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1、生活大爆炸第一季03英文剧本 看 Big Bang Theory学英语第一季 3集: The Fuzzy Boots Corollary -Howard:All right, just a few more feet. And.非常好,再前进几步.here we are, gentlemen, the gates of Elzebob.gentlemen: n. (gentleman的复数形式)绅士,先生gate:门 准备好,先生们,Elzebob大门到了。-Sheldon:Good lord.lord:上帝上帝啊。-Leonard:Dont panic. This is what the l

2、ast 97 hours have been about.panic:恐慌 last:a. 最后的,末尾的,最近的,晚了,迟到了;v. 持续,支持,维持ad. 最后,后来别慌,坚持97小时的战斗就为了这一刻。-Howard:Stay frosty. Theres a horde of armed goblins on the other side of that gate guarding the sword of Asaroth.frosty:冷淡的 a horde of:一群 armed:武装的 goblin:恶魔,小妖精 guard:保护,监护 sword:剑 待着别动,一群装备武器的地

3、妖精,正在门的另一边,守卫着艾辛诺斯之刃。-Leonard:Warriors, unsheathe your weapons. Magic wielders, raise your wands.warriors:武士,战士 unsheathe;抽出鞘,拔出 weapons:武器magic:魔术的 wielders:行使者 raise:举起 wands:棍,棒战士们,拔出你们的武器,法师们,举起你们的魔杖。-Sheldon:Lock and load.【Lock and load 这是一句常用的美国口语,荷枪实弹,准备好的意思】准备好了。-Howard:Raj, blow the gates.b

4、low:吹,吹气Raj,推开大门。-Raj:Blowing the gates.推开大门。Control, shift. b!【control,shift计算机键盘上的两个重要按键】Control,Shift.B!Oh, my god, so many goblins!goblins:小妖精天啊,那么多地精!-Howard:Dont just stand there, slash and move, slash and move!slash:挥砍,鞭打别傻站在那里,向前开路! 向前开路!-Leonard:Stay in formation!formation:编队,排列保持阵形!-Howard

5、:Leonard, you got one on your tail.tail:尾部Leonard,有个敌人在你背后。-Leonard:Thats all right, my tails prehensile- - Ill swat him off.prehensile:(足,尾)能抓住的,有捕获力的 swat:猛击,用力打下去没事,我脑后长眼着呢,我会干掉他的。-Raj:I got him, Leonard.我打中他了,Leonard。Tonight I spice my mead with goblin blood.spice:加香料于 mead:蜂蜜酒今晚我要用那地精的血来祭酒。-Leo

6、nard:Raj, no, its a trap! Theyre flanking us!trap:陷阱 flank:攻击,包抄侧翼Raj,不要,这是个陷阱! 他们在夹击我们!-Raj:Hes got me!我被打中了!-Leonard:Sheldon, hes got raj. Use your sleep spell!spell:n. 一段时间,符咒,魅力;v. (spelt,spelt) 拼,拼写,拼成【此处指符咒】Sheldon,他打中Raj了,快用你的催眠咒!Sheldon Sheldon?Sheldon Sheldon?-Sheldon:Ive got the sword of A

7、saroth!sword:剑我拿到了艾辛诺斯之刃!-Leonard:Forget the sword, Sheldon, help raj!别管剑了,Sheldon,快救Raj!-Sheldon:There is no more Sheldon.我不再是Sheldon了。I am the sword master!master:主人我是剑圣!-Howard:Leonard, look out!look out:当心,警惕Leonard,当心!-Leonard: it, man, were dying here!damn :该死的 dying:快要死的该死,我们快不行了!-Sheldon:Goo

8、d - bye, peasants!【peasants 游戏中的人物名称,士人】再见了,土人们!-Leonard:The bastard teleported!bastard:坏蛋,混蛋 teleport:vt. (心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人)【此处指瞬间离开】那混蛋走了!-Raj:Hes selling the sword of Asaroth on ebay.【ebay易趣购物网,全国最大的个人网上交易平台】他在ebay上出售那把艾辛诺斯之刃。-Leonard:You betrayed us for money? Who are you?betray:背叛你为了钱背叛我们? 你怎么这样

9、?-Sheldon:Im a rogue night elf. Dont you people read character descriptions?rogue:n.流氓;v.游手好闲【此处指游戏中的盗贼】 elf:精灵 【rogue night elf 游戏中的人物名称,暗夜精灵盗贼】character:人物 descriptions:描述我是暗夜精灵盗贼,你们没有读过角色介绍吗?Wait, wait, wait! Somebody just clicked buy it点击等等! 有人点击了立即购买-Howard:Ooh, Im the sword master.我

10、是剑圣! -Sheldon:Ooh, Im all sweaty. Anybody want to log on to second life and go swimming?sweaty:浑身出汗的 log on:登陆,进入哦,我身上都是汗,谁想再进入第二人生游个泳?I just built a virtual pool.virtual:虚拟的 pool:水池我刚建了个虚拟游泳池。-Leonard:No. I cant look at you or your avatar right now.avatar:n. 具体化,神之化身【此处指“化身”】不,我现在不想看见你或是你的兽身。-Howar

