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1、精美英语读物36中英双语精美英语读物36便宜衣服比名牌衣服更耐穿近日,英国利兹大学的一项研究发现,快时尚品牌的衣服竟然比名牌衣服更结实更耐穿,尤其是T恤。花大价钱买的衣服比不上平价衣服,这一研究结果无异于对名牌服装的重重一击。难道名牌衣服胜出的仅仅是颜值和价钱?If youve been shelling out for designer clothing in the hopes that it will be more durable than cheaper options, you might want to reconsider.如果你花大把钱买名牌衣服,期望它们比平价衣服更耐穿,你

2、可能需要重新考虑一下了。A new study from The University of Leeds suggests that low-cost clothing might actually outlast pricier pieces.利兹大学的一项新研究指出,廉价的衣服事实上可能比昂贵的衣服更耐穿。The study was led by Dr. Mark Sumner, a lecturer in fashion and sustainability. Using samples of T-shirts and jeans from a variety of brands and

3、 price points, researchers measured factors such as seam strength, colorfastness, and how long it took for the fabric of each piece to develop rips or tears.带头开展这项研究的马克萨姆纳博士是时尚和可持续性专业的讲师。研究人员采用了多个品牌和价位的T恤和牛仔裤作为样本,衡量了接缝强力、色牢度等因素,以及面料多长时间会发生撕裂。colorfastnessklrf:stns:n. 色牢度Despite the popular notion th

4、at designer clothes are more sturdily constructed than off-the-rack items, the study found that fast-fashion shirts and jeans usually out-performed their luxury counterparts.尽管大众普遍认为,名牌衣服比平价衣服制作得更结实,但是研究发现,快时尚品牌的T恤和牛仔裤通常都比名牌衣服更耐穿。off-the-rackfrk: adj. 现成的Some of the garments performed very well acro

5、ss a wide range of tests more often than not, the best products were fast-fashion products, Dr. Sumner told The Telegraph.萨姆纳博士告诉每日电讯报说:“其中一些衣服在大范围测试中表现很出色这些衣服多半是快时尚产品。”Jeans from one fashion brand lasted twice as long as a designer label jeans, but cost one-tenth of the price of the designer jeans,

6、 he said.萨姆纳说:“快时尚品牌牛仔裤的寿命是名牌牛仔裤的两倍,但是价格却只有名牌牛仔裤的十分之一。” Insider网站截图 According to Dr. Sumners interview with The Telegraph, designer label T-shirts were the worst performing in all of the tests. Surprisingly, T-shirts from an online fast-fashion brand held up the best.萨姆纳在接受每日电讯报的采访时说,名牌T恤在所有测试中的“表现是

7、最差的”。令人惊讶的是,质量最好的T恤来自一家线上快时尚品牌。Of course, price isnt the only thing to consider when shopping for new threads. The fashion industry is a huge source of environmental pollution, with low-cost clothing contributing heavily to landfill waste and carbon gas emissions.当然,在购置新衣服时,价格并不是唯一要考虑的因素。时装行业是造成环境污染

8、的一大源头,低成本服装严重加剧了垃圾填埋和二氧化碳排放。According to the EPA Office of Solid Waste, Americans throw away more than 68 pounds of clothing and textiles per person per year. With trends appearing and vanishing in the blink of an eye, the average number of times a garment is worn before it is disposed of has decrea

9、sed 36% over the past 15 years, according to a 2017 report.根据美国环保局固体废物办公室的数据,美国人每人每年扔掉超68磅(31千克)的衣服和纺织品。服装潮流瞬息万变,根据2017年的报告,一件衣服在被丢弃前的平均穿着次数在过去15年间下降了36%。Although some clothing items are estimated to be trashed after just seven wears, less than 1% of clothing is recycled to create new clothing. Plus

10、, fast-fashion can come with ethical concerns depending on the company.尽管有些衣服只穿了7次就被丢弃,但被回收用来制作新衣服的却不到1%。此外,快时尚产业的一些公司还伴随着道德争议。But its not just fast-fashion brands that are guilty of wasteful practices. Earlier this year, high-end design label Burberry acknowledged burning almost $40 million of unso

11、ld clothes, accessories, and perfume. According to the BBC, the company opted to destroy the items rather than sell them more cheaply in order to protect the brands value.不过,造成浪费的不只有快时尚品牌。今年早些时候,高端时尚品牌巴宝莉承认将未售出的价值近4000万美元(2.7亿元人民币)的衣服、饰品和香水烧毁。据英国广播公司报道,该公司选择烧毁货物而不是降价出售是为了保护品牌价值。All in all, theres a

