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Module 17 英语教案.docx

1、Module 17 英语教案 Module1 Unit1 ImSam教学目标 1、学习如何用英语介绍自己的名字。 2、能运用“hello” “hi”跟朋友们打招呼,并能运用Im彼此介绍。 3、激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点:能运用“hello” “hi”跟朋友们打招呼。 教学难点:使孩子们饶有兴趣的运用“Im”彼此介绍。 教学用具:单词卡片、录音机、录音带、 教学过程: Step 1 GreetingsT: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. Im very happy to teach you Engli

2、sh this term. Lets say “Hello” to each other first. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立)Step 2 Presentation T: (教师边挥手边走向学生)Hello(hi)S: Hello(hi)!(再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼)T: Now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. Who can try? (叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音洪亮)T: Then say “hello” to y

3、our neighbors and your friends.2、用英语告诉学生本人名字,说:1m Ms.并将名字写在黑板上。T:Now I want to know your name. How do you introduce your name then? Listen!(Teach “Im.)T:Now please practice. Say hello and your name.T: Lets try to say that: Hello, Im.( one by one).S: Hello, Im.(学生一一进行自我介绍)今天老师给大家带来了四位新朋友,他们是谁呢,让我们一起去

4、认识认识他们吧。(Open their books,listen to the tape.)出示Sam、Amy、Daming、Lingling的头饰,和同学们一起说出他们的名字,然后让同学们戴上头饰,扮演他们的角色,练习用“Im”来介绍。3、Listen to the tape,listen and point.(要求学生边听边指着相应的说话的人物,并根据图片想一想每幅图中的小朋友都在说什么?4、Listen again.Teach “Goodbye(Bye-bye)”要求学生向身边的人说“Hello”和“Goodbye”。5、Listen and repeat.Step 3:Practice

5、 1、四人一组分角色练习朗读课文。 2、将Hello,Hi,Goodbye,Bye-bye这四个单词卡片放在教室的不同地方。告诉学生老师要读出单词,学生要指着并大声读出相应的单词。 3、让一个同学说出一个单词,其他学生要说出相同意思的另一个词。 学生1:Hi! 全班:Hello! 4、练习册相关内容。 Step 4:Consolidation Act it out. Step 5: Homework. 教学反思:Module1Unit2Howareyou?教学目标:1、能口头运用Goood morning这类语句问候早上好。2、能口头运用How are you?这类语句进行问候,并能用Im f

6、ine.作答.3、培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:会应用“How are you? Im fine, thank you”这类语言问好。教学难点:能灵活运用新知识向他人问好。教学用具:单词卡片、录音机、录音带、教学过程:Step 1 GreetingsHello, boys and girls.Step 2 Warming up(1) 师生、同学之间用hello,hi问好,(2) 师做出要走的架势:T:Good bye! S: Bye-bye!(3) 找四位同学扮演Amy ,Sam, Lingling and Daming向大家问候,最后用Gooodbye/Bye-bye向大家道别。Step

7、 3 Presentation1、T: “今天Sam刚起床,就有一只小鸟和一条小狗分别来向他们问好。Lets have a look.”Listen to the tape,listen and point. (要求学生边听边指着相应的说话的人物,并根据图片想一想每幅图中的小朋友都在说什么?)2、Listen again.3、Teach the new sentences:(1)Good morning.(2)How are you? Im fine, thank you.4、Listen and repeat.Step 4:Practice1、Read the text in differe

8、nt roles.2、进行接龙游戏活动。A:How are you? B: Im fine, thank you(对模仿好的同学进行表扬)3、Learn to sing a song:Hello hello !Step 4:Consolidation1、Act it out.2、Play a game.Step 5:Homework.1课后请同学们用今天所学的新句型“Good morning! How are you? Im fine ,Thank you .”互相问候。 2.回家后把今天所学的歌曲唱给你的家人听。教学反思: Module2 Unit1 Im Ms Smart教学目标1学习目标

9、语句 Hello, Ms Smart. Im Daming. How are you? Im fine. And how are you?2.能口头运用Hello, Ms Smart. Im Daming.这类语句 向新老师介绍自己的名字。3.能在图片提示下整体识别单词boy, girl, too, Ms.教学重点1.能口头运用Hello, Ms Smart. Im Daming.向新老师介绍自己的名字。2.能在图片提示下整体识别词汇boy, girl, Ms, too.教学难点 To act the conversation. To speak and act fluently.教具准备 P

10、ictures, cards, tape, recorder, masks.教学过程Step 1 Warmer.1. T: Hello. Im Ms Han.Ss: Hello, Ms Han. (Show the card and teach Ms.2. 让学生用 Im句型作自我介绍,全体学生用Hello.同他打招呼。Step 2 Presentation1. T: 看到我们学得这么热烈,有几个小朋友也跑来和大家一起学习了。Please say hello to these friends. (Take out the masks of Sam, Daming ,Amy and Lingli

