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1、医学英语2医学英语第一课词汇:assimilate吸收,消化egocentric自我中心的,个人主义的,自我主义的neurosis精神神经病,神经(官能)症invalidism久病,病弱;伤残alleviate减轻,缓解;缓和cholesterol胆固醇,胆甾醇段落:Thus,to extract the telltale clue from a mass of conflicting physical signs and laboratory data the ones that are of crucial significance,to know in a borderline case

2、 when to initiate and when to refrain from a line of investigating or treatment,involves judgments based on“assimilated”experience.因此,想要从相互矛盾的体征中和极为重要的实验室数据中提炼出能说明问题的线索,既要想在无法确定的病例中弄清楚什么时候开始,什么时候停止一系列探查或治疗都涉及医生根据过去所“吸取”的经验而具有的判断能力。Yet it is essential that they maintain objectivity in the study and c

3、are of their patients,for this is in the patientsinterests;nevertheless,they must use wise judgment and must never forget that their primary and traditional objectives are utilitarianthe prevention and cure of disease and the relief of suffering,whether of body or of mind. 医生在研究和治疗病人中也要保持客观性,这是非常重要的

4、,因为这关系到病人的利益。不过,他们必须运用敏锐的判断力,绝不能忘记,他们的首要目标和传统目标就是实用防病,治病,解除痛苦,无论是身体的还是精神上的痛苦。The attitude of the patient approaching the doctor must always be tinged,for the most part unconsciously ,with distaste and dread;his deepest desire will tend to be comfort and relief rather than cure,and his faith and expe

5、ctation will be directed towards some magical exhibition of these boons. 患者接近医生的态度总会有所变化的,多半是无意识的,怀有反感和畏惧的;他内心深处的愿望往往是获得慰籍和缓解病痛而不是治愈疾病,他的信念和期望就是这些裨益能奇迹般地出现。Yet every experienced physician knows that to explain many of the manifestations of illness,it is necessary to view the patient comprehensively

6、as an organism with a vast repository of past experiences,many of which are vaguely remembered ,yet have become the foundation of his current system of meeting daily problems.然而,每个有经验的医生都知道要想解释疾病的许多表现,就必须全面地把患者看成为一个具有丰富阅历的生物体。其中许多经历只是处于他的模糊记忆之中,但是却成为他当前为人处事的基础。It is imperative that the physician pro

7、mptly commit all permanent data obtained from the clinical and laboratory examinations to the patients permanent medical record.医生必须把临床检查和实验室检查所获得的相关资料迅速收入病人的永久性医疗档案中。The physician must learn to be at ease and to establish rapport with persons of every walk of life,realizing that everyone is born wi

8、th manifold potentialities determined by his genes and has a personality and character shaped by the emotional climate in which he grows and develops.医生必须学会与人友好相处并与各行各业的人建立融洽关系。他应该认识到每个人生来就具有其基因所决定的各种潜能,具有在其成长与发育的感情氛围中所形成的个性和品格。With the highly technical knowledge and skills the physician brings to b

9、ear upon the patients physiologic functioning there should also be a feeling of humaneness,a sense of confidence and security based upon the conviction that all will be done that can be done.医生不仅要有渊博的专业知识和精湛的医疗技术来治疗病人的生理机能方面的疾病,而且还要有慈悲心,也就是建立在确信自己将竭尽全力的基础上的自信心和安全感。第二课词汇:inductive诱发的,诱导的angina绞痛,咽峡炎;


11、 in another way,the symptom marks,in the patients mind,a departure from normal health;in the physicians mind,it initiates a process of inductive and deductive reasoning that culminates in diagnosis.从另一个角度看,在病人心目中,症状标志着健康不再;而在医生眼里,症状是归纳推理和演绎推理过程的开始,以做出诊断而告终。The symptoms alone sometimes will provide t

