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高中英语必修3 Unit5 Canadathe true nort练习题及答案.docx

1、高中英语必修3 Unit5 Canadathe true nort练习题及答案必修3 Unit5 Canada-the true north基础与能力测试.单词拼写 根据首字母或者汉语注释写出单词的正确形式。 mof this government will visit Beijing next month. 答案:minister f out that he was leaving on Tuesday. 答案:figured o languages of Canada are English and French.答案:official dont b me,for I have a lot

2、 of work to do now. 答案:bother weather is e cold,so youd better put on your coat. 答案:extremely returning from abroad they down _ (定居) in Shanghai. 答案:settled and Tom have a _ (稍微) different attitude about this problem. 答案:slightly were all _ (惊恐) by the bomb attack happened in that street. 答案:terrifi

3、ed track was three meters _ (宽). 答案:broad had never seen a man of many _ (才华). 答案:gifts.选词填空 as far asfigure outdistancesurround have a gift forsettle downgo downtownflowborderslightly is a small town on the _ between France and Belgium. 答案:border affects the _ of the blood to the brain. 答案:flow is

4、just ten months old but she can walk _ 100 meters. 答案:as far as took me several hours to those chemistry problem _. 答案:figure;out lake which is _ by forests looks very beautiful. 答案:surrounded to the order,each athlete covers a _ of 20 miles. 答案:distance I _ to buy a computer in a super market. 答案:w

5、ent downtown she graduated from university she _ in Washington. 答案:settled down _ music,so her parents sent him to a music college. 答案:has a gift for city is _ different from that one in size. 答案:slightly.根据句意和本单元学过的内容,填入适当的介词或副词 are going _ a tour to Japan to visit the modern factory. 答案:on of the

6、scientists also have a gift _ arts. 答案:for army stationed _ 10 kilometers to fight against other side. 答案:within old people are _ bad need of medical care. 答案:in came into the room with a satisfied smile _ his face. 答案:on .单句改错 news which my brother removed his trousers in public is surprising. 答案:w

7、hichthat2.Italy is famous for its car-making,with Rome is its capital. 答案:第二个isas order to have a chat,he sat closely to me. 答案:closelyclose of them knows the difference among wheat and rice. 答案:amongbetween problem is that when we set out to climb the hill. 答案:去掉 that.完成句子 1. _ (而不是)stay at the big

8、 city,he preferred to go to the countryside. 答案:Rather than people living in New York used to _ (定居) in Berlin. 答案:settle down actor _ (有天赋)imitating others voices. 答案:has a gift for 4. Please _ (靠近我坐) me,I have something important to tell you. 答案:sit close to me _ (有待要做),so I think well be busy ton

9、ight. 答案:remained to be done能力提升第一卷(三部分,共115分) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.It is 9: store _ ? Sorry,I dont know. remained 解析:本题为时态与动词用法的综合考查题。由时间It is 9:00可知应使用一般现在时态,remain是系动词,不能用于被动语态。 答案:B was _ to the hospital to have his head examined by

10、the doctor. until 9 oclock did he go 9 oclock that he didnt go until 9 oclock that he went 9 oclock when he didnt go 解析:这是一个强调句,对not until midnight进行强调,要用that连接。 答案:C23. _ he had for trade with local products. a great gift a beautiful gift beautiful beautiful a gift 解析:gift表示“天赋”,have a gift for sth

11、.表示“在某方面有天赋”。 答案:A24.Remember the first time we met,Jim? Of course I _ in the library. reading read read 答案:As too long for me, _,its expensive. for 解析:besides副词,表示“再者;而且”。 答案:B26. _ you have made a promise,you should carry it out. 解析:once引导状语从句。 答案:B didnt know Jane in long here? ;does she live ;ha

12、s she been been;is she ;has she come 答案:B dont know _ she always looks down upon me. is it which it is that is it which it is that 解析:本题为强调句的特殊疑问句作宾语,疑问句作句子成分时要用正常语序,本题表示原因。 答案:B metal is heated and then cooled very quickly, _ by dipping in winter,it will be hard but will break easily. s more genera

13、l example the other hand 答案:C they are of _ age,they are quite opposite in character. ;an;the ;an;/ 解析:第一个空用of an age表示同龄人,而后面的opposite可以作形容词,the opposite表示“对应物”。 答案:B thought _ Miss Brown would open a restaurant here surprised her husband. 答案:A question came up at the meeting _ we had enough money

14、for our research. 解析:此处用whether引导同位语从句,说明 question的内容,因为主句谓语太短,故从句后置。 答案:D keep in touch with the friend _ who stands _ to me. ;closely;close ;close;closely 解析:本句中的closely和 close都是副词,前者表示“密切地”,后者表示“近地”。 答案:B has spread _ Mr Smith has two people over him in this department. 解析:这是一个同位语从句,that引导从句作news

15、的同位语,解释news的具体内容。由于news与同位语从句被has spread分隔开来,增加了题目的难度。 答案:B is a common belief _ a thousand miles no longer means much to us today,for modern transportation can easily get us _ this distance. ;to;to ;over;over 解析:从句“a thousand miles no longer means much to us today”的句子成分已完整,故不可再用what,由句意可知,该从句说明了 be

16、lief 的具体内容,故用that; over在此表示动作,意思为“越过”。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Davision knelt down close to the bottom of the basement was saved for the moment by the thick fog which covered the they be certain that he hadnt 36 around and ran back into the main stree