11、d:Sounds like your neighbors home.sounds like:听起来像 neighbor:邻居好像是隔壁的声音。-Leonard:Excuse me.失陪。-Sheldon:Dont forget the mail you took accidentally we on purpose,mail:邮件 accidentally:偶然的,意外的 on purpose:故意的别忘了带上你无意拿到的信件,so youd have an excuse to talk to her.这样你就有借口跟她说话了。-Leonard:Oh, right, right, right,

12、 right.噢,对,对。-Howard:Stealing snail mail- - very old school. I like it.stealing:偷窃 snail mail:蜗牛邮件,普通邮件【又叫regular mail,和e-mail相比速度极慢;快递:express delivery】 偷窃信箱邮件,很老套的方法,我喜欢。-Leonard:Penny, the mailman, did it again. he. oh, sorry.mailman:邮差 Penny 邮差又. 哦,抱歉。-Penny:Um, oh, hi, Leonard. This is Doug.嗨,L

13、eonard,这是Doug。Doug, this is my neighbor Leonard.Doug,这是我邻居Leonard。-Doug:Whats up, bro?bro=brother 口语有事吗,老兄?-Leonard:Not much. bro.没什么. 老兄。-Penny:Is everything okay?一切还好吧?-Leonard:Yeah, no, I just. I got your mail again. Here.是啊,我只是. 我又错拿了你的信,给你。-Penny:Thank you. Ive got to talk to that mailman.谢谢,我得

14、和邮差说说了。-Leonard:Oh, no, thats probably not such a good idea.probably:大概不,这主意不怎么好。You know, civil servants have a documented propensity to, you know, snap, so.civil servant:文职公务员 civil:adj. 国内的,公民的,国民的 servant:n.仆人documented:备有证明文件的(有执照的)【document:n. 文件,公文,计算机 文档;v. 记载,用文件等证明;】 propensity:倾向,习惯 snap:

15、猛地咬住【you know 这是很多美国人的口头禅,没有实际意义】人民公仆总是非常容易.动粗,-Penny:Okay. Well, thank you again.好吧,还是谢谢你。-Leonard: No problem. Bye.没问题,再见。Oh, and bye. bro.哦再见.老兄。-Sheldon: Penny for your thoughts.penny for your thoughts:【其实原来的谚语应该是a penny for your thoughts:用来问一直很安静、不说话的人“在呆呆地想什么”。字面意思是,告诉我你在想什么,我就给你一便士。但是,据说当这种说法

16、刚出现的时候,英国的一便士是值很多钱的。所以,想知道的人是花了大价钱的。】呆呆地在想什么呢? (此谚语中正好有Penny一词)-Raj: Whats the matter?怎么回事?-Leonard:Im fine. Pennys fine.我很好,Penny也很好。The guy shes kissing is really fine.kiss: 吻和她接吻的家伙也很好。-Howard:Kissing, what kind of kissing? Cheeks? Lips?Chins?Friend?cheek:n. 面颊,脸蛋;v. 粗鲁地向.讲 lip:n.嘴唇 chin:n. 下巴,颏接

17、吻,哪一种? 脸颊? 嘴唇? 下巴? (情人?)朋友?-Leonard:What is wrong with you?你什么毛病啊?-Howard:Im a romantic.romantic:a. 浪漫的; n. 浪漫的人我是个浪漫主义者。-Sheldon: Please dont tell me that your hopeless infatuation is devolving into pointless jealousy.hopeless:绝望的 infatuation:热恋,迷恋 devolve into:发展成为 pointless:无意义的jealousy:嫉妒别告诉我你不可

18、救药的迷恋,发展成了无意义的嫉妒。-Leonard:Im not jealous. Im just a little concerned for her.concern for sb./sth.:为担心 concerns:n. 关心,关系, 关切的事,忧虑;v. 涉及,与.有关,影响;使关心我不是嫉妒,只是有点担心她。I didnt like the look of the guy that she was with.我不怎么喜欢那家伙的长相。-Howard:Because he looks better than you?因为他长得比你帅气?-Leonard:Yeah. He was kin

19、d of dreamy.dreamy:a. 心不在焉的,朦胧的【此处引申为“绝妙的,极好的”】是啊,可以说是梦幻般的外形。-Sheldon: Well, at least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted, smothering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating herat least:至少 retrieve:寻回,找回 black box:黑匣子【用在生物化学和心理学上可以指】 twisted:扭曲的smothering:使.喘不过气来的,使.窒息的 wreckag

20、e:残片,碎片 fantasy:幻想dating:约会至少你现在还能从燃烧的废墟里,找回装满对她美妙幻想的黑匣子,and analyze the data so that you dont crash into geek mountain.analyze:分析 data:数据 crash:撞上,坠毁 geek:n. 俚语 反常的人, 畸形人, 野人 geek mountain:【可能因为刚才Leonard回家后就呆呆的不说话,Sheldon才那么说】好好分析下数据,你就不会再坠入呆子谷。-Howard:I didnt agree, love is not a sprint; its a mar

