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1、综合英语二答案上册自考综合英语(二)上册参考答案LessonlA.Vocabulary Exercises1.Complete the followi ng senten ces with compound words formed in the same way as in the examples. Each word is to be used oncfionly.1) supermarket 2) first-ha nd 3) gen tlema n4) high grade 5) n ewcomer2.Tran slate the followi ng in to En glish.

2、1) Use the verb + noun collocation. atte nd a meeti ng do a good jobexperie nee hardship teachon eself En glishdiscover won ders restrict the cough acquire askill gain kno wledgen eed en courageme nt en rich one s)pfenb:ocorrecti on correct mistakesaba ndon the expectati on make an effort 2)Use the

3、“ useful expressions ” .(1)The collapse of the n ewly-built bridge led to the penal suit aga inst one engin eer and two local officials.(2)He has worked the whole day leaving the lunch un touched.(3)Far from a waste of time regular physical exercises can make stude nts stro ng and more capable of st

4、udy ing eve n better.(4)In the Sea World, the seals and dolphi ns are capable of doing all the tricks which make the childre n laugh all the time.(5)Those who take delight in others sufferi ng will get retribution sooner or later.(6)In some respects, the new dicti onary n eeds impro ving.(7)Whe n th

5、e bus rushed out of the road and tur ned over, many childre n got trapped in side.(8)At the ope ning cerem ony, the muni cipal gover nment will provide food and drink for more than 1000 guests.(9)In China, an urban family is restricted to only one child.(10)It doesn t matter where we shall go as lc

6、as we can have a rest.3)Use lear n, ask and teach.(1)The boy asked the policeman the way to the railway stati on.(2)There isn t any short cut to take for lear ning En glish.(3)Lear ning the math teacher I like most is still teach ing in that school, I decided to go and see him.(4)This old worker tea

7、ches his childre n to be hon est pers ons.(5)He asked his boss if he could leave the office earlier that day.(6)Hardship taught us to be grateful to what we have now.(7)Whe n he graduated, he asked to work for one year in Tibet.(8)I only want to care about others, and hope to get concern from other

8、s too. m not ask ing too much.(9)Clever people lear n from their own mistakes.(10)It no use to ask for help because already over midni ght.(11)The scie ntist taught his stude nts that young people should face the future.(12)Whe n she was asked what her greatest pleasure was, she said,Study”.3.Comple

9、te the followi ng senten ces.1)Put suitable prepositions or adverbs in the bla nks.(1)in (2)at (3)for; above (4) toward (5)In (6) at; of (7) On; in(8)on (9) in; behind (10)to; at; on (11) by (12)from2)Choose the right word from the brackets.(1)facilities (2)difficult con fide nt (4)co nfine (5)remar

10、ks4.Choose the best word for each bla nk.(1) a (2) when (3) move what (5) with (6) tak ing (7)release (8) drives (9) perhaps(10)so (11) at least (12) moreExercises1.Choose the right verb form.1)is 2) are 3) are 4) stay 5) is 6) are 7) ngs 8) mean 9) is 10) belong2.Put in the correct form of the verb

11、 in brackets.1)are 2) are 3) does 4) is 5) cannot go6) was criticized 7) doesn t believe 8) has3.Tran slate the followi ng into En glish, pay ing special atte nti on to verb forms.1)Both Mary and her child like Uncle Tom very much.2)Either my father or my mother will atte nd the pare nts meeti ng.3)

12、The team are practic ing very hard.4)The gover nment was criticized by the people for this policy.5)Neither you nor your frie nd Jack has to take the resp on sibility for it.6)Poultry tend to be in fected with this disease.4.Complete the followi ng senten ces with the correct choice (for revisi on o

13、f noun s).1) B 2) B 3) C 4) A 5) C6) D 7) C 8) A 9) C 10) ALesson2B. Vocabulary Exercises1.Complete the following sentenceswith words formed in the same way as in the examples, mak ing cha ngesi n the spelli ng and the verb form wherever n ecessary.1) moder nize 2) apologize 3) memorize4) computeriz

14、ed 5) popularize2.Tran slate the followi ng in to En glish.1)Use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocati onreach the goalworship moneygain recognitionkeep sile neebreak sile neecatch atte nti ondisti nguish en emies from frie ndsaccelerate the speedreveal the secretshape the futurestart the livesma

15、ke progressthe curre nt preside ntorigi nal ideassin cere wishes2)Use the “seful expression.(1)On our way to Zhengzhou, we passed through a flood damaged village.(2)worship the heroes acquire con fide nee shift responsibilitiesshape the history mitigate poverty the focus of the workThe unu sual expe

