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英语中考 阅读6选5含答案.docx

1、英语中考 阅读6选5含答案阅读(6选5)该题型要求考生阅读完一篇文章后,从题目给出的几个句子中选择正确选项,将其字母序号填入空白处,使文章意思完整。通常故事情节有较明确的时间线索。首尾句通常不设空,设空以逻辑关系为线索,侧重补充完整后文章情节的合理性。考生在做此类题时要关注各句子之间逻辑关系的种类,如并列、递进、转折、因果等,并能熟练掌握表达各种逻辑关系的关键词,如and,besides,but/however,because或so等,最终能利用已掌握的逻辑关系知识将文章还原。在阅读句子还原题给出的选项中我们可以发现一些特点:该题型选项大致可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构

2、)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。另外,多余的干扰项也可以通过这三个特点来排除,例如,在干扰项中,主旨概括句要么过于宽泛,要么以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释性句子与上文脱节等。根据这些,我们总结一些做题方法供大家参考。1.寻找顺序词例First,look for color.Some minerals are light in color,.Some minerals shine brightly.Others may look smooth.Still others may have shining luster,like the inside of some

3、 seashells.Third,look for how the mineral breaks apart.A.Second,look for luster,or shininessB.What can we do to discover a mineralC.You can discover a mineral by looking at its sizeD.You can test a mineral for hardness by trying to cut itE.But color is not always the best way to discover a mineral解析

4、根据文章每段的段首,可以找到First,Third这样的顺序词,由此可以推断此题的句子开头为Second,所以答案为A。答案A2.注意上下文中相关联的词例and if the teacher uses it carefully,the children can understand it.A.Most children take what we find for themB.But she does want to show them that they can make sense of themC.Her class are a group of seven-year-old pupils

5、D.If the children like the storyE.Because they are interested in the story解析此题用and连接了两个并列的成分,and后为if引导的从句,因此猜测前面也是if引导的从句,然后把D选项带入文章中,经检查语义和后面的句子紧密相连,所以答案为D。答案D3.代词指代例In Japan,people dont usually wear their outdoor shoes in the house or at school,and a lot of buildings have places for shoes.So her s

6、chool has a special place for shoes.A.Its a shoebox.B.Tina is my sister.C.So she put on the shoes and left.D.After class she got ready to leave.E.But there was no name on the note.解析选项A中It 指代 a special place for shoes,所以选A。答案A专项训练一阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后方框内的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(提示:每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项)No

7、w students English handwriting(书写)gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? 1Use paper with linesWhen you write English words or sentences, you can use paper with lines. That will make your handwriting straight. 2 Be sure to fill the lined s

8、pace completely. And make sure those capital letters(大写字母)are written properly.Slow downIf your writing is hard to read, just slow down a little. 3 If you write too quickly, its hard for you to stop where you should, and you may make more mistakes easily. 4When you hold your pencil in the correct wa

9、y, writing is much better. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting bad. Try to be relaxed and dont hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit.Draw more pictures5 While you a

10、re drawing pictures, you need to use the skills to control(控制)your pencil better. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by drawing at home.Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fans run

11、up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course!A.If not, here are four steps that really work!B.Hold your pencil rightC.Drawing can improve your handwriting.D.We will try to learn English well.E.Going slower makes your handwriting clearer.F.Those lines on the paper can help you to write words

12、 in the right size.1.【答案】A【解析】根据上文提到的问题:你的英文书写漂亮吗?和以下几段的标题和内容可知,文章是在介绍写好英文的步骤,故答案为A项。2.【答案】F【解析】第二段内容主要介绍使用带线的纸,因此本题应与此相关,选项F中提到纸上的那些线条可以帮助你写出适当大小的单词。故答案为F项。3.【答案】E【解析】根据前文建议慢下来写字可知,该句应与slow down 相关,选项E 表示“慢一点儿会让你的书写更清晰”。故答案为E项。4.【答案】B【解析】根据下文When you hold your pencil in the correct way, writing is

13、much better. 可知,本段内容是建议正确握笔,故答案为B项。5.【答案】C【解析】根据小标题Draw more pictures可知,选项C“画画可以提高你的书写”与本段内容有关,故答案为C项。二请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的六个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。Is there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is yes:1Here, we look at two examples.A recent st

14、udy by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a persons hearing ability. 2The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training. The musicians were able to hear the talking person more clearly.3Think about violinists in an

15、 orchestra(管弦乐团). When the violinists play with the group, they hear their own instrument and many others, too. But the violinists must listen closely to what they are playing, and pay no attention to the other sounds. In this way, musicians are able to focus on certain sounds, even in a room with l

16、ots of noise.Schlaug, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, works with stroke(中风) patients. Because of their illness, these people cannot say their names, addresses, or other information normally. However, they can still sing.4Why does this work? Schlaug isnt sure. Music seems to make different parts

