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1、甘肃省天水一中高一英语上学期第一学段考试试题doc甘肃省天水一中2021-2022高一英语上学期第一学段考试试题(满分:100分 时间:90分钟)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷注意事项:1.答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号框涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A In

2、the coming weekends,we are going to hold some meaningful events. You are welcome to come and join us. The details are as follows.Flat Out CatfishingDate: Saturday, November 1st Location: Richmond This educational workshop is designed only for adults who are interested in learning about fishing. Part

3、icipants are required to have a current fishing license.Lunch and tools will be provided. Workshop fee is $35. Please register(注册)by October 20h. For more information, contact Chris Dunnavant at 804-367-6778 or click the link in the Outdoor EventDate: Sunday, November 2nd Lo

4、cation: BastianIf you are interested in learning new outdoor skills, meeting others with similar interests and spending time with friends and family, then this event is for you! Some of the 2-hour classes offered include: Outdoor Cooking, Outdoor Photography, and Stream Fishing. This workshop is des

5、igned for females 14 years of age and older. Participants under 18 must be accompanied(陪伴)by a registered adult. For more information, contact Amy Hancock at 276-682-3777 or click amy.Mother Daughter OutdoorsDate: Saturday, November 8th Location: AppomattoxThis educational workshop is designed for w

6、omen. It provides an excellent opportunity for anyone 9 years of age and above to learn outdoor skills usually associated with hunting and fishing. Meals and lodging(住宿)are included in the workshop fee. Register early to book your space! For more information, contact Jimmy Mootz at 804-367-0656 or c

7、lick the link EventDate: Sunday, November 9th Location: LurayThis event is hosted for girls 7-17 years of age. Adults are encouraged to attend with their children. Sessions will be offered in shotgun, air rifle, small bore rifle, and archery. Non-shooting sessions will also

8、be offered. Lunch will be provided. The event is scheduled from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Pre-registration is required.For more information, contact Art Kasson at 540-622-6103 or click the link art yahoo. com.1What is special about the event Flat Out Catfishing?A.It teaches fishing skills. B.Its cost is low and

9、 lunch is free.C.It is designed only for grown-ups. D.It needs registering ahead of time.2What can we learn from the passage?A.Awards for fishing are needed in Flat Out Catfishing.B.Participants of JAMES Event must be good at shooting.C.A.15-year-old girl cant join in Women in the Outdoor Event alon

10、e.D.Meals and lodging are free of charge in Mother Daughter Outdoors.3The passage is most probably taken from?A.a website B.a magazine C.a guide book D.a newspaperBIn many ways, Alma Deutscher is like other 11-year-olds. She loves to climb trees, dance, read, and draw. But Alma, who lives in Dorking

11、, England, can claim one very special achievement. She has composed a full opera and brought it to the stage. Her opera, a retelling of Cinderella (灰姑娘), premiered (首次演出) in December 202X, in Vienna, Austria.“Ive loved Cinderella since I was 3,” Alma said. But she felt the story needed an improvemen

12、t. “I didnt like the thing about the shoe,” she says. “Why should the prince find her because of her feet?”In Almas version (版本), Cinderella is a composer. She creates a melody (旋律) that she sings to the prince before fleeing the ball. “He remembers the beginning but not how it went on,” Alma says.

13、The prince realizes that only Cinderella would know how the melody continues. He uses that knowledge to find her.Alma began writing the opera when she was 8. It premiered to a sold-out crowd on December 29, 202X, and got a standing ovation (起立鼓掌). Alma played the piano and violin and performed in th

14、e show. “It was something that was completely inside my head, in my imagination, and then it came to life,” Alma says.Alma says she is certain that music will remain a major part of her life. “I have lots of things that I want to compose,” she says. “The first one is a piano concerto (协奏曲). Then Im

15、writing a novel, and I want to write a movie based on it, and the music for that.”She also has advice for kids who want to achieve their big dreams. “Its a lot of work to reach a high level,” Alma says. “But if you love what you are doing, it doesnt feel like hard work. Dont let anyone stop you from

