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12Cargo Handling Ⅰ货运一.docx

1、12Cargo Handling 货运一 Lesson Twelve Cargo Handling () 货运(一)Dialog A: Calling for Shifts对话1: 叫工班Captain: We are planning to stay at this port only two days. We need separate stevedore gangs for each hold, the more, the better.船长: 我们计划在这港口待两天,我们要求每个舱都开一个头,越多越好。Agent: How many holds do you have? And how

2、 many shifts do you request?代理: 你船有几个货舱,你要几个工班?Captain: Seven holds. We need to work for 24 hours. We require at least 3 shifts.船长: 7个舱,我们需要连轴转。我们至少需要3个班。Agent: We are short of hands. It is only possible for Stevedores to work in two shifts everyday. Each shift has 4 gangs.代理: 我们缺人手,装卸工每天只能工作两个班。每个工

3、班开4个头。Dialog B: Instructing Craneman对话2: 指导吊车工Duty Officer: Stop lifting. Man! You should work in safe working load.值班驾驶员: 停,不要吊。伙计!你不应该超过安全工作负荷。Craneman: I am sorry. Officer. We are in hurry.吊车手: 对不起,驾驶员先生,我们十分着急。Duty Officer: Each sling only allows 10 bags. When switching on, push the control rod

4、slightly. If so, we are satisfied with our co-operation.值班驾驶员: 每吊只允许吊10包,打开吊车时,请轻推操纵杆,若如此,我们对彼此合作表示满意。Dialog C: Arguing for the Goods对话3: 为货物争议Foreman: (To winchman) Lift the empty barrels back.工头: (对绞车手),把空桶吊回去。Chief Mate: No, you shouldnt. According to the delievery terms, the goods overboard shal

5、l be deemed as delivery. We can not permit to lift back.大副: 不,不行,根据交货条款,越过船舷货物即认为交货,我们不准吊回。Foreman: If you dont permit to lift back, I wont discharge the goods.工头: 你们不让吊,我就不卸货。Chief Mate: If so, I do not take the responsibility. As the barrels standing on shore can not be guaranteed security. Did yo

6、u arrange watchmen to guard? Can you guarantee the stevedores not to steal the goods?大副: 你不卸货我不负责。因为在岸上的桶的安全不能得到保证。你是否安排人员看货了?你能保证码头工人不偷货吗?Foreman: I suggest that your captain should consult with our harbour master.工头: 我建议你们船长最好和我们港长谈谈。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式Part A: Loading capacities and quant

7、ities 装载容量和数量1. What is deadweight of vessel? 船舶载重吨是多少?Deadweight 5,000tonnes. 载重吨为5000吨。2. What is hold capacity of vessel? 船舶的舱容是多少?Hold capacity 1,500 cubic metres. 舱容1500立方米。3. What is bale capacity of vessel? 船舶包容是多少?Bale capacity 5,000 cubic metres. 包容5000立方米。4. What is grain capacity of vesse

8、l? 船舶谷物容积是多少?Grain capacity 35,000 cubic metres. 谷物容积是35000立方米。5. What is container capacity of vessel?船舶可容纳多少集装箱?Container capacity 4,000 TEU.集装箱装载容量是4000标准箱。6. How many reefer plugs has vessel?船上有多少个冷藏箱电源插头?Vessel has 40 reefer plugs.船上有40个冷藏箱电源插头。7. How many 20containers has vessel to load?船上可以装载

9、多少20英尺集装箱?How many 40containers has vessel to load?船上可以装载多少40英尺集装箱?Vessel has to load 5,000 20containers.船舶可以装载5000个20英尺集装箱。Vessel has to load 3,000 40containers.船舶可以装载3000个40英尺集装箱。8. How many tones can vessel still load?船舶还可以装载多少吨?How many cubic metres can vessel still load?船舶还可以装载多少立方米?Vessel can

10、still load 500 tonnes.船舶还可以装500吨。Vessel can still load 800 cubic metres.船舶还可以装800立方米。9. How many cubic metres of cargo space are required?需要多少立方米的货物空间?300 cubic metres of cargo space required.需要300立方米的货物空间10. How many tonnes vessel load on deck?甲板上放多少吨货物?How many cubic metres vessel load on deck?甲板上

11、放多少立方米货物?Vessel can load 50 tonnes on deck.甲板上可以放50吨货物。Vessel can load 100 cubic metres on deck.甲板上可以放100立方米货物11. How many containers can vessel load on deck? 甲板上可以放多少集装箱?Vessel can load ten 20containers on deck.甲板上可以放10个20英尺集装箱。Vessel can load eight 40containers on deck.甲板上可以放8个40英尺集装箱。12. How many

