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1、必修二unit1教案必修二unit1教案【篇一:新人教版必修二unit1 cultural relics教学设计】unit 1 cultural relics teaching goals教学目标 1). ability goals能力目标 a.learn some detailed information about the amber room. b.improve the students reading ability. c.train the students ability to grasp key information while listening. d.enable the

2、 students to have the ability of talking cultural relics and ways to protect them. 2). learning ability goals学能目标 help the ss to learn how to give opinions clearly about cultural relics. 3)emotion:情感目标 train the students ability to cooperate with others. enable the ss to talk about the story of the

3、amber room teaching important points教学重点 1 ).the new words and expressions; 2). learn some detailed information about the amber room; 3). train the students ability to cooperate with others; 4). train the students speaking ability. learn to discuss and act out the ss opinions about cultural relics.

4、teaching important points教学难点 1)words: ton, stone, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, reception, light, mirror, wonder; 2)phrases: look into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war, take apart, think highly of; 3). sentence patterns: (1) there is no doubt that. (2) this gift was the amber

5、room, which was given this name because almost seven thousand tons of amber were used to make it 4). improve the students reading ability. train the students ability to grasp key information while listening. how to teach the students to speak out their opinions about cultural relics. teaching method

6、s教学方法 1). watch some videos about the cultural relics. (individuals) 2). have a discussion. (group work) 3). write an article about the discussion. (individuals) teaching aids教学设备 a computer, a projector and some slides. teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式 the first second period (vocabulary,warming

7、 up and pre-reading) teaching goals: 1. target language cultural, survive, remain, state, rare, dynasty, vase, belong to 2. learning ability goals help the students learn how to talk about cultural relics and have the sense of protecting cultural relics. teaching important points talk about cultural

8、 relics and what should be done with them. teaching difficult points: how to talk about cultural relics. teaching methods: group discussion and presentation.(cooperative learning) the first second period teaching procedures: step 1 new words teaching step 2 warming-up t: when talking about cultural

9、relics, what comes to your mind? s1: the great wall. s2: the pyramids in egypt. s3: t: well done. teacher asks the ss to look at the three groups of pictures and discuss these questions. 1. do you know these places? 2. if you know, what do you know about the places? 3. which one would you like to vi

10、sit? why? i: as is known to all, china is a country with a history of more than 5,000 years. in the long history, people in different periods have left us quite a number of cultural sites, many of which are world famous. now look at the pictures and guess what heritage they are. all these are cultur

11、al relics. do you know any other cultural relics in the world? t shows the ss some cultural relics abroad. task 1: ask the ss to make a dialogue by saying. imagine you have a chance to travel these places. which place would you like to go? why? when are you starting off? how are you getting there? h

12、ow long are you staying? please make a dialogue with your partners. then students answer the following questions: what is your favorite city? why? what makes a city great and famous? (a long history; cultural relics; many great people; important events taking place there) t:unfortunately, some of th

13、em are in danger because they are destroyed, and some of them were lost because someone stole them. task 2: now suppose that you work for the state office of cultural relics. you are sent to a small town where you find a relic that was stolen from a palace. it is a rare ming dynasty vase. the man wh

14、o has it insists that it belongs to his family. what will you say to him? work in pairs to discuss this question, and then ill ask some ss to tell me your answers. step 3 task 3 speaking task on page 46 debate do you think china should save all of its cultural relics? do you think it necessary to re

15、build yuanmingyuan in beijing? t: after watching so many pictures, now discuss with your partners the following question: what is a cultural relics? (ss can find the answer from the warming up.) step 4 pre-reading t: ok, class, do you think these cultural relics are beautiful? ss: yes, very beautifu

16、l. t: suppose one of them got lost, how would you feel and what will you do with it? s1: try our best to find it. s2: protect the others in order that they will not lost. t: thanks for your good suggestions. if you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it? you can make a dialogue with your pa

17、rtner on this question. t can practice it with a student to give an example. extending questions: to whom do cultural relics belong? step 5 language points 1) survive survive: vi. continue to live or alive after sb., live or exist longer than e.g: many strange customs have survived from ear

18、lier times. her parents died in the accident, but she survived. few buildings survived the earthquake. the man survived his sister by three years. 2) (a) part of a part of the books have arrived. a leg is a part of the body. he gave me back only part of the money i lent him. part of the house was bu

