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大学生英语竞赛B类英语专业 翻译一.docx

1、大学生英语竞赛B类英语专业 翻译一) 一(B类英语专业-翻译大学生英语竞赛) 分钟总分:98.00,做题时间:90(98.00) (总题数:26,分数:一、翻译题prestigious UKS Cuts The heads of 20 of the most Budget Warn Top UK Universities of Damage from universities have warned that government plans to cut funding will lead to a higher education meltdown. for the Guardian, t

2、he Russell Group said the gold standard education they In an article now offer would be reduced to one of bronze or worse. (1) Universities are facing cuts of more than 900m over the next three years, and fear worse is still to come. The government said funding for frontline teaching was protected.

3、The strongly worded article by the university heads is intended as a dire warning against forcing universities to bear brunt of the need to slash public after the general election. It said: (2) It has taken more than 800 years to create one of the worlds greatest education systems and it looks like

4、it will take just six months to bring it to its knees. Such huge cuts in university budgets would have a devastating effect not only on students and staff, but also on Britains international competitiveness, economy and ability to recover from recession. The Russell Group, which includes Oxford and

5、Cambridge universities as well as Warwick and Glasgow among others, said the upshot would be universities facing the closure of hundreds of courses, with fewer academic staff and bigger classes. (3) It said reports suggested that as many as 30 universities might not survive in their current form if

6、even minimal funding cuts were introduced. The article also highlighted higher education spending in other countries. (4) Nicolas Sarkozy has just announced an investment of 11 billion euros in higher education in France, stating he wants the best universities in the world. it said. Germany pumped a

7、 total of 18 billion euros into promoting world-class research alongside university education, while Barack Obama ploughed an additional US 21 billion into federal science spending. (5) The article calls for ministers to consider reversing proposed cuts and for assurances that no further cuts will b

8、e imposed. (分数:10.00) _ 正确答案:(大学正在面临三年内经费削减9亿英镑的严峻形势,还担心更糟糕的情况发生。) 解析:解析 该句的谓语包含两个并列的成分,fear为第二个谓语成分。本句中worse为口语化的表达,指的是the worse condition。 _ 正确答案:(创建一流的教育体系费时800多年,而搞垮它只需6个月。) 解析:解析 本句须注意代词it作形式主语、动词不定式作真正主语的用法。it look lik可视为插入语。 _ 正确答案:(该文指出,报告显示哪怕按照最低标准削减资金都将有30所大学无法维持其现有规模。) 解析:解析 翻译本句须注意宾语从句。i

9、f条件从句中的副词even有加强语气的意味,翻译时需传达出来。 _ ) 声称他要办“世界一流的大学”。亿欧元,110尼古拉萨科齐刚刚宣布为法国高等教育斥资(正确答案: -ing形式在本句中作伴随状语,翻译时注意作断句处理。解析:解析 现在分词_ ) 文章号召部长们考虑撤销削减教育资金的提案并保证以后不会继续削减教育资金。正确答案:( 解析:解析 本句须注意由表示并列关系and连接的两个介词for。引导同位语从句。that(1) “海宝”的名字朗 2010年上海世博会吉祥物的名字叫“海宝(Haibao)”,意即“四海之宝”。中国朗上口,与其身体的色彩相应,符号中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。世博会和奥运

10、会、世界杯等超大型活动一不仅是世会形历届世会吉祥物 (mascot)(2) 样,都十分重视吉祥物对于演绎主题、传承文化的重要作用。而且体现了世会举办国家、承办城市独特的文化魅力。中国2010象品牌的重要载体,年上海世博会吉祥物在设计理念上努力实现以下功能: 一、体现主办国家的文化 (3) 2010的上海世会是由中国举办、上海承办的全球盛会。上海世博会吉祥物设计必须包含中国的文化特征,彰显中国的文化精神,反映上海世博会中外文化交流的特征。 二、演绎上海世博会“城市,让生活更美好”的主题 (4) 中国2010年上海世会吉祥物应该与历届世会或其他国际大型活动已有的吉祥物形象在主题表现、造型设计等方面

11、有明显区别。吉祥物形象要通过创意提炼、造型设计、理念阐述、性格设定、动作演绎等手段,充分表达上海世博会“城市,让生活更美好”的主题。 (5) 设计思路和理念要清晰而独特,契合主题且易于为广大群众理解。 三、具有产品衍生和开发的价值 中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物要符合“好看、好懂、好记、好用”的原则,在表现形式和技术手段上,适用于平面,立体和电子媒介的传播和再创作,适用于不同载体对主题演绎、和表现样式的需要。 (分数:10.00) _ 正确答案:(The name Haibao sounds great and echoes with its blue colour, complying wi

12、th the principle of lucky name in Chinese tradition.) 解析:解析 汉语长句中常包含几个并列关系的短句,翻译成英文时需注意处理。 _ 正确答案:(The previous World Expo mascots not only embody the theme of that specific Expo respectively, but also convey the unique cultural charm of that host country or city.) 解析:解析 本句须注意“不仅而且”的句式转换。“举办国家或城市”可译