17、of the brain work, including the damaged(损坏的)parts. This might help patients to use that part of the brain again.Music improves concentration(注意力),memory, listening skills, and our overall language abilities.5Playing an instrument or singing can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp(敏

18、锐的)as we get older. Music is not only enjoyable, its also good for us in many other ways.A.It can even help sick people get better.B.Music helps people solve some hearing problems.C.Music improves certain language abilities in the brain.D.In his study two groups of people listened to a person talkin

19、g in a noisy room.E.Musicians hear better because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds.F.Schlaug was surprised to find that singing words helped his patients to speak.1.【答案】C【解析】下面的两个例子都表明音乐的促进作用,故选C。C项的意思是:音乐提高大脑的某些语言能力。2.【答案】D【解析】下一句提到first group 和second group,与此相关的是D项。D项的意思是:在他的研究中,两组人听一

20、个人在吵闹的房间里说话。3.【答案】E【解析】根据第三段最后一句中的musicians are able to focus on certain sounds可知,选E。E项的意思是:音乐家能听得更好因为他们学会全神贯注于某些声音。focus on 的意思与pay attention to相近。4.【答案】F【解析】与Schlaug 和they can still sing相一致的是F项。F项的意思是:Schlaug惊讶地发现唱出单词能帮助他的病人说话。后面又解释了这种现象的原因。5.【答案】A【解析】最后一段是总结音乐的作用。上文的例子证明了音乐对病人的帮助作用,故选A。三请先阅读下面短文,

21、掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的六个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。A problem is only a problem until there is a solution(解决办法).We find solutions by thinking creatively.1 In other words,we think outside the box.Sometimes,thinking outside the box solves not just one,but two problems.Amsterdam is one of the most crowded

22、 cities in Europe.As a result,housing is very expensive,especially for students.2 However,finding this type of apartments was almost impossible until recently.While the colleges in Amsterdam were trying to solve the housing problem,thousands of shipping containers(集装箱) were lying quietly in ports(港口

23、) around the world.These huge steel containers carry products from one country to another.The life of each container is about 10 years.3 Yet they cant recycle all of them because there are so many.Back in Amsterdam,a company came up with an amazing idea.Why not reuse these shipping containers as stu

24、dent apartments?4 They are all the same size and fit together perfectly.The steel is strong.Moreover, these containers are so widely available that they are quite cheap to buy.For all these reasons,they can be used to build apartments quickly and cheaply.Building began in 2005,and after only a few w

25、eeks,hundreds of Amsterdam students had new homes.When students first heard about this idea,they thought the container apartments would be small,noisy,and cold.5 Each container apartment has a kitchen,a bedroom with a study area, and a bathroom.The apartments are warm and quiet.They even have a high

26、-speed Internet connection.Living in a shipping container has become popular.Today,over 3,000 Amsterdam students live in the container village.A.Students need low-cost apartments.B.The containers are great for building apartments.C.We use our imagination and come up with creative ideas.D.However,the

27、y were surprised when they saw them.E.Steel companies recycle some of the old containers.F.Recycling the steel containers has many advantages.1.【答案】C【解析】根据上一句“我们可以通过创造性地思考找到解决问题的办法”,顺接着说,应该选择“我们使用我们的想象力,想出具有创新的想法”。2.【答案】A【解析】根据上一句“结果,尤其对于学生们来说,房子是非常昂贵的”,可知应该选择“学生们需要低价的公寓”。3.【答案】E【解析】根据下一句“但是他们不会回收全部

28、的集装箱,因为太多了”,可知此句应该选择“钢铁公司回收一些旧的集装箱”。4.【答案】B【解析】由前后文可知,应该选择“集装箱非常适合做成学生的公寓”。5.【答案】D【解析】根据后面几句的描述可知,学生们对看到的集装箱的内部表示惊讶,因为和原来设想的完全不一样。四请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的六个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。Humans Greatest AchievementsThe Earth is 4.5 billion years old, but the human race has lived on it for just 20

29、0,000 years. In that short time, we have achieved some amazing things.1The list is almost endless. The invention of the airplane has changed our lives. The discovery of antibiotics(抗生素) has saved the lives of millions of people. Can you imagine living without electricity? What about the printing pre

30、ss(印刷术)? Without the printing press, you wouldnt be reading this. In the last 50 years, there have been great achievements in communication, such as radio, TV, computers, the Internet, and smartphones(智能手机).2What about the arts? The arts have brought pleasure to many people, but are the Beatles and

31、Bach more important than antibiotics?3Finally, we must not forget humans early achievements.4We cant imagine modern life without cooked food and cars.What are humans greatest achievements? To answer the question, we need to decide what we mean by “great”.5Or is it just something that makes us say“Wo

32、w,” like the Great Wall? What do you think?A.We could probably live without them, but life wouldnt be as interesting.B.Is it something that makes us rich or happy or saves lives?C.We enjoy these things every day because they are free to use.D.They used fire for cooking and heating and invented the wheel.E.Many of humans great ach

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