19、rnt in the fire. part of the passengers were injured in the accident. *part of it _ good. *part of them _ good. 3) something 通常用于肯定句,而在疑问句、否定句、if/weather从句中用anything。 i want something to eat. i dont have anything today. is there anything wrong with this stove? *would you like something to eat? 但当说话者

20、心中的肯定意识较强时,或实际上表示请求建议时,一般不用anything而用something. 4) remain after the fire, very little remained of my house. much work remained to be done. ill remain to see the end of the game. he remained silent after class. the door remained closed. 5)the rest of 的其余部分 6)imagine + n./ doing/ sb. doing sth./ that-

21、 clause i cant 7)look into 调查、了解、研究 1) the police are looking into all the records of the man. 2) he looks into her face with great interest. 3) ill look into the matter as soon as possible. just have a little patience. 8)insist + n/ that (should) do /that insist on doing sth. a. he insisted that th

22、e money _(return) to him at once. b. he insisted that he _ (not steal)the money. c. i insisted on his _ (go)there right away. 9) belong to 属于 (p1 l7)不可以用于被动语态,或进行时 correct the mistakes the house was belonged to an old lady. china is a country that is belonging to the third world. as a writer, he rea

23、lly belongs the 18th century. this map is belonging on the table. 10)do with i didnt know what to do with the old tree. the new teacher didnt know what to do with the class. what have you done with the papers for the meeting? we have nothing else to eat, you have to do with some bread. i cannot do w

24、ith loud noise. what to do with the problem? how to deal with the problem? homework 1.preview the reading the comprehending exercises 3. write down the main idea of each paragraph 4.ask the ss to look for more cultural relics. the students can go to the library or use the internet to search for

25、 information. record after teaching: the third period (reading and comprehending) knowledge: learn some new phrases and some new sentence patterns. ability: 1. learn some detailed information about the amber room. 2. improve the students reading ability. 3. train the students ability to grasp key in

26、formation while listening. 4. train the students speaking ability. emotion: 1. train the students ability to cooperate with others. 2. enable the ss to talk about the story of the amber room teaching important points: 1 .the new words and expressions; 2. learn some detailed information about the amb

27、er room; 3. train the students ability to cooperate with others; 4. train the students speaking ability. teaching difficult points: 1. words: ton, stone, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, reception, light, mirror, wonder; 2. phrases: look into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war, take

28、 apart, think highly of; 3. sentence patterns: (1) there is no doubt that. (2) this gift was the amber room, which was given this name because almost seven thousand tons of amber were used to make it 4. improve the students reading ability. 5. train the students ability to grasp key information whil

29、e listening. teaching methods: 1. listening to the tape. 2. learning and practicing. teaching procedures: step 1 greetings and lead-in t: we learned some cultural relics yesterday. do you still remember them? give me some examples, please.【篇二:高一英语必修2_unit1_阅读课教学设计】 沈美虹公开课教案 人教版高一英语必修2 unit1 阅读课教学设计

30、指导学生对课文材料的阅读和分析,掌握有效地阅读策略,切实提高学生的阅读理解能力,形成良好的阅读习惯。 reading : in search of the amber room 一、教学目标 (1)知识目标:让学生了解琥珀屋的相关历史,并熟悉本课的重点词组和句型。 (2)能力目标:提高学生的阅读能力,形成快速获取信息和处理信息的能力。 (3)情感态度目标:通过自主学习和合作学习,培养学生热爱文化遗产保护文化遗产,尊重人民智慧的意识。 二、教学设计 (1)教学思路 整个教学过程以“ 以学生为学习主体” 为设计理念,采用设置任务和小组讨论的形式组织教学,将学生的自主学习调动起来并把这样的活动作为课

31、堂的主体,引导学生完成学习任务。 (2)课前准备:要求学生利用阅览室和网络收集有关琥珀屋以及世界著名文化遗产的信息资料,并预习课文 in search of the amber room。完成课后练习一和练习二,以便更好地解读课文。 三、教学过程 step i lead-in (3分钟) 使用多媒体展示四张图片:图1. the great pyramid in egypt ,图2 .the great wall in china,图3.the forbidden city in china,图4. stonehenge in england,请同学们猜出汉语名称。 设计说明使用多媒体播放图片,形象、直观、生动,能吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的兴趣。同时,对学生的课前预习有所了解。 step skim the reading passage and then answer.(6分钟) 学生在课前预习的基础上浏览全文,并回答问题: 、why is it called the amber room? 、check exercise one and exercise two on page2 of

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