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How to Deal with Economic Globalization in China商.docx

1、How to Deal with Economic Globalization in China商中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: How to Deal with Economic Globalization in China 姓 名 : 000000000 班级、学号 : 0000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 00000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-10-30 2009 年 10 月 30 日毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-22答辩委员会表决意见23答辩过程记录表24课

2、题 How to Deal with Economic Globalization in China 一、课题(论文)提纲有利于利用外资有利于扩大对外贸易有利于解决劳动力就业问题造成我国地区经济的不平衡发展外企极大的冲击了民族企业影响全球生态环境4.1利用本国优势,加快民族企业的发展二、内容摘要20世纪90年代以来,经济全球化的热潮席卷了世界的每一个角落,以信息技术为中心的高新技术迅猛发展,推动了经济全球化的进一步发展,各国经济相互影响,相互融合。越来越多的发展中国家也加入到了经济全球化的大潮中,中国作为最大的发展中国家,是经济全球化中不可缺少的一部分。经济全球化是一把“双刃剑”,既有有利的一

3、面,也有不利的一面,经济全球化对中国是机遇与挑战并存,如何应对经济全球化对中国经济的发展起着关键的作用。三、参考文献1 Rev.Dr.Stan. Duncan. United church of christ in Abington. Abington . Abing to MA for the Globalization Coordinating CommitteeM;2 W.Govindarajan.A .Jiputa. A Policy for the New Globa Prospects Financial TimesJ. January 1998 3 ZHAO-Wending .E

4、conomic DepartmentJ. . Shijiazhuang HeBei,China 4 李惠斌全球化:中国道路M 社会科学文献出版社5 经济全球化与中国贸易政策M 经济管理出版社 2004年7月How to Deal With Economic Globalization in China00000Abstract:The economic globalization is an objective trend of the economic development of the contemporary world. Since the be

5、ginning of the 1990s, science and technology have developed rapidly and trans-national companies have continuously expand their scale. The globalization process has speed up obviously. Economic globalization can be compared to a two-blade sword or coin with two sides. Globalization offers China oppo

6、rtunities as well as challenges.How should it strive to profit from the advantages and avoid the harm which brought by the disadvantages is the key to Chinese economic development .In the paper, I analyses the definition, performance of the economic globalization. On the bases of the Chinese economy

7、 stricture, I talked about the impact of the economic globalization , it included opportunities and challenges. I also discussed the most important issue, facing the rapidly expanding economic globalization , what kind of measures should be taken by Chinese government and Chinese people .Keywords :E

8、conomic globalization; opportunity; challenge; cooperation 1. Introduction: By the end of the 20th century .Economic globalization has almost engulfed corner of the world .Since the high technology with IT as its focus have developed rapidly, it accelerated the further development of economic global

9、ization. All the countries influenced and each other, so do the developing countries. As the biggest developing country .China is the indispensable part of the trend of the economic globalization. Both the advantages and disadvantages existed side by side, Economic globalization is like to swimming

10、in the sea in summer. One can enjoy the cooling feel in the water and then swimming can strength their physique and keep body healthy, but at the same time one also runs the risk of drowing. The developed countries are like good swimmers, while the developing countries are less strong in physical st

11、rength and poor in swimming skills or even just beginners. They will feel very difficult naturally, so the issue for developing countries “how to deal with economic globalization correctly is very important”.1.Definition of economic globalization The worlds “economic globalization” was put forward b

12、y T-Levl in 1985, it has not a fixed definition at present. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) defined the economic globalization as this in 1997 , economic globalization is the addition of the scope and the circumstance of transnational commodity , service transcations and international capital

13、, as well as the widespread of the science and technology . the independence of national economic have been increased day by day . A short definition of economic globalization is the trans-national increase in trade and capital transfers across national boundaries usually when we think of the global

14、 economic, we think of the trade, the buying and selling goods and services. But even larger is the movement of “capital” means investment and speculates with money itself. Modern trans-national corporations have offices and production facilities in a dozen countries and swear allegiance to none of

15、them, so nations are coming to play a smaller and weaker role in the economic globalization. Economic globalization express the economic activity in term of interdependence and integration between economies and economic activity, it can be defined as the process of the market. and production in diff

16、erent countries are be coming increasingly independent. Due to the dynamics of trade in goods and services and flows of capital and technology. In this field there are many undeniable benefits. Globalization has eliminated many economical obstacles. The economic globalization is the collection, flux

17、ion and reformation with capital, information technology, labor force and resource in the world scope. In the 1990s, the existence of economic globalization is inevitability. First, after the end of the Cold War, planned economy seceded the stage of the history, and market economic unified the whole

18、 country .so it has created the fundamental premise for the economic globalization. Second, America and other developed countries have advocated the liberalism economic ideology in order to dominate the world market, which has eliminated many economical obstacles.2.The performance of economic global

19、ization In the world markets, globalization refers to the increasing interdependence among all the countries, which could be proved by more and more transnational flows of capitals, such as goods and services, capital and technologies. From the angle of international economic interdependence, econom

20、ic globalization in effect is the integration process of world economy that human economic activities have crossed national borders . Therefore, the main performance of the economic globalization includes three aspects. They are production globalization, trade globalization and investment liberaliza

21、tion.2.1.Production globalization The production means products will be completed by many different countries and corporations, it refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production g

22、lobalization, such as labor force, energy, land and so on. The emergence of international production and network is caused by the progressed world production, which representing the trend of the production globalization. As a new organization style of international production, it integrates individu

23、al countriys production into globalization production system. It has a profound effect on international economic, especially the economic growth of developing countries. In the background of economic globalization, enterprises are facing significant presure of marketing competition, because there ar

24、e many competitors in the same line, so enterprises need too much inputs and costs. While the global production is different. In many cases, a company is only responsible for one kind of the component in the process of the whole production. Therefore the production skills have been more and more pro

25、fessional. The production globalization could help the companies to close the market quickly and meet the needs of consumers better. Corporations could obtain more dominance resources, so the production costs could be reduced, and the market risks could be reduced in the production globalization. Th

26、e production globalization is good for companies to get the advance technology and the experience of management. 2.2.Trade globalization With the enhancing of the science and technology development and national opening, the international exchange of the scope, scale and extend have been enhanced in

27、the circulation, the globalization of trade is on the premise that technologies diffusion and over the globe. At present, multinational companies will expand the mature and relevant technology around the world to strengthen the economic contact with other countries. Accordingly trade globalization t

28、riggered the worldwide industry restructuring and transfer. Between the developed capitalist countries. They are allocating resources, exploiting market, updating technology, optimizing and upgrading industry structure in the larger economies scale through the cross-investment and corporate mergers

29、by multinational corporations. Along with more countries access to the regional group, the scope and scale of global trade expand increasingly, and also the new convenient and flexible way of trade have appeared. The trade connections between the countries have deepened day by day. The dependence on

30、 the export are also inproved constantly.Trade globalization leading to the growth of the total trade. From 1989 to 1996, the amount of doods and services has increased by 6.2% in each year. In 1997, the total trade have reached 6700 billion, the date showed that the world economic have made a great

31、 progress in recent years.2.3.Investment liberalizationInternational investment liberalization refers to the elimination of restrictions on cross-border capital flows, and actualizes the fair treatment to the foreign investment and investors. The liberalization of investment started in the 1980s, as

32、 the capital projects accelerated, more than 140 countries achieved the economic projects convertible. In order to adapt to the international investment liberalization development, the sovereign states are establishing laws and regulations to standarlize investment behavior. The WTO only symbolized standardization and legalization world market have been established, but also sysmbolized the inves

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