12、 cars can vessel load?船舶可以装载多少辆小汽车?How many trailers can vessel load?船舶可以装载多少辆大型汽车?How many trucks can vessel load?船舶可以装载多少辆卡车?Vessel can load 100 cars.船舶可以装载100辆小汽车。Vessel can load 50 trailers.船舶可以装载50辆大型汽车。Vessel can load 30 truckers.船舶可以装载30辆卡车。13. What is length of hold No.2? 2舱长度是多少?What is wid

13、th of hold No.3? 3舱宽度是多少?What is depth of hold No.4? 4舱深度是多少?Length of hold No.2 10 metres. 2舱长度是10米。Width of hold No.3 8 metres. 3舱宽度是8米。Depth of hold No.4 15 metres. 4舱深度是15米。14. What is size of hatch openings? 舱盖尺寸是多少?Size of hatch openings 8 by 5 metres. 舱盖尺寸是85(米)。15. What is safety load of hol

14、d No.2? 2舱安全负荷是多少?Safety load of upper deck of hold No.2 7 tonnes per square metre.2舱上层安全负荷是每平方米7吨。Safety load of tween deck of hold No.2 10 tonnes per square metres.2舱二层安全负荷是每平方米10吨。Safety load of lower deck of hold No.2 15 tonnes per square metres.2舱底层安全负荷是每平方米15吨。16. How many tonnes of deadweight

15、 are booked?预定了多少载重吨?How many cubic metres of cargo are booked?预定了多少立方米货物载重空间?1,000 tonnes of deadweight booked.预定了1000载重吨。500 cubic metres of cargo booked.预定了500立方米货物载重空间。17. Vessel has still to bunker 100 tonnes of fuel.船舶仍可以加100吨燃油。Vessel has still to bunker 50 tonnes of fresh water.船舶仍可以加50吨淡水。P

16、art B: Port/Shipboard cargo handling gear 港口/船上起货机18. Are dockside cranes available? 有岸吊吗?Are floating cranes available? 有浮吊吗?Yes, dockside cranes available. 是,可用岸吊。Yes, floating cranes available. 是,可用浮吊。No, dockside cranes not available. 不,不能提供岸吊。No, floating cranes not available. 不,不能提供浮吊。19. What

17、 is capacity of crane? 克令吊负荷是多少?Capacity of the crane 15 tonnes. 克令吊负荷15吨。20. What is maximum reach of crane?克令吊最大触及距离有多远?Maximum reach of the crane 10metres.克令吊最大触及距离是10米。21. What is handling capacity of container crane?集装箱吊装卸能力如何?What is handling capacity of container bridge?集装箱门吊装卸能力如何?Handling c

18、apacity of container crane 20 containers per hour.集装箱克令吊装卸能力为每小时20箱。Handling capacity of container bridge 30 containers per hour.集装箱门吊装卸能力是每小时30箱。22. What is handling capacity of grain elevator?谷物升降机装卸能力如何?What is handling capacity of ore loader?矿石装卸机装卸能力如何?Handling capacity of grain elevator 100 to

19、nnes per hour.谷物升降机装卸速度是每小时100吨。Handling capacity of grain elevator 500 cubic metres per hour.谷物升降机装卸速度是每小时500立方米。Handling capacity of ore loader 500 tons per hour.矿石装卸机装卸速度是每小时500吨。Handling capacity of ore loader 400 cubic metres per hour.矿石装卸机装卸速度是每小时400立方米。23. What is pumping capacity of cargo pu

20、mps?货油泵的泵容是多少?Pumping capacity of cargo pumps 1,500 tonnes per hour.货油泵容量每小时1500吨。24. Are fork-lift trucks for cargo holds available?可以提供货舱内工作的叉车吗?Yes, fork-lift trucks available.对,可以提供叉车。No, fork-lift trucks not available.不,不能提供叉车。25. Only use electric fork-lift trucks in holds.货舱内只能用电叉车。26. What i

21、s elevation of fork-lift truck?叉车升降高度有多少?Elevation of fork-lift truck 1.5metres.叉车升降高度有1.5米。27. What is capacity of fork-lift truck?叉车装卸能力有多少?Capacity of fork-lift truck 2 tonnes.叉车装卸能力2吨。28. What is capacity of derricks of vessel?船吊吊载能力如何?What is capacity of cranes of vessel?克令吊吊载能力如何?Capacity of c

