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1、超人总动员台词Film reel scratchingBackground chatter- Is this on?- Interviewer Thats fine.I can break through walls,I just cant.- interviewer Thats fine.- I cant get this on.Interviewer Mr. Incredible.Do you have a secret identity?Every superhero has a secret identity.I dont know a single one who doesnt.Wh

2、o wants the pressureof being super all the time?Of course I have a secret identity.Can you see me in thisat the supermarket? Come on.Whod want to go shopping as Elastigirl,know what I mean?Superladies, theyre always tryingto tell you their secret identity.Think itll strengthenthe relationship or som

3、ething.I said, Girl, I dont want to knowabout your mild-mannered alter ego.I mean, you tell me yourea super-mega-ultra-lightning-babe,thats all right with me.Im good. Im good.No matter how many timesyou save the world,it always manages to get backin jeopardy again.Sometimes I just want it to stay sa

4、ved,you know?For a little bit. I feel like the maid.I just cleaned up this mess.Can we keep it cleanfor ten minutes?Interviewer I could get to that point.- Please?- Interviewer Were not finished.Sometimes I think Id just likethe simple life, you know?Relax a little and raise a family.Settle down? Ar

5、e you kidding?Im at the top of my game!Im up there with the big dogs!Girls, come on.Leave the saving of the worldto the men? I dont think so.I dont think so.Police siren wailsOver radio We interruptfor a bulletin.A high-speed pursuit betweenpolice and armed gunmen is underway,traveling northbound on

6、 San Pablo Ave.Yeah, Ive got time.Mr. Incredible.- What is it, maam?- My cat, Squeaker, wont come down.Cat meowsCertainly. I suggest you stand clear.There could be trouble.No, hes quite tame.GunfireGruntsMeowsBeepingSirens wailLet go now.Cat yowlsThank you, Mr. Incredible.Youve done it again.- Youre

7、 the best.- No, Im just here to help.Over radio All units.We have a tour bus robbery.Tour bus robbery. Ive still got time.Officers. Maam. Squeaker.- Cool! Ready for take-off!- What the.?- Who are you supposed to be?- Im IncrediBoy.What? No.Youre that kid from the fan club.Stammering Brophy. Brody.Bu

8、ddy! Buddy!My name is IncrediBoy.Ive been nice, Ive stood for photos,signed every scrap of paperyou pushed at me.No, dont worry about training me.I know your moves,crime fighting style,favorite catch phrases, everything!Im your number one fan!Buddy Hey! Hey, wait!MutteringLncredible You can

9、 tell a lot about a womanby the contents of her purse,but maybe thats notwhat you had in mind.- Hey, look.- gruntsElastigirl.Mr. Incredible.- Its all right. Ive got him.- Sure, youve got him.- I just took him out for you.- Sure, you did.- His attention was on me.- A fact I exploited to do my job.- M

10、y job, you mean.- A simple thank you will suffice.Thanks, but I dont need any help.Whatever happened to ladies first?Well, whatever happenedto equal treatment?Look, the lady got me first.- Well, we could share, you know.- I work alone.Well, I think you need to be more.flexible.Are you doing anything

11、 later?I have a previous engagement.WhistlesNow, you just stay here.They usually pick upthe garbage in an hour.- Frozone Hey, Incredible!- Hey, Frozone!- Shouldnt you be getting ready?- I still got time.Crowd screamingWoman Hes gonna jump!Sansweet I think you broke something.With counseling,I think

12、youll come to forgive me.Wait a minute.Sansweet moaningBeepingBeeping speeds upCoughing Bomb Voyage.Buddy And IncrediBoy!Voyage IncrediBoy?Arent you curious about how I getaround so fast? I have rocket boots.- Go home, Buddy. Now.- What?Can we talk?You always say be true to yourself,but you never sa

13、ywhich part to be true to.Well, Ive finally figured out who I am.I am your ward. IncrediBoy!And now, you have officiallycarried it too far, Buddy.This is because I dont have powers,isnt it?Not every superhero has powers,you know.You can be super without them.I invented these.I can fly. Can you fly?F

14、ly home, Buddy. I work alone.Just give me one chance!Ill show you. Ill go get the police.- Buddy, dont!- Itll only take a second, really.No, stop!Theres a bomb!Let go, youre wreckingmy flight pattern.- I can do this if you let go!- Will you just.?- Im trying to help! Stop!- Let go of my cape!Beeping

15、Beeping speeds upTrain whistle blowsTake this one home. And make surehis mom knows what hes been doing.I can help you.Youre making a mist.The injured jumper.You sent paramedics?They picked him up.The blast in that buildingwas caused by Bomb Voyagewho I caught robbing the vault.We might nab himif we

16、set up a perimeter.- He got away?- Well, yeah.- Skippy here made sure of that.- IncrediBoy.Youre not affiliated with me!Holy smokes, Im late.Listen, Ive gotta be somewhere.- What about Bomb Voyage?- Any other night, Id go after him,but I really gotta go. Dont worry.Well get him! Eventually!Church or