12、lot to consider when purchasing new clothing. But, keeping those bargain jeans in your wardrobe rotation could be good for your budget and the environment and chances are they can last just as long as the designer pair youve been eyeing.总而言之,在买新衣服之前要考虑的东西很多。但是,继续穿你的廉价牛仔裤对你的财政状况和环境都有好处,而且,它们很可能和你看中的那

13、条名牌牛仔裤一样耐穿。韩国女子爱美丽?现在她们连化妆品都不想用了!哪个地方的人最爱漂亮?可能很多人会想到韩国,那里无论老少,几乎人人都先化妆才出街。不过当地近来掀起一场“逃脱束缚”运动,部分女性开始反思是否人人都要追求同一种美的标准:皮肤白、大眼睛、高鼻梁等。更有网友在社交网站上传摧毁化妆品的照片或视频,以此表明自己要摆脱日夜化妆的劳累人生。South Korean women are destroying cosmetics and cutting their hair short to fight back against unrealistic beauty ideals in what

14、 is being dubbed the escape corset movement.韩国正掀起一场名为“逃脱束缚”的运动,许多韩国女性扔掉化妆品、剪短头发,以此抗议对美不切实际的追求。corset kst n.(妇女用的)束腹,紧身褡In posts across Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms, women have been denouncing the use of cosmetics and a culture that pressures as many as one in three women to u

15、ndergo some form of plastic surgery.在Ins和推特等社交媒体平台上,韩国女性开始反对使用化妆品,并且对迫使多达三分之一的女性接受不同程度整容手术文化氛围进行抨击。今年5月,韩国一家知名电视台的新闻主播成为第一位戴眼镜出镜的女主播。此举在韩国引发热议:女性是不是时刻都要完美无瑕? One post on Instagram by user 6_feminist_9 confessed that she had low self-esteem and felt she had to use makeup as a mask just to leave the h

16、ouse.Ins用户6_feminist_9在一个贴子里承认自己自卑,出门前必须化妆来“武装”自己。I liked pretty things. I wanted to be pretty. I hated my ugly face, she posted.“我喜欢漂亮的事物,想变得漂亮。我讨厌自己丑陋的面孔。”Self-esteem came and went. I was always putting on makeup. I did not go to school on days when I did not have good makeup.“自尊心总是时不时爆发一下。我总是在化妆,

17、如果哪天妆化的不好,我就不去上学。”现在,她的想法发生了改变。But now you do not have to. It does not have to be pretty. In the meantime, I took off the mask that plagued me and ruined my life.“但是现在你没有必要那么做,不是非得那么漂亮。同时,我摘掉了自己的面具,它困扰我许久,毁掉了我的生活。”plague pleg vt.折磨,使苦恼Another user said: Today is one month since I decided to cut my h

18、air and take a bath!另一名用户说:“从我决定剪短头发并且泡个澡开始,已经有一个月了。Cosmetics, lenses, and clothes that are not easy to wear are now used as memorials.“化妆品、隐形眼镜和好看却不好穿的衣服,现在都被我当做纪念品了。”memorial mmrl n.纪念物,纪念仪式一些网友为表“决心”,更是在社交网站上传照片或视频,“摧毁”自己的化妆品,或把化妆品当作颜料用来画画。 当地女子车智苑(音译,Cha Ji-won)便是其中一人。她把自己的化妆品都丢掉,每月只花4000韩元(约合人民

19、币24元)买保湿产品或润唇膏,“我觉得自己像是重生了,一个人的精神与力量是有限的,我过去都用来担心自己美不美,现在我用这些时间来读书与做运动。” Beauty regimes commonly require women to spend hours applying makeup each day often involving waking up two hours before work to do so or carrying out lengthy skincare routines that involve 10 steps or more at the end of each d

20、ay.在韩国,女性通常每天要花好几个小时化妆。她们每天上班前要提前两个小时起床化妆,每天睡觉前还要进行冗长的护肤程序,一般有10多个步骤。It is the latest development in the Asian countrys exploding feminist movement in the age of #MeToo, in a country that was ranked a poor 116 out of 144 countries on gender equality by the World Economic Forum.“逃脱束缚”运动是在#MeToo运动之后,韩

21、国爆发的最新一次女权运动。根据世界经济论坛的排名,韩国的性别平等状况在144个国家中排在第116位。The women abandoning demanding cosmetic regimens call themselves beauty resisters and are part of a broader push back against South Koreas highly patriarchal society which places a huge emphasis on a womans appearance as being key to success in life.

