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精品人教版高中英语同步练习选修8 unit 1 period 1含答案.docx

1、精品人教版高中英语同步练习选修8 unit 1 period 1含答案人教版英语精品资料Unit 1 A land of diversity Period 1 Warming Up,Prereading & Reading 同步精练(人教版选修8,课标通用).介、副词填空1Some of the presidents advisers feared Hitler might declare war_the United States.2We kept_our friendship for over twenty years.3The old people died but the young

2、ones lived_. 4He succeeded_means_perseverance.5_the time he was ten, Tom had built a chemistry lab himself.6She has two cars, and_addition, a motorboat.7We hope the garden to keep_the weeds.8Millions of people die_the illnesses caused by smoking.答案1.on2.up3.on4.byof5.By6.in7.down 8from.单词拼写1. He dre

3、w a quite artificial_(差别) between men and women readers. 2Whisky contains a large_(百分比) of alcohol. 3Gradually she learned to make a joke of all these_(困难)4The _(部) of Transport made a searching enquiry to discover the cause of the plane crash.5The oil market is enjoying a _(繁荣)6The _(种族的) discrimin

4、ation issue is a political hot potato.7Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist in the _(意大利) Renaissance.8In the USA foreign policy is decided by the _(联邦的) government.9The _(大多数)of people seem to prefer TV to radio.10He was _(选举) chairman of the education committee. 答案1.distinction2.percentage3.hardsh

5、ips4.Ministry5.boom6.racial7.Italian8.federal9.majority 10elected.翻译与仿写1. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 翻译:_ 仿写:这次会议有可能会由于天气原因而被推迟。 _2That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. 翻

6、译:_ 仿写:那就是这些改革如此重要的原因。 _3By the time California elected to become the thirtyfirst federal state of the USA in 1850,it was already a multicultural society. 翻译:_ 仿写:当我回到学校时,铃声已经响了。 _4It was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California

7、in the 1860s. 翻译_ 仿写:正是从太阳那里我们得到了光和热。 _5It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 翻译:_ 仿写: 人们相信勤奋工作就能成功。 _答案1.然而,很可能至少在15 000年以前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。Its likely t

8、hat the conference will be put off because of the weather.2那就是为什么今天还有超过40%的加利福尼亚人仍然把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的缘故。 Thats why these reforms are so important.3到1850年加利福尼亚选择成为美国第31个联邦州的时候,它已经是一个有着多元文化的社会了。 By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.4更大批量的中国移民是在19世纪60年代修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路时来的。 It is from the sun t

9、hat we get light and heat.5人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常大,以致不可能存在一种主要的种族或文化群体,而是多种族、多文化的混合体。 Its believed that working hard can lead to success.语篇填词California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest _1_. At various times, people from different countries in the world have_2_to California.

10、It is likely that the first settlers came to California_3_a land bridge at least 15,000 years ago. In the 16th century, Europeans arrived and forced thousands of the native people into_4_. In the 18th century,California was ruled by Spain. Thats why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a

11、first or second language. In 1842,the people of Mexico gained their_5_from Spanish and California became a part of Mexico. However in 1846,the United States declared_6_on Mexico and won the war, so California had to be given to the United States; In the early 1800s, Russians began setting in Califor

12、nia. In 1848,gold was_7_in California,which attracted the people who had the dream of becoming rich. In fact, few_8_their dreams. Many died or returned home,but most remained in California to_9_for themselves. In 1850,California was_10_to become the thirtyfirst state of the United States.答案1. popula

13、tion2. immigrated3. by means of4. slavery5. independence6. war7. discovered8. achieved 9. make a life10. elected.单项填空1Three new buildings_in our city by the time you return from England. Awill be built Bare going to be built Cwill have been built Dhave been built 解析句中by the time引导的从句为一般现在时,则主句用将来完成时

14、,故选C项。 答案C2The postWorld War II baby resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number of teenagers_in the 1960s and 1970s. Aboost Bboom Cproduction Dprosperity 解析句意:二战后的生育高峰使得20世纪60和70年代的少年数量增加了43%。 boost 推进,发展;boom 也可以指经济的繁荣,侧重繁荣的时期,也可以指急剧上升增加,如出国热,兼职热,生育高峰期;production 产量;prosperity 指经济繁荣昌盛,强调事情做得很成

15、功。 答案B3. The moment the 29th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered. Adeclared Bhave been declared Chave declared Dwere declared 解析句意:第29届奥运会一被公布开幕,全世界欢呼雀跃。“第29届奥运会被公布开幕”是过去的被动动作,因此用一般过去时的被动语态。 答案D4. Jane will have to_her piano practice a long time if she wants to be a professional concert pe

