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1、杜昶旭issue范文题目 “In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists - people who can provide broad perspectives.” “在现代,所有领域的专家都被严重高估了。我们需要更多的杂家,即能够提供广泛观念的人。”题目分析 这个题目引出了一系列相关问题:做“杂家”或做专家意味着什么,他们对于社会的价值如何?社会真的需要更多的“杂家”吗?实际上,专家真的被“严重高估”吗? 对这个话题,你可以选择以下的几个基本观点:是的,社会需要更多“杂

2、家”并且确实对专家评价过高。不,相关的观点是正确的。或者,这需要具体情况具体分析。或者,两个群体对于当今文化都很重要,没有任何一个是被高估的。你的分析需要从某个社会或国家找出例子,或从一个或若干社会领域找出例子,或从各种各样的情况中找出例子。 我们可以关注“杂家”和专家对通讯、交通运输、政治、信息、或者技术的作用。任何方法都是可以使用的,只要你能使用相关的理由和实例来支持你的观点。(ETS非常重视用实例来进行论证,所以平时积累相关的例子是非常重要的。很多同学忽略了这件事情,所以写的文章空洞乏力,得分自然就不高。) 在你提出观点以前,迅速重读一遍这个题目,分析一下,考虑如下问题: | 专家和“杂

3、家”之间的主要区别是什么?他们最强的分别是什么? | 这些区别在任何情况下都存在么?比如,是否有一些专家,他们同样需要非常广泛的知识和综合能力才能处理好他们的工作? | 在你的领域,“杂家”和专家都起到了什么作用? | 你认为社会给专家和“杂家”给予了怎样的评价?专家是否在某些情况下被高估,而在另外的情况下则没有? | 社会真的需要比现在更多的“杂家”么?如果是,他们的作用是什么?(仔细看看这些问题,你会发现应该从哪些方面来思考issue题目。这里我不再过多地阐述,以后我会有专门的文章来介绍如何思考和展开这些题目) 现在,你可以把你的想法分成两类: | 支持这个说法的理由和例子 | 支持相反说

4、法的理由和例子 如果你发现一个观点明显比另一个观点更有说服力,请考虑对这个观点展开论述。在你进行论述的过程中,别忘了你需要反驳的另外一个观点。 如果两类都有很有说服力的点,请考虑不要完全支持这个说法,而是考虑在一定范围内对这个观点进行支持,或者支持更复杂的情况。这样,你就可以从两个方面使用你的理由和例子来证明你的观点。范文和阅卷人评语范文6分In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both

5、positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists.Specialists are necessary in order to allow society as a whole to properly and usefully assimilate the masses of new information and knowledge that have come out of r

6、esearch and have been widely disseminated through mass global media. As the head of Pharmacology at my university once said (and I paraphrase):I can only research what I do because there are so many who have come before me to whom I can turn for basic knowledge. It is only because of each of the nar

7、rowly focussed individuals at each step that a full and true understanding of the complexities of life can be had. Each person can only hold enough knowledge to add one small rung to the ladder, but together we can climb to the moon. This illustrates the point that our societies level of knowledge a

8、nd technology is at a stage in which there simply must be specialists in order for our society to take advantage of the information available to us.Simply put, without specialists, our society would find itself bogged down in the Sargasso sea of information overload. While it was fine for early phys

9、icists to learn and understand the few laws and ideas that existed during their times, now, no one individual can possibly digest and assimilate all of the knowledge in any given area.On the other hand, Over specialization means narrow focii in which people can lose the larger picture.No one can hop

10、e to understand the human body by only inspecting ones own toe-nails. What we learn from a narrow focus may be internally logically coherent but may be irrelevant or fallacious within the framework of a broader perspective. Further, if we inspect only our toe-nails, we may conclude that the whole bo

11、dy is hard and white. Useful conclusions and thus perhaps useful inventions must come by sharing among specialists. Simply throwing out various discovieries means we have a pile of useless discoveries, it is only when one can make with them a mosaic that we can see that they may form a picture.Not o

12、nly may over-specialization be dangerous in terms of the truth, purity and cohesion of knowledge, but it can also serve to drown moral or universall issues. Generalists and only generalists can see a broad enough picture to realize and introduce to the world the problems of the environment. With spe

13、cialization, each person focusses on their research and their goals. Thus, industrialization, expansion, and new technologies are driven ahead. Meanwhile no individual can see the wholisitc view of our global existence in which true advancement may mean stifling individual specialists for the greate

14、r good of all. Finally, over-specialization in a peoples daily lives and jobs has meant personal and psychological compartmentalization. People are forced into pigeon holes early in life (at least by university) and must conciously attempt to consume external forms of stimuli and information in orde

15、r not to be lost in their small and isolated universe. Not only does this make for narrowly focussed and generally pooprly-educated individuals, but it guarantees a sense of loss of community, often followed by a feeling of psychological displacement and personal dissatisfaction.Without generalists,

16、 society becomes inward-looking and eventually inefficient. Without a society that recongnizes the impotance of braod-mindedness and fora for sharing generalities, individuals become isolated. Thus, while our form of society necessitates specialists, generalists are equally important. Specialists dr

