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1、汕头市届普通高中毕业班教学质量监测英语汕头市2020届普通高中毕业班教学质量监测英 语本试卷8页,满分120分。考试用时120分。注意事项:1答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。因笔试不考听 力,选择题从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。2作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑; 如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答案不能答在试卷上。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应 位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。

2、不 按以上要求作答无效。 4考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Basel is often referred to as the cultural capital of Switzerland, but what exactly can you do in this Swiss city? 1The Rhein In the summer it is common for locals and touris

3、ts alike to go for a refreshing swim in the river which runs through this beautiful city. When autumn and winter come along, swimming is replaced by walks along the river banks. However, I did see a very brave man take a dip in the dropping temperatures of late October, so anything is possible! 2The

4、 museums Basel has lots to offer in terms of museums, from the mechanical art in the Tinguely Museum to exploring the world of writing and printing in the Paper Museum, the skeletons and fossils of the Natural History Museum and discovering the citys past in the History Museum. 3The Old Town This ci

5、ty still features a gorgeous old town with lots of cute cobbled(铺设鹅卵石)streets, a bright red town hall and a stunning minster(大教堂)In contrast, the city also boasts Switzerlands tallest building: the Roche tower. 4. The Herbstmesse (Autumn Fair) and Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market)When autumn and wi

6、nter roll around, so do the thrills of the Basler fairs and markets. This is the perfect time to taste Switzerlands sweet treats like Massmogge (sweets with a hazelnut filling) and admire the delicate handmade treasures which the many stalls offer. And if youre feeling brave, why not soar to the top

7、 of Basel before dropping down onto the Messeplatz (Exhibition Square) through a giant silver hole? This is just one of the rides at the annual autumn fair. 5. Go on a Hike If youre more of a nature fan, Basel-Landschaft (countryside) has many beautiful hiking trails to choose from. Think hills, for

8、ests and beautiful rivers. And of course you deserve a treat of Swiss chocolate afterwards! Of course, the rest of Switzerland also has much to offer, and thanks to great rail services, it can all be yours within an hour or two. Greetings from Basel! Hope to see you here soon.21Those who are curious

9、 about how dinosaurs ruled the earth are advised to visit AWeihnachtsmarkt BTinguely Museum Cthe Natural History Museum Dthe History Museum22If you go to the autumn fair, you can do the followings Except Achallenging yourself with a thrill ride Benjoying tasty sweets Cflying to the top of Basel Dapp

10、reciating some handmade treasures23What can we know from the passage? ABasel is the capital city of Switzerland. BLocals and visitors are not allowed to swim in autumn and winter in the river . CTo taste fine Swiss chocolate, youd better go to Basel-Landschaft. DPeople can travel around the country

11、by train.B As I start to-plan my hotdog costume for Halloween on Saturday, I begin to consider what the history of the festival is and how on earth hotdogs are related to it. Well, in short, theyre not; but then how has Halloween developed over the years to allow me to go to a party this weekend dre

12、ssed as fast food!? Today, the celebrations have clearly become westernized as well as commercialized, particularly in the USA where it is now the holiday that makes the most money after Christmas. As well as dressing up, these days were used to haunted houses, pumpkins, scary face paint and trick-o

13、r-treating (when children knock on neighbors doors either to demand a treat - usually chocolate and sweets- or else threatening to play a trick on them). However, the Halloween we know today actually originates from as long as 2,000 years ago from a festival called Samhain. This was celebrated on l

14、st November by the Celts who lived in Britain and northern France. The evening before, it was believed that the dead would return, and as a result people would wear disguises as ghosts to trick the real ghosts into thinking they were not alive. In the 8th century this festival became known as A11 Sa

15、ints Day, or All Hallows Day, and the night before called All Hallows Eve, which is where the current name Halloween comes from. Trick-or-treating originates from several traditions in medieval (中世纪) Britain on the festival All Souls Day that were taken to America by British immigrants in the 19th c

16、entury. These traditions included poor people begging for food known as soul cakes, in return for agreeing to pray for the dead; or young people dressing up and offering entertainment such as singing in order to receive gifts of money, food or drink. Other rituals included superstitious(迷信的) games t

