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1、医学护理专业英语词汇大全医学护理专业英语词汇大全根据医院日常应用以及接待外宾时常用短语、 句型, 总结出最实用, 最经典的词汇、短语、句型。使大家可以在不管是备战雅思、医学英语等级考试还是医院用语都能有帮助。门诊部Topic 1、挂号咨询Topic 2、病历Topic 3、医生问诊Topic 4、候诊Topic 1单词:挂号 take a registration 挂号处 registration office 专家号 expert number普通号 average number挂号费 registration fee大厅 main floor内科 medical department医务部

2、 medical administration division院办 hospital administration office护理部 nursing department值班室 duty room医护办公室 staff office填表内容:name 、age、 gender、 address 、work place、 post code、 ID number、telephone number句型:where don t you feel well?which department do you want to register with?you have to fill in this

3、registration card. The registration card contains ( ).Topic 2单词:办理病历 buy a case history史 past medical history家族史 family history个人病史 personal history过敏史 allergies检查资料 Inspection data血液检查 blood test化验室数据 laboratory data一般资料 physical data生理指标 physical signs其他检查数据 other lab data住院治疗情况 hospital course卡的种

4、类 medical card医疗卡 social security card医保卡 medical insurance card信用卡 bank card / fiscard句型:she has much experience with that kind of case.She made a clinical record for the patient.The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.Topic 3单词:诊断方法 diagnostic method望诊 inspection问诊 inquiry听诊 auscultation叩诊 p

5、ercussion触诊 palpation面部 facial organs眉毛 eyebrow睫毛 eyelash眼皮 eyelids 鼻子 nose下巴 chin 鬓角 temple 瞳孔 pupil 嘴 mouth 舌头 tongue 额头 forehead眼睑 eyelid面颊 cheek嘴唇 lip药物种类:止痛药 analgesics? n?ld?i:z?ks止咳药 antitussive ? nt?t?s?v利尿药 diuretics da?j?ret?ks止泻药 antidiarrheal ? nt?d?ri:l解毒药 antidote ? ntid?t抗癌药 anticarci

6、nogen ? nti:k:s?n?d?n抗凝药 anticoagulant ? ntik? gj?l?nt 美 ? ntiko? gj?l?nt血管舒张药 vasodilator ?v? s?da?le?t?退烧药 antipyretics ? nt?pa?ret?ks 美 ? nt?pa?ret?ks祛痰药 expectorant ?k?spekt?r?nt 美 ?k?sp?kt?r?nt止血药 hemostatic ?hi:m?st? t?k止痒药 antipruritic ? nti:pr?r?t?k 美 ? ntai:pr?r?t?k抗风湿药 antirheumatic ? nt?:

7、hu:m?t?k 美 ? nt?:hu:m?t?k抗菌/抗生素 antibiotics ? nt?ba?t?ks强心药 cardiac tonic ?k:di:? k ?t?n?k血管收缩药 vasoconstrictor ?v? s?k?nstr?kt?抗癫痫药 antiepileptic ? nta?p?lept?k镇静药 sedative ?sed?t?v解痉药 antispamodic*anesthetics ? nt?sp? zmd?k ? n?s?t?ks句型:what are the symptoms?Can you tell me how did it get started?

8、Topic 4单词:处方 prescription看处方 youre your prescription过敏 be allergic to消毒 sterilize ?ster?la?z 棉球 swab sw?b皮试 skin test 反应 reaction预约 make an appointment with the receptionist可能引起过敏的食物:小麦 wheat鸡蛋 egg乳制品 dairy products ?de?ri香蕉 banana花生 peanut鱼 fish腰果 lumbar ?l?mb?(r) beans芝麻 sesame酱油 soy sauce句型:Hold

9、still please .It is important that you don t skip a day, or the treatment will be of no effect.You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed.急诊室Topic 1、receiving the call and sending the ambulanceTopic 2、emergency patient receivingTopic 3、inquiry and settlementTopic 4、Emergency arrange

10、mentTopic 1单词:救护车 ambulance急救医护人员 paramedic ?p? r?med?k现场 scene医院医师内科医师 pysician f?z?n?神外医师 neurosurgen麻醉科医师 anesthetist ?nes?t?st理疗科 physiotherapist ?f?zi?er?p?st营养科医师 dietician ?da?t? ?n流行病医师 epidemiologist ?ep?d?i:m?l?d?st妇科医师 gynecology ?ga?n?k?l?d?泌尿外科医师 urological surgeon ?j?r?l?d?kl药剂医师 pharm

11、acist ?f:m?s?st整形科医师 plastic surgeon传染病科医师 doctor for infectious diseases ?n?fek?s卫生医师 hygienist ha?d?i:n?st助产士 midwife急救 making an ambulance人工呼吸 artificial respiration ?resp?re?n?输氧 oxygen therapy输血 blood transfusion tr? ns?fju:?n止血 stop/arrest the blood止咳喘 relieve dyspnoea and cough d?spni:?句型:ple

12、ase tell me what the matter is.Try to calm down,madam.So tell me where you are and we ll be there.Could you tell me exactly where you are?Can you tell me your phone number?We will have an ambulance in about ten minutes.Please put a bandage round the wound.Clean cloth instead of bandage is okay.Dontm

13、ove him .Hold still. Arresting bleeding is the most important thing at thismoment. There is an accident on the Third Ring Road and a man has been knockeddown by a car. I ll get to the scene. Tell the ambulance driver to be prepared.Topic 2单词:担架 stretcher轻点 easy does it.氧气罩 oxygen mask遭遇 encounter人体所