11、ng.)Ss: ( Say hello to them)T: Look! Sam and Daming are boys. ( Point to a boy and say) You are a boy, too. ( Teach the word boy)T: ( Touch a boys head )Boy. ( Touch two boys heads ) Boys. ( Point to many boys ) boys( With the same method teach girl and girls.)T: ( Take up the masks ) They are boys

12、and girls. ( Stress boys and girls. Then teach and )T: Team 1, please stand up.Ss: ( The students of Team 1 stand up)T: They are boys and girls. Team 2, stand up, please. Are you boys and girls?Ss: Yes.T: Sit down, please. Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3, boys hands up.Ss: ( Boys hands up.)T: Team 4, girl

13、s say How are you?.Ss: ( Girls are saying it.)Then play a turtle game and practice boy , girl, boys and girls.2. T: Boys and girls , are you tired ? Lets sing asong , OK ? ( 设计意图:1. 因为学生年龄比较小,注意力保持的时间不会太长,所以唱首歌放松一下。2. 引出How are you句型。)(The teacher say How are you to individule student then lead out

14、Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you.)Then play a chain game.Step 3 The text1. T: ( Show the mask of Ms Smart) Oh, here is a new face. 她是谁呢? Ss: Ms Smart. T: You are right. Read after me please. ( 3 times) T: ( Put the mask on my head) Good morning, boys and girls. Im Ms Smart.Ss: Good

15、morning , Ms Smart. T: Ms Smart 是 Sam和Amy的母亲,也是书中四位主人公的英语老师,她和全家人从英国到中国来工作学习。现在我们一起来看一看课堂上的情景吧。3.Look at the picture and listen.T: Do you know? This is Ms Smarts first English class. Listen and watch it. What happened?T: Is this boys name Ming?Ss: No.T: whats his name?Ss: Daming.T: Yes. Ms Smart cal

16、led the wrong mane. He is not Ming. His mane is Daming. So the other boys and girls all laugh.3.Listen, poit and repeat.4. Review the words.Step4. Practice戴头饰分角色表演Step5. Homework1.Listen and repeat the tape four times2.Prepare Unit2教学反思:Module3 Unit1 Point to the door一、教学目标(一)知识目标:1.学生能够基本掌握新单词:door

17、, window, blackboard, bird.2.能够听说下列句子:Stand up.Sit down.Point to the window.Point to the blackboard.等3.复习问候语和“Whats your name?”(二)能力目标:在教学中运用游戏、chant、情景表演等多种形式,培养学生语言交际能力。(三)情感目标:关注学生的情感,用多种形式的教学手段和丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生参与其中,激发学生对英语的持久兴趣,促进学生的口语交际能力。二、教学重点:1.学生能够基本掌握新单词:door, window, blackboard, bird.2.能够听说下

18、列句子:Stand up.Sit down,please. Point to the window.Point to the blackboard. 等。三、教学难点:激发学生对英语的持久兴趣,让课堂“活”起来。四、教学过程:Step1热身复习1、教师与学生热情的问好:Good morning, boys and girls.How are you ?Im fine.Thank you .2、唱歌曲Good morning,SamT:Lets sing the song with the tape.Step2新课导入教师指着窗户,门,黑板,用英语提问:Where are we ?(因为是新句子

19、,学生之前没有接触过,所以要用中文重复问题。引导学生说出“在教室里”T:对了,所以我们今天要学习的是和教室有关的内容,这些东西在教室都可以找到。揭示课题,板书:Moudle 3 Unit 1 Point to the door.Step3单词教学1、教师创设情境:让我们一起来看看我们的教室里都有哪些东西,展开对单词的学习。教师做动作指向门,出示单词,领读单词door ,以同样的方法学习单词window、blackboard,出示课件学习单词bird。2、然后对学生说Point to the door 让学生跟着做,和同学热情打招呼,然后对学生说Point to the door,多次反复的练习

20、。以同样的方法学习Point to the window,Point to the blackboard.等等。3、教师说让全班同学做,再以小组的形式练习,最后以同桌之间练习。Step4课文教学1、Listen to the tape.听录音指图片2、What can you see from the picture?你从插图里看到了什么?(中文翻译)3、Listen to the tape and read after it .跟读课文4、强化巩固:(Listen to the teacher and do the actions.)A、教师说出指令,所有学生做出相应的动作。B、教师说出指令

21、,个别学生做出相应的动作。C、老师请个别同学上前当小老师,带领全班练习“Sit down! Stand up ! ”请全班学生跟着小老师重复句子的同时执行相应的指令。在学生练习的过程中,我可以通过双臂上抬或者下压的动作强化学生对这两个指令的理解。5、再听录音,请全班同学边听边模仿,向学生说明:课文最后,教室飞进了一只小鸟,小朋友好奇地询问它的名字,小鸟“TWEET, TWEET”地叫起来,结果孩子们把“TWEET, TWEET”当作小鸟的名字。6、同桌互相练习,再请表演。Step5巩固运用1、游戏与说话告诉学生师将向他们发出指令,他们必须按指令完成。如果谁出了错误,就必须出局。出局的学生自己发

