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1、21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册超详细课后答案完整版读写教程课后答案单元TETAII 1.copulory 2.rels 3onfie .nseqences5.incive 6encefth7.inst .percie .passion ted wth ihrd2inme3.payd itois enmys hands4.eyod hr west dms5.un onMchael vr wor orhun on Michaeswords6.t ffouseed on 8.the pplf hrissey9.fild nto the curtom10.prg ov

2、e their collectinV1os obviou:gaze,beam,wid2ost ovious:beray,sigh,fron3.ot obious:oos,evelatn,suVIA1actres 2.pes 3.godde 4.itress 5itess 6liones.priestss 8.heiressB1.Goddess 2.witrsse,tresss 3Linse .mtrssesVIIaen who i kignexm 应试者e owhomsmethingisreferre, sp.ordecon or ettlement 裁判a personwo is appoi

3、td o job orpsitin被任命者a prson wh asben foretolevhis county, hme, etc. n seek efu 避难者,难民theperson to m lete, t. is addresse 收件人a persn ho is in traed 受训者a esn who s scad fromoehe 逃脱者 person h tay aw 缺席者a personowh oney is sod beaid 受款人B 1.exmiee .trine 3.absente .efugees 5.adrssee 6.scape VII latross:

4、 crane (鹤,鹭), ag (鹰),pigeo (鸽子), w (猫头鹰), pegun (企鹅) ll bidspteoatl: mouito (蚊子), crick (蟋蟀) all haveigs, but hey aret birds; eal: eal(海豹):ne (驴), dlphin (海豚) all mmals; or seal (海豹): pengin (企鹅) liv both o lan an i te water;orl(印记,图记):crne (起重机),cckt (板球), spnge (海绵状物) all aeothermanng unreltdo ani

5、malsshark: oin(海豚), one (海绵) ll live underaer IX1Having too many peole nta slows our odownrathe han seedg iup. 2.He wantedto makhisli s a tec rter than aa bunessan. 3.In most odrn societies omenar reat sprossioalequals raher han sservants. Bodlnguerefes tcmmuitio trog the way ou mv rahr thntospech.

6、5.He prefrrd to s quietly in css rathe an risk iig an answer that igh bewrog.6.Andew i onvincedthat ov rther than mny isthe keytopiness7.Many pepl owaday cmuncate b e-ail ahr than(y) ponesan faxes. 8M. Kestr madsudes thin for temseveraer ta teling thm hat o think. X1.i only ratmre rdes2.f nly to hav

7、e a rifheck-upif only make agood imresion on is4.if onlyown thers bou ho danerous i is o e socaelss5.if only so ouslgetting so bored at itsef felt2ak yourvews nown.makeself head4ake oursel unertod.mke Anho inteeteXI上学的孩子们中间有一种普遍的错误想法,即认为他们的老师当年都是些神童。不管怎么说,除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、不愿学习的书呆子之外,还有谁愿意长大后当

8、老师呢?我竭力向我的学生们解释我在他们心目中的形象 一个在青春期热衷于书本和作业的人有一点被扭曲了。相反,我极为憎恨义务教育。我永远都无法接受在鱼儿上钩时不得不去上学的想法。XIII1.Tom (was) transre to r scho last r. e hung isYoungs eryod in clssand sonbecame the appl her e.2Seeg his dugtadute fm igshool, efelt suref love d pr a e coudntxpess words. 3.Last yea e r L fire hisvnue int he

9、stock mrket, becoming a milonire as beyond hs wildest dream.Omy holda, wa lukeouhtowinessm ld seas feedn on fish. I ok several ptos o em,bu uortnately he were alluoffocu. e prine ha been goingste with t actres for thr rsand nothig canater heir plan et mardnetek 6.t isa copete isncptn thttheooro not

10、eed oorducation becus they do not even hv enogh ofe o Wtout education, how anpoor eople eervcome thirpovert? 7.lf Davids lasmatesare compltly stmed nooe can wrk ot hwhe bcame topsudent oeright.It was ius hat her ejction fhis ropoal hit him har, but in ime he ecoveed from hs ounds. XIVCD BBABCBBD BCC

11、TXT BV 1,uriou 2,wag 3,coac ,wrdt 5,punshmnt ,optin ,icnse 8,byadrs 9,cllison 1,mecnic 1,tingn 2,spread out3,lost m ol4,ickep 5,make p ,stood ou 2单元TEXT AII 1.omlory .relsh 3.conidence 4.consqences5.incentive 6hencefoth.invest 8erceve 9.passio 1.scheng IV1.ging stedy wiRichard2.n tie 3.plae into his

12、 eneyshands4.beyndwdt dams5.hung n ihaels eyo r hung on Micael words6.ut f focus7.feed o apple of hriss eye9ied int he cortro10.por oe thr cllctinV1mot obvos:gae,beam,widen2.ot obviou:beay,sg,frown3.msbvio:loriou,revelain,sumIA .actress 2.mpress 3.godds .istress .waitress .linss7prietess 8.hisB