16、rformer. Aset up Badd up Ckeep up Dhold up 解析keep up“坚持;维持”,符合题意。set up建立;add up加起来;hold up举起;阻挡。 答案C5Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree? Of course, I have. It was in our village_it was made. Athat Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich 解析考查强调句型。 句意:你看过电影山楂树之恋吗?当然看过了,这部电影就是在我们村拍摄的。原句为It was made in our vil

17、lage.该句是对地点状语进行强调,在强调句中,只有强调人时,才可以用who,否则一律用that,故选A。 答案A6Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the_of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. Amaximum Bminority Cmajority Dminimum 解析考查名词辨析。 句意:当然,大多数移民并没有一夜之间就发财,但是他们大多最终改善了自己的生活水平。maximum 意为“最

18、大限量;最高点”;minority意为“少数,半数以下”;majority意为“大多数”;minimum意为“最低限度,最低点”。故选C。 答案C7We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always_his principles. Alives on Blives up to Clives through Dlives with 解析考查live相关短语的辨析。句意:我们十分尊重约瑟夫教授,因为他总是信守原则。live up to意为“遵守,实践(诺言,原则)”;live on意为“以为生”;live through意为“度过,经历

19、过”;live with意为“忍受;容忍”。故选B。 答案B8. An uncle of mine lived_cancer for over 20 years,and died_January at the age of 86. Afor;from Bon;of Cwith;in Dagainst;with 解析考查介词辨析。live with容忍,忍受;die in January在一月去世。 答案C9It is most_that the environmentalists will come to the area to investigate the possible damage

20、caused by the serious pollution. Alikely Bperhaps Cpossibly DProbably 解析句意:很有可能环境保护者会到这个地区调查严重污染所造成的潜在的破坏。句型It is likely that.中的likely为形容词,而不是副词,B、C、D三项均为副词形式,与句式不符。 答案A10Many died or returned home,but most remained in California to_a life for themselves in the new towns or on farms. Amake Bcome Cbr

21、ing Dlay 解析只有make a life搭配正确,而come to life;bring sb/sth to life 构成搭配,所以A项正确。 答案A11To make this_clear we shall have to look closely into biologys long history. Adistinction Bindication Crecognition Dconsideration 解析考查名词辨析。句意:为了搞清楚这一差别,我们必须认真地审视一下生物学发展的漫长历史。distinction意为“区别;差异”;indication意为“标示,迹象”;rec

22、ognition意为“(正式的)承认,认知”;consideration意为“考虑”。故选A。 答案A12The_of school leavers that go to university is about fifty percent. Adegree Bpercentage Clevel Dstandard 解析考查名词辨析。percentage百分率;degree学位,度数;level层次,水平;standard标准。 答案B13AIDS is said_the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area ov

23、er the past few years. Athat it is Bto be Cthat it has been Dto have been 解析考查“sb/sth be said不定式”结构的用法。句意:在过去的几年里,据说艾滋病是对那个地区男女健康的最大挑战。Its said that句型可转化为sb /sth be said to do/to be doing/to have done的形式,由此可排除A、C两项;根据句子中的时间状语over the past few years可知要用完成时,故答案为D。 答案D14Our classmates who prefer to hol

24、d a party for him are_the majority. Aat Bin Con Dto 解析in the majority “占多数”,为固定搭配。 答案B15Lincoln was_President in 1860, and led the United States through the nations greatest crisis, the Civil War. Aselected Bchosen Celected Dpromoted 解析句意:林肯于1860年当选总统并带领美国度过了国家最大的危机美国内战。elect“选举,当选”,符合句意。 答案C.完形填空(A

25、)The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond,California,USA.“Police station?A train for Santa Fe hit a truck at the McDonald Street Crossing.Please_1_there at once.With an ambulance,too.A man is badly_2_,”said an anxious voice of a young woman.“And you know I am the.”“Please wait!Hi!Hi!”the

26、 policeman kept on_3_though the line was cut off.Within a minute,a police car and an ambulance car started off.Before long they got to the crossing,but they_4_everything was fine.No accident,no wounded man.“What a dirty trick!”said the policeman_5_.“We must find out that bad woman and.” They were ju

27、st talking about the_6_when they heard the whistle of a train which was nearing them quickly.All of a sudden,a truck appeared.It came_7_towards them,too.When the truck was passing the crossing,it suddenly refused to move on.Right then and there,before the eyes of all the policemen_8_,the train hit t

28、he truck heavily and struck it dozens of meters away.When Randolph Bruce,the driver,was_9_out of the damaged truck,he was seriously wounded just as the young woman had told on the phone.As he was taken to the_10_in time,his life was saved.Later the police did whatever they could to_11_the woman who had telephoned them.It turned out that

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