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1、法律常见词汇翻译法律常见词汇翻译法律常见词汇 例1Know All Men by these presents that we (banks name) having our registered office at _ (hereinafter called “the Bank”) will be bound unto (the Owners name) (hereinafter called “the Owner”) in the sum of _ for payment well and truly to be made to the said Owner, and the Bank w

2、ill bind itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. 参考译文:根据本文件,兹宣布,我行(银行名称),其注册地点在(注册地名)(以下称银行),向(业主名称)(以下称业主)立约担保支付(金额数)的保证金。本保证书对银行及其继承人和受让人均具有约束力。 注释:(1)Know All Men by these presents:根据本文件,特此宣布(2)registered office:注册办公地点(3)be bound unto:对有义务(4)the Owner:业主(5)well and truly:确实地(6)assig

3、ns:受让人(7)by these presents:根据本文件例2The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transaction in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated as follows: 参考译文:兹经签约的买卖双方同意,按下列条款,达成这笔交易。注释:(1)the undersigned Seller and Buyer:签约的买卖双方(2)to close the following transaction:达成下列交

4、易例3And Whereas we have agreed to give the Contractor such Bank Guarantee; Now Therefore we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of (amount of guarantee) (in words), such sum being payable in types and proportions of currencies in

5、which the Contract is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.

6、 参考译文:本银行(或金融机构)已同意为承包人出具保证函,我们因此同意作为保证人,并代表承包人以支付合同价款所规定的货币种类和比例,向你方担保总额为(大写)的保证金。银行在收到业主第一次书面付款要求后,不挑剔,不争辩地,在上述担保金范围内,即向你方支付(保证金额),你方无须出具证明或陈述提款理由。注释:(1)Now Therefore we hereby affirm:我们特此同意(2)Guarantor:保证人,担保人(3)amount of guarantee:保证金(4)in words:用文字书写金额(5)types and proportions of currencies:货币的种

7、类和比例(6)written demand:书面要求(7)without cavil or argument:不挑剔,不争辩(8)aforesaid:上述的(9)grounds or reasons:理由,根据(两词为同义词)例4Know All Men by these presents that we, the Bank of China having our registered office at Fu Chenmen (hereinafter called the Bank) will be bound unto the Employer, in the Sum of _for wh

8、ich payment well and truly to be made to the Employer, the Bank binds will bind himself, his successor and assignee by these presents.参考译文:根据合同文件,兹宣布,中国银行(注册地点:北京阜成门)(以下简称:“银行”)向业主立约担保支付金额数的担保证金。本保证书对银行继承人和受让人均有约束力注释:(1)Know All Men by these presents that:根据合同文件,兹宣布(2)The bank binds will bind himsel

9、f, his successor and assigns by these presents:对银行继 承人和受让人均有约束力。例5Now therefore, the conditions of this obligation are such that, if the contractor will promptly and faithfully perform the said contractor (including any amendments thereto) then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it sh

10、all remain in full force and effect.注释:(1)faithfully perform the said contractor:忠实地履行上述合同(2)including any amendments thereto:包括修改书 thereto: to the contractbe liable for; be liable to: 对应负有责任, be responsible in accordance with law用法: be liable for sth. be liable to sb.例6Should the carrying vessel ha

11、s arrived at the port of shipment as advised and the Seller fails to have the quantity of the goods ready for loading in time as specified, the Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage.参考译文:如果买方船只按照到达装运港,而卖方不能按规定的时间备妥货物以待装船,则由此而产生的空舱费及滞期费应由卖方负担。注释:(1)the carrying vessel:买方船只,即承运船只(2)

12、fails to have the quantity of the goods ready for loading in time as specified:不能按规定的时间备妥货物以待装船(3)the Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage:则(由此而产生的)空舱费及滞期费应由卖方负担 (4)dead freight:空舱费(5)demurrage:滞期费例7Party A shall not, under this guarantee, be liable for any direct or indirect los

13、s whatsoever arising out of any defect in the parts or components thereof. 参考译文:根据本担保,甲方不应承担因零部件缺陷而引起的任何直接或间接损失的赔偿责任。注释:(1)under this guarantee:根据本担保(2)be liable for any direct or indirect loss:承担任何直接或间接损失的赔偿责任例8A company may invest in other limited liability companies or companies limited by shares

14、 and be liable to the companies which it has invested in to the extent of the amount of capital invested in such companies. 参考译文:公司可以向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资,并以该出资额为限对所投资公司承担责任。注释:(1)invest in other limited liability companies or companies limited by shares:向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资(2)to the extent of the amount

15、 of capital invested in such companies:以该出资额为限例9If the share prospectus, measures for offer of corporate bonds, financial or accounting report, listing report document, annual report, interim report or ad hoc report announced by an issuer or securities underwriting company contain or contains any fa

16、lsehood, misleading statement or major omission, thus causing losses to investors in the course of securities trading, the issuer or the company shall be liable for the losses and the responsible director (s), supervisor (s) and /or the manager of the issuer or the company shall be jointly and sever

17、ally liable for such losses. 参考译文:发行人、承销的证券公司公告招股说明书、公司债券募集办法、财务会计报告、上市报告文件、年度报告、中期报告、临时报告,存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者有重大遗漏,致使投资者在证券交易中遭受损失的,发行人、随销的证券公司应当承担赔偿责任,发行人、承销的证券公司负有责任的董事、监事、经理应当承担各自的连带赔偿责任。注释:(1)share prospectus:招股说明书(2)measures for offer of corporate bonds:公司债券募集办法(3)financial or accounting report:财务会

