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1、精选英语作文范文篇精选英语作文范文篇 作者: 日期:精选英语作文范文10篇1 inoatioWthth enomic globalizton ecoireaigly intense, invention orinnovai ha bc ne of central ic aond the wrldManouiesseet s the key o elop their eonmy. ur gerent,th n excepin, regari as “th souofour nation.” Wat,howve, can weeefit fo it?Fist ofal, inenion oinoa

2、tinanenhan oerall ntonal conomy, whic mportant tohigten our naiontusnhe wrl. Additinally,if toies have eailities in invetion,th fatories wll b ooi sa rest, te cn roideou peope wit moreob ad i wil maou nation morestabe. ht is oe,majority ofnew prodctay beavaibe througnvnton Therfore, it is sosignific

3、an fact fo improvg r liing tandad. wig to such bnefits, n wondr mor andmorecontris cs on invnton todayReozing it imortance is y te is step o votivetonor invation, ad soeefftive meassold be ken for it. Fr ne ing, uauhotyhodcontinu eare the recruit of gradate.or noth, thecndons of scietists nd kild or

4、kers shoud befrher mroveOnly ths way, an “hol of our naion”be fly mboieandurntonave a biger utu2 Intrntnernt ibecomingmoe an r oular in thewold. As ihown n te itures,to erso re stng i fron of heirown oputer in dfferent plcs. they sem to evry hapy wing the aceson toIntnet. Wean se ealy tht let felo(g

5、y) types aessagend send it t terght , the messa ays:“Di,wuld ou ave a coffee toight?”he rigone reevs it d quicklrepls:“s,wre?”Wt a onveienttool f Inrnet is! Wih teraddvlopmet of hig technologisn onomy, ople willgt mre nd mor benefisfr theue ofiternetTheeis nodeyin that comuenetwor an ndicatin alcila

6、tion and progress nternt is anifmaton po, eoplean e anyting theywant by tping the eyrds. Fo apl, omoeantsto kow te Great ll fCina, w he/s eed t d is ny t pea itetexorer ad ype th words:“th ret Wl”nd sarch it, hen h/scan get so man reevat link. Whaore,pele anrchase their faoit goods thoghthe Intrnet

7、intedf ging soping inchaoticsreets.laut no lst, eople ocn make full use of Internet to tudyonle romhe anlsismde bove,we cnome to a concluinthat w houl make thebest use of Intret, which can brings us art deal of neis. asa ciizn of China wesoud stdy h. ly ntisway a we he ihte utureandmake ourcunrflour

8、shing。3 Knowlede I owenledg IsPoer Recentltheha ee a disussio edinh isue of kowl- edg ithe nesaer. As cn seen fo thepicture, knowg s symblizd by a clenche fis as powe.The fist snds out mesage for “bienc”, hreatengtocac witpower ny hard nut. Th more demandingandchallengin taskis, he mre powerful the

9、fist semsto gow.Siia, kowlg,he rongestpwer ohuman eings,fed u tefield oscienean tecology. mor ad- aned and devloped a field is, teore profoudkwlege seems tobeome. Aspifi xampeis thedunping of Mr, Russias spce staon. A s h cs of the Rusia sacproram, he cuntry cud no lgeraffd t kep Mralof inorb eause

10、f la ffinanalspportThrfre,Rus- a deide tdumpthe space ttio Teefc sth iediateandfreching Asfa asthe pesenti concrnd,th succesful lauching aduming oIVrrhs poed toth world h anind, meth ro- fc. md knowledge, cannot jst build hins bu perate hem welt. orte stant impa, th ncin- a lifetime uces of/r prois

11、nwitvlable nd idipnsbeeeience or mnndspce flightinthears cran. he, somedy in e frore, hm mihappar in space me irs, vsitig rs, spraing friendship, paradig he erect aste- r o knowlege.As to th bes way to ser knwlee, I sugst hatevrone of us “s no what trs will lernfrom you,but wt youcanlern frmthe othe

12、s.”By sooig, I sicrlyeliee ach pern, pro- teted bythe“fis”, will beeared andknowledgeable.4 xpernes a boksBt eriences n boks r vy esetial resurces, ad bh o thehave rlevant meri.Exeriencs arethe os diectesorc e eve hve. Alos u eve baic skil came frm expeienes,suchas wakng,atculing, redig venthinking.