13、 .odess 2wairees,actes 3.Lonesses istresseIaperson hois taina exam 应试者ne t whom soething s rere, esp. for decision or sttmnt 裁判 person hoi apoinedto a obr pstin 被任命者a perso whohas bee foed toleave his ountry, ome,tc. an eek refuge 避难者,难民t pesn t whom a leter, et. sadrese 收件人aerson who s being train

14、受训者aerson ho has escaedromsoewhee 逃脱者a ersn who stysway 缺席者a persn to whommoe ir shoulde id 受款人B .eamne trane 3.asentee .efgees 5.addrsee 6escaee VII albtross: crne (鹤,鹭), eagle (鹰),ieon (鸽子), ol(猫头鹰),penguin (企鹅) allidsptoactl: mosquio(蚊子), crcke(蟋蟀) lhae wns, but they aren brs; seal: eal (海豹): don

15、y (驴), olphin (海豚) allmammas; o ea (海豹): nuin (企鹅) live both o land and n te wter; seal(印记,图记): crae(起重机), crikt (板球),snge (海绵状物)all havethr eins uelated animalssar: dlphin(海豚), spoe (海绵) all lie udewa 1.Havgtoo ma peolon the tem sws ou rk downrtherthanedin it up. . aed to mae his living as a tacher

16、 rthrhanas businessman. 3.Inmost modern soiets womenae tated as rfessnlels raterthan aservats. 4o anguag rfers to communithrough the wa youmove ratherthn ospec 5.He preferretsit qietyin classrathe than ri gvinan anwertat igh be rog.Anw isnvinced tt v rthertha mes the keyohappins. 7.any pepe nowadays

17、 cmmunicate by e-ma ratr t (b) phone nd fxes 8.Mrs. Kster ad studnts think forhemlves rathethan elingthe what to hink X.if nlyo attact ore read2.if ol o ae a rifeck-up3.f oy t mke god impressiono h4.f nly t wrn ohersabothow dangerous t s o e s to stop youe ettin soboreat omXI1.mae itself f

18、elt.maeyouviews nn3.mke ourslf nthony nterestedXI上学的孩子们中间有一种普遍的错误想法,即认为他们的老师当年都是些神童。不管怎么说,除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、不愿学习的书呆子之外,还有谁愿意长大后当老师呢?我竭力向我的学生们解释我在他们心目中的形象 一个在青春期热衷于书本和作业的人有一点被扭曲了。相反,我极为憎恨义务教育。我永远都无法接受在鱼儿上钩时不得不去上学的想法。III1.Tom (was) ranserrd ou chool lastye. ehung n Mss Ygsevey word

19、 in clas an soon beame th apple o hr e2.Seeng hs daugter grauateom high hool, h fea e of love and rid ht heuldnexpres n wds. 3Last year wn Mr. i s bgn hi venre inhestocket, becoin a millonaiwasbeyond hiwilest dams.4.On m holday, waslucky eno wites someil ses feding on fsh. I tosvrl poosf them, bu un

20、rtunatelythe ere l offcus. 5.Th rince hs bee going stey wit t actrs orthre yar nd nothg ca atr hei plato ge mard nex wee. 6.t is compt msconceionhtthe poo donot ned ompusorduaton beauethey do noteven have enoughto feedon.ithot euaton, ho cn por peol eve oerme their poert? 7.Al of Dads assmtes are ml

21、etely sumped no ne ca work t how eca atp studn overnh8.I ws obious hat r rjct s ppsal hit him ar,butntm h recover fom his nds XV CDDCABAC BCBB CTEXT BI1,fros 2,ge 3,coch ,wedic ,punm 6,options ,lese 8,ystaners 9,collison 0,eanic V 1,setngn 2,pra out 3,lst mycool 4,pckedup 5,ku 6,stood ut 3单元EXT AII1

22、,A sese of ndr tatlasts ll their lives.2,Their fe th they know to lite boutnre,Beause nly once the emotins have been aroused, do we tn ishf knwde about the obectof ou emoionalrponse hen once fo, suh knwdge hafar more lastingmeaing th mee iformaio4,hey an stilllook up ate sk, listen to the wind, eel

23、te ain o he face and cotemplat the perfueand flavourfa fruit City-dwellr a fid a park r a golf core where they cn oservth migrtion f bidsand the changngseos,olant a seedin a ptin th kithen window.5,She mans yngmor tntion t the sensations nd nfomation we geom our sses. She sests that eask ourseves:Wh

24、at ifIhad nvr eenhi efor? Wh if I knewI would nv se itgi?6,he answers the sond ustonfirst:Is the exploraion f the tural woljusta peasa ayto pass he gldenhurs ochidood or is ther methin deepr?he isurehre s mehig ch eeper, smthing lstn and signnt. he lu shesees i it ine e, strength and isfacton,as ouline iparagrp 7.7,e ireferrin to h repting yles o nature, nd o eoionl/spiral hin A exale of a persn hover ost i see of oder, no mater w old heecm.8,When he elized

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