22、ranes 15tonnes.克令吊吊载能力15吨。Capacity of derricks 20tonnes.船吊吊载能力20吨。29. What is capacity with traverse?往返吊载能力是多少?Capacity with traverse 10tonnes.往返吊载能力为10吨。30. Can you work with union purchase?你们能双吊作业吗?Can you work in tandem?你们能一前一后双吊作业吗?Yes, we can work with union purchase.是的,我们可以双吊作业。No, we can not

23、work in tandem.不,我们不能一前一后双吊作业。31. Who will provide slings? 谁提供装卸货索具?Vessel will provide slings. 船方提供装卸货索具。Stevedores will provide slings. 装卸方提供装卸货索具。32. Are can hooks available? 备有罐子挂钩吗?Yes, can hooks available. 是的,备有罐子挂钩。Are net slings available? 备有网兜吊包吗?Yes, net slings available. 是的,备有网兜吊包。Are boa

24、rd slings available? 船方备有钢丝绳吗?Yes, board slings available. 是,船方备有钢丝绳。No, can hooks not available. 不,没有罐子挂钩。33. Are car slings available? 备有汽车吊索吗?Yes, car slings available. 是的,备有汽车吊索。No, car slings not available. 不,没有汽车吊索。34. What is capacity of slings? 索具吊载能力如何?Capacity of net slings 2tonnes. 网兜吊包吊载

25、2吨。35. These slings do not permit safe cargo handling.这些索具不能保证货物安全装卸?Replace slings. 换索具。36. Are bob cats available for trimming? 有平舱叉车吗?Yes, bob cats available for trimming. 是,有平舱叉车。No, bob cats not available for trimming. 不,没有平舱叉车。37. Are stiffeners available? 必须准备加固物料吗?Yes, stiffeners available.

26、是,必须准备加固物料。No, stiffeners not available. 不,不需要加固物料。Part C: Preparing load/Unload 准备装/卸货38. Prepare vessel for loading. 船舶准备装货。Prepare vessel for unloading. 船舶准备卸货。39. Unlock hatch covers. 开舱盖。40. Rig hatchrails in hold No.2. 安2舱栏杆。41. Give notice of readiness to load by 1900 hours local time.当地时间190

27、0时给装货准备就绪通知书。Give notice of readiness to unload by 0800 hours local time.当地时间0800时给卸货准备就绪通知书42. Is cargo list available and complete? 货单备齐了吗?Yes, cargo list available and complete. 是,货单已备齐。No, cargo list not available and complete. 不,货单没备齐。43. Complete stowage plan. 完成积载图。44. Agree stowage plan with

28、 stevedores. 同意装卸方的积载图。45. Make stability calculation. 进行稳性计算。46. Are goods ready to load? 准备装货吗?Yes, goods ready to load. 是的,准备装货了。No, goods not ready to load yet. 不,现在还没准备好装货。Goods ready to load in 20minutes. 20分钟后准备好装货。47. Are holds clean? 货舱扫干净了吗?Are holds dry? 货舱干燥吗?Are holds free of smell? 货舱无

29、异味吗?Yes, holds clean. 是的,货舱已扫干净。No, holds not clean yet. 不,现在货舱没有扫干净。Holds clean in half an hour. 货舱半小时内扫干净。48. Clean hold (s). 扫舱。Clean decks. 扫甲板。49. Are safety arrangements in hold (s) operational?在工作货舱内有安全措施吗?Yes, safety arrangements in hold(s) operational.是的,在工作货舱内有安全措施。No, no safety arrangemen

30、ts in hold(s) operational.不,在工作货舱内无安全措施。Safety arrangements in hold(s) operational in 20minutes.20分钟后,工作舱安全措施将得以安排。50. Cover bilge(s) with tarpaulins.舱底污水井盖防水布。51. Cover bilge(s) with wrapper before loading.在装货前舱底污水井用包装布盖上。52. Are sufficient dunnage and mats available?准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席吗?Yes, sufficient

31、dunnage and mats available.是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。No, sufficient dunnage and mats not available.不,没有准备足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。53. Fill double bottom tanks before loading heavy lifts.在装载重件前双层底打压载水。Fill double ballast tanks before loading heavy lifts.在装载重件前压载水舱打压载水。54. Pump out ballast water.排出压载水。55. What is maximum loading rate?最大装货速率是多少?What is maximum unloading rate?最大卸货速率是多少?Maximum loading rate 100tonnes per hour.最大装货速率是每小时100吨。Maximum un

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