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gossip girl 第六季 第四集.docx

1、gossip girl 第六季 第四集Gossip girl here - your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattans eliteDans serial is continuing in “Vanity Fair” vanity: 虚荣 浮华 自负 空虚 无聊的事物 无价值的东西Dan we had a deal. Vanity Fair is a big time, and the more reader we have, the more power I have. It is that simple.

2、名利场是个好机会Dan wrote the truth. We are together. And I want you by my side, here and at the gallery opening. Are you Dan Humphrey? I am. I read your piece on “The spectator” today. 读了你的文章 Can I buy you a drink? Absolutely. Did these really happen? You and Serena? Every dirty detail, exactly as it occur

3、red. She said she erased it, but did you actually see her do it?What is wrong with you? You had someone who loved you unconditionally, and you threw that all away. To let Chuck Bass decide when hes ready for you.I just have a few questions about a weekend you spent with Bart in dubai about four year

4、s ago.Dave drove Bart to meet someone named Lady Alexander.I dont know who she is or even where to start looking for her. We will find her.Extra, extra, read all about it外号外号 详情如下The latest upper east sider to take center stage in the social spotlight. 上东区聚光灯下的最新头条 but you know what they say? If you

5、 cant take the heat, then move to the hells kitchen. 如果接受不了流言蜚语,那就来上东区把。“Nate Archibald has the opposite of the midas touch.” Nate 拥有了反向的炼金术Midas: (Greek legend) the greedy king of Phrygia who Dionysus gave the power to turn everything he touched into gold. Midas touch 点物成金术“Instead of everything he

6、 touches turning to gold, he turns all the gold hes been given to dust.”Sage: your friends poor, right? I mean, hes probably just jealous.Dan: oh, first of all, Dan screwed me over by selling the serialization of his new book right out from under me, and then he releases the chapter about me. 这里译作耍我

7、Screw 旋 拧 压榨 强迫 美口语中为:使人心烦意乱;弄糟;破坏;弄坏Sage: You look really hot in the picture. Who cares what it says? Dan: he is saying that Im singlehandedly destroying “the spectator”. 一手摧毁了Sage: okay, enough. This Dan guy is full of it. 这个丹什么的从来这样Dan: no, actually, if he was making stuff up, you know, Id be mad

8、, but Id get over it. Thing is, hes right. “The spectator” is in serious financial trouble, ant its all my fault. Its why Im meeting with the bank later today to hopefully extend our credit line. Sage: Can I help? Please. I am dying for an excuse to skip brunch with my dad and Serena Van der floozy.

9、 Die 现分渴望 荡妇 妓女Dan: No, thats nice, but you should go to brunch, and you should be nice with Serena, all right?Shes the one who convinced your dad to let us keep dating, all right? Give her a chance.G: well your article on Nate is generating major online buzz. 引起了热议 嗡嗡叫 低声谈 奔忙 电话 乱哄哄的说话声 HuffPo has

10、a link on their main page, and Dwight Garner just tweeted about it, saying that hes halfway through and doesnt hate it yet. Even “gossip girl” gave us a nice plug. 插头 塞子 推销 宣传 堵塞 封堵 推广 宣传 说他才看了一半觉得还不赖。就连八卦天后也给了好评。 Overall, the reactions been positive for you, that is. Not for Nate. D: Are they talki

11、ng about how the use of the real names makes this my “In cold blood” I mean do they like the writing? Are they making any comparisons to historical literacy figures?G: Perez Hilton. But the important thing is that theyre talking about it. Literacy celebrity is fleeting. 飞逝的 短暂的 稍纵即逝 疾驰的 文学界没有常青树 We

12、have to make the most of it. 我们要充分利用这次机会 最大限度利用D: Trust me. I have been. 相信我 我正在这么做G: I am not talking about trolling for lit groupies at McNallys and sleeping with your coffee dates. 我说的利用不是在麦克纳利找你的追星族们以及陪你喝咖啡的妹子都搞上床的事Troll n: 旋转 轮唱 钓鱼 D: Well, thats how Im finding a bed to sleep in every night.G:

13、look, being a writer in 2012 isnt merely about the words that you write. Its about your image.So from now on, youre only going to be seen with girls who have lvy league pedigrees,or, at the very least, Vassar. 联盟 社团 联合会 联赛 常春藤联盟 血统 家谱 纯种的 有血统来源的 瓦萨学院是著名的文理学院 she needs to have cover girl looks and at

14、 least three mentions in “page six” in the last six months. 第六页 绯闻版 D: How exactly am I gonna do that? 我为什么要那么做G: Ive already set up the interviews M: this is the guy my daughters dating? Have you read this article on Nate? 关于S: Oh, Im not a fan of the authors previous work M: Well, let me summarize

15、 for you. His last girlfriend was a madam. Before that, he dated con artists with an “S” 反对票 反对者 反对的理由 欺诈的 骗取信任的 再前任是性感女骗子们because, yes, there was more than one. Your friend Dan wrote all this?S: Dan Humphrey is a douche. 混蛋M: well, you can forget about dating the guy in this article ever again. 你今后

16、别想再跟这个家伙约会了S: thats fine by me. 我不在乎 Nate is nothing like the guy in that article. S: Well, I dont know what Dan wrote, but I can vouch for Nate. 保证 担保 He is kind and honest and a good friend. And- and he cares about Sage a lot. You should get to know him before you judge him. Or at least before you