21、athon- -agree:同意 sprint:短距离的全力奔跑 marathon:马拉松我反对,爱情不是短跑,而是马拉松。a relentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms.relentless:不懈的 pursuit:追求 falls into:陷入 永不放弃地追逐,直到她最终投入你的怀抱。or hits you with the pepper spray.hit:击 pepper:胡椒粉 spray:喷雾或是用防狼喷雾剂喷你。-Leonard:No, Im done with penny.不,我和Penny结

22、束了。Im going to be more realistic and go after someone my own speed.realistic:现实的 go after:追求 我要更现实些,去追求合我拍的人。-Raj:Like who?比如谁?-Leonard:I dont know. Olivia Geiger.不知道. Olivia Geiger。-Sheldon: The dietician at the cafeteria with the limp and the lazy eye?dietician:营养师 cafeteria:自助餐厅,食堂 limp:n. 跛行;a.

23、柔软的,无力的,软弱的;v. 跛行 lazy eye:弱视自助餐厅里那个有点跛,还有弱视的营养学家?-Leonard:Yeah.是的。-Sheldon: Oh, I dont think you have a shot there.shot:炮弹,射击,射手,镜头(shoot的过去式)【此处引申为“机会”】哦,我看你没戏。I have noticed that Leslie Winkle recently started shaving her legs.notice:注意到 recently:最近 shave:刮我注意到Leslie Winkle最近在刮她的腿毛。Now given that

24、 winter is coming,now that:既然 winter:冬季既然冬天都已经到了,one can only assume shes signaling sexual availability.assume:假设 signaling:发信号 availability:可用性,实用性只能说明她是在暗示,她可以作为做爱对象。-Howard:I dont know. You guys work in the same lab.lab:实验室(laboratory的缩写)我不清楚,你们在同一个实验室。-Leonard:So?所以呢?-Howard:There are pitfalls.

25、Trust me, I know.pitfalls:易犯的错误 trust:相信这有隐患,相信我,我清楚。When it comes to sexual harassment law, Im a bit of a self-taught e to:谈到,说道 sexual harassment:性骚扰 self-taught:自修,自修者 expert:专家说到性骚扰的相关法律,我可是自学而成的专家。-Leonard:Look, Howard, if I were to ask Leslie winkle out, it would just be for dinner.ask sb. out

26、: vt. 邀请外出(退休)【此处指约会】 dinner:主餐Howard,如果我要约Leslie Winkle出去,也只是吃顿饭。Im not going to walk into the lab, ask her to strip naked and dance for me.strip:脱光衣服 naked:赤裸的 我不会去实验室,要她为我跳脱衣舞。-Howard:Oh, then youre probably okay.哦,那你就没事了。 -Leonard:Hello, Leslie.嗨,Leslie。- Leslie:Hi, Leonard.嗨,Leonard。-Leonard:Le

27、slie, I would like to propose an experiment.propose:提议,建议 experiment:实验Leslie,我建议做个实验.-Leslie:Goggles, Leonard. goggles:护目镜戴上眼镜,Leonard。-Leonard:Right. Leslie, I would like propose an experiment.好吧。Leslie,我建议做个实验。-Leslie:Hang on.等一下。Im trying to see how long it takes a 500 kilowatt oxygen iodine las

28、erkilowatt:千瓦【kilo:n. 公斤公里之略称】 oxygen:氧 iodine:碘 laser:激光我想试试一个500千瓦氧碘激光器,to heat up my cup noodles.heat up:加热 cup noodles:(速食)杯面得花多久把我的杯装泡面加热。-Leonard:Ive done it. About two seconds. 2. 6 for minestrone.seconds:秒 minestrone:蔬菜汤我试过,大概2秒,蔬菜汤花2.6秒。Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio- social explorati

29、on with a neuro-chemical overlay.anyway:不管怎么说 bio-:生物 exploration:考察,探索 neuro-:神经 chemical:化学 overlay:叠加,覆盖总之,我在考虑来个生物学的社交探索,结合神经化学方面的专家知识。-Leslie:Wait, are you asking me out?等等,你约我出去?-Leonard:I was going to characterize it as the modification of our colleague- slash- friendship paradigm.characteriz

30、e:描述 modification:更改,修改 colleague:同事 slash:斜杠paradigm:范例我认为是改变我们同事/友谊关系的范例,with the addition of a date like component,with the addition of:外加 date:约会 component:成分外加个约会作为补充成分,but we dont need to quibble over terminology.quibble:诡辩 terminology:术语但我们不需要一直说术语。-Leslie:What sort of experiment would you propose?sort:种类 propose:建议你计划做怎样的实验?-Leonard:Theres a generally accepted pattern in this area.generally:普遍的 accepted:公认的 pattern:方式 area:领域这个领域有种普遍接受的模式。I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant.pick up:安排接取 restaurant:餐馆我去接你,带你去餐厅,Then we would see a movie,接着我们可以看场电影。prob

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