13、为“host country or city”。 _ 正确答案:(Shanghai World Expo 2010 is a great world event that is hosted by China and executed by Shanghai.) 解析:解析 本句句式较为简单。注意“中国举办、上海承办”的译文处理。 _ 正确答案:(The mascot of Shanghai World Expo 2010 should be clearly distinct from those preivous ones or other major international event

14、 mascots in theme manifestation and pattern design etc.) 解析:解析 本句中状语成分较为复杂,须注意处理。“明显区别”译为“clearly distinct from”较为恰切。 _ 正确答案:(The design concept should be clear and unique, and observe the Expo theme, easy for the mass to receive.) 解析:解析 本句谓语部分较为发达,须注意译文处理。“为所理解”译为“for somebody to receive”较好,因为本句中的汉

15、语词汇“理解”兼有“接受”之意。 Divided We Stand Marriage is big lately; actually its unmarriage that seems to be capturing our attention. From the award-winning American Beauty to the Bruce Willis-Mishelle Pfeiffer movie, The Story of Us, the institution of marriage is being turned inside out, and its not a prett

16、y sight. To judge by these films, modern marriage involves a lot of broken crockery and busted expectations. (1) While many current Hollywood depictions of marriage may be overly pessimistic, statistics in America are alarming: each year half as many Americans get divorced as marry. Marriage counsel

17、ors say couples often choose to separate as a last-ditch effort to change their relationship, and possibly themselves. But a separation can give couples time to calm down, renegotiate the rules of the relationship and gain some needed distance. For a separation to work, it needs to be well defined.

18、Structured Separations tend to be the most productive. Couples facing separation do best if they establish some basic ground rules first. (2) They should mutually agree on the length of the separation-three to six months is average and both must continue to work on their own problems during that tim

19、e, either with or without a counselor. Couples should agree not to see lawyers during their separation. Lawyers have a way of moving marriage toward divorce. (3) During their period of trial separation couples should not pursue each other at all, either to fight or to reconcile, but should agree in

20、advance on what kind of contact they will have. Separated couples can agree to speak on the phone for a prearranged period, for in stance, or meet once a week. (4) Some therapists advise their clients to agree not to talk to each other about their relationship during these encounters and to use the

21、time apart to reflect on their own lives and see what they can change about themselves. If there are children involved, both parties need to agree on all the ground rules having to do with kids. Parents should also be aware that repeated separations and reconciliations are difficult and confusing fo

22、r children. A separation, while painful, can help keep the anger down and give a couple time to think. (5) If both are unsure about the future of the marriage, it can provide a timeout, during which they can see what life would be like without the other. Sometimes it leads to divorce. But if couples

23、 are able to clarify things, it will improve their marriage-or, make their divorce better. (分数:10.00) _ 正确答案:(目前很多好莱坞电影对婚姻的描述也许太过悲观了,但美国的统计数字不容忽视:美国每年的离婚人数占结婚人数的一半。) 解析:解析 本句中while引导让步状语从句。分号后面内容是对前面内容的进一步解释说明。 _ 正确答案:(他们应商定一个分居期通常为3至6个月;分居期间,双方必须继续独立解决各自的问题,请不请咨询专家都可以。) 解析:解析 本句较长,and连接两个并列关系的分句。破折

24、号后面的句子起补充说明作用。eitheror结构可视为插入语。 _ 正确答案:(在试分居期间,双方不得相互联系,包括吵架与和解,但应事先商定可以保持哪些种类的联系。) 解析:解析 本句谓语发达,由but连接either to fight or to reconcile作为插入语应理解准确。what引导宾语从句。 _ 正确答案:(有些医生建议两个人相遇时不要谈论两人之间的关系,要利用分居的时间反思自己的生活,并思考自己能发生什么改变。) 解析:解析 本句的关键在于advise sb(not)to do sth的句型,直接宾语包含三个并列动词不定式,第一个动词不定式为否定形式,第三个动词不定式省略

25、了to。 _ 正确答案:(如果双方都对婚姻前景没把握,那么,分居可以为他们提供一个间歇期,使他们看到没有对方) 的生活会是如何。解析:解析 本句包含的从句较多,分别是:由if引导的条件状语从句,由during which引导的后置定语从句,由what引导的宾语从句。须注意处理。 1.目前世界上还存在着种族歧视、政治冲突和国家间的领土纠纷。(there be) (分数:2.00) _ 正确答案:(Currently,there is still racial discrimination,political conflicts and territorial disputes between n

26、ations in the world) 解析:解析 本句考查there be句型。表语为三个并列的名词短语。 2.环境变化导致全人类灭亡不太可能,但若维系现有的文明却非常困难。(extinguish) (分数:2.00) _ 正确答案:(It is unlikely that environmental changes will extinguish the entire human race,but it is difficult to maintain/sustain the existing civilization) 解析: 3.许多人没有认识到时间的重要性,这很令人遗感。(realize) (分数:2.00) _ 正确答案:(Regretfully,many people donnot realize the importance of time) 解析:解析 本题考查揉合句子的能力。“令人遗憾”亦可译为It is a pity that,使用主语从句处理。 4.我们倾向于认为进化发生在其他的物种中,但这也正发生在人类身上。(think ofas

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