12、he most certain clue,as in angina pectoris or epilepsy,where physical findings and laboratory data collected between attacks may give no evidence of the existence of disease even when it is manifestly present.有时仅仅症状就能提供最确切的线索,如心绞痛或癫痫发病时,但在这些疾病疾病俩次发作期间的间歇期所收集的体检结果和化验资料却不能提供任何有此疾病存在的证据,尽管此时疾病已经明显存在。In

13、formation regarding symptoms like those of the patient which have occurred in blood relatives,or“run in the family,”and knowledge of the ethnic origin of the parents and of consanguinity may be exceedingly helpful.对发生在病人血亲中或世代相传的疾病症状的资料以及对病人双亲的种族起源和血亲关系的了解都是极为有用的。It is essential that one bear in min

14、d the limitations of such procedures,which by virtue of their impersonal quality and the fallibility of the individuals or the instruments responsible for carrying out the technical procedures or interpreting the data.任何人都必须记住这些实验室诊断的局限性,因为诊断过程的客观性和所使用技术的复杂性常常给人以权威的印象,而不考虑个人或仪器在操作过程中或资料进行解释的过程中可能出现的

15、误差。Discrimination in the ordering of laboratory procedures and judgment in appraising their risk and expense as against the information to be derived from them are important indicators of the effectiveness with which the art and science of medicine have been fused by the individual physician.安排实验室步骤

16、的能力以及判断实验过程的危险性和费用并与从中获得信息的价值进行比较的能力正是每位医生将医疗技艺与医学科学结合在一起的有效标志。As experience is gained,it will become necessary to evaluate the justifiability of performing prohibitively costly operations which provide only a limited life expectancy as against the pressing need for more primary care centers for tho

17、se large segments of the population who suffer from inadequate medical services.随着经验的积累,有必要对那些费用过分昂贵而又只能延长短暂寿命的手术加以限制,对其合理性进行评估,这种合理性是与大多数居民未能享受更充分医疗服务而迫切需要更多的初级医疗机构相对而言的。Equally important in reducing total health care expenditures is the need for each physician to monitor carefully the medications

18、prescribed with particular reference to their effectiveness as well as to their relative costs.在降低总的保健费用时,同样重要的是医生必须对所开的处方认真监控,既要考虑疗效又要考虑其相对费用。第一、二课阅读题见后附“Passage OnePassage Five”!第三课词汇:therapeutic治疗上的;与治疗有关的iatrogenic受医生影响的;由医疗引起的;由医师的言行引起的respiratory呼吸的;与呼吸有关的hemorrhage出血perforation穿孔transfusion输血

19、;渗透arrhythmia心律不齐electrocardiogram心电图;心动电流图hospitalization住院治疗cellular细胞的;细胞状的cerebrum大脑hypoxia组织缺氧metabolism新陈代谢involution退化(人体)senescence开始衰老;上岁数abnormality异常;变态presbyopia老花眼senium衰老atherosclerosis动脉硬化pigment色素menopause月经闭止;停经期段落:In those cases which for the time being are insuscepitable of soluti

20、on or for which no effective remedy is available,a feeling on the part of the patient that his physician is doing all that is possible is one of the most important therapeutic measures that his physician can provide.在那些暂时对治疗措施不敏感或找不到有效的治疗措施的病例中,他们的医生所能提供的最重要的治疗方式之一就是让病人感觉到医生正在竭尽全力拯救他们。The discovery

21、during the past several decades of therapeutic agents capable of exerting decisive influence on the course of disease has made it essential that the physician have some understanding not only of the disturbed functions induced by disease ,but also of the manner of treatment most likely to exert a be

22、neficial effect,and of the risks involved in the proposed therapeutic plan.最近几十年发现了能够对病程有决定性影响的治疗剂使得医生不仅需要熟悉疾病所引起的功能紊乱,而且还必须掌握最能使病人收益的治疗方法,明确所提出的治疗计划将会给病人带来的各种危险。Since the patient,no matter how apparently placid,approaches the physician with apprehension,his anxiety may be enhanced by a too-serious

23、demeanor,a flippant remark,or an unexplained conference concerning his illness.由于病人无论以何种平静的心态去接近一名医生,都会对医生存有畏惧心理,他的不安也会因医生太过严肃的举止,轻率的言语或没有详细解释病情而加剧。One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity,for the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.临床医生必须具备的