22、不再化妆的女性称自己为“美丽抵抗者”,她们以此抵制韩国高度男权的社会。韩国社会一直强调女性的美丽外表是人生成功的关键。patriarchal society 父权社会, 男权社会Stories about young women transforming their lives after having plastic surgery and makeovers are abound in soaps and movies, and popular on reality TV.年轻的韩国女性在整容和化妆后过上更好生活的故事频频出现在肥皂剧和电影里,在真人秀节目中也颇受欢迎。South Kore

23、a has a massive beauty industry and in 2017 it was estimated to be worth just over 10bn, according to retail researchers Mintel.根据英敏特市场咨询公司的数据,韩国的美容产业非常庞大。2017年,其美容产业估计价值超过100亿英镑(约合875亿元人民币)。Seoul is the global plastic surgery capital and the wealthy neighborhood of Gangnam reportedly has 500 aesthe

24、tic centers.首尔是全球的整容之都。据报道,富裕的江南社区有500家美容中心。牛油果在国外被禁,还是因为环境原因?The avocado has become a staple ingredient on the plates of brunch aficionados galore, with photos of the superfood permeating Instagram on a daily basis.牛油果已成为众多早午餐爱好者们的主要食材,每天都能看到人们在Ins上分享的这种超级食品制成的美食的照片。While many may not be able to im

25、agine living without the green fruit, a number of cafes have begun removing it from their menus due to environmental concerns.许多人也许无法想象没有这种绿色水果的生活,然而因为对环境的担忧,很多咖啡馆开始从菜单中剔除这种食材。The Wild Strawberry Cafe in Buckinghamshire shared a post on its Instagram page earlier this week explaining why it had deci

26、ded to ban avocado from its kitchen.本周初,白金汉郡的野草莓咖啡馆在其Ins主页上分享了一篇帖子,解释了该咖啡馆决定禁用牛油果的原因。The cafe explained the multiple reasons behind the decision, including seasonality, the distance the avocados travel when theyre imported and sustainability.据该咖啡馆解释,这一决定背后有诸多原因,包括季节因素、进口牛油果的运送距离以及可持续性。“The western w

27、orlds obsession with avocado has been placing unprecedented demand on avocado farmers and pushing up the prices,” the cafe said on Instagram.“西方世界对牛油果的迷恋为牛油果种植者创造了空前的市场需求,而且还抬高了该产品的价格,”该咖啡馆在Ins上写道。“Forests are being thinned out to make way for avocado plantations. Intensive farming on this scale con

28、tributes to greenhouse emissions and places pressure on local water supplies.”“为了种植牛油果,森林减少了。大规模种植的集约式农业增加了温室气体的排放量,而且对当地的水资源供应造成了压力。”In 2016, Greenpeace Mexico stated people in the region are likely to suffer due to the increasing demand for avocados.2016年,墨西哥绿色和平组织表示,当地人民可能会因对牛油果的需求增加而受苦。“Beyond t

29、he displacement of forests and the effects on water retention, the high use of agricultural chemicals and the large volumes of wood needed to pack and ship avocados are other factors that could have negative effects on the areas environment and the well-being of its inhabitants,” the organisation ex

30、plained.“除了对森林的替代以及对保水力的影响,对农药的大量使用以及因包装、运输牛油果而产生的对木材的大量需求也会对该地区产生负面影响,它不仅会影响当地的环境,还会影响居民的健康,“该组织解释道。男人喜欢聪明的女人吗?Do men like intelligent women?男人喜欢聪明的女人吗?I cant imagine being attracted to someone who isnt intelligent. My wife is one of the smartest people Ive ever met and its a major part of the plea

31、sure of being with her. Ninety-eight percent of a relationship consists of talking to the other person; why would I want to spend that time talking to someone who says dumb things?我很难想象我会被不聪明的女人吸引。我的妻子是我见过最聪明的人之一,我和她在一起感到很快乐的很大一部分原因就是她很聪明。人与人之间的关系有98%是由互相交谈组成的,我为什么要浪费时间和一个满嘴蠢话的人交谈?Oh yes, definitely

32、!哦,喜欢,当然喜欢。I swear to God after meeting a lot of women, I had come to a conclusion that intelligent women are like aliens. You never get to meet them and you hear rumors about them that they exist.我对天发誓,在遇上这么多女人之后,我得出一个结论:聪明的女人就像外星人一样。你从没遇到过她们,但是你经常听说她们存在的谣言。I personally love talking to intelligent women. They are sexier than the sexy ones.就我而言,我喜欢和聪明的女人说话。她们可比那些胸大无脑的女人要性感多了。 “Nothing is so necessary for a young man

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