18、计报告(4)listing report document:上市报告文件(5)annual report:年度报告(6)interim report:临时报告,亦称中期报告(7)ad hoc report:临时报告(8)an issuer or securities underwriting company:发行人、承销的证券公司(9)shall be jointly and severally liable for such losses:应当承担各自的连带赔偿责任例10After arrival at the destination port of Party A, the machine

19、ry shall be assembled by Party A itself. When Party A believes it is necessary to get the technical assistance from Party B, Party B shall send its technicians to provide technical guidance on the site and other required technical assistance during the assembling of key parts of the machinery. Party

20、 B shall be liable for the losses incurred in the course of assembling due to the technical default. 参考译文:设备到达甲方口岸后,由甲方自行安装。但在主要设备安装过程中,甲方认为需要时,乙方必须派出技术人员进行现场指导,提供必要的技术服务;在此过程中由于技术上的问题所造成的损失由乙方负责。注释:(1)the destination port of Party A:甲方口岸(目的港)(2)the machinery shall be assembled by Party A itself:设备由

21、甲方自行安装(3)the technical assistance from Party B:乙方的技术服务(4)to provide technical guidance on the site:进行现场指导(5)during the assembling of key parts of the machinery:在主要设备安装过程中(6)Party B shall be liable for the losses incurred in the course of assembling due to the technical default:在安装过程中由于技术上的问题所造成的损失由乙

22、方负责例11If, in accordance with the Contract, Party B fails to make purchase of the products of compensation trade and Party A fails to deliver the products in question, either Party shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, be liable for a breach of Contract, and shall indemnify for al

23、l the economic losses. 参考译文:如乙方未能按合同规定购买补偿贸易商品或甲方未能按合同提供商品时,均应按合同条款承担违约责任,赔偿由此造成的经济损失。注释:(1)Party B fails to make purchase of the products of compensation trade:乙方未能按合同规定购买补偿贸易商品(2)Party A fails to deliver the products in question:甲方未能按合同提供商品时(3)be liable for a breach of Contract:承担违约责任(4)indemnify

24、for all the economic losses:赔偿由此造成的经济损失例12The Contractor shall, under the provisions of Clause 82 on the obligations of the Contractor, be liable for any loss or damage to the Works during the execution and operation of the Works. 参考译文:按照第82条对承包人责任的规定,承包人亦应对其在施工及作业过程中造成的对工程的任何损失或损坏承担责任。注释:(1)under t

25、he provisions of Clause 82 on the obligations of the Contractor:按照第82条对承包人责任的规定(2)any loss or damage to the Works:对工程的任何损失或损坏(3)during the execution and operation of the Works:在施工及作业过程中例13Unless such defect, shrinkage or other fault is the one for which the Contractor is liable under the Contract, t

26、he Engineer shall, after due consultation with the Employer and the Contractor, determine the amount in respect of the costs of such search incurred by the Contractor. The amount in question shall be added to the Contract Price and the Engineer shall notify the Contractor accordingly, with a copy to

27、 the Employer.参考译文:除非按合同规定,上述缺陷、收缩或其它不合格之处应属承包商的责任,否则工程师应在与业主和承包人充分协商之后,确定承包人由于上述调查所支出的费用总额,并应将其增加到合同总价中,工程师应相应通知承包人,并将一份副本呈交业主。注释:(1)such defect, shrinkage or other fault:缺陷、收缩或其它不合格之处(2)for which the Contractor is liable under the Contract:按合同规定,属承包商的责任(3)after due consultation with the Employer a

28、nd the Contractor:与业主和承包人充分协商之后(4)determine the amount in respect of the costs of such search incurred by the Contractor:确定承包人由于上述调查所支出的费用总额(5)the amount in question shall be added to the Contract Price:应将其增加到合同总价中(6)the Engineer shall notify the Contractor accordingly, with a copy to the Employer:工

29、程师应相应通知承包人,并将一份副本呈交业主例14If such defect, shrinkage or other fault is the one for which the Contractor is liable, the cost of the Work carried out in searching as aforesaid shall be borne by the Contractor. Provided that, in such case, the Contractor shall, in accordance with the provisions of Clause

30、82, remedy such defect, shrinkage or other fault at his own cost.参考译文:如上述缺陷、收缩或其它不合格之处是承包人的责任,则上述有关调查工作的费用应由承包人承担。在此种情况下,承包人应按第82条规定自费修补上述缺陷、收缩或其它不合格之处。注释:(1)for which the Contractor is liable:是承包人的责任(2)remedy such defect, shrinkage or other fault at his own cost:自费修补上述缺陷、收缩或其它不合格之处例15The Employer s

31、hall not be liable to the Contractor for the matter or thing arising out of or in connection with the Contract or execution of the Works, unless the Contractor has included a claim in respect thereof in his Final Statement and in the statement at completion referred to in Sub-Clause 92.5. 参考译文:除非承包人

32、在其最终报表中以及在第92.5款提及的竣工报表中已经包括索赔事宜,对由合同及工程实施引起的或与之有关的任何问题和事件,业主不应对承包人负有责任。注释:(1)the Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for:业主不应对承包人(就)负有责任(2)unless the Contractor has included a claim in respect thereof in his Final Statement and in the statement at completion referred to in Sub-Clause 92.5:除非承包人在其最终报表中以及在第92.5款提及的竣工报表中已经包括索赔事宜

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