17、gan music plays- Is the night still young?- Youre very late.- How do I look? Good?- The mask. You still got the mask.Cracks neckShowtime.Robert Parr, will you have this womanto be your lawful wedded wife?Youre late. When you askedif I was doing anything later,I didnt realize youd forgotten.I thought

18、 it was playful banter.- It was.- Cutting it close, dont you think?You need to be more. flexible.I love you, but if weregonna make this work,youve gotta be morethan Mr. Incredible.You know that. Dont you?.so long as you both shall live?- I do.I pronounce this couplehusband and wife.People cheering a

19、nd whistlingAs long as we both shall live.No matter what happens.Hey, come on. Were superheroes.What could happen?Announcer In a stunning turn ofevents, a superhero is being suedfor saving someone who,apparently, didnt want to be saved.The plaintiff, Oliver Sansweet,who was foiled in his attemptedsu

20、icide by Mr. Incredible,has filed suit against the famedsuperhero in Superior Court.Mr. Sansweet didnt ask to be saved.He didnt want to be saved.The injury received fromMr. Incredibles actions,- causes him daily pain.- I saved your life!You didnt save my life!You ruined my death.Lawyer My client has

21、 no comment.Announcer Another suit was filedby victims of the el train accident.Incredibles court lossescost the government millions.And opened the flood gates for dozensof superhero lawsuits the world over.It is time for their secret identityto become their only identity.Time for them to join us, o

22、r go away.Announcer Under public pressure,and the financial burdenof an ever mounting series of lawsuits,the government quietly initiatedthe superhero relocation program.The supers were granted amnestyfrom responsibility for past actions,in exchange for the promiseto never again resume hero work.Whe

23、re are they now?They are living among us.Average citizens, average heroes.Quietly and anonymously continuingto make the world a better place.Denied? Youre denying my claim?I dont understand.I have full coverage.Im sorry, Mrs. Hogenson,but our liability is spelled outin paragraph .- It states clearly

24、.- stammering I cant pay for this.Excuse me. Claims, Bob Parr.Im calling to celebratea momentous occasion.Were now officially moved in.Yeah, well, thats great, honey.The last three yearsdont count because.Because I finally unpacked the last box.Now, its official. Ha, ha, ha.- Helen Why do we have so

25、 much junk?- Listen, Ive got a client.Say no more. Go save the worldone policy at a time, honey.Oh! I gotta go pick up the kids.See you tonight.Bye, honey.Excuse me. Where were we?Sobbing Im on a fixed income,and if you cant help me,I dont know what Ill do.Blows nose loudlySobbingAll right, listen c

26、losely.Id like to help you, but I cant.Id like to tell you to take a copyof your policy to Norma Wilcox on.whispering Norma Wilcox. W-l-L-C-O-X.On the third floor. But I cant.I also do not advise youto fill out and file a WS formwith our legal departmenton the second floor.I wouldnt expect someone t

27、o get backto you quickly to resolve the matter.Id like to help,but theres nothing I can do.- Oh, thank you, young man.- Shouting Sorry. I know youre upset!- Whispering Pretend to be upset.- SobbingParr!You authorized paymenton the Walker policy!Someone brokeinto their house, Mr. Huph.- Their policy

28、covers.- I dont wanna know about it.Dont tell me about it. Tell me howyoure keeping Insuricare in the black.Tell me how thats possible,with you writing checksto every Harry Hardluck and SallySobstory that gives you a phone call.Over PA Morning break is over.Morning break is over.I appreciate you com

29、ingdown here, Mrs. Parr.Whats this about?Has Dash done something wrong?Hes a disruptive influence and heopenly mocks me in front of the class.- He says.- Look, I know its you!- He puts thumbtacks on my stool.- You saw him do this?Well. not really. No.Actually, not.Oh, then how do you know it was him

30、?I hid a camera.Yeah, and this time, Ive got him.See? You see?You dont see it?He moves! Right there!Wait, wait! Right there!Right as Im sitting down!I dont know how he does it,but theres no tack before he movesand after he moves, theres a tack.Coincidence? I think not!- Bernie.- Dont Bernie me.Screa

31、ming This little rat is guilty!You and your son can go now, Mrs. Parr.Im sorry for the trouble.Youre letting him go again?Hes guilty!You can see it on his smug little face.Guilty, I say, guilty!Dash, this is the third time this yearyouve been sent to the office.We need to find a better outlet.A more

32、. constructive outlet.Maybe I could,if youd let me go out for sports.Honey, you know why we cant do that.I promise Ill slow up.Ill only be the best by a tiny bit.Dashiell Robert Parr,you are an incredibly competitive boy.And a bit of a showoff.The last thing you need is temptation.You always say, Do your best.But you dont really mean it.Why cant I do the best that I can do?Right now, honey,the world just

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