做了两年研究,这些女性的年龄在30至60之间,均显示出缺铁的症状。8. A woman who already has a poor iron status may suffer a more serious iron deficiency caused by intense endurance exercise.一个原本铁质不足的女性可能因剧烈的耐力运动而产生严重的缺铁性症状。9. If women of child-

24、bearing age reject red meat, they will be at a great risk of iron loss.如果育龄女性拒绝食用红肉,她们流失铁质的危险就非常大。10. It is necessary for athletes in high-impact sports to have enough iron to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscle.从事剧烈体育运动的运动员必须有足够的铁质,以构成血蛋白分子,这些分子将氧送至运动的肌肉。

25、11. The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment, which is flashing its red light as if in warning.她屋里惟一的一丝光线来自一件医疗设备,它一闪一闪地发出红光,好像正在发出警告。12. Carefully, to avoid injuring her, I rub cream into the yellow skin, which rolls freely over the bones, feeling perfectly the outline

26、 of each bone in the back.。为了不伤着她,我小心翼翼地把护肤霜搽在她发黄的皮肤上。皮肤松弛地在骨头上滑动,我可以触摸到她背上每块骨头那清晰的轮廓。13. Some unknown interval of time passes before her eyes open again, only this time there is no response in them, just a blank stare.不知道过了多长一段时间,她又睁开了双眼,只是这一次目光里没有任何反应,只有木然的凝视。14. I reach for the light switch, and

27、as it silently lights the scene, I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye.我伸手去开灯。在灯静静地照亮整个病房时,我转身走到病床边,以医生那种平静而具有专业性的目光观察着病人。15. Mrs. Clark spared her family an episode that perhaps they were not equipped to handle and instead shared it with me.克拉克夫人为她的家人省略了一幕他们或许无

28、力面对的人生插曲,但却乐意和我分享它。16. Clearly, some locations on Earth already have too many people; in many of these areas, future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering.很明显,地球上某些地区人口太多了。其中许多地区未来的人口增长肯定会带来更多的贫穷和苦难。17. However, the collective smoke from thousands of factories, over the past t

29、wo centuries, has caused enormous increases in air pollution levels worldwide.但是,在过去的两个世纪中,从千万家工厂排放出的烟尘,已大大加剧了全球的大气污染程度。18. Now that they are no longer ignorant of the causes of the sickness of our planet, they seek ways to help the Earth, to give back what they take away. 现在人类不再对地球所遭受的创伤熟视无睹,人们正在寻求

30、各种方法来恢复它,把自己曾经索取的东西归还给地球。19. Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer, the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more. 虽然使用拖拉机等机械以及施用化肥可以使农业产量提高,但是土地最终所能产出的粮食只有那么多,不会再多了。20. The old man next door died of alco

31、holism, which should be a warning to those people who drink alcohol too much.隔壁那位老人死于酒精中毒 (alcoholism),这应该是对那些酗酒者的一种警告。21. When I saw the poor old woman lying in bed, dying, I remembered a smell of decay.当我看见那位可怜的老妇人躺在床上,奄奄一息时,我想起了一种腐烂的气味。22. When playing basketball, Jack broke his arm, which is now secured with plaster bandage in order to avoid being injured again.杰克在打篮球时摔断了手臂,现在只好用石膏绷带 (plaster bandage) 固定着,以免再次受伤。23. When I was young, Mother always

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