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1、最全小学英语语法总结最全的小学英语语法总结1.人称代词主格: I we you she he it they宾格: me us you her him it them形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs2.形容词和副词的比较级(1) 一般在形容词或副词后+erolder taller longer stronger, etc(2) 多音节词前+moremore interesting, etc.(3) 双写最后一个字母,再+erbigger fatter, etc.(

2、4) 把y变i,再+erheavier, earlier(5) 不规则变化:well-better, much/many-more, etc.3.可数词的复数形式Most nouns + s a book booksNouns ending in a consonant +y - y+ ies a storystoriesNouns ending in s, sh, ch or x + es a glassglasses a watch-watchesNouns ending in o +s or +es a pianopianos a mangomangoesNouns ending in

3、f or fe - f or fe +ves a knife knives a shelf-shelves4.不可数名词(单复数形式不变)bread, rice, water ,juice etc.5. 缩略形式Im = I am youre = you are shes = she is hes = he isits = it is whos =who is cant =can not isnt=is not etc一、缩略形式与完整形式1、sis, has 2.reare 3.ntnot 4.dwould 5.llwill 6.mam特例1. cantcannot 2. letslet u

4、s3 .got前的s是has写出下列的完全形式its hes wheres Helenswhats whos dont doesntdidnt isnt arent cantIm Ill Id hed liketheyre写出下列的缩略形式she is was not cannot you woulddo not have not let us he will二、星期和月份一般取前三个字母可简写SundaySun. MondayMon. TuesdayTue. WedesdayWed.ThursdayThu. FridayFri. SaturdaySat.JanuraryJan. Februa

5、ryFeb. MarchMar. AprilApr.一月 二月 三月 四月May JuneJun. JulyJul. AugustAug.五月 六月 七月 八月September-Sept. OctoberOct. NovemberNov. DecemberDec.九月 十月 十一月 十二月三、名词所有格(只有有生命的东西才有,一般指人和动物)1、一般在后面加 s 如 teacherteachers2、以s结尾的加 如 teachersteachers节日里的运用,表示特殊群体的节日:Childrens Day, Womens DayTeachers Day写出下列的名词所有格:David h

6、is brother twin(双胞胎之一)the dog Helens sister twins(指两个)6. a/ana book, a peachan egg an hour7. Preposition:on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at, behind.表示时间: at six oclock, at Christmas, at breakfaston Monday on 15th July On National Dayin the evening in December in winter8. 基数词和序数词

7、one first two-second twenty-twentieth9. Some /anyI have some toys in my bedroom.Do you have any brothers or sisters?10. be 动词(1) Basic form: am/are/is(2) 肯定和否定句 I am(not) from London.My eyes are(not) small.My hair is(not) long.(3)一般疑问句: Am I a Chniese? Yes, you are. No, you arent.Are they American?

8、Yes, they are. No, they arent.Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.11. there be 结构肯定句: There is a There are 一般疑问句:Is there ? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.Are there? Yes, there are. /No, there arent.否定句: There isnt . There arent.12. 祈使句Sit down pleaseDont sit down, please.13. 现在进行时.通常用“now”.形式:

9、be + verb +ingeg: I am(not) doing my homework.You/We/They are(not) reading.He/She/It is(not) eating.动词 ing 的形式Most verbs +ing walkwalkingVerbs ending in e -e + ing comecomingShort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run running swimswimming14 一般现在时。通常用 “usually, often, every day, sometimes”。形式:肯定句

10、: I go to school on foot every day.She goes to school on foot every day.一般疑问句:Do you jump high? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does he jump high? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.否定句: We dont go to school on Sundays.My mother doesnt like watching TV in the evening.15. (情态)动词can,must, should 后面直接用动词原形。eg:1. I

11、/ He / She / They can sing.2You should keep quiet in the library.16. 一般过去时态(a) be 动词的过去式:I/He/she/it was(not). You/we/they were.一般疑问句was, were 放在句首。(b) 动词过去式:肯定句: I watched cartoons.She visited the zoo.一般疑问句: Did you read book last night? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.Did she clean the desk just now? Yes,

12、 she did. No, she didnt.否定句: They didnt go the the part yesterday.He didnt make model ships last week.(3)动词过去式的变化:规则动词的变化:Most verbs +ed eg. planted,watered,climbed。Verbs ending in e +d eg liked。Verbs ending in a consonant +y -y +ied eg : studystudiedShort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant eg: s

13、top -stopped不规则动词的变化:is/amwas,arewere,dodid,have/hashad,makemade,fly-flew/u:/eatate,taketook,runran,singsang,drinkdrank 等等17. “Wh-” questions.What are you doing?What colour is it?What time is it? Whats the time?Which is your watch, the yellow one or the white one?Whos the man with a big nose? Whose

14、bag is it?When is your birthday?Where is my ball pen?Why do you like summer?How many books are there in the school bag?How old is the young man?How much is the toy bear?How do you go to school every day?What are you doing?What colour is it?What time is it? Whats the time?Which is your watch, the yellow one or the white one?Whos the man with a big nose?Whose bag is it?When is your birthday?Where is my ball pen?Why

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