24、品质之一就是关爱人性,因为护理病人的秘诀就在于爱护病人。Of all the organs of man it is the central nervous system,more specifically the brains that impart meaningful qualities to life.在人的所有器官中,只有中枢神经系统,更确切地说是人脑,才能传达生存意义。Here physicians,on contemplating the broad implications of their actions,must either involve themselves in f

25、ruitless supportive care or may have to make the difficult decision to abandon their traditional roles of making every effort to preserve life at any cost.这时,医生在仔细考虑了他们的行动的广泛含义之后必须做出选择:或者一心一意地去做那些毫无结果的维持性护理,或者必须做出艰难的抉择,摒弃不惜一切代价尽一切努力延续生命这一传统绝色。They must reach an understanding of the common diseases o

26、f the senium with an idea of modifying the rate of progress through the application of appropriate physical,psychological,and pharmacological intervention.他们必须了解老年期的常见疾病并且懂得,通过适当的物理的、心理的和药物的手段可以改变衰老过程的速度。第2、3、4、5、6段出阅读题!第九课词汇:substantial大的,相当可观的;实质的,实际的physiopathology病理生理学complication并发症,并发病implicat

27、ion含义,暗示;卷入,牵连gestational妊娠的,受孕的perinatal mortality产期(前后)死亡率;围生期病死率fetal胎的,胎儿的malformation畸形,变形screening筛选检查,集体检诊;荧光屏检查carbohydrate碳水化合物,糖类intolerance不耐(性)heterogeneous不均匀的,多相的,异质的metabolic代谢的glucose tolerance葡萄糖耐性insulin secretion胰岛素分泌vascular血管的,脉管的morbidity发病率,病态obstetric产科学的gynecologist妇科学家serum

28、血清embryo胚胎hypertension高血压epidemiological流行病学的abdominal腹部的rupture破裂,决裂,疝angina心绞痛Cesarean section剖宫产nephropathy肾病diabetogenic致糖尿病的段落:Perinatal morbidity,in particular fetal macrosomia,is also increased in gestational diabetes.Fetal macrosomia is associated with and increased number of operative deliv

29、eries and with shoulder dystocia.There is also evidence that infants born to mothers with gestational diabetes have an increased risk of becoming diabetic in later life.糖尿病妊娠与巨大胎儿的围产期发病率有关,而巨大胎儿又与剖宫产和肩位难产数量的增加有关,还有证据表明,妊娠糖尿病患者所生的婴儿以后患糖尿病的风险性增加。所出阅读题与后附“Diabetes and Pregnancy”类似!第十课词汇:skinfold皮肤皱襞mor

30、bidity发病率,病态,不健全adiposity肥胖,肥胖症,肥胖倾向pathogenesis发病机制heredity遗传,继承prenatal胎儿期的,出生前的puberty青春期congenital先天的somnolence昏昏欲睡,嗜眠endocrinology内分泌学thyroid甲状腺段落: Obesity results from an interaction of genetic,environmental, developmental,and behavioral process,and it reflects a broad continuum from normal va

31、riation to a pathologic condition.肥胖症是遗传因素、环境因素、生长因素和行为因素相互作用的结果,它反映了从正常变化到病理状态的一个包含范围很广的连续体。However,results of several longitudinal studies suggest that overweight children and adolescents may have increased risks of morbidity and mortality in adulthood regardless of their adult weight status.然而,几项

32、纵向研究的结果表明:不管他们成年时的体重状态如何,超重的儿童和青少年肥胖者在成年期有增加发病率和病死率的危险。The two most commonly used methods to assess of obesity are the body mass index,which is defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height on meters,and the triceps skinfold thickness.两种最常用的评估肥胖程度的方法是身体质量指数即体重(千克)/身高(米)和三头肌皮肤皱襞厚度。Diets that are low in calorie and fats and high in complex carbohydrates and fiber have not been associated with complicat

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