22、出一个指令做两遍。2、以chant的形式练习。Door door door ,point to the door 。Window window window,point to the window。Blackboard blackboard point to the blackboardStep6总结归纳:(以提问方式作总结)今天我们都学习了什么?Step7作业设计:画一画自己的教室或房间,后与同伴交换标出各部分的名称。教学反思:Module3 Unit2 Point to the desk一、教学目标:1、学习目标: 学习单词desk, chair,blackboard,bird.2、能力目

23、标: 根据语言技能一级目标的描述,要求学生能够听懂老师的指令Stand up. Sit down. 和Point to,并做出相应的反应和动作;通过指认和认读window, door, blackboard, bird, desk, chair等实物及图片,使学生认识我们的教室。3、情感态度目标:通过指认实物及图片,大大提高学生的英语学习兴趣,使他们积极参与到“玩中学,学中玩”的教学活动当中去;通过对教室环境的认识,培养学生热爱班级,热爱集体的意识。二、教学重点:1、掌握单词 desk 、chair, 能够听懂会说本课句型Point to the window /door / blackboa

24、rd 并能做出正确的反应。2、激发孩子们浓厚的英语学习兴趣。3、灵活运用所学语言,培养学生简单的英语口语表达能力三、教学难点:使学生能够透彻理解Stand up, Sit down,和Point to三个指令性短语的意思,并在老师的帮助下灵活运用,指认身边的实物及图片。Step 1 Greetings1.上课之前,老师先与同学们互致问候:Hello, boys and girls.(Hello, Linda.) 再以How are you?” “Im fine, thank you.” “Whats your name?”2. Im”的形式进行全班范围的口语问候练习,然后sing an Eng

25、lish song.Hello, Hello跟着磁带唱。Step 2 Warming upT:Tweet-tweet is coming.(屏幕出示:一只小鸟飞了进来,Say: Hello.)T:Say hello to Tweet-tweet.Ss: Hello, Tweet-tweet.T:This class lets play with Tweet-tweet , ok ? Now, listen to Tweet-tweet, then do the actions . Ok?(小鸟发出指令:Stand up, please. Point to the window. Point t

26、o the door. Point to the blackboard. Sit down, please.)T:This time, listen to me and do the actions.(教师发出指令:Point to the door / window / bird / blackboard . Now, Point to the desk. 教师此时指向一张书桌,Say:Oh, its a desk. Teach: desk. 屏幕出示Point to the desk.引出课题。)Step 3 Prentation1、T:Today, lets learn M3 U2 Po

27、int to the desk. First, lets listen to the tape.(屏幕出示录音机)Ss: (听音指图)2、T:Hands down. Do you remember? Whats this? (教师指向一把椅子)Teach: chair3、(屏幕出示:书桌、门、黑板、窗户、小鸟、椅子实物)T:Look, can you say these things in English? Try!Ss: Practise these words.4、T:Now, lets play a game ,ok?(教师先展示一组:屏幕上出示一个钟和一些单词,5秒后单词消失)Can

28、you remember these words in 5 seconds? Lets have a try.Ss:(学生发言之后,屏幕上再次呈现,并让全班同学练读单词,逐渐由易到难,有梯度地加深、加宽。)5、T:Listen to the tape again .Listen、point and follow it.This time, follow me, please.Listen again, read after it.6、T:Practise in pairs . One says , the other points.(教师先找一个同学做示范)7、(教师戴上小鸟头饰)T:Hell

29、o, boys and girls. Im Tweet-tweet. Now, you say and I point. Who can say?(找一个做示范)T:Who wants to be Tweet-tweet?(让全班更多的同学参与进来,练习发指令并执行指令)8、T:Now , boys and girls . Lets make groups and have a contest.Ok?(将全班分成男女两组,每次让男女各一名同学到前边,屏幕上出示了6个本课涉及到的实物图片,前边的同学不许看,我指向某幅图的时候,图会闪动,然后鼠标立即离开图片,全班同学说:Point to 、Poi

30、nt to 、Point to the .两名同学听到后,立即跑向屏幕抢指图,获胜组屏幕上会显示加分,并给予奖励。)9、(课前在墙上粘上了大明等四个小朋友的头饰)T: Boys and girls, our friends Daming、Lingling、Amy and Sam are in my classroom . Where are they? (学生找到后,教师向学生发出指令:Point to Daming. Point to Lingling. Point to the desk. Point to the chair.学生执行指令后,引导学生找出它们的区别,并做相应的练习)10、T:Lets have a rest. Learn to sing a song. Ok?First, just listen carefully.Secondly, Do you know the meaning of the song? Tell me with your actions. Lets sing and do the actions.Sing again and again.Step 4 Summing-up

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