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1、大学英语六级真题2真题含答案与解析交互大学英语六级真题2017年12月-(2)(总分710, 做题时间90分钟)Part Writing1.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an *menting on the saying Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words

2、 but no more than 200 words. 分值: 106.5A famous proverb goes like this: Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need. Simple as the saying is, its implication is inspiring. This saying, in my point of view, highlights the role of mutual help in our daily life and the principles people sho

3、uld uphold. It is known to all that the world today is getting more closely connected than ever before, which demands our mutual help in addressing regional or international issues. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, mutual help is to us what water is to fish. To take the friendship be

4、tween my desk mate and me as an example, we treat each other as true brothers. When he is in trouble, I always offer a helping hand, and vice versa. Whats more, helping others in need has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. As we build our country based on such cultural foundation,

5、we cannot afford to lie idle such moral guide. To sum up, Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need does make sense nowadays. The changing world makes it impossible to live alone, and we need mutual help to thrive. The cultural essence makes helping others tenable. And by doing so, we

6、 believe we can build a *munity with shared future.Part Listening ComprehensionSection A Directions : In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear

7、 a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.ASay a few words to thank the speaker.BIntroduce

8、the speaker to the audience.CGive a lecture on the history of the town.DHost a talk on how to give a good speech.分值: 13答案:A听力原文 W: You are going to give a short speech of thanks for the speaker this evening, arent you, Bill? M: Yes. W: You dont sound very enthusiastic. Its not very bad, is it? M: No

9、, I dont mind really. But I can never forget the first speech of thanks I did. W: Why? What happened? M: Well, I was in my early twenties. I joined the local history society. W: Yes. M: Anyway, I went along to a lecture by a Miss Bligh. W: Oh, do go on. M: She was going to talk with slides about a t

10、own in the 18th century. She just published a book on the subject which is reckoned to be quite good. So, I went along. When I arrived, the secretary asked me if I could give the speech of thanks. Rather stupidly, I said yes. W: Weve all done it. M: Anyway, from that point on, I was scared. What sho

11、uld I say? Id start to make notes during the lecture, and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society. In fact, by the time Miss Bligh stood up to talk, I was feeling much better. But she was so nervous that she kept forgetting what to say, and she spoke almost in a whisper. Pe

12、ople at the back kept calling out We cant hear. It was embarrassing. W: I can imagine it. M: At least the slides were good, that is, until the bulb in the projector blew, and she had to finish the talk with no illustrations. W: So what did you say in your speech of thanks? M: What can you say? You h

13、ave to be polite, and mention the interesting facts, refer to the excellent slides and then finish it by saying wed all like to thank Miss Bligh for blowing extra slides. W: Oh, no! M: I thought terrible. I tried to apologize, not very successfully. W: And the speech of thanks this evening? M: Ill w

14、rite down exactly what Im going to say and read it carefully. Q: What is the man asked to do this evening? 解析 听前预测: 1四项均以动词原形开头,可能以what提问。 2四项提到的内容均与演讲有关。 3两项提到的内容与演讲者有关,两项提到的内容与演讲的内容有关。 结论:该题可能考查与演讲有关的内容,或与演讲者有关,或与演讲的内容有关。听音时要仔细听与演讲有关的内容,然后结合选项做出判断。 对话中女士提到:“比尔,你今天晚上要对演讲者做一个简短的感谢致辞,是吗?”接着男士给出了回答:“是

15、的。”因此A项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。其他三项在对话中均未提到,因此排除。2.AHe was the founder of the local history society.BHe has worked with Miss Bligh for 20 years.CHe has published a book on public speaking.DHe joined the local history society when young.分值: 13答案:D听力原文 Q: What do we learn about the man? 解析 听前预测: 1四项均以he开头。 2四项

16、均与he的工作相关。 3两项提到了与当地历史学会(local history society)有关的内容。 结论:该题可能考查与he的工作有关的内容,而he的工作可能与当地历史学会有关。听音时首先要注j听与当地历史学会有关的内容,然后结合选项做出判断。 对话中男士提到:“我那时才二十几岁,加入了当地的历史学会。”因此D项与对话内容相符,故为正确单。对话中男士提到:“当时她刚刚出版了一本相同主题的书”,此前他还提到了布莱女士,所以出书的是布莱女士,而不是男士,故C项错误;A项和B项在对话中均未提及,故排除。3.AShe was obviously better at talking than w

17、riting.BShe had a good knowledge of the towns history.CHer speech was so funny as to amuse the audience.DHer ancestors came to the town in the 18th century.分值: 13答案:B听力原文 Q: What does the man say about Miss Bligh? 解析 听前预测: 1四项内容均与she相关。 2两项提到的内容与她的演讲相关,两项内容与她和城镇的关系相关。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与she的演讲相关或与城镇的关系相关。

18、听音时首先要明确she的指代对象,然后结合选项做出判断。 对话中男士提到:“她准备用幻灯片讲述18世纪一个城镇的历史。当时她刚刚出版了一本相同主题的书,而且人们认为这本书相当不错。”由此得知,B项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。对话中,她准备用幻灯片讲述18世纪一个城镇的历史,而不是她的祖先在18世纪来到这座城镇,故D项错误;A、C两项与对话中描述的情况相反,故排除。4.AHe read exactly what was written in his notes.BHe kept forgetting what he was going to say.CHe made an embarrassi