17、 hit him again.S: Dad, can he come to the horse show with us?M: This afternoon? No, thats always been our thing. 不行 这一贯只有我们俩阿S: Oh, come on. You hate it, and you know it. Itll give you someone to talk about football with instead.S: Nate loves football. See? Look, were already finding things to bond

18、over. 看人与人之间总能找到相同点M: Oh, I guess he can join us. It will give me a chance to talk to him. Possibly threaten his life. 也许能改变他的生活 S: Ill see if he can come. Thanks dad. You, too, Serena.S: Did you see that? She almost smiled at me. And dont worry about Nate. Youll really like him. Hes the best.M: wel

19、l, you would know. 你当然知道 when were you gonna tell me. Youve had sex with my daughters boyfriend. I: this is definitely a-a fire hazard. I think its time to unpack the boxes Lily sent over.R: sorry, Ive been so busy with this new gallery opening. Im actually headed over there now. 其实我正要处理 I: Dont tak

20、e this the wrong way. 别误会我的意思 but maybe youre using the gallery as an excuse to avoid going through your old life. R: Thats ridiculous.I: is it? These boxes are full of stuff from your time with Lily, and I can see how revisiting those memories could be difficult. Look let me help. I will unpack the

21、 boxes, and when you come back, they will be gone. R: that would be nice. Keep the things that we can use around the loft and just throw everything else out. Dear Rufus, last night was the best night of my life.Its kind of a big deal not to mention. 我不能原谅你对这件事闭口不提S: I wasnt trying to hide my past wi

22、th Nate. I swear it was a long time ago. Were just friends now, and besides, when is something like that supposed to come up? 什么时候跟你提这件事才算恰当。I dont know. Maybe the second he started dating my daughter?S: Sage knows, and she doesnt care. I dont see what the big deal is. I dont know everyone that youv

23、e been with. Youre right. We both have pasts, but mines not about to be chronicled in a magazine. 我的过去可不会上杂志连载 编年史 记录 Theres bound to be a Serena chapter soon, right? 很快就会刊登有关Serena 的章节了吧 Maybe its time we have the conversation- discuss everyone weve been with to avoid any more embarrassrag suprises

24、 in print or at parties.S: Everyone? Within reason. 这很有必要 Second base and beyond. Kissing doesnt count.S: I think its a great idea. I just have to run an errand first. 我得先去办点事 差事 使命When you get back then. 等你回来再说C: That Eleanor again? B: Debriefing my mother on Waldorf designs can wait. 任务报告 She know

25、s I have no buyers, and shes just calling to yell at me. Besides, I have much more pressing business to attend to, like finding Lady Alexander, whoever and wherever she maybe. Now Ive gone through the peerage registries of all the royals in western Europe, and the closest I could find was a Lady Ale

26、xandria of Lisbon, but she died 30 years ago in a Portuguese mental hospital. 而且眼下还有更紧急的事等我处理 现在我已经把所有西欧皇室的贵族名册都浏览一遍了C: Im starting to think my father had his body guard feed us bad intel. 让他的保镖给我们提供的是错误的线索B: that is in Barts play book, but Im having one of those psychic hunches I get, like when I p

27、redicted Tom and Katie wouldnt last.那的确是Bart 常用的计谋之一 但我的预感一向很准 精神的 超自然的 灵魂的 心灵的 通灵的或有特异功能的人 巫师 C: You didnt have to be psychic to call that one. 随便找个人都能预测到这一点B: I know this maybe a little crazy. My mother has a friend called Lady Vaughn, only lady isnt her title. Its her name. She literally changed

28、it so sound more important so she could sit on the boards of all the big museums, and it worked. 这样她就能列席各大博物馆董事会 Maybe lady Alexander did the same. There she is.Literally: 逐字地 照字面地: 确实地 真正地 不夸张地: 口语: 差不多 简直( 用于加强语意)The views are literally breath-taking. 景色美的简直让人窒息C: But it says she is not on the boa

29、rd. Its a portrait in a private showing. 而是私人画展的肖像画B: By the artist Brian Batt. I know him. I mean, I know his work. He has a studio downtown. 他的工作室就在市中心C: I always wanted to commission a portrait of you. 我一直想请个人给你画幅肖像B: Whats wrong? The eggs overcooked again?L: No. well, actually, yes. But thats no

30、t whats so upsetting. Eric just texted me from Sarah Lawrence telling me I was on “Gossip Girl” B: This is about our wedding? L: No, the night before, when I slept with Rufus.B: Thats old news.L: I have no idea why I am suddenly on the radar of this childish blog. 这种幼稚的博主盯上了B: I think its fairly obv

31、ious what kind of child would be putting out such stories.L: Charles? No, he would never. B: He shipped a women in from Dubai to drive a wedge in between us. 挑拨离间 eg. Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband. Im sorry he keeps dragging you into our fright. L: Oh, maybe thats way h

32、e hasnt returned my calls. B: Ill take care of it.B: I love how you combine the classic portraiture with pop culture, but we really came to see your portrait of Lady Alexander. 我喜欢你将古典肖像和通俗文化结合的画风C: Friends of ours saw it in your private show at the met, and they suggest we mimic the style. 模仿B: I want to do the exact same pose.N: I think youve got the wrong guy. I dont do that sort of thing. 我不画哪种画C: Obviou

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