14、需营养:糖 sugar蛋白质 protein无机盐 inorganic salt/mineral脂肪 fat水 water维生素 vitamin句型:Prepare ice pack for the patient. Bandage the wound. Put a piece of cloth on thewound to diminish the inflammation . He hasnt got up yet.Topic 3单词:诊断 diagnosis 开药方 prescribe打针 inject肌肉注射 intramuscular injection预防注射 inoculatio

15、n止血 arrest the bleeding of blood治疗 treatment配药 fill a prescription 皮下注射 hypodermic injection 静脉注射 intravenous injection点滴注射 fluid infusion句型:Try to move your arm as little as possible. Your elbow seems to be not all right.So to be on the safe side, you d better go to see the doctor. Where do you fee

16、luncomfortable?Topic 4单词:关节 joint膝盖骨 kneecap骨盆 pelvis肝脏 liver胆囊 gall bladder胰腺 pancreas脾 spleen十二指肠 duodenum阑尾 appendix盲肠 blind gut食管 gullet热敷 hot compress冷敷 cold compress洗胃 gastric lavage灌肠 enema导尿 urethral catheterization包扎 dress拆线 remove the stitches止血 hemostasis缝合切口 sew up the incision心脏按摩 cardi

17、ac massage句型:Are you the patient s relation? We are arranging the operation. Be calm and listen tome. His condition is a little serious. His legs was seriously damaged. So perhaps it hasto be amputated. He has lost much blood. But it only released his condition.Yes, we will try but not definitely. W

18、e need your signature on the operationreport/the guarantee letter. That can release his condition. He needs bloodtransfusion. I promise you to try our best.外科Topic 1、handling injury or woundTopic 2、operation schemeTopic 3、preoperative preparationTopic 4、recuperation after the operationTopic 1单词:割伤 c

19、ut烫伤 burn 出血 bleeding瘀伤 bruise外伤 trauma晒伤 a sun burn手指扭伤 sprained finger骨折 fracture扭伤 sprain擦伤 scratch烫伤 scald脱臼 dislocation 蜜蜂蛰伤 a bee sting句型:Put her on the bed. Here are some anti-inflammatory tablets. Take off her watch, ringand anything bounding her. Donrtip away the cloth on the burn, or it wo

20、uld beinfected. Help her wash the wound under the running water. Dont apply anythingto the burn till it is suggested or ordered by the doctor. For example someone willapply some gentian violet to the burn, but the color is too dark that it makesimpossible for the doctor to see the burn clearly.Topic

21、 2单词:器官移植 organ transplantation心脏 heart肺 lung 肾 kidney骨髓 bone marrow肝移植 liver transplantation胃 gastric transplantation毛发 hair transplantation干细胞移植 stem cell transplantation疗法 therapies 针灸疗法 food therapy中医疗法 traditional Chinese medicine therapy音乐疗法 music therapy精神疗法 psychiatric therapy句型:Are you the

22、relative of Yolanda?We have worked out the operation scheme. Whatfunctions can this program perform?Topic 3单词:大脑 brain食道 esophagus小肠 small intestine大肠 large intestine直肠 rectum句型:Do you feel better? You should be very careful in a week or two. Do the doctors havemuch experience in operating? You will

23、 get intensive care if your husband stays with you. That is helpful for your recovery. By the way, is there any problem I need to payattention to before the operation? Your diet should be given special attention. You just need to relax and keep calm. Has it gotten worse?Topic 4单词:吃药 take medicine洗澡

24、take a bath上厕所 spend a penny换床单 change bedsheets句型:You are going to be discharged from hospital tomorrow. The doctor has written you acertificate for you. Complete recovery will still take a long time. Donnot mention it.That is out duty.内科Topic 1、diagnosis of diseasesTopic 2、consultation 专家会诊Topic 3

25、、prescription and suggestions 开药及提示Topic 4、further diagnosi 复诊检查Topic 1单词: 咳嗽 cough咽喉痛 sore throat花粉热 hay fever痉挛 convulsion神经痛 heart disease痢疾 dysentery失眠 insomnia发烧 fever流感 influenza肝炎 hepatitis湿疹 eczema肾结石 renal calculus心力衰竭 heart failure阑尾炎 appendicitis疱疹 herpes 脑中风 stroke打喷嚏 sneeze 破伤风 tetanus

26、风湿症 rheumatism贫血 anemis腹膜炎 peritonitis句型:Is there any other symptom ? Last night she had a terrible headache and her nosewas stuffed up. Follow the doctor s words. By the way , does she has a history of pulmonitis? I will write you a prescription. And is she got worse, take her to thehospital immedi

27、ately. This often occurs at this age. It seems that my throat is inflamed.Topic 2单词:镇静药 sedative特效药 specific medicine抓药 have a prescription made up轻泻药 laxative服药 take medicine退热药 antipyretic 换药 change dressings 预防药 preventative medicine血液成分 :血小板 platelets白细胞 white blood cells红细胞 red blood cells血浆 pl

28、asma句型:Sorry to have kept you waiting. Let me introduce these experts to you. They comefrom several well-known local hospital. I want to ask more detailed questions. Whatare her symptoms these days. Have you taken her temperature? Does she have a persistant cough? Is her cough more like wheezing? Is

29、 she suffering from lack ofappetite? We reached a conclusion that she has caught pulmonitis.The illness usually occurs on children who are in poor health. The medicine on it will help her a great deal. You can change dressings for the patient.Topic 3单词: 药片 tablet药膏 ointment药丸 pill药粉 medicinal powder

30、药水 liquid medicine医院分类 childrens hospital句型:Can you fill the prescription for me, please?By the way ,you got this prescriptionfrom Dr.Karl, didnt you?Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals. You can also refer to the instructions on it. Make sure you read them carefully. Shakethe bottle before drinking. I hope you can recover soon. I have a severe pain in my stomach. You d better go to children s hospital for help. Just a moment, please.T

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