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1、美剧摘录句子 should not defecate where one eat.兔子不吃窝边草2.I always take it literally.我总是按字面意思理解的3.Can you imagine seeing somebody all day long and then you are supposed to hang out with them after work?4.Top-notch idea 天才般的点子5.My phone is just as smart as you guys.6.I thought you said you were fine wit

2、h it.7.You can not tell her what she can and can not do.不能对她颐指气使8.More and more sure.9.No backsies.不可返还10.How was the pajama party?11.As you wish .遵命12.The Nordic reputation for lack of humor is well-founded.北欧人没有幽默感的名声是真的。13.Hand-holding ,hugging .even on hot days.14.I am done with work.下班了15.Time

3、with you is my number one priority.16.We are a couple .I like you for who you are .喜欢真实的你 .17.I chose my words poorly.用词不当18.Bed-wetting尿床masturbation自慰 jerk off 打飞机19.Which celebrity would you say i look most?20.That thing is riddled with plot holes.21.With the CPC committee at the helm在党中央的领导下22.T

4、he year 2103 has seen the groundbreaking of diplomacy under the central committee of communist party of china (CPC) with comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary.23.It is a great pleasure to join you here to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.很高兴同大家欢聚一堂,同辞旧岁,共迎新年。24.Earlier this year今年

5、伊始25.Conduct a collective study.进行集体学习26.两眼居中,面部放松,嘴角上翘,满面春风27.政治素质一流,身体条件好,个头适中,相貌英俊28.Stick around 留下来,逗留,在附近徘徊29.Doing any better would be a sin =could not be better再好不过了 30.I can not agree more 非常同意31.Excuse me before i lose my temper 32.All warfare is based on deception 兵者,诡道也 if your enemy is

6、superior ,evade him ;if angry ,irritate him ;if equally matched ,fight ;and if not ,split .Re-evaluate .强而避之,怒而扰之,势均则战之,势若则避而观之。33.Walk you out 送你出去34.Money is the pain in the ass ,if you ask me .在我看来钱是大麻烦Any day will do ?哪一天都可以?Any messages for me ?有我的留言吗?Are you by yourself?自己来的么?All right with yo

7、u ?你没问题吧?Are you free tomorrow ? are you kidding me ?as soon as possible .back in a moment .马上回来 believe it or not.better luck next time .下次会更好。Boy will be boys .本性难移。Come to the point 直奔主题 do you accept plastic ?收信用卡么?Does it keep long ?可以保存么?Do not be so fussy .别太挑剔了(they are too choosy about ever

8、ything)do not count on me 别指望我 do not fall for it.别上当 do not get me wrong.别冤枉我 do not give me that.少来这套。Do not let me not lose your head .别昏了头 do not over do it.别做过了头 do not sit there daydreaming do not stand on ceremony .别太拘束。Drop me a line .要写信给我。Easy come easy go.来的快去的也快。First come first

9、served 。Get a move on .快点吧 get off my back.别嘲笑我。I can not afford that .i can not follow you .give me a break .饶了我吧。Give me a hand .great minds think alike .i will treat you to one ear ,out the other one .一耳进一耳出。I am spaced-out开小差了(absent-minded ,let your mind wander ) i cross my heart .我发誓是

10、真的。I do not mean that .不是故意的。I feel miserable /frustrated /be in a bad mood/feel blue.i will show you around 带你四处逛逛 i will check it out 检查一下。I will see to it. 我会留意的(i will keep my ears/eyes open)it slipped my mind 我忘记了(i forget) you make me jump你吓了我一跳(it scares me /you startled me /you frightened me

11、 /you are freaking me out)i am crazy for you .我为你疯狂。(crazy about you /mad about you /i am drawn to you )my mouth is watering.never heard of it.make yourself at home 就当在家一样 (be my guest自便 )nice talking to you .很高兴和你聊天no doubt about it .毫无疑问dead end 死胡同December heartbeat /twilight romance黄昏恋 puppy lov

12、e 早恋romance with younger man 姐弟恋did you miss the bus ?do me a favor.dinner is on me .do you have any money on you .身上带钱了么?Swipe card 刷卡doggy bag 打包袋do not be so childish孩子气do not flatter me .get out of here .滚出去go to hell .god works 上帝的安排gild the lily画蛇添足Ministers (took the floor) to denounce the de

13、cision tosuspendconstitutional rule.(在会议上发言参与讨论)excited kid 活跃的孩子on the brink 在边缘;崩溃边缘;即将homemade goods are edging out imported foreign goods.国产商品逐渐取代了进口外国商品(edge out 排挤取代,以微小优势胜出)They rose to thechallengeof entertaining 80 school-children for an afternoon.接受挑战 entertain热情款待i would not entertain the

14、 idea of such an unsociable job.我不会考虑这样一个不与人打交道的工作left-handed person =left-hander=lefty左撇子mock exam 模拟考试remarkably引人注目的明显的非常的narcissistic自恋的sissy娘炮photograph&photographer(pay attention to the pronunciation)cosmetician,stylist and photographer have more chances to spend time with pretty woman and the

15、y are too sissy.visual fatigue 审美疲劳male lawyers are not romantic and female lawyers are so eloquent that they scare men away.Peopleworkingforpublicrelationscompaniesandadvertisingagencieshavealotof opportunitiestogettoknowotherpeople.However,theyalwayshaveaworkingrelationship withthesepeopleandrarel