16、rie nee tur ned Bob into a patie nt and lenient man.(3)The man whose hair was dyed fresh gree n looks like a clow n.(4)They always measure their own work aga inst those of the professi on als.(5)The civilian clothes policemen are wait ing for the show ing up of the thief.(6)Mrs. Jones kindness fille

17、d the boy with hope and gratitude.(7)The private lives of those superstars are ofte n comme nted on by the tabloid.(8)This girls remarkable fortitude will dist in guish her from her classmates.(9)At sun set, the strong chilly wind shifted from the southeast to the no rthwest.(10)The highest scholars

18、hip went to a postgraduate majori ng in physics.(11)Andersens fairy tales are known for their deep morals.(12)Many people come to realize the bad effects caused by the using of cellular phones in public places.3)Use make, recog nize and defi ne.(1)The intern ati onal society gen erally recognizes th

19、at the Peoples Republic of China represe nts China.(2)Whe n she was young, her pare nts taught her to be ready to make self-sacrifice for the n ati ons ben efit.(3)We recog ni zed the Romeo on the stage is our British teacher at the first sight.(4)The reserved manner of the English makes them haught

20、y.(5)Different nations define human rights so differe ntly.(6)My friend George is highly recognized for his no vel ideas, and compared with his success my efforts seem worthless.(7)Mr. Lin, can you defi ne the purposes of your orga ni zati on explicitly?(8)Our sympathy for others and the enthusiasm

21、for study make our lives more meanin gful.(9)Although my sister is a fan of pop song, she did nt recog nize the song that I just hummed.(10)By defi niti on, cultural icons gen erally refer to the celebrities created by the media like TVstars, fashio n-models, professi onal sportsme n and movie stars

22、, etc.3.Complete the followi ng senten ces.1)Put suitable prepositi ons or adverbs in the bla nks.(1) of; from (2) up; for(5)o n (6) from; to(9)x (10) to; for (11) for(13)for to up (8) of; at (12)up;withby;up (14) for (15) agai nst2) Choose the right word from the brackets.(1) achievement (2) rise (

23、3) proof(4)grateful (5) ni ghtmare disaster4.Choose the best word for each bla nk.(1) dista nces a nd (3)could (4)it(5)full (6)race (7)decide (8)advice (9)that(10)protect (11)surfaces (12) feelExercises1.Choose the correct verb form from the brackets.1) was 2) are 3) are 4) has come 5) are 6) have b

24、ee n 7) is 8) are 9) is 10) has2.Tran slate the followi ng senten ces into En glish.1)None of the stude nts are willi ng to go on an excursi on on this weeke nd .2)All who came to watch the football match were very excited.3)One fourth of the houses hasn t been made use of.4)Twenty five percent of t

25、heir salaries were spe nt on food and cloth ing.5)Five kilos of tropical fruit such as bananas and pin eapples and so on costs a lot here.6)The past ten weeks have bee n the happiest ones in my life so far.7)All that he has said is un believable.8)Only 20 perce nt of the applica nts have got the opp

26、ort unity to have an in terview.9)Two mon ths are to be take n to complete this work.10)100 kilos of rice is too heavy for me tocarry.3.Complete the following sentences with the correct choice (for revisi on of articles).1) B 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) A6) D 7) B 8) D 9) A 10) BC.Vocabulary Exercises1.Comple

27、te the following sentences with words formed in the same way as in the examples.1)textbook 2) weekend 3) newspaper 4) raincoat5)headline2.Translate the following.1)Use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation.fall behind others value ones time value friends hip settle problems fulfill a task make

28、roomattach importance to obtain information first impression lifes pace soaring commodity pricesconduct business the business world2)Use the useful expressions”(1)The engineers have discussed the program thoroughly.Once the work begins, it will move ahead smoothly.(2)In the past few months, export r

29、ate has fallen behind.(3)He must account clearly to the firm for the files which he deals with every day.(4)Some senior and prestigious academicians of the Academy of Sciences applied for retirement in order to make room for younger and more promising scientists.(5)The government attaches much impor

30、tance to the preservation of the Chinese virgin forests.(6)In terms of area, Russia is the largest nation in the world.(7)This university is trying to seek for a suitable person to be the head of the library.(8)Nowadays he who knows little about the computer can hardly carry on anything.(9)Do you th

31、ink that Mark has taken Toms joke seriously?(10)Shakespearesachievements in literature are worthy of high appreciation.3)Use save, allow and try.(1)We have been trying a new teaching approach, and so far it turns out to be satisfactory.(2)The money allowed to the two brothers is not enough for them

32、to travel, and they have to give it up.(3)In order to save the modification of the current file, you must save the file.(4)This timely rain saves the peasants the trouble of watering.(5)They have been searching for new means of saving energy.(6)Dont run too fast at the beginning, saving strength for the last 100

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