17、t?But they werent taking 37 .Davision slowly went down the street as they searched all the doorways. There wasnt a 38 on in the basement flat behind alone was 39 .The policemen were coming close but they 40 expect to find him in an occupied was a notice on the door which said,“No Milk Till Monday”.H

18、e tore it 41 the door and found it was double footsteps came near,very must be searching 42 .He knew there was one chance because people were often 43 ,so he took out a knife,slipped it under the catch(钩) of the window and opened 44 through hurriedly and fell onto a closed the window and 45 the ligh

19、t immediately. He heard steps coming towards the front no account(绝不) must the place seem 46 .He looked for an electric point,and quickly connected the radio and turned it he opened the door opposite and 47 himself in the it could only be a 48 rang the he found a razor(剃须刀),a stick of shaving soap a

20、nd a towel 49 .He tried the towel over his neat beard and the ugly scar on his skin fairly thickly before the 50 rang again. Davision moved slowly to the front door and opened policemen 51 outside and one of them had a piece of paper in his hand,“Weve just found this note,”he said,“ 52 it says No Mi

21、lk Till thought the 53 might be empty and the light left on 54 .”He looked at Davision 55 . looked 解析:逃犯Davision乘着大雾躲过了警察的追捕,现在又从地下室转身跑回到大街上。 答案:D解析:take chances的意思是“碰碰运气;冒冒险”,这里指由于Davision认为自己已经沿着大街逃走了,警察不会返回来抓到他了。 答案:A解析:结合后面两句:由于逃犯总是在隐蔽的地方躲藏,所以警察通常会把没有灯的地方视为搜查的主要地方,因此反而最危险。相反,有人住的地方警察通常不会搜查。 答案:C

22、解析:参见注释38。 答案:A解析:警察不会认为(罪犯会躲到)有人住的地方会躲到。 答案:B解析:try the door意思是“试着开门”,这可以从后面的情节推知(后来是翻窗户进去的)。答案:B解析:参见前一句。脚步声很慢,可推知警察的搜查行动很仔细、彻底。 答案:B解析:逃犯认为人往往是粗心的,所以想到了撬窗户进入屋子,亮灯以麻痹警察的办法。 答案:C解析:逃犯打开窗户后,就翻窗而入了。 答案:B to out on off 解析:打开灯以迷惑警察。 答案:C 解析:由于亮着灯,所以没有人会认为那是一座空房子(故逃犯不会在那里)。 答案:B 解析:found himself in the

23、bathroom是一种习惯表达,意思是“就这样进了浴室”。 答案:A 答案:B解析:可根据句子开头的luckily选择此答案。 答案:A 解析:参见第48空所在句:这之前铃声已响过一次,这是警察第二次摁门铃。 答案:D 解析:门开后,看见两个警察站在门外。 答案:A 解析:as表“由于”,说明警察来这里的原因:以为房东离开前没有关灯,所以关照一下。 答案:C mistake 答案:C purpose mistake in case all 解析:从No Milk Till Monday警察知道这里没有人,但是灯亮着,以为是主人的失误。 答案:B 解析:原本以为屋子里没有人,此时看到有人来开门,

24、自然感到意外,加上正在追捕逃犯,自然要仔细(closely)打量一番。 答案:D 第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AKristy,28,a cook in La Gross,often wondered what shed do in a life threatening August 29,she got her she was driving on a road,a big truck hit its head on a pickup pickup burst into rushed out and

25、 ran to the farmers,Deam Bernhard,51,and his brother Donald,44,were inside.When she got close,Kristy could see the unconscious other man was under the passenger seat.“The smells were was afraid the truck would blow up and kill us all,”said Kristy. The driver of the big truck was struggling to open t

26、he passenger door,do Kristy rushed to the drivers they opened the reached in,seized the driver and,to her horror,felt her hands sink into his quickly dragged the man to safety on the roadside,then hurried Kristy started down the ditch(水沟) with the passenger,the pickup jumped on top of him and they b

27、oth rolled to safety.Today,the two farmers,each the father of two children,are good friends with show their deep appreciation,they bought her a ring with nine diamondsone for each member of their immediate families,and the ninth for her. which order did Kristy do the following things? Dean and Donal

28、d to safety to the pickup pickup exploded the truck hit on the pickup out of her car what shed do when in danger ,d,b,a,c,f,e,b,a,d,c ,d,e,b,a,c,c,e,d,b,a 解析:可以采用排除法,f(好奇心)排在第一位,c(皮卡爆炸)排在最后。 答案:C coming to save Donald and Dean Bernhard,Kristy never thought that she _. have any help for others be suc

29、cessful in saving both of them be killed be tested in a dangerous situation 解析:根据第一段暗示,当时情况紧急,容不得Kristy去考虑后果。 答案:D sentence “The pickup burst into flames.”in the first paragraph means “_.” pickup was on fire pickup started smoking badly terrifying cry came out of the pickup pickup was broken into pi

30、eces 解析:由下文“爆炸”得知这里是pickup先着火,然后引起油箱爆炸。 答案:A of the following best shows Kristys true heroism? did not feel terrified at the accident. protected herself as well as the two brothers from harm. put her life “on the line” to save others. was regarded as a member of Deans and Donalds families. 解析:结合全文,Kristy不顾个人安危现场抢救受伤人员,真正体现了大无畏英雄主义 精神。 答案:CBWhen Rikke Dausen in Denmark goes

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