17、ive us forward in a series of thrusts while generalists make sure we are still on the jousting field and know what the stakes are.阅卷人评语6分 这是对本话题非常优秀的分析有思想,推理严谨,使用语言高效 。引言段提出了作者对这个问题的看法,并提出了作者将要展开的观点的背景:“在这个社会和技术快速变化的时代,生活变得越来越复杂,人们的心理状态也在转换” 论证过程本身包含了两个部分。第一个部分提出了专业化方面,主要是医学领域,有说服力的例子。第二个部分基于如下三个主要理

18、由提出了同样有说服力的、组织严谨的例子来反驳过分专业化: | 逻辑的角度(只精通某些知识的专家通常难以从宏观上理解) | 道德的角度(通常“杂家”知道如何做到“上上善道”) | 个人的角度(过早的专业化/分类会造成心理缺陷) 本文严谨的论证线索还被有效地使用专家意见(来自于一位顶级医学研究着的引言)和生动的隐喻(仅仅看到一个人的脚趾甲会忽略整个身体)进一步加强。 本文的特点还不仅仅是它的推理,它的语言准确并且经常使用比喻 (“深陷信息过载的马尾藻海中”,“一堆没用的发现,”以及“专家用一系列火箭推动力迫使我们进步,而杂家让我们确信我们仍在格斗场上”)。论证中的连接短语和观点使得观点有效组织并且

19、向前推进论证,它们也不断引导读者继续阅读。这是一篇极其优秀的考试作文。范文5分Specialists are not overrated today. More generalists may be needed, but not to overshadow the specialists. Generalists can provide a great deal of information on many topics of interest with a broad range of ideas. People who look at the overall view of things

20、 can help with some of the large problems our society faces today. But specialists are necessary to gain a better understanding of more in depth methods to solve problems or fixing things.One good example of why specialists are not overrated is in the medical field. Doctors are necessary for people

21、to live healthy lives. When a person is sick, he may go to a general practitioner to find out the cause of his problems. Usually, this kind of generalized doctor can help most ailments with simple and effective treatments. Sometimes, though, a sickness may go beyond a family doctors knowledge or the

22、 prescribed treatments dont work the way they should. When a sickness progresses or becomes diagnosed as a disease that requires more care than a family doctor can provide, he may be referred to a specialist. For instance, a person with constant breathing problems that require hospitalization may be

23、 suggested to visit an asthma specialist. Since a family doctor has a great deal of knowledge of medicine, he can decide when his methods are not effective and the patient needs to see someone who knows more about the specific problem; someone who knows how it begins, progresses, and specified treat

24、ments. This is an excellent example of how a generalied person may not be equipped enough to handle something as well as a specialized one can.Another example of a specialist who is needed instead of a generalist involves teaching. In grammar school, children learn all the basic principles of readin

25、g, writing, and arithematic. But as children get older and progress in school, they gain a better understanding of the language and mathematical processes. As the years in school increase, they need to learn more and more specifics and details about various subjects. They start out by learning basic

26、 math concepts such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. A few years later, they are ready to begin algebraic concepts, geometry, and calculus. They are also ready to learn more advanced vocabulary, the principles of how all life is composed and how it functions. One teacher or pr

27、ofessor can not provide as much in depth discussion on all of these topics as well as one who has learned the specifics and studied mainly to know everything that is currently known about one of these subjects. Generalized teachers are required to begin molding students at a very early age so they c

28、an get ready for the future ahead of them in gaining more facts about the basic subjects and finding out new facts on the old ones.These are only two examples of why specialists are not highly overrated and more generalists are not necessary to the point of overshadowing them. Generalists are needed

29、 to give the public a broad understanding of some things. But , specialists are important to help maintain the status, health, and safety of our society. Specialists are very necessary.阅卷人评语5分 通过阐述“杂家”和专家的作用,作者很好地展开了对这个话题复杂性的分析。 本文的论证过程基于两个展开的例子,这个两个例子选得非常好。第一个例子(第二段)一开始讨论了医学多面手(全科医生)和专科医生的必要性,然后在这个

30、例子中开始进入另一个例子的阐述(呼吸问题和哮喘病专家的作用)。此外,这种从一般到特殊的扩展也在下一段的例子阐述中体现出来,其中,文章对教育的阐述从小学到高中,从算术基础到微积分。这种自然的展开也得益于使用了合适的连词:“但是,”“通常,”和“比如说,”等等。文章以呼应作者的理论结束。 尽管作者使用语言和句法还不错,但是在表述清晰度上的一些错误使得这篇论证很好的文章不能得到6分。它的问题包含了指代不明(“When a sickness progresses or becomes diagnosed, he may be referred to a specialist”),平行结构错误(“how

31、 it begins, progresses and specified treatments”),以及不精确的语法和不准确的语言(“Generalized teachers are required to begin molding students at a very early age so they can get ready for the future ahead of them in gaining more facts about the basic subjects.”)(ETS对用实例来证明观点非常重视,更多的时候,我们甚至可以认为例子决定了得分,这一点在后面的范文评语中也

32、能得到体现。例子的准确性、一致性都是非常重要的,无论写一个例子还是多个例子,关键在于要能够为你的观点服务。)范文4分Specialists are just what their name says: people who specialize in one part of a very general scheme of things. A person cant know everything there is to know about everything. This is why specialists are helpful. You can take one general concept and divide it up three ways and have three fully developed different concepts instead of one general concept that no one really knows about. Isnt it better to really know something well, than to know everything half-way.Take a special ed teacher compared t

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