13、Wiutexprencs,someatral orn blitis evn might lose. Stie hav hon hat a baby w was robed banimals int forest fo 12years t hi abilty t tak inhman nguge. Fuheore, it is gnerl accepted tat each and vy skll deelsby xperees,an tats wy ppaay sa prticmakes perfect. Books are vauable when noledg ibeynd the sop

14、e ofor epricsehaps the ost bius eales are those flunt writes. They wrie aiousstories, the scopes ofwhih are ar byod ny individua experinc. Take Joyc Carol Otes for exapl, hr podctiyhasben prodgiou, accumulatng n ess thantw decads to nalhittitls, ildngnoels,collectons f hort soisa erse, plas ndliterr

15、y cicis. Ahogh ome of hem pear tcom from e on drc observaios,her deams, andherfear, uch moe i cery fro th exerences ofoters.Herfcte world rmstiingy akin to at rea n relected ithedl ewspapers, the tlesio nes and tal sos,and thpulr agazines o ourdy.Yet ithe periences or os my ge us won inforaton. Our

16、direct osvations always are sbec to or beles, opes, fears,epectatin, nou bas, whichmight a obsevons unreliable epl vayin hpors of observatio, ad thereiabilty o urobrvts is no ter thane relabiltof or memo, whch s weknow can be decptive Inorati printed in papers somts surelile ihe,itmay be sprint, eve

17、n dibeaely dstorted. o eal, Definions uc a Marsm, Cptalism,Zionism ar toy dffernt in the Oxfor LernersDition f Cuet Eglishbetwee the originaeditin ad the snctone Rssa ditnIn cnclusion,oh sorces are imprtant.Sotims oe is more imprant thn the other i ccrance ith spcif crumstan. Fexampe,nwemake a genea

18、l surey about cerain ubjct, we may fer refeens in library On the other hand, if w want to now moreseiic detals, we hadetr refer xeces sc a results o crfuly dein experent5 sucess I fly agreewith he claim tat eeisno orrelaton between success anduck. Moeove,I uderstadsucess torefero oe abilito achive t

19、he pdominantart of s goalsn fti, whic inturn eao a oraion btwnsuces an incme sinc theaccopliment of suc aturl gaas to proid god ft for your lovdons deand themeansWha shesimlesand slaula tearn enhto conde yuseasuccessul peron? Torcive a god uaton ant ind a goodb. ot reciganeduationand making caer pre

20、supse ones rans to ork har, an sucess thout har work is siplynot pssile forth vast maorit f the lds opuatin. Te reasons andexpes listebowwill stengthnmy point o vw Frs ofal, consierinanecion an a creras k fors o succes, e llchoose to ursuea degree f a clleo aversity. Oe ishg tobe amitte t t versity

21、will ave o ake sevrltest It is oubtfultatomonewill be o ucky ta knoing nothg, h could passtetes ith ahig score. low cre mean ailure, andthat test takerw not likl b amitted. Therefo, i odert be successful, on shoul prepare for theests andwrard, becea good ducaton wl provde him ith a odjob an noportui

22、y accomplh sme of isgols and dream.In my fetime, Iha ne me a pers wh ulgrduate frm a colege without orking ard.Sdly,t isimposibe o ak creerifone i idoet nd laking knowledg,atlest n evepd nties. Luplays n le in achievng his sucess.ven if seone wsunblivblucky nough to becme a maagr not beng qualiedeno

23、gh, h wilb asked rsignin he ner futurebuse of hisably dt lackf knowge d eperiece to mae rit decisons. or insance, I ued o rk a ver sa cmy ownedby afriend.Thi company aslate cloed eausef ankrpcy. Teuse ofbankupcywong sagis ad decisions made bh ownr. Afte thefailure, h we o uivrsity ad woked for aoher

24、 cmpan o tht he ould obtai xpeee and becom auccssu businessman. Nways, e considers hmea succefu persn cas he hatured ito realiy s wo bigest dreams of prdungconumer oos ofhig quality n makin hritale donation tondy peoplen sum, as log s someon undestas scsas nbilty turn into raliysme of his drams ad goals, he will hav work hardbecause hewillneed oney. nd hischncsto earn that oney wl emarkal increse ifh ould grduate fro alleg nd ake a career.Al of thee things arsmply not ossil wtut hard work.Luck has o ace in ch shemeof ents.6 johereareay ntgs ad disa

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