17、hat related to women finding themselves husbands, these games often involving food.So nowadays, although my Halloween experience will also involve food (of course via my costume), our celebrations have clearly come a long way from the traditions of 2,000 years ago. Nevertheless, we can recognize man

18、y similarities that explain some of the strange aspects of Halloween, and of course the history helps to remind us what Halloween is really about.24Why does the author mention the hotdog costume?ATo create a humorous tone for the passage.BTo show his puzzle about the relationship between food and fe

19、stivals.CTo introduce the topic of the passage.DTo share his Halloween experience with the readers.25According to the passage, we know that Atrick-or-treating originated from the 19th century in the UKBfood plays an important part in celebrating HalloweenCat the very beginning, only people in the UK

20、 celebrate HalloweenDit is a tradition for people to wear disguises to drive the evil away26How does the passage develop?AFollowing the order of time. BUsing figures.CProviding facts and opinions. DMaking comparison.27From which is the text probably taken?AA research paper. BA magazine. CA textbook.

21、 DA travel brochure.CNe Zha, a Chinese mythical(神话的) figure known for its rebellious spirit, is experiencing a boost of popularity following the huge success of an animated movie featuring him as the main character.As the first Chinese IMAX animated film, Ne Zha had pulled in more than 990 million y

22、uan ($143.7 million) as of 3:30 p.m. on July 30, the fifth day of its release, according to the China Movie Data Information Network.It also beat the record of about 956 million yuan ($138 million) held by Chinas home-grown Monkey King: Hero is Back in 2015 to top Chinese mainland box office in term

23、s of domestic animation features.The film tells a story of Ne Zha, who was a devil born into a loving family and eventually emerged as a hero. The mythical figure riding on the wind fire wheels often appears in some of the countrys best-known works of classic literature, such as Journey to the West.

24、Its box office success was a distinct contrast to the cold shoulder it received after the release of its first two trailers(预告片), which raised questions and mockery for its presentation of the ugliest version of Ne Zha. We designed more than 100 versions of Ne Zha, said the films director Yang Yu, w

25、ho also goes by the name Jiaozi. He added that it took two years to refine the script and three years for more than 1,600 staff to produce the film. Shots with special effects account for 80 percent of the total film.Compared with previous versions of Ne Zha, where he could never please his father a

26、nd eventually commits suicide, Jiaois version has the courage to challenge fate and break stereotypes, with the belief that Ne Zha can choose to be a demon(恶魔)or a god. The movie has also resonated (引起共鸣) with Chinese viewers for realistically describing the modern parent-child relationship. Ne Zhas

27、 parents are very typical Chinese parents, who express their love toward their children through action but seldom by words. This movie also teaches me that we should communicate more with our parents, said Tang Shiyuan, a university student. Movie critic Zhang Shufan said, Ne Zha is a top-quality Ch

28、inese home-grown animation in recent years, thanks to its mature screenwriting, amazing visual effect as well as a unique style of entertainment.28What can we learn about the movie Ne Zha? AIt is the first home-made animated film in recent years. BIt has topped the box office of Chinas domestic anim

29、ation films. CIt carries the same story as the previous versions. D. It took more than 1600 staff two years to produce the film.29What does the underlined word mockery in Paragraph 5 mean? ARude remarks. BConcern. CApplause. DJealousy.30What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?A. Visual effect

30、s and special style of storytelling contribute to the success of this film. BIn China parents seldom show affection to their children. CThe movie is the best of its type in recent years. DThe movie encourages reflection on parent-kid relationship.31What can be the most suitable title for the passage

31、?ANe Zha- Demon or God BHope for Chinas animated filmsCRise of Ne Zha DBirth of the first Chinese IMAX animated filmD We want to let you know that we are grateful that you are taking the time to click on this headline. Because without you reading the story, whats the point? We are now going to use y

32、our precious time to share a surprising new finding: People like getting thank-you notes. OK, its not that surprising. But what did surprise two psychologists as they attempted to get to the bottom of why so few people actually send thank-you notes was that many people totally miscalculate the effect of an appreciative email. They underestimate the positive feelings it will bring. They

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