16、 doing it.”4What does the author mostly want to tell us in Paragraph 1?AAlma Deutscher lives in Vienna Austria.BAlma Deutscher is a cute girl.CAlma Deutscher is always ready to help others.DAlma Deutscher has a special music talent.5What can we learn from Almas version of Cinderella?AThe prince find

17、s Cinderella because of her shoes.BThe prince finds Cinderella because of a melody.CThe prince sings a melody to Cinderella before her fleeing the ball.DThe prince knows how the melody continues.6How is the performance of Almas Opera Cinderella?AIt lives up to audiences expectation.BIt sets a good e

18、xample for other kids.CIt turns out to be a great success.DIt is something in Almas imagination.7What can we learn from Almas advice to other kids?ANecessity is the mother of invention. BKnowledge is power.CNothing is difficult to a willing heart. DA bold heart is half the battle.CHave you ever had

19、the experience of talking to someone and you think they are lying? Well, you are not alone. Weve all had that feeling. But did you know that there are several things you can look for to see if you are being lied to?Sometimes you can tell if a person is lying by observing what they do with their body

20、. When people are lying they tend not to move their arms, hands or legs very far from their body. They dont want to take up very much space because they dont want to be noticed. Sometimes a person who is lying will not look you in the eyes. Other times people who lie try to look at you in a strong w

21、ay because they want to convince you they are telling the trugh.Liars also use deflection(偏差). For example, if you ask a liar the question “Did you steal Fatimas bag?” they may answer with something like “Fatima is my friend. Why would I do that?” In this situation the person is telling the truth, b

22、ut they are also not answering the question. They are trying to deflect your attention. Liars may also give too many details. They may try to over-explain things. They do this because they want to convince you of what they are saying.Often when a person is lying, they do not want to continue talking

23、 about their lie. If you think someone is lying, quickly change the subject. If the person is lying, they will spear more comfortable because they are not talking about their lie any longer. A little later, change the subject back to what you were talking about before. If the person seems uncomforta

24、ble again, they may be lying.Its very hard for a liar to avoid filling silence created by you. He or she wants you to believe the lies being woven(编造); silence gives no feedback on whether or not youve bought the story. If youre a good listener, youll already be avoiding interruptions, which in itse

25、lf is a great technique to let the story unfold(展开).Just because a person is showing these behaviors, it does not mean they are lying. They might be shy or nervous. But, if you think someone is lying, you might want to use some of these techniques. Hopefully, you wont need to very often.8According t

26、o the passage, a person could be lying if he or she _.Aoffers more information than necessaryBappears to be shy or nervousCchanges the subject of the conversationDspeaks very fast and vaguely9Which of the following can be learned from the passage?ALiars always try to avoid direct eye contact when th

27、ey tell lies.BWe can make people lie by changing the subject in a conversation.CLiars are often expansive (扩张的)in hand and arm movements while talking.DWe make liars uncomfortable by giving no feedback in a conversation.10The passage mainly talks about _.Awho deceives (欺骗) us Bwhy people tell liesCh

28、ow to detect (发现) lies Dwhat to do with liars第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。Happiness is a choice. For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. Be happy. Be yourself. If others dont like it, then let them be. 11. Begin today by taking responsibilit

29、y for your own satisfaction. Here are four ways to choose happiness:1. 12. Give it your all in everything you do, be devoted to your goals, and dont compare yourself to anyone else. Never try to be better than anyone else. If you feel called to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to an ear

30、lier version of yourself.2. Be around the right people. 13. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. When you free yourself from negative people, you free yourself to be YOU-and being YOU is the only way to truly live.3. Help others when youre able. Care about p

31、eople. In life, you get what you put in. 14. Do something thats greater than you-something that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less.4. Let go when you know you should. Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. Love is worth fighting for, but you cant be the only one fighting. People

32、 need to fight for you too. If they dont, you eventually have to move on and realize that what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you. 15. If you try to force them back together things will only get worse. Holding on is being brave, but letting go and moving on is often what makes us stronger and happier.AChoose to be the best YOU can be.BLife isnt about pleasing everybody.CRelat

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