16、yturnthemintogirlfriendsorboyfriends.Put /go on sale pixel像素high definition /resolution power strip插排 touch screen触摸屏 self-timer定时自拍best-shot selector(BSS)防抖 red-eye reduction 防红眼charger充电器rechargeable battery充电电池Rob peter to pay paul拆了东墙补西墙take a rain check改天rob the cradle 老牛吃嫩草stalker 跟踪狂call the

17、police =report a crime 报警 a go-between 一个中间人I got separated from my friend and can not find her.could you please make an announcement for me ?寻人广告:may i have your attention please .sb please come to the information desk ?your party is waiting for you.(一起旅行或参观等的)群,队,组a group of people who are doing s

18、th together such as traveling or visiting somewhere lost-and found office 失物招领处do you know where i can get my car fixed?there is a car accident ahead .please drive carefully. A tow truck.拖车Elevator 升降机escalator 扶梯we have been stuck in this traffic jam for a long time .can we take another road?it is

19、rush hour(高峰时间),taking another road will not make it better.There is police car behind us with flashing lights. I think they want you to pull over有效期限?We can get it to you within 48 hours .there is a fire.失火了。Something is on fire.the room is on fire .my friend is sick .is there a hospital nearby. I

20、havent felt right since ive gotten here.i think i should see a doctor.please call an ambulance .someone is injured .i feel dizzy .(晕眩). I sprained my ankle .脚扭伤了。Ive had diarrhea(腹泻拉肚子) for the past three days. Ive been coughing a lot. It hurts here. Ive been scalded by hot water. It is not blisteri

21、ng(水泡),so just use this ointment (药膏,软膏)on it . Run cool water on the burn .用冷水浇在烧伤的地方. I am allergic to aspirin.过敏。Painkiller止痛药opposites do attract.异性相吸do not teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。East or west ,home is the best. Experience is the best teacher.实践出真知. Faith can move mountains.精诚所至金石为开. First im

22、pressions are half the battle.先入为主. Good wine needs no bush.酒香不怕巷子深. Haste makes waste .欲速则不达. He that promises too much means nothing.轻诺者寡信. Home is where the heart is . He whom would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.千里之行始于足下. An artist lives everywhere.一招鲜吃遍天. Variety is the spice of life

23、.变化是生活的调味品. Bad times make a good man.艰难困苦出能人. There is no riyal road to learning.求知路上无坦途. Doubt is the key to knowledge . To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds .既当演说家又做实干家. Sow nothing ,reap nothing.春不播秋不收. A mans best friend is his ten fingers. A fall into the pit ,a gain into your wit

24、.吃一堑长一智. A letter from home is priceless.家书抵万金. All time is no time when it is past .时光一去不复返. As heroes think ,so thought Bruce.英雄所见略同(great minds think alike). All rivers run into the sea.殊途同归. Son ,sometimes the best way to win a fight is not to start one . But if you do come up with somebody,you

25、know you can not beat ,be smart. It is okay to run another way. Go joyriding.兜风 . It is highly unlikely.相当不可能. Never better.再好不过了. I did not do nothing.什么也没做. Boss is handing out pink slips.下发解雇通知单。Beat the crap out of the guy拼命殴打Can not swing a cat .地方狭窄很拥挤. It is definitely the place.就是这. You will

26、 shatter every bone in your body. You can not let emotion cloud your judgment.影响. I got my ass kicked a lot. Start over 重新开始. One can always hope. Give or take 小误差 . Utility pole 电线杆. I am not the best version of me .I am willing to roll the dice .赌一把,冒险. You may delay ,but time will not. We are all

27、 pawns to you . Kick it up a notch.更上一层楼. Hit and run。 You are stunning. Beside the point.Rub shoulder with sb 和某人打过交道 you got me . 难倒我了. I have not eaten since yesterday. Be over the moon.The real deal.真材实料的人或物,好货,好手His girlfriend is incredibly high-maintenance. He has to do everything to please he

28、r.难伺候 . I am so hungry and i can eat a horse. I could not eat another thing/bite. Which kind of dressing (沙拉酱)would you like to have on your salad ? I love to try new food . Lay it on me . 就这个吧。Would you like to try our local specialty? 地方特产. I like a whisky on the rocks .加冰威士忌. Do you offer deliver

29、y service? 外送。 There happens to be seats available right now .please follow me . Would like to dine here or take out? Why the long face ?板着脸. Id like takeout ,thanks.外带。 Cheers up =Bottoms up(轻松)=Down the hatch (轻松) 。 I would like to make a reservation for seven oclock on Saturday night.there will b

30、a five of us. = Id like to book a table for five at seven oclock,please. =do you have a table available at seven oclock for five people? I didnt do it on purpose =I didnt mean for that to happen =I didnt intend to do so . Freeze !不要动! You look just the same as before=you have not changed a bit.=you

31、are still the old Brad I remember.还是老样子. Time is a great healer.时间是最好的疗伤药. Time flies .时间飞逝(时间过得好快)Time and tide wait for no man .岁月不饶人. A man can not spin and reel at the same time .一心不能二用. How come you look so thin now?你怎么这么瘦。Are you gaining weight?你是不是胖了? Ive heard a lot/much about you. It is gre

32、at to finally to meet you .久仰大名终于得见。You are taller than I thought. My sister is always talking about you -Only good things ,I hope ./I hope you do not believe everything you hear. We have spoken on the phone before. Have we met before?you look kind of familiar. I recognize you from somewhere.我在哪见过你。The devil finds work for idle hands.游手好闲最易为恶. Got any gossip to share?最近有啥小道消息. I maxed out my credit card this month.=I went over my credit card limit this month.=I

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