19、ng remark.DHe was too nervous to speak up.分值: 13答案:C听力原文 Q: What does the man say about the first time he gave a speech of thanks? 解析 听前预测: 1四项均以he开头。 2四项提到的内容均与he的演讲情况相关。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与he的演讲情况相关。听音时应留意与演讲情况相关的语句。 对话中男士提到:“我必须要有礼貌,提一下有趣的事实,讲一下精彩的幻灯片,然后结束时我说道:我们要感谢布莱女士爆掉多余的幻灯片。”对于这句话女士的反应是:“哦,不。”后面又提到

20、男士道歉但不是很成功,说明男士这句话让布莱女士很尴尬。由此可知,C项正确。由对话内容可知,是布莱女士总忘记要说的话,而不是男士,因此B项错误;A、D两项在对话中未提及,故排除。Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5.AWhat their retailers demand.BWhat their rivals are doing.CHow they are going to beat their rivals.DHow dramatically the market is changing.分值

21、: 13答案:B听力原文 W: Another cup of tea, Paul? M: No, thanks. Well, whats new, Lorry? W: Nothing dramatic, but theres something you should know about. M: Whats that? W: Well, our rivals are offering extended credit terms to some of the retailers in the area. M: Oh? Which rival is this? We only have two.

22、W: Baras company. M: Oh, damn! Well, the harder threat. W: I know they are smaller than us. But we cant afford to ignore them. M: Yes, youre right, Lorry. But I dont like its extended credit. It ties up cash we could put to better use elsewhere. But Ill look into it on Monday. W: Yes, and there is s

23、omething else. M: Dont tell me. The letter from the tax revenue office? W: Right. How did you know? M: Terra told me. Whats the problem? W: Well, Tom got this letter late yesterday and then went frantic trying to find copies of last years accounts. M: Did he find them? W: No, and he was away before

24、I could get hold of the letter. M: How about a drive down to the office now? And well see if everythings alright. There is another reason why I want to chat with you before Monday. W: I thought its much. Well, go on surprise me. M: How about selling that new motor cycle of yours in Indonesia? W: Wha

25、t? You mean export? Paul, I think youve been away too long. This is Jayal Motors. Weve never sold a bike abroad. M: Dont worry, Lorry. Im not crazy. Ive been studying the possibility. And I think we should give it a go. W: Its not as easy as that, though, is it? Wed have to reorganize the *pany. M:

26、Dont be silly. I dont intend to start it next week. We have to plan it properly, and of course therell be a few problems. W: A few problems? I can see hundreds. For one thing, transport. I have enough trouble delivering bikes to shops only forty miles away, never mind five thousand miles. M: Thats w

27、hat forwarding agents are for. Q: What does the woman think the man should know? 解析 听前预测: 1四项均以特殊疑问词开头。 2两项提到的内容与市场需求及变化相关(retailers demand,market is changing),两项提到的内容与企业的竞争对手相关。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与市场或商业有关,涉及企业的竞争对手。听音时要留意与选项中提到的可能与企业竞争对手相关的内容。 对话开头女士说:“但是有些你应该知道的事。”男士问是什么事,接下来女士回答说:“我们的竞争对手正在向该地区的一些零售商提供

28、长期信贷条款。”由此可知,女士想告诉男士的是竞争对手正在做的事情,B项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。其他三项对话中均未提及,故排除。6.AThey should be taken seriously.BThey are rapidly catching up.CTheir business strategy is quite effective.DTheir potential has been underestimated.分值: 13答案:A听力原文 Q: What does the women think of Baras Company? 解析 听前预测: 1四项均与they相关。 2

29、三项提到的内容与they目前的状况相关。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与they目前的状况相关。听音时要明确they的指代对象,然后结合选项做出判断。 对话中女士提到:“我知道他们没我们公司大,但是我们也不能忽视他们。”由此可知,女士认为应该重视该公司,A项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。其他三项在对话中未提及,故排除。7.AShe had given it to Tom.BIt simply made her go frantic.CShe had not seen it yet.DIt was not much of a big concern.分值: 13答案:C听力原文 Q: What di

30、d the woman say about the letter from the tax revenue office? 解析 听前预测: 1四项都提到it。 2两项以she开头,两项以it开头。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与女士对it的处理相关。听音时要留意与此相关的语句。 对话中女士提到:“没有,我还没有拿到那封信他就已经离开了。”由此可知,女士还没见过那封来自税收办公室的信,C项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。女士提到:“汤姆昨天下午晚些时候拿到的这封信,然后开始疯狂地找去年账目的复印件。”由此可知,并不是女士将信件给了汤姆,而且发疯地找复印件的也是汤姆,不是女士,因此A、B两项错误,故排

31、除;D项在对话中未提及,故排除。8.ARestructuring the *pany.BEmploying more forwarding agents.CPromoting cooperation with Jayal Motors.DExporting their motorbikes to Indonesia.分值: 13答案:D听力原文 Q: What is the man thinking of doing? 解析 听前预测: 1四项均为动名词短语,本题可能以what提问。 2四项提到的内容均与公司的政策调整有关。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与公司的政策调整相关。听音时要留意与这四项内容相关的句子。 对话中男士提到:“把你们的新款摩托车卖到印度尼西亚怎么样?”由此可得知,男士考虑的是出口摩托车到印度尼西亚,因此D项为正确答案。女士提到:“我们必须要重组整个公司。”可知,重组公司是女士提出的,而不是男士,因此A项错误;其他两项在对话中均未提

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