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1、六下英语全册课文翻译Module1 Unit11Look 91isten and say1部分翻译I want a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡包。 I want a hot dog. 我想要一个热狗。 Oh,here comes a“hot”dog. 哦,这儿来了一只“热”狗。2Listen,read and act out部分翻译Simon:What do you want,Daming? 西蒙:你想要什么,大明? Daming:I dont know. Whats a hot dog? Is it really a dog? 大明:我不知道。热狗是什么?它真的是 一只狗吗? Si

2、mon:No,Daming. Thats a ho l dog. 西蒙:不是,大明。那是一个热狗。 Daming:It looks good! 大明:它看上去不错! Cashier:Can I help you? 收银员:我能为你们做点什么? Daming:Iwant a ho t dog,please 大明:我想要一个热狗。 Simon:And I want a hamburger. 西蒙:我想要一个汉堡包。 Simons dad:A hamburger for me too. 西蒙的爸爸:也给我一个汉堡包。 Cashier:An d to drink? 收银员:还要喝的吗? Simon:I

3、 want a cola 西蒙:我想要一杯可乐。 Daming:A cola for me too 大明:也给我一杯可乐。 Simonsdad:Three colas,please. 西蒙的爸爸:三杯可乐。 Cashier:Thats two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas. 收银员:两个汉堡包,一个热狗和三杯可乐。 Simons dad:How much is it? 西蒙的爸爸:多少钱? Cashierlts thirteen dollars an d twentyfive cents 收银员:十三美元二十五美分。 Simon,s dad:Her

4、e you are. 西蒙的爸爸:给你。 Cashier:Thank you.Enjoy your meal! 收银员:谢谢你。(请)享用你们的美餐! Daming:Let me to ke them. 大明:让我拿它们。 Simons dad:Be carefur. 西蒙的爸爸:当心! Daming:Oh no! Im sorry| 大明:哦,不!对不起! SVmon:Oh no!My new shorts an d shoes! 西蒙:哦,不!我的新短裤和鞋!3Listen and say部分翻译A:Can I help you? A:我能为您做点什么? B:1 want a hot do

5、g,please. B:我想要一个热狗。 A:How much is it? A:多少钱? B:lts thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. B:十三美元二十五美分。 $ 13.25 13. 25美元4Practise部分翻译Look and writeThen ask and answer. 看一看,写一写。然后问一问并回答。 $ 3.75 3.75美元cola可乐 $1.25 1.25关元 $2.00 2美元 月:Can I help you? A:我能为您做点什么? B:I want a hamburger,please. How much is

6、 it? B:我想要一个汉堡包。多少钱? A:lts three dollars and seventy-five cents A:三美元七十五美分。 A:Can l help you? A:我能为您做点什么? B:_ B:_ How much is it? 多少钱? A:_ A:_ A:Can l help you? A:我能为您做点什么? B:_ B:_ How much is it? A:_ 多少钱? A:_Module1 Unit21Listen and chant部分翻译What do you want to eat? 你想要吃什么? I want to eat some meat,

7、 我想要吃一些肉。 And I want a hot dog,please, 我想要一个热狗, with lots and lots of cheese. 带有很多很多的奶酪。2Listen and read部分翻译Cashier:Can I help you? 收银员:我能为你们做点什么? Dad:I wan t noodles and acola. What do you want to eat,Lingling? 爸爸:我想要面条和一杯可乐。你想要吃什么,玲玲? LingLing:I want a hamburger. 玲-玲:我想要一个汉堡包。 Dad:And what do you

8、want to drinK? 爸爸:你想要喝什么? Lingling:Milk,please. 玲-玲:牛奶。 Dad:So we want a hamburger,noodles,milk and a cola,please. 爸爸:那么我们想要一个汉堡包、面条、牛奶和一杯可乐。 Cashier:OK. 收银员:好的。3Listen,choose and write部分翻译Cashier:What do you want to eat?Boy:A hot dog and an ice cream,please.Cashier:And what do you want to drink?Boy

9、:I want milk,pleaseHow much is it?Cashier:lts four dollars and fifty cents收银员:你想要吃什么?男孩:一个热狗和一个冰淇淋。收银员:你想要喝什么?男孩:我想要牛奶。多少钱?收银员:四美元五十美分。4Listen and say. Then sing.部分翻译WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT? 你想要吃什么? What do you want to eat? Meat,chicken or fish? 你想要吃什么?肉、鸡肉还是鱼肉? Come in and have a seat,and have your

10、 favourite dish. 进来坐一坐,并吃你最喜欢的菜肴。 What do you want to drink?Milk,juice or tea? 你想要喝什么?牛奶、果汁还是茶? All our food is very,very nice,as you can see. 我们所有的食物都非常非常美味,正如你所见。5Follow and say部分翻译What do you want? 你想要什么? I want a hot dog. 我想要一个热狗。 I want a hot dog too.And l want some noodles 我也想要一个热狗,并且我想要一些面条。

11、I want a hot dog and some noodles too.And 1 want some vegetables. 我也想要一个热狗和一些面条,并且我想要一些蔬菜。6Do and say部分翻译Make a restaurant menu and role-play with your friend. 剞作一份餐厅菜单并和你的朋友进行角色扮演。 What do you want to eat? 你想要吃什么? I want chicken and rice,please. 我想要鸡肉和米饭。 What do you want to drink? 你想要喝什么? I want a

12、cola,please 我想要一杯可乐。 NSE Restaurant NSE餐厅 Food食物 Drinks饮料 Hot dog热狗 ¥4 4元 Orange juice橙汁 ¥3 3元 Hamburger汉堡包 ¥5 5元 Milk牛奶¥3 3元 Noodles面条 ¥5 5元 Cola可乐 ¥3 3元 Rice米饭¥1 1元 Tea茶¥2 2元 Chicken鸡肉 ¥10 10元 Fish鱼肉¥15 15元 Vegetables蔬菜¥8 8元 How much is it? 多少钱? Here you are. 给你。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Enjoy your meal! (

13、请)享用你(们)的美餐! Be careful! 当心Module2 Unit11Look,listen and say部分翻译Im going to get up and have breakfast. 我打算起床并且吃早餐。 Brealdast? lts half past eleven.You are going to have lunch! 早餐?十一点半了。你(应该)打算吃午餐!2Listen,read and act out部分翻译Simons mum:Lets have a picnic in the park today! 西蒙的妈妈:让我们今天在公园野餐吧! Daming a

14、nd Simon:Hooray! 大明和西蒙:万岁! Late 后来 Simon:Im hungry.一When are we goingg to eat,Mum? 西蒙:我饿了。我们打算什么时候吃饭,妈妈? Simons mum:At half pas ttwelve. 西蒙的妈妈:在十二点半。 Simon:What time is h now? 西蒙:现在几点了? Simons mum:Its only half past elevenOne hour to go! Lookk,there are some ducks on the pond. 西家的妈妈:才十一点半。还有一小时!看,池塘

15、里有一些鸭子。 Simon:Theyre lovely. 西蒙:它们很可爱。 Darr7ing:Hey,there are some dark clouds in the sky.lts going to rain soon. 天刃:嘿,天空中有一些乌云。很快就要下 雨了。 Simons mum:I dont think so.its a beautiful day.Lets go! 西蒙的妈妈:我不这么认为。(今天)是一个好天。让我们出发吧! Simons mum:lts half pas t。twelve.Lets have our picnic! 西蒙的妈妈:十二点半了。让我们吃我们的野

16、餐(食物)吧! Simon:Oh dear! Its raining now! 西蒙:哦,天哪!现在下雨了! Simons mum:Its dry over there. Rum boys! 西蒙的妈妈:那边是干的。跑,男孩儿们! Daming:Oh no,look at the ducks!:Theyre eating our sandwiches! 大明:哦,不,看那些鸭子!它们正在吃我们的三明治! Simon:Naughty ducks! 西蒙:淘气的鸭子! Simons mum:It looks like youre going to stay hungry,Simon! 西蒙的妈妈:

17、看来好像你还是将要饿着了,西蒙!3Listen and say部分翻译Simon:When are we going to eat? 西蒙:我们打算什么时候吃饭? Mum:At half past twelve. 妈妈:在十二点半。 Daming:Look at the ducks! Theyre eating our sandwiches! 大明:看那些鸭子!它们正在吃我们的三明治!4Practise部分翻译Look and write.Then ask and answer. 看一看,写一写。然后问一问并答一答。 A:When are you going to the park? A:你们

18、打算什么时候去公园? B:Were going to the park at eleven. B:我们打算在十一点去公园。 A:When are you going to schooi? B:_ A:你们打算什么时候去上学? B:_ A:When are you going to play football? B:_ A:你们打算什么时候踢足球? B:_ A:When are you going to eat? B:_ A:你们打算什么时候吃饭? B: _ School学校Module2 Unit21Listen and chant部分翻译It will be sunnyn Harbin 哈尔

19、滨将是晴朗的。 It will be cloudy in Tianjin. 天津将是多云的。 It will snow in Beijing. 北京将会下雪。 It will rain in Nanning. 南宁将会下雨。 Harbin哈尔滨Beijing北京 Tianjin天津 Nanning南宁 South China Sea Islands南海诸岛2Listen and read部分翻译Lets look at the weather will snow in will rain in will be cold and

20、windy in Xian and it will be warm and sunny in Sanya. 让我们看看明天的天气。哈尔滨将会下 雪。北京将会下雨。西安将是寒冷和多风的,三亚将是温暖和晴朗的。 Harbin哈尔滨Beijing北京an西安Sanya三亚 snow下雪 rain下雨 cold寒冷的 windy多风的warm温暖的 sunny晴朗的 South China Sea Islands南海诸岛3Ask and answer 部分翻译Where am I? 我在哪里? It will snow tomorrow.Where am I? 明天将要下雪。我在哪里? Youre i

21、n Harbin. 你在哈尔滨。 Thats right. 正确。 snow下雪sunny晴朗的 rain下雨 cold寒冷的 windy多风的 hot热的 warm温暖的 Harbin哈尔滨Beijing北京 Xian西安Shanghai上海Lhasa拉萨 Guangzhou广州 Haikou海口 South China Sea Islands南海诸岛4Listen and say.Then chant.部分翻译What are you going to do today? 今天你打算做什么? lm going to the park to play. 我打算去公园玩。 And what a

22、re you going to do after dinner? 晚餐后你打算做什么? lm going to play chess and be the winner! 我打算下棋并且我将会是赢家! And what are you going to do tonight? 今晚你打算做什么? Go to bed and have a good night 上床睡觉,过一个美好的夜晚。5Look and say部分翻译A:lt will be hot on Friday. A:在星期五将会很热。 B:It wont be sunny in Hangzhou. B:杭州将不会晴朗。 Start

23、开始 Shenyang沈阳 Monday星期- tonight今晚 Hangzhou杭州 Friday星期五 Thursday星期四Yinchuan银川 Sunday星期日 Tuesday星期二 Qingdao青岛 today今天 tomorrow明天Beijing北京Saturday星期六 Wednesday星期三 Finish结束 |6Do and say部分翻译Watch the weather report and make a plan for the weekend.Then tell the class about it 看天气预报并且为周末刹订一个计划。然后告诉全班同学关于你的

24、计划。 My Plan for the Weekend 我的周末计划 Name:Wang Peng 姓名:王鹏 Place:Shanghai 地点:上海 Weather:Rain 天气:下雨 Activity:lm going to read a book at home. 活动:我打算在家看书。 Shanghai上海 1515摄氏度Module3 Unit11Listen and chant部分翻译Look at the naughty bird. 看这只淘气的鸟。 lts flying. 它正在飞。 Look at the little dog. 看这只小狗。 lts crying 它正在

25、哭。2Listen and read部分翻译Dear Lingling, 亲爱的玲玲: How are you?I had a vertnteresting day on Saturday.We had a picnic in the park.l am sending you some photos, 你好吗?在星期六,我度过了非常有趣的一天。我们在公园里进行野餐了。我将要给你邮寄一些照片。 lmiss everong in China.Please write to me soon. 我思念在中国的每一个人。请尽快给我写信。 Love, Daming 爱你的大明 Look at these

26、 photos! 看这些照片! In this photo,the sun is shining.The birds are singing in the tree.We are looking at some ducks.They look hungry. 在这张照片中,太阳正在照耀。鸟儿正在树上唱歌。我们正在看一些鸭子。它们看起来很饿。 In this photo,its starting to rain and the birds are fiying away 在这张照片中,天开始下雨,鸟儿飞走了。 And jost look at this! The ducks are eating

27、 our sandwiches! 且请看一下这张(照片)!鸭子正在吃我们的三明治!3Listen and say部分翻译In this photo,the sun is shining. 在这张照片中,太阳正在照耀。 The birds are singing in the tree. 鸟儿正在树上唱歌。 The ducks are eating our sandwiches! 鸭子正在吃我们的三明治!4Practise部分翻译In this photo,its raining.The ducks are swimming on the pond. 在这张照片中,天正在下雨。鸭子正在池塘里游泳

28、。Module3 Unit21Look,listen and say部分翻译What are you doing,Simon? 你正在做什么,西蒙? Im cleaning my room. 我正在打扫我的房间。 Oh,your cat is helping you! 哦,你的猫正在帮助你!2Listen and read部分翻译Dear Lingling, 亲爱的玲玲: In this photo,we are in the mountains.The sun is shining and the wind is blowing .The cows are drinking water. T

29、he birds are singing.The ducks are swimming,The rabbits are jumping.Simon and l are playing hide-and-seek. 在这张照片中,我们在山里。太阳正在照耀,正刮着风。奶牛正在喝水。鸟儿正在唱歌。鸭子正在游泳。兔子正在跳。西蒙和我正在玩捉迷藏。 We are having a lovely time! 我们过得很开心! Love, Daming 爱你的大明3Look,listen and write部分翻译Where are you? 你在哪里? lm on the_.lm looking out

30、of the_ .lts .Some pigs are under a_ .A_is wearing a big_.Some_are _in the water.Now the_is coming to the_I can see you! 我在 _上。我正在向_外看。_。一些猪正在_下_。一个_正戴着一顶大的_正在水里_。我能看见你! -Where are you? 你在哪里? -Im on the trainlm looking out of thewindow.lts raining.Some pigs are sleeping under a tree.A man is wearing a big hat